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* @type { ServiceWorkerGlobalScope } 提供ServiceWorker的代码提示
// @ts-ignore
var self = globalThis;
// 以副作用导入typescript以保证require也可以同步使用
import './game/typescript.js';
* @type { import('typescript') }
var ts = globalThis.ts;
// sfc以正常的esmodule使用
import * as sfc from './game/compiler-sfc.esm-browser.js';
if (typeof ts != 'undefined') {
console.log(`ts loaded`, ts.version);
} else {
console.error(`ts undefined`);
if (typeof sfc != 'undefined') {
console.log(`sfc loaded`, sfc.version);
sfc.registerTS(() => ts);
} else {
console.error(`sfc undefined`);
console.log('serviceWorker version 2.3');
self.addEventListener("install", (event) => {
// The promise that skipWaiting() returns can be safely ignored.
self.addEventListener("activate", (event) => {
// 当一个 service worker 被初始注册时,页面在下次加载之前不会使用它。 claim() 方法会立即控制这些页面
self.addEventListener('message', event => {
* 将vue编译的结果放在这里调用的时候直接返回就好了
const vueFileMap = new Map();
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
const request = event.request;
if (typeof request.url != 'string') return console.log(request);
if (vueFileMap.has(request.url)) {
const rep = new Response(new Blob([vueFileMap.get(request.url)], { type: "text/javascript" }), {
status: 200,
statusText: "OK",
headers: new Headers({
"Content-Type": "text/javascript"
if (!['.ts', '.json', '.vue', 'css'].some(ext => request.url.endsWith(ext)) && !request.url.replace(location.origin, '').startsWith('/noname-builtinModules/')) return;
if (request.url.endsWith('.d.ts')) return;
if (request.url.endsWith('.json') || request.url.endsWith('css')) {
if (!event.request.headers.get('origin')) return;
if (request.url.replace(location.origin, '').startsWith('/noname-builtinModules/')) {
const moduleName = request.url.replace(location.origin + '/noname-builtinModules/', '');
console.log('正在编译', moduleName);
let js = `const module = require('${ moduleName }');\nexport default module;`;
const rep = new Response(new Blob([js], { type: "text/javascript" }), {
status: 200,
statusText: "OK",
headers: new Headers({
"Content-Type": "text/javascript"
console.log(moduleName, '编译成功');
} else {
// 请求原文件
const res = fetch(request.url, {
method: request.method,
mode: "no-cors",
headers: new Headers({
"Content-Type": "text/plain"
// 修改请求结果
res.then(res => {
if (res.status != 200) return res;
console.log('正在编译', request.url);
return res.text().then(text => {
let js = '';
if (request.url.endsWith('.json')) {
js = `export default ${ text }`;
} else if (request.url.endsWith('.ts')) {
js = ts.transpile(text, {
module: ts.ModuleKind.ES2015,
//@todo: ES2019 -> ES2020
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2019,
inlineSourceMap: true,
resolveJsonModule: true,
esModuleInterop: true,
}, request.url);
} else if (request.url.endsWith('.vue')) {
const id =;
const scopeId = `data-v-${ id }`;
// 后续处理sourceMap合并
const { descriptor } = sfc.parse(text, { filename: request.url, sourceMap: true });
// console.log({ descriptor });
const hasScoped = descriptor.styles.some(s => s.scoped);
// 编译 script因为可能有 script setup还要进行 css 变量注入
const script = sfc.compileScript(descriptor, {
id: scopeId,
inlineTemplate: true,
templateOptions: {
scoped: hasScoped,
compilerOptions: {
scopeId: hasScoped ? scopeId : undefined,
// 用于存放代码,最后 join('\n') 合并成一份完整代码
const codeList = [];
// 保存url并且拼接参数
const url = new URL(request.url);
const scriptSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
scriptSearchParams.append('type', 'script');
const templateSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
templateSearchParams.append('type', 'template');
url.origin + url.pathname + '?' + scriptSearchParams.toString(),
// 重写 default
sfc.rewriteDefault(script.attrs && script.attrs.lang == 'ts' ? ts.transpile(script.content, {
module: ts.ModuleKind.ES2015,
//@todo: ES2019 -> ES2020
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2019,
inlineSourceMap: true,
resolveJsonModule: true,
esModuleInterop: true,
}, url.origin + url.pathname + '?' + scriptSearchParams.toString()) : script.content, "__sfc_main__")
.replace(`const __sfc_main__`, `export const __sfc_main__`)
// import vue重新指向
.replaceAll(`from "vue"`, `from "/game/vue.esm-browser.js"`)
.replaceAll(`from 'vue'`, `from '/game/vue.esm-browser.js'`)
codeList.push(`import { __sfc_main__ } from '${ url.origin + url.pathname + '?' + scriptSearchParams.toString() }'`);
codeList.push(`__sfc_main__.__scopeId = '${ scopeId }'`);
// 编译模板,转换成 render 函数
const template = sfc.compileTemplate({
source: descriptor.template ? descriptor.template.content : '',
filename: request.url, // 用于错误提示
id: scopeId,
scoped: hasScoped,
compilerOptions: {
scopeId: hasScoped ? scopeId : undefined,
url.origin + url.pathname + '?' + templateSearchParams.toString(),
// .replace(`function render(_ctx, _cache) {`, str => str + 'console.log(_ctx);')
.replaceAll(`from "vue"`, `from "/game/vue.esm-browser.js"`)
.replaceAll(`from 'vue'`, `from '/game/vue.esm-browser.js'`)
codeList.push(`import { render } from '${ url.origin + url.pathname + '?' + templateSearchParams.toString() }'`);
codeList.push(`__sfc_main__.render = render;`);
codeList.push(`export default __sfc_main__;`);
// 一个 Vue 文件,可能有多个 style 标签
let styleIndex = 0;
for (const styleBlock of descriptor.styles) {
const styleCode = sfc.compileStyle({
source: styleBlock.content,
filename: request.url,
scoped: styleBlock.scoped,
const varName = `el${ styleIndex }`;
const styleDOM = `let ${ varName } = document.createElement('style');\n${ varName }.innerHTML = \`${ styleCode.code }\`;\ndocument.body.append(${ varName });`;
js = codeList.join('\n');
// console.log(js);
} else if (request.url.endsWith('css')) {
const id =;
const scopeId = `data-v-${ id }`;
js = `const style = document.createElement('style');
style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
style.setAttribute('data-vue-dev-id', \`${ scopeId }\`);
style.textContent = ${ JSON.stringify(text) };
const rep = new Response(new Blob([js], { type: "text/javascript" }), {
status: 200,
statusText: "OK",
headers: new Headers({
"Content-Type": "text/javascript"
console.log(request.url, '编译成功');
return rep;
.catch(e => {
console.error(request.url, '编译失败: ', e);
throw e;