
437 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-- Lobby
["Room List"] = "Room List (currently have %1 rooms)",
-- ["Enter"] = "进入",
-- ["Observe"] = "旁观",
-- ["Edit Profile"] = "编辑个人信息",
-- ["Username"] = "用户名",
-- ["Avatar"] = "头像",
-- ["Old Password"] = "旧密码",
-- ["New Password"] = "新密码",
-- ["Update Avatar"] = "更新头像",
-- ["Update Password"] = "更新密码",
-- ["Lobby BG"] = "大厅壁纸",
-- ["Room BG"] = "房间背景",
-- ["Game BGM"] = "游戏BGM",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
-- ["Poster Girl"] = "看板娘",
-- ["BGM Volume"] = "BGM音量",
-- ["Effect Volume"] = "音效音量",
-- ["Userinfo Settings"] = "个人信息",
-- ["BG Settings"] = "游戏背景",
-- ["Audio Settings"] = "音频",
-- ["Disable message audio"] = "禁用聊天语音",
-- ["Hide unselectable cards"] = "下移不可选卡牌",
["Ban General Settings"] = "Ban character settings",
-- ["Search"] = "搜索",
-- ["Back"] = "返回",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
-- ["Refresh Room List"] = "刷新房间列表",
["Disable Extension"] = "Please ignore this checkbox",
-- ["Create Room"] = "创建房间",
-- ["Room Name"] = "房间名字",
["$RoomName"] = "%1's room",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["Player num"] = "Player count",
["Select generals num"] = "Character selection count",
-- ["No enough generals"] = "可用武将不足!",
["Operation timeout"] = "Operation timeout (sec)",
["Luck Card Times"] = "Luck card count",
["Has Password"] = "(PW) ",
-- ["Room Password"] = "房间密码",
-- ["Please input room's password"] = "请输入房间的密码",
["Add Robot"] = "Add robot",
["Start Game"] = "Start game",
-- ["Ready"] = "准备",
["Cancel Ready"] = "Cancel ready",
["Game Mode"] = "Game mode",
-- ["Enable free assign"] = "自由选将",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["Enable deputy general"] = "Enable deputy character",
-- ["General Settings"] = "通常设置",
-- ["Package Settings"] = "拓展包设置",
["General Packages"] = "Character packages",
["Card Packages"] = "Card packages",
-- ["Select All"] = "全选",
["Choose one handcard"] = "Sel. card",
["Revert Selection"] = "Rev. Sel.",
["Handcard selector"] = "Handcard selector, which is useful when have too many cards",
["Give Flower"] = "Flower",
["Give Egg"] = "Egg",
["Give Wine"] = "Wine",
["Give Shoe"] = "Shoe",
["Block Chatter"] = "Block chatter",
["Unblock Chatter"] = "Unblock chatter",
["Kick From Room"] = "Kick",
--["Newbie"] = "新手保护ing",
["Win=%1 Run=%2 Total=%3"] = "Win=%1% Run=%2% Total=%3",
["Win=%1\nRun=%2\nTotal=%3"] = "Win: %1%\nRun: %2%\nTotal: %3",
["TotalGameTime: %1 min"] = "Played: %1 minutes",
["TotalGameTime: %1 h"] = "Played: %1 hours",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["Ban List"] = "Ban character scheme",
["List"] = "Scheme",
-- ["New"] = "新建",
-- ["Clear"] = "清空",
["Help_Ban_List"] = "The 'Export' button will copy this scheme to clipboard." ..
"And the 'Import' button will read the clipboard and import scheme from it, or report an error.",
-- ["Export"] = "导出",
["Export Success"] = "OK, you ban character schema has been copied to your clipboard.",
-- ["Import"] = "导入",
["Not Legal"] = "Error: invalid JSON string.",
["Not JSON"] = "Error: improper JSON format.",
["Import Success"] = "Imported ban scheme successfully.",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["$OnlineInfo"] = "Lobby: %1, Online: %2",
["Generals Overview"] = "Characters",
["Cards Overview"] = "Cards",
["Special card skills:"] = "<b>Special use method:</b>",
["Every suit & number:"] = "<b>All suit and number:</b>",
["Scenarios Overview"] = "Game modes",
-- ["Replay"] = "录像",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
-- ["Replay Manager"] = "来欣赏潇洒的录像吧!",
["Game Win"] = "Win",
["Game Lose"] = "Lose",
["Play the Replay"] = "Play",
["Delete Replay"] = "Delete",
-- ["About"] = "关于",
["about_freekill_description"] = "<b>About FreeKill</b><br/>" ..
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
"FreeKill is an open-source Bang!-like board game, which is aim to be extensive.<br/>" ..
["about_qt_description"] = "<b>About Qt</b><br/>" ..
"Qt是一个C++图形界面应用程序开发框架拥有强大的跨平台能力以及易于使用的API。<br/>" ..
"<br/>本程序使用Qt 6.2+主要利用QtQuick开发UI同时也使用Qt的网络库开发服务端程序。<br/>" ..
["about_lua_description"] = "<b>About Lua</b><br/>" ..
"Lua是一种小巧、灵活、高效的脚本语言广泛用于游戏开发中。<br/>" ..
"<br/>本程序使用Lua 5.4,利用其完全实现了整个游戏逻辑。<br/>" ..
["about_ossl_description"] = "<b>About OpenSSL</b><br/>" ..
"OpenSSL是一个开源包用来提供安全通信与各种加密支持。<br/>" ..
"<br/>本程序目前用到了crypto库以获得RSA加密算法支持。<br/>" ..
["about_gplv3_description"] = "<b>About GPLv3</b><br/>" ..
"GNU通用公共许可协议简称GPL是一个广泛使用的自由软件许可证条款它确保广大用户自由地使用、学习、共享或修改软件。<br/>" ..
"<br/>由于Qt是按照GPLv3协议开源的库与此同时本程序用到的readline库也属于GPLv3库再加上QSanguosha也是以GPLv3协议开源的软件从中借鉴了不少代码和思路因此这个项目也使用GPLv3协议开源。<br/>" ..
["about_sqlite_description"] = "<b>About SQLite</b><br/>" ..
"SQLite是一个轻量级的数据库具有占用资源低、运行效率快、嵌入性好等优点。<br/>" ..
"<br/>FreeKill使用sqlite3在服务端保存用户的各种信息。<br/>" ..
["about_git2_description"] = "<b>About Libgit2</b><br/>" ..
"Libgit2是一个轻量级的、跨平台的、纯C实现的库支持Git的大部分核心操作并且支持几乎任何能与C语言交互的编程语言。<br/>" ..
"<br/>FreeKill使用的是libgit2的C API与此同时使用Git完成拓展包的下载、更新、管理等等功能。<br/>" ..
-- ["Exit Lobby"] = "退出大厅",
-- ["OK"] = "确定",
-- ["Cancel"] = "取消",
-- ["End"] = "结束",
-- ["Quit"] = "退出",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["BanGeneral"] = "Ban",
["ResumeGeneral"] = "Unban",
["BanPackage"] = "Ban packages",
["$BanPkgHelp"] = "Banning packages",
["$BanCharaHelp"] = "Banning characters",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
-- ["Companions"] = "珠联璧合",
-- ["Death audio"] = "阵亡",
-- ["Win audio"] = "胜利语音",
-- ["Official"] = "官方",
["Title"] = "Title: ",
["Designer"] = "Designer: ",
["Voice Actor"] = "Voice Actor: ",
["Illustrator"] = "Illustrator: ",
["$WelcomeToLobby"] = "Welcome to FreeKill lobby!",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["GameMode"] = "Game mode: ",
["LuckCardNum"] = "Luck card count: ",
["ResponseTime"] = "Operation time (sec): ",
["GeneralBoxNum"] = "Character selection count: ",
["CardPackages"] = "Enabled card pacakges: ",
["IncludeFreeAssign"] = "<font color=\"red\">Free assign enabled</font>",
["IncludeDeputy"] = "<font color=\"red\">Deputy character enabled</font>",
-- Room
["$EnterRoom"] = "Successfully entered the room.",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#currentRoundNum"] = "Round #%1",
["$Choice"] = "%1: Please choose",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["$ChooseGeneral"] = "Please choose %1 character(s)",
["Same General Convert"] = "Convert character",
-- ["Fight"] = "出战",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["Show General Detail"] = "View skills",
["#PlayCard"] = "Your turn now, please use a card",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#AskForGeneral"] = "Please choose a character",
["#AskForSkillInvoke"] = "Do you want to use skill %1?",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#AskForLuckCard"] = "Do you want to use luck card (%1 times left)?",
["AskForLuckCard"] = "Luck card",
["#AskForChoice"] = "%1: Please choose",
["#AskForChoices"] = "%1: Please choose",
["#choose-trigger"] = "Please choose the skill to use",
["trigger"] = "Trigger skill",
-- ["Please arrange cards"] = "请拖拽移动卡牌",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
-- ["Please click to move card"] = "请点击移动卡牌",
-- [" thinking..."] = " 思考中...",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["AskForGeneral"] = "Choosing character",
["AskForGuanxing"] = "Stargazing",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["AskForExchange"] = "Exchaging",
["AskForChoice"] = "Making choice",
["AskForChoices"] = "Making choice",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["AskForKingdom"] = "Choosing kingdom",
["AskForPindian"] = "Point fight",
["AskForMoveCardInBoard"] = "Moving cards",
["PlayCard"] = "Playing card",
["AskForCardChosen"] = "Choosing card",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["AskForCardsChosen"] = "Choosing card",
["#AskForChooseCard"] = "%1: please choose a card",
["#AskForChooseCards"] = "%1: please choose %2~%3 cards",
["$ChooseCard"] = "Choose a card",
["$ChooseCards"] = "Choose %1~%2 cards",
["$Hand"] = "Hand",
["$Equip"] = "Equip",
["$Judge"] = "Judge",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
['$Selected'] = "Selected",
["#AskForUseActiveSkill"] = "Please use skill %1",
["#AskForUseCard"] = "Please use card %1",
["#AskForResponseCard"] = "Please play card %1",
["#AskForNullification"] = "Do you want to use Nullification to %arg that targets to %dest?",
["#AskForNullificationWithoutTo"] = "Do you want to use Nullification to %arg that used by %src?",
["#AskForPeaches"] = "%src is dying, please use %arg Peach(es) to save him",
["#AskForPeachesSelf"] = "You are dying, please use %arg Peach(es)/Alcohol to save yourself",
["#AskForDiscard"] = "Please discard %arg cards (at least %arg2)",
["#AskForCard"] = "Please choose %arg cards (at least %arg2)",
["#askForPindian"] = "%arg: please choose a hand card for point fight",
["#StartPindianReason"] = "%from started point fight (%arg)",
["#ShowPindianCard"] = "The point fight card of %from is %card",
["#ShowPindianResult"] = "%from %arg the point fight between %from and %to",
["pindianwin"] = "won",
["pindiannotwin"] = "lost",
["#ChooseInitialKingdom"] = "Please choose your kingdom in this game",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#RevealGeneral"] = "%from revealed %arg %arg2",
["mainGeneral"] = "main character",
["deputyGeneral"] = "deputy character",
["seat#1"] = "Seat#1",
["seat#2"] = "Seat#2",
["seat#3"] = "Seat#3",
["seat#4"] = "Seat#4",
["seat#5"] = "Seat#5",
["seat#6"] = "Seat#6",
["seat#7"] = "Seat#7",
["seat#8"] = "Seat#8",
["seat#9"] = "Seat#9",
["seat#10"] = "Seat#10",
["seat#11"] = "Seat#11",
["seat#12"] = "Seat#12",
["@ControledBy"] = "Controller",
-- ["Menu"] = "菜单",
-- ["Surrender"] = "投降",
-- ["Surrender is disabled in this mode"] = "投降在该模式不可用",
-- ["Quit"] = "退出",
-- ["Are you sure to quit?"] = "是否确认退出对局(若对局开始则将计入逃跑次数)?",
-- ["Trust"] = "托管",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["Sort Cards"] = "Sort",
-- ["Chat"] = "聊天",
["Log"] = "Game Log",
-- ["Trusting ..."] = "托管中 ...",
-- ["Observing ..."] = "旁观中 ...",
["$GameOver"] = "Game Over",
["$Winner"] = "Winner is %1",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["$NoWinner"] = "Draw!",
-- ["Back To Room"] = "回到房间",
-- ["Back To Lobby"] = "返回大厅",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
-- ["Save Replay"] = "保存录像",
["Speed Resume"] = "Uniform",
-- ["Speed Up"] = "加速",
-- ["Speed Down"] = "减速",
-- ["Pause"] = "暂停",
-- ["Resume"] = "继续",
["Bulletin Info"] = [==[
Hello, world!
}, "en_US")
-- Game concepts
["lord"] = "Lord",
["loyalist"] = "Loyalist",
["rebel"] = "Rebel",
["renegade"] = "Renegade",
["lord+loyalist"] = "Lord and Loyalist",
["normal_damage"] = "Normal",
["fire_damage"] = "Fire",
["thunder_damage"] = "Thunder",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["ice_damage"] = "Ice",
["hp_lost"] = "HP lost",
["lose_hp"] = "lose HP",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["phase_start"] = "Prepare phase",
["phase_judge"] = "Judge phase",
["phase_draw"] = "Draw phase",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["phase_play"] = "Action phase",
["phase_discard"] = "Discard phase",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["phase_finish"] = "Finish phase",
-- ["chained"] = "横置",
-- ["un-chained"] = "重置",
["reset-general"] = "reset",
["yang"] = "Yang",
["yin"] = "Yin",
["quest_succeed"] = "succeed",
["quest_failed"] = "failed",
-- ["card"] = "牌",
["hand_card"] = "hand card",
["pile_draw"] = "draw pile",
["pile_discard"] = "discard pile",
["processing_area"] = "processing area",
["Pile"] = "pile",
-- ["Top"] = "牌堆顶",
-- ["Bottom"] = "牌堆底",
-- ["Shuffle"] = "洗牌",
["general_card"] = "character card",
["General"] = "character",
["noGeneral"] = "no character",
["Hp"] = "HP",
["Damage"] = "DMG",
["Lost"] = "lost",
["Distance"] = "distance",
["Judge"] = "judge",
["Retrial"] = "retrial",
["_sealed"] = "Seal",
["weapon_sealed"] = "Weapon sealed",
["armor_sealed"] = "Armor sealed",
["treasure_sealed"] = "treasure sealed",
["WeaponSlot"] = "Weapon slot",
["ArmorSlot"] = "Armor slot",
["OffensiveRideSlot"] = "-1 horse slot",
["DefensiveRideSlot"] = "+1 horse slot",
["TreasureSlot"] = "Treasure slot",
["JudgeSlot"] = "Judge area",
}, "en_US")
-- related to sendLog
-- game processing
["$AppendSeparator"] = '<font color="grey">------------------------------</font>',
["$GameStart"] = "== Game Started ==",
["$GameEnd"] = "== Game Over ==",
-- get/lose skill
["#AcquireSkill"] = '%from acquired the skill "%arg"',
["#LoseSkill"] = '%from lost the skill "%arg"',
-- moveCards (they are sent by notifyMoveCards)
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["$PutCard"] = "%arg card(s) of %from were put into draw pile",
["$PutKnownCard"] = "%card of %from were put into draw pile",
["$RemoveCardFromGame"] = "%arg2 card(s) were removed from game (as %arg)",
["$AddToPile"] = "%card were removed from game (as %arg)",
["$GetCardsFromPile"] = "%from got %arg2 card(s) %card from %arg",
["$DrawCards"] = "%from drew %arg card(s) %card",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["$PreyCardsFromPile"] = "%from got %arg card(s) %card",
["$GotCardBack"] = "%from took back %arg card(s) %card",
["$RecycleCard"] = "%from took back %arg card(s) %card from discard pile",
["$MoveCards"] = "%to got %arg card(s) %card from %from",
["$LightningMove"] = "%card transfered from %from to %to",
["$PasteCard"] = "%from used %card to %to",
["$DiscardCards"] = "%from discarded %arg card(s) %card",
["$DiscardOther"] = "%to discarded %arg card(s) %card from %from",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["$InstallEquip"] = "%from equipped %card",
["$UninstallEquip"] = "%from uninstalled %card",
["#ShowCard"] = "%from showed card(s) %card",
["#Recast"] = "%from recasted %card",
["#RecastBySkill"] = "%from recasted %card by %arg",
-- phase
["#PhaseSkipped"] = "%from skipped %arg",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#GainAnExtraTurn"] = "%from started to play an extra turn",
["#GainAnExtraPhase"] = "%from started to play an extra phase (%arg)",
-- useCard
["#UseCard"] = "%from used card %card",
["#UseCardToTargets"] = "%from used card %cardand the target was %to",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#CardUseCollaborator"] = "%from choosed %to as the sub-target of %arg",
["#UseCardToCard"] = "%from used card %card, and the target was %arg",
["#ResponsePlayCard"] = "%from played card %card",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#UseVCard"] = "%from used card %card as %arg",
["#UseVCardToTargets"] = "%from used card %card as %arg, and the target was %to",
["#UseVCardToCard"] = "%from used card %card as %arg2, and the target was %arg",
["#ResponsePlayVCard"] = "%from played %card as %arg",
["#UseV0Card"] = "%from used %arg",
["#UseV0CardToTargets"] = "%from used %arg, target was %to",
["#UseV0CardToCard"] = "%from used %arg2target was %arg",
["#ResponsePlayV0Card"] = "%from played %arg",
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#FilterCard"] = "Due to %arg, %arg2 that related to %from was regarded as %arg3",
-- skill
["#InvokeSkill"] = '%from used skill "%arg"',
-- judge
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#StartJudgeReason"] = "%from started a judgement (%arg)",
["#InitialJudge"] = "Judge card of %from was %arg",
["#ChangedJudge"] = "%from invoked %arg, retrialed judgement of %to with %arg2",
["#JudgeResult"] = "The judge result of %from was %arg",
-- turnOver
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#TurnOver"] = "%from turned over character card, now his status is %arg",
["face_up"] = "face up",
["face_down"] = "face down",
-- damage, heal and lose HP
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#Damage"] = "%to dealt %arg %arg2 DMG to %from",
["#DamageWithNoFrom"] = "%from took %arg %arg2 DMG",
["#LoseHP"] = "%from lost %arg HP",
["#HealHP"] = "%from healed %arg HP",
["#ShowHPAndMaxHP"] = "%from now has %arg HP (max HP = %arg2)",
["#LoseMaxHP"] = "%from lost %arg max HP",
["#HealMaxHP"] = "%from healed %arg max HP",
-- dying and death
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#EnterDying"] = "%from is dying now",
["#KillPlayer"] = "%from [%arg] died, the killer was %to",
["#KillPlayerWithNoKiller"] = "%from [%arg] died without a killer",
["#Revive"] = "Wow, %from revived!",
-- change hero
["#ChangeHero"] = "%from changed his %arg3 %arg to %arg2",
-- misc
2023-11-07 04:49:31 +00:00
["#GuanxingResult"] = "The stargazing result of %from was %arg top, %arg2 bottom",
["#ChainStateChange"] = "%from %arg his character card",
["#ChainDamage"] = "%from is chained, so he will suffer damage too",
["#ChangeKingdom"] = "%from changed kingdom from %arg to %arg2",
}, "en_US")
-- card footnote
["$$DiscardCards"] = "%from discards",
["$$PutCard"] = "%from puts",
["##UseCard"] = "%from uses",
["##UseCardTo"] = "%from to %to",
["##ResponsePlayCard"] = "%from plays",
["##ShowCard"] = "%from shows",
["##JudgeCard"] = "%arg judge",
}, "en_US")