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import { lib, game, ui, get, ai, _status } from "../../noname.js";
const dynamicTranslates = {
cuijian: function (player) {
return "出牌阶段限一次,你可以选择一名有手牌的其他角色。若其手牌中有【闪】,则其将所有【闪】和防具牌交给你" + (player.hasMark("zhtongyuan_basic") ? "" : ",然后你交给其等量的牌") + "。" + (player.hasMark("zhtongyuan_trick") ? "若其手牌中没有【闪】,则你摸两张牌。" : "");
dunshi: function (player) {
var info =;
var str = "每回合限一次。你可以视为使用或打出一张";
var list = ["sha", "shan", "tao", "jiu"];
for (var i of list) {
var strx = "【" + get.translation(i) + "】";
if (info && !info[0].includes(i)) strx = '<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">' + strx + "</span>";
str += strx;
if (i != "jiu") str += "/";
str += ",然后当前回合角色于本回合内下一次造成伤害时,你选择两项:⒈防止此伤害。系统从技能名中包含“仁/义/礼/智/信”字样的技能中随机选择三个其未拥有的技能然后你令当前回合角色获得其中一个技能。⒉从〖遁世〗中删除你本次使用或打出的牌并获得一个“席”。⒊减1点体力上限并摸X张牌X为你的“席”数。";
return str;
dcporui: function (player) {
return "每轮限" + (player.hasMark("dcgonghu_basic") ? "两" : "一") + "次。其他角色的结束阶段你可以弃置一张牌并选择另一名于此回合内失去过牌的其他角色你视为对其依次使用X+1张【杀】" + (player.hasMark("dcgonghu_damage") ? "" : "然后你交给其X张手牌") + "X为其本回合失去的牌数且至多为5。";
dcmanwang: function (player) {
var num = 4 - player.countMark("dcmanwang");
var str = "出牌阶段你可以弃置任意张牌。然后你依次执行以下选项中的前X项";
var list = ["⒈获得〖叛侵〗。", "⒉摸一张牌。", "⒊回复1点体力。", "⒋摸两张牌并失去〖叛侵〗。"];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (i == num) {
str += '<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">';
str += list[i];
if (num < 4) str += "</span>";
return str;
dcjianzhuan(player) {
let str = "锁定技。①当你于出牌阶段使用牌时,你选择此阶段未执行过的一项执行:";
const list = ["⒈令一名角色弃置X张牌", "", "⒉摸X张牌", "", "⒊重铸X张牌", "", "⒋弃置X张牌"],
info ="dcjianzhuan").choices,
storage = player.getStorage("dcjianzhuan");
let choices = [];
for (const k in info) choices.push(k);
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
const j = i / 2,
goon = Array.from({ length: list.length })
.map((_, i) => i)
if (goon && storage.includes(choices[j])) str += '<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">';
str += list[i];
if (goon && storage.includes(choices[j])) str += "</span>";
return str + "X为此技能于本阶段的发动次数。②出牌阶段结束时若你本阶段执行过〖渐专①〗的所有选项则你随机移除〖渐专①〗的一项。";
export default dynamicTranslates;