@import "../newlayout/layout.css"; #arena { height: calc(95% + 20px); } #control { width: calc(5000% / 47 - 240px); left: calc(-150% / 47 + 120px); bottom: 150px; height: 40px; } #arena.phone #control { bottom: 160px; } #arena.ipad #control { bottom: 155px; } #arena:not(.chess) > #me, #arena:not(.chess) > #mebg, #arena:not(.chess) > #autonode { bottom: 30px; width: calc(5000% / 47); left: calc(-150% / 47); top: auto; border-radius: 0 !important; height: 120px; } #arena.oblongcard:not(.chess) > #me, #arena.oblongcard:not(.chess) > #mebg, #arena.oblongcard:not(.chess) > #autonode { height: 140px; } #arena.oblongcard:not(.chess) > .card, #arena.oblongcard:not(.chess) .handcards > .card { height: 120px; } #arena.oblongcard:not(.chess) > .card > .image, #arena.oblongcard:not(.chess) .handcards > .card > .image { height: 110px; top: 8px; background-position-x: -3px; } #arena.oblongcard:not(.chess) #handcards1 { height: 100%; top: 2px; } #arena.oblongcard:not(.chess):not(.choose-character) #control { bottom: 165px; } #arena.phone.oblongcard:not(.chess):not(.choose-character) #control { bottom: 180px; } #arena:not(.chess) > #autonode { width: calc(5000% / 47 - 240px); left: calc(-150% / 47 + 120px); } #arena:not(.mobile).single-handcard #handcards1 { width: calc(100% - 120px); } #window.rightbar #system, #window.leftbar #system { width: calc(100% - 62px); } #window.leftbar #system { left: 50px; } #window.rightbar #historybar { left: calc(100% - 50px); border-radius: 0; top: 0; height: 100%; } #window.leftbar #historybar { left: 0; border-radius: 0; top: 0; height: 100%; } #window.single-handcard #historybar { height: calc(100% - 121px); } #window.oblongcard.single-handcard #historybar { height: calc(100% - 141px); } #window.leftbar #arena:not(.chess) > #me, #window.leftbar #arena:not(.chess) > #mebg, #window.leftbar #arena:not(.chess) > #autonode { width: calc(5000% / 47 + 2500px / 47); left: calc(-150% / 47 - 50px - 75px / 47); } #window.leftbar #arena:not(.chess) > #autonode { width: calc(5000% / 47 + 2500px / 47 - 240px); left: calc(-150% / 47 - 50px - 75px / 47 + 120px); } #window.rightbar #arena:not(.chess) > #me, #window.rightbar #arena:not(.chess) > #mebg, #window.rightbar #arena:not(.chess) > #autonode { width: calc(5000% / 47 + 2500px / 47); left: calc(-150% / 47 - 75px / 47); } #window.rightbar #arena:not(.chess) > #autonode { width: calc(5000% / 47 + 2500px / 47 - 240px); left: calc(-150% / 47 - 75px / 47 + 120px); } #arena:not(.chess) #handcards1 { height: 120px; padding: 0; top: calc(100% - 120px); } #arena:not(.chess) #handcards1.scrollh { top: calc(100% - 180px); height: 180px; } #arena:not(.chess).oblongcard #handcards1.scrollh { top: calc(100% - 200px); height: 200px; } #arena:not(.chess) #handcards1.scrollh > div { height: 120px; top: 60px; } #arena:not(.chess).oblongcard #handcards1.scrollh > div { top: 62px; } #arena:not(.chess):not(.single-handcard) #handcards1 { width: calc(100% - 240px); left: calc(150% / 47 - 300% / 94 + 625% / 47 - 105px + 120px); } #arena:not(.single-handcard):not(.chess) > #me, #arena:not(.single-handcard):not(.chess) > #mebg, #arena:not(.single-handcard):not(.chess) > #autonode { left: 0 !important; bottom: 38px !important; width: calc(9700% / 94) !important; } #arena:not(.single-handcard):not(.chess) > #mebg { visibility: hidden; } #arena:not(.single-handcard):not(.chess) > #me #handcards1 { left: 120px !important; width: calc(100% - 120px) !important; } #arena:not(.single-handcard):not(.chess) > #me #handcards1 > .handcards { left: 0 !important; } #autonode { display: table !important; } @media screen and (max-width: 1105px) { #arena[data-number="8"]:not(.single-handcard):not(.chess) > #me, #arena[data-number="8"]:not(.single-handcard):not(.chess) > #mebg, #arena[data-number="8"]:not(.single-handcard):not(.chess) > #autonode { left: calc(-300% / 94 + 625% / 47 - 105px) !important; width: calc(9700% / 94 + 300% / 94 - 625% / 47 + 105px) !important; } } #handcards2 { display: none; } .dialog { height: calc(100% - 370px); bottom: 170px; } #arena.choose-character > .dialog .placeholder + .placeholder { display: none; } #arena.choose-character > .dialog .placeholder { margin-bottom: 4px; height: 0px; } #arena.choose-character > .dialog.noupdate .placeholder { margin-bottom: 0; height: 0; } #arena.choose-character > .dialog { height: calc(100% - 280px); bottom: 80px; } #arena.choose-character > .dialog.scroll3 { height: calc(100% - 240px); } #arena.phone.choose-character > .dialog { bottom: 93px; } #arena.ipad.choose-character > .dialog { bottom: 96px; } #arena.choose-to-move > #control, #arena.discard-player-card > #control, #arena.gain-player-card > #control, #arena.choose-player-card > #control, #arena.choose-character > #control { bottom: 30px; transition: all 0s; } #arena.phone.choose-to-move > #control, #arena.phone.discard-player-card > #control, #arena.phone.gain-player-card > #control, #arena.phone.choose-player-card > #control, #arena.phone.choose-character > #control { bottom: 43px; } #arena.ipad.choose-to-move > #control, #arena.ipad.discard-player-card > #control, #arena.ipad.gain-player-card > #control, #arena.ipad.choose-player-card > #control, #arena.ipad.choose-character > #control { bottom: 45px; } .dialog.fullheight { height: calc(100% - 123px) !important; top: 40px !important; } #me > .fakeme.avatar { width: 120px; height: 100%; border-radius: 0px; top: 0; left: 0; background-size: cover; clip-path: polygon(-10px 0, 130px 0, 130px 130px, -10px 130px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px 0, 130px 0, 130px 130px, -10px 130px); } #window[data-radius_size="increase"] #me > .fakeme.avatar, #window[data-radius_size="reduce"] #me > .fakeme.avatar { border-radius: 0px; } #arena > .player[data-position="0"]:not(.minskin) { top: calc(100% - 258px); } #arena[data-player_height="default"] > .player[data-position="0"]:not(.minskin) { top: calc(100% - 238px); } #arena[data-player_height="short"] > .player[data-position="0"]:not(.minskin) { top: calc(100% - 218px); } #arena > .player:not(.minskin) > .marks { left: -15px; } #arena > .player:not(.minskin) > .judges { right: -27px; } #arena.lslim_player .player .equips { left: 5px; } #arena > .player:not(.minskin) > .name.name2 { left: auto !important; right: 13px; } #arena > .player:not(.minskin) { width: 120px !important; height: 220px !important; } #arena > .player:not(.minskin) > .damage.dieidentity { font-size: 60px; transform: scale(1); } #arena[data-player_height="default"] > .player:not(.minskin) { height: 200px !important; } #arena[data-player_height="short"] > .player:not(.minskin) { height: 180px !important; } #arena > .player:not(.minskin) > .equips { transform: scale(0.8); transform-origin: bottom left; } #arena > .player:not(.minskin) > .avatar, #arena > .player:not(.minskin) > .avatar2 { width: calc(100% - 14px) !important; height: calc(100% - 14px) !important; background-position: 50% !important; } #arena.uslim_player > .player:not(.minskin) > .avatar, #arena.uslim_player > .player:not(.minskin) > .avatar2 { width: calc(100% - 6px) !important; height: calc(100% - 6px) !important; background-position: 50% !important; } #arena.lslim_player > .player:not(.minskin) > .avatar, #arena.lslim_player > .player:not(.minskin) > .avatar2 { width: calc(100% - 10px) !important; height: calc(100% - 10px) !important; background-position: 50% !important; } #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar, #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar2 { height: 50% !important; background-position: 0 0 !important; border-radius: 8px !important; } #arena.uslim_player > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar, #arena.uslim_player > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar2 { height: calc(50% + 4px) !important; } #arena.lslim_player > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar, #arena.lslim_player > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar2 { height: calc(50% + 2px) !important; } #window[data-radius_size="reduce"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar, #window[data-radius_size="reduce"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar2 { border-radius: 4px !important; } #window[data-radius_size="off"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar, #window[data-radius_size="off"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar2 { border-radius: 0px !important; } #window[data-radius_size="increase"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar, #window[data-radius_size="increase"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar2 { border-radius: 16px !important; } #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen2) > .avatar, #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen2[data-position="0"] > .avatar { border-radius: 8px 8px 0 0 !important; height: calc(50% + 14px) !important; clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 116px -10px, 116px 92px, 106px 92px, 0px 114px, -10px 114px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 116px -10px, 116px 92px, 106px 92px, 0px 114px, -10px 114px); } #arena[data-player_height="default"] > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen2) > .avatar, #arena[data-player_height="default"] > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen2[data-position="0"] > .avatar { clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 116px -10px, 116px 82px, 106px 82px, 0px 104px, -10px 104px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 116px -10px, 116px 82px, 106px 82px, 0px 104px, -10px 104px); } #arena[data-player_height="short"] > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen2) > .avatar, #arena[data-player_height="short"] > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen2[data-position="0"] > .avatar { clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 116px -10px, 116px 72px, 106px 72px, 0px 94px, -10px 94px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 116px -10px, 116px 72px, 106px 72px, 0px 94px, -10px 94px); } #arena.uslim_player > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen2) > .avatar, #arena.uslim_player > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen2[data-position="0"] > .avatar { height: calc(50% + 18px) !important; clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 124px -10px, 124px 96px, 114px 96px, 0px 118px, -10px 118px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 124px -10px, 124px 96px, 114px 96px, 0px 118px, -10px 118px); } #arena.uslim_player[data-player_height="default"] > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen2) > .avatar, #arena.uslim_player[data-player_height="default"] > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen2[data-position="0"] > .avatar { clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 124px -10px, 124px 86px, 114px 86px, 0px 108px, -10px 108px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 124px -10px, 124px 86px, 114px 86px, 0px 108px, -10px 108px); } #arena.uslim_player[data-player_height="short"] > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen2) > .avatar, #arena.uslim_player[data-player_height="short"] > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen2[data-position="0"] > .avatar { clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 124px -10px, 124px 76px, 114px 76px, 0px 98px, -10px 98px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 124px -10px, 124px 76px, 114px 76px, 0px 98px, -10px 98px); } #arena.lslim_player > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen2) > .avatar, #arena.lslim_player > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen2[data-position="0"] > .avatar { height: calc(50% + 16px) !important; clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 120px -10px, 120px 94px, 110px 94px, 0px 116px, -10px 116px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 120px -10px, 120px 94px, 110px 94px, 0px 116px, -10px 116px); } #arena.lslim_player[data-player_height="default"] > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen2) > .avatar, #arena.lslim_player[data-player_height="default"] > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen2[data-position="0"] > .avatar { clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 120px -10px, 120px 84px, 110px 84px, 0px 106px, -10px 106px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 120px -10px, 120px 84px, 110px 84px, 0px 106px, -10px 106px); } #arena.lslim_player[data-player_height="short"] > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen2) > .avatar, #arena.lslim_player[data-player_height="short"] > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen2[data-position="0"] > .avatar { clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 120px -10px, 120px 74px, 110px 74px, 0px 96px, -10px 96px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px -10px, 120px -10px, 120px 74px, 110px 74px, 0px 96px, -10px 96px); } #window[data-radius_size="reduce"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen2) > .avatar, #window[data-radius_size="reduce"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen2[data-position="0"] > .avatar { border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0 !important; } #window[data-radius_size="off"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen2) > .avatar, #window[data-radius_size="off"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen2[data-position="0"] > .avatar { border-radius: 0 0 0 0 !important; } #window[data-radius_size="increase"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen2) > .avatar, #window[data-radius_size="increase"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen2[data-position="0"] > .avatar { border-radius: 16px 16px 0 0 !important; } #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen) > .avatar2, #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen[data-position="0"] > .avatar2 { border-radius: 0 0 8px 8px !important; top: calc(50% - 21px) !important; height: calc(50% + 14px) !important; background-position: 0 10px !important; clip-path: polygon(-10px 32px, 0 32px, 106px 10px, 116px 10px, 116px 134px, -10px 134px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px 32px, 0 32px, 106px 10px, 116px 10px, 116px 134px, -10px 134px); } #arena.uslim_player > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen) > .avatar2, #arena.uslim_player > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen[data-position="0"] > .avatar2 { top: calc(50% - 21px) !important; height: calc(50% + 18px) !important; clip-path: polygon(-10px 32px, 0 32px, 114px 10px, 124px 10px, 124px 138px, -10px 138px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px 32px, 0 32px, 114px 10px, 124px 10px, 124px 138px, -10px 138px); } #arena.lslim_player > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen) > .avatar2, #arena.lslim_player > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen[data-position="0"] > .avatar2 { top: calc(50% - 21px) !important; height: calc(50% + 16px) !important; clip-path: polygon(-10px 32px, 0 32px, 110px 10px, 120px 10px, 120px 136px, -10px 136px); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(-10px 32px, 0 32px, 110px 10px, 120px 10px, 120px 136px, -10px 136px); } #window[data-radius_size="reduce"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen) > .avatar2, #window[data-radius_size="reduce"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen[data-position="0"] > .avatar2 { border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px !important; } #window[data-radius_size="off"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen) > .avatar2, #window[data-radius_size="off"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen[data-position="0"] > .avatar2 { border-radius: 0 0 0 0 !important; } #window[data-radius_size="increase"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin):not(.unseen) > .avatar2, #window[data-radius_size="increase"] #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin).unseen[data-position="0"] > .avatar2 { border-radius: 0 0 16px 16px !important; } #arena > .player.fullskin2:not(.minskin) > .avatar2 { top: calc(50% - 7px) !important; } #arena > .player:not(.minskin) > .identity { left: 102px; } #arena > .player:not(.minskin) > .hp:not(.actcount) { left: 93px; } /*#arena>.player:not(.minskin)>.hp:not(.actcount).text{ left: 89px; }*/ #arena > .player.fullskin2 .avatar2 { z-index: 2; } #arena > .player.unseen:not(.unseen2) .count { text-align: left; border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; } #arena > .player.unseen2 .count { border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; } #arena .timerbar > div { top: 205px; width: 96px; left: 12px; } #arena[data-player_height="default"] .timerbar > div { top: 185px; } #arena[data-player_height="short"] .timerbar > div { top: 165px; } #arena .player[data-position="0"] > .damage.dieidentity { opacity: 1 !important; } /*--------位置(8人)------*/ #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="1"] { top: calc(30% - 128px); left: calc(-300% / 94 + 4375% / 47 - 735px + 720px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="2"] { top: calc(8% - 34px); left: calc(-300% / 94 + 3750% / 47 - 630px + 600px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="3"] { top: 0; left: calc(-300% / 94 + 3125% / 47 - 525px + 480px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="4"] { top: 0; left: calc(-300% / 94 + 2500% / 47 - 420px + 360px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="5"] { top: 0; left: calc(-300% / 94 + 1875% / 47 - 315px + 240px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="6"] { top: calc(8% - 34px); left: calc(-300% / 94 + 1250% / 47 - 210px + 120px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="7"] { top: calc(30% - 128px); left: calc(-300% / 94 + 625% / 47 - 105px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="0"] { left: calc(-300% / 94 + 625% / 47 - 105px); } #arena > .player[data-position="0"] { left: 0; } @media screen and (min-width: 1105px) { #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="1"] { left: calc(100% - 120px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="2"] { left: calc(500% / 6 - 100px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="3"] { left: calc(400% / 6 - 80px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="4"] { left: calc(300% / 6 - 60px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="5"] { left: calc(200% / 6 - 40px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="6"] { left: calc(100% / 6 - 20px); } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="7"] { left: 0; } #arena[data-number="8"] > .player[data-position="0"] { left: 0; } } /*--------位置(7人)------*/ #arena[data-number="7"] > .player[data-position="1"] { top: calc(30% - 128px); left: calc(100% - 120px); } #arena[data-number="7"] > .player[data-position="2"] { top: calc(8% - 34px); left: calc(80% - 96px); } #arena[data-number="7"] > .player[data-position="3"] { top: 0; left: calc(60% - 72px); } #arena[data-number="7"] > .player[data-position="4"] { top: 0; left: calc(40% - 48px); } #arena[data-number="7"] > .player[data-position="5"] { top: calc(8% - 34px); left: calc(20% - 24px); } #arena[data-number="7"] > .player[data-position="6"] { top: calc(30% - 128px); left: 0; } /*--------位置(6人)------*/ #arena[data-number="6"] > .player[data-position="1"] { top: calc(30% - 128px); left: calc(100% - 120px); } #arena[data-number="6"] > .player[data-position="2"] { top: 0px; left: calc(75% - 90px); } #arena[data-number="6"] > .player[data-position="3"] { top: 0; left: calc(50% - 60px); } #arena[data-number="6"] > .player[data-position="4"] { top: 0px; left: calc(25% - 30px); } #arena[data-number="6"] > .player[data-position="5"] { top: calc(30% - 128px); left: 0; } /*--------位置(5人)------*/ #arena[data-number="5"] > .player[data-position="1"] { top: calc(30% - 128px); left: calc(100% - 120px); } #arena[data-number="5"] > .player[data-position="2"] { top: 0; left: calc(200% / 3 - 80px); } #arena[data-number="5"] > .player[data-position="3"] { top: 0; left: calc(100% / 3 - 40px); } #arena[data-number="5"] > .player[data-position="4"] { top: calc(30% - 128px); left: 0; } /*--------位置(4人)------*/ #arena[data-number="4"] > .player[data-position="1"] { top: calc(30% - 128px); left: calc(100% - 120px); } #arena[data-number="4"] > .player[data-position="2"] { top: 0; left: calc(50% - 60px); } #arena[data-number="4"] > .player[data-position="3"] { top: calc(30% - 128px); left: 0; } /*--------位置(3人)------*/ #arena[data-number="3"] > .player[data-position="1"] { top: calc(60% / 3 - 88px); left: calc(75% + 80px); } #arena[data-number="3"] > .player[data-position="2"] { top: calc(60% / 3 - 88px); left: calc(25% - 200px); } /*--------位置(2人)------*/ #arena[data-number="2"] > .player[data-position="1"] { top: 0; left: calc(50% - 60px); }