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-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-- Lobby
-- ["Room List"] = "房间列表",
-- ["Enter"] = "进入",
-- ["Observe"] = "旁观",
-- ["Edit Profile"] = "编辑个人信息",
-- ["Username"] = "用户名",
-- ["Avatar"] = "头像",
-- ["Old Password"] = "旧密码",
-- ["New Password"] = "新密码",
-- ["Update Avatar"] = "更新头像",
-- ["Update Password"] = "更新密码",
-- ["Lobby BG"] = "大厅壁纸",
-- ["Room BG"] = "房间背景",
-- ["Game BGM"] = "游戏BGM",
-- ["Create Room"] = "创建房间",
-- ["Room Name"] = "房间名字",
["$RoomName"] = "%1's room",
["Player num"] = "Player Count",
-- ["Enable free assign"] = "自由选将",
-- ["Generals Overview"] = "武将一览",
-- ["Cards Overview"] = "卡牌一览",
-- ["Scenarios Overview"] = "玩法一览",
-- ["Replay"] = "录像",
-- ["About"] = "关于",
["about_freekill_description"] = "<b>About FreeKill</b><br/>" ..
"FreeKill is an open-source Bang!-like board game, which is aim to extensive.<br/>" ..
["about_qt_description"] = "<b>About Qt</b><br/>" ..
"Qt是一个C++图形界面应用程序开发框架拥有强大的跨平台能力以及易于使用的API。<br/>" ..
"<br/>本程序使用Qt 6.2+主要利用QtQuick开发UI同时也使用Qt的网络库开发服务端程序。<br/>" ..
["about_lua_description"] = "<b>About Lua</b><br/>" ..
"Lua是一种小巧、灵活、高效的脚本语言广泛用于游戏开发中。<br/>" ..
"<br/>本程序使用Lua 5.4,利用其完全实现了整个游戏逻辑。<br/>" ..
["about_ossl_description"] = "<b>About OpenSSL</b><br/>" ..
"OpenSSL是一个开源包用来提供安全通信与各种加密支持。<br/>" ..
"<br/>本程序目前用到了crypto库以获得RSA加密算法支持。<br/>" ..
["about_gplv3_description"] = "<b>About GPLv3</b><br/>" ..
"GNU通用公共许可协议简称GPL是一个广泛使用的自由软件许可证条款它确保广大用户自由地使用、学习、共享或修改软件。<br/>" ..
"<br/>由于Qt是按照GPLv3协议开源的库与此同时本程序用到的readline库也属于GPLv3库再加上QSanguosha也是以GPLv3协议开源的软件从中借鉴了不少代码和思路因此这个项目也使用GPLv3协议开源。<br/>" ..
["about_sqlite_description"] = "<b>About SQLite</b><br/>" ..
"SQLite是一个轻量级的数据库具有占用资源低、运行效率快、嵌入性好等优点。<br/>" ..
"<br/>FreeKill使用sqlite3在服务端保存用户的各种信息。<br/>" ..
["about_git2_description"] = "<b>About Libgit2</b><br/>" ..
"Libgit2是一个轻量级的、跨平台的、纯C实现的库支持Git的大部分核心操作并且支持几乎任何能与C语言交互的编程语言。<br/>" ..
"<br/>FreeKill使用的是libgit2的C API与此同时使用Git完成拓展包的下载、更新、管理等等功能。<br/>" ..
-- ["Exit Lobby"] = "退出大厅",
-- ["OK"] = "确定",
-- ["Cancel"] = "取消",
-- ["End"] = "结束",
-- ["Quit"] = "退出",
["$WelcomeToLobby"] = "Welcome to FreeKill lobby!",
-- Room
["$EnterRoom"] = "Successfully entered the room.",
["$Choice"] = "%1: Please choose",
["$ChooseGeneral"] = "Please choose %1 general(s)",
-- ["Fight"] = "出战",
["#PlayCard"] = "Your turn now, please use a card",
["#AskForGeneral"] = "",
["#AskForSkillInvoke"] = "Do you want to use skill %1?",
["#AskForChoice"] = "%1: Please choose",
["#choose-trigger"] = "Please choose the skill to use",
["trigger"] = "Trigger skill",
-- ["Please arrange cards"] = "请拖拽移动卡牌",
-- [" thinking..."] = " 思考中...",
["AskForGeneral"] = "Choosing general",
["AskForGuanxing"] = "Stargazing",
["AskForChoice"] = "Making choice",
["AskForPindian"] = "pindian",
["PlayCard"] = "Playing card",
["AskForCardChosen"] = "Choosing card",
["#AskForChooseCard"] = "%1请选择其一张卡牌",
["$ChooseCard"] = "请选择一张卡牌",
["$Hand"] = "Hand",
["$Equip"] = "Equip",
["$Judge"] = "Judge",
["#AskForUseActiveSkill"] = "请使用技能 %1",
["#AskForUseCard"] = "请使用卡牌 %1",
["#AskForResponseCard"] = "请打出卡牌 %1",
["#AskForNullification"] = "是否为目标为 %dest 的 %arg 使用无懈可击?",
["#AskForNullificationWithoutTo"] = "是否对 %src 使用的 %arg 使用无懈可击?",
["#AskForDiscard"] = "请弃置 %arg 张牌,最少 %arg2 张",
["#askForPindian"] = "请选择一张手牌作为拼点牌",
-- ["Trust"] = "托管",
-- ["Sort Cards"] = "牌序",
-- ["Chat"] = "聊天",
["Log"] = "Game Log",
-- ["Trusting ..."] = "托管中 ...",
-- ["Observing ..."] = "旁观中 ...",
["$GameOver"] = "Game Over",
["$Winner"] = "Winner is %1",
-- ["Back To Lobby"] = "返回大厅",
}, "en_US")
-- Game concepts
["lord"] = "Lord",
["loyalist"] = "Loyalist",
["rebel"] = "Rebel",
["renegade"] = "Renegade",
["lord+loyalist"] = "Lord and Loyalist",
["normal_damage"] = "Normal",
["fire_damage"] = "Fire",
["thunder_damage"] = "Thunder",
["phase_judge"] = "Judge phase",
["phase_draw"] = "Draw phase",
["phase_play"] = "Play phase",
["phase_discard"] = "Discard phase",
}, "en_US")
-- related to sendLog
-- game processing
["$AppendSeparator"] = '<font color="grey">------------------------------</font>',
["$GameStart"] = "== Game Started ==",
["$GameEnd"] = "== Game Over ==",
-- get/lose skill
["#AcquireSkill"] = '%from acquired the skill "%arg"',
["#LoseSkill"] = '%from lost the skill "%arg"',
-- moveCards (they are sent by notifyMoveCards)
["$DrawCards"] = "%from drew %arg card(s) %card",
["$DiscardCards"] = "%from discarded %arg card(s) %card",
-- phase
["#PhaseSkipped"] = "%from skipped %arg",
-- useCard
["#UseCard"] = "%from used card %card",
["#UseCardToTargets"] = "%from used card %cardand the target was %to",
["#CardUseCollaborator"] = "%from 在此次 %arg 中的子目标是 %to",
["#UseCardToCard"] = "%from 使用了牌 %card目标是 %arg",
["#ResponsePlayCard"] = "%from 打出了牌 %card",
["#UseVCard"] = "%from 将 %card 当 %arg 使用",
["#UseVCardToTargets"] = "%from 将 %card 当 %arg 使用,目标是 %to",
["#UseVCardToCard"] = "%from 将 %card 当 %arg2 使用,目标是 %arg",
["#ResponsePlayVCard"] = "%from 将 %card 当 %arg 打出",
["#UseV0Card"] = "%from 使用了 %arg",
["#UseV0CardToTargets"] = "%from 使用了 %arg目标是 %to",
["#UseV0CardToCard"] = "%from 使用了 %arg2目标是 %arg",
["#ResponsePlayV0Card"] = "%from 打出了 %arg",
["#FilterCard"] = "由于 %arg 的效果,与 %from 相关的 %arg2 被视为了 %arg3",
-- skill
["#InvokeSkill"] = '%from used skill "%arg"',
-- judge
["#StartJudgeReason"] = "%from 开始了 %arg 的判定",
["#InitialJudge"] = "%from 的判定牌为 %card",
["#ChangedJudge"] = "%from 发动“%arg”把 %to 的判定牌改为 %card",
["#JudgeResult"] = "%from 的判定结果为 %card",
-- turnOver
["#TurnOver"] = "%from 将武将牌翻面,现在是 %arg",
["face_up"] = "face up",
["face_down"] = "face down",
-- damage, heal and lose HP
["#Damage"] = "%to 对 %from 造成了 %arg 点 %arg2 伤害",
["#DamageWithNoFrom"] = "%from 受到了 %arg 点 %arg2 伤害",
["#LoseHP"] = "%from 失去了 %arg 点体力",
["#HealHP"] = "%from 回复了 %arg 点体力",
["#ShowHPAndMaxHP"] = "%from 现在的体力值为 %arg体力上限为 %arg2",
-- dying and death
["#EnterDying"] = "%from 进入了濒死阶段",
["#KillPlayer"] = "%from [%arg] 阵亡,凶手是 %to",
["#KillPlayerWithNoKiller"] = "%from [%arg] 阵亡,无伤害来源",
-- misc
["#GuanxingResult"] = "%from 的观星结果为 %arg 上 %arg2 下",
}, "en_US")