"use strict"; game.import("mode", function (lib, game, ui, get, ai, _status) { return { name: "identity", start: function () { "step 0"; if (!lib.config.new_tutorial) { ui.arena.classList.add("only_dialog"); } _status.mode = get.config("identity_mode"); if (_status.brawl && _status.brawl.submode) { _status.mode = _status.brawl.submode; } event.replacePile = function () { var list = [ "shengdong", "qijia", "caomu", "jinchan", "zengbin", "fulei", "qibaodao", "zhungangshuo", "lanyinjia", ]; var map = { shunshou: "shengdong", jiedao: "qijia", bingliang: "caomu", wuxie: "jinchan", wuzhong: "zengbin", wugu: "zengbin", shandian: "fulei", qinggang: "qibaodao", qinglong: "zhungangshuo", bagua: "lanyinjia", }; for (var i = 0; i < lib.card.list.length; i++) { var name = lib.card.list[i][2]; if (list.includes(name)) { lib.card.list.splice(i--, 1); } else if (map[name]) { lib.card.list[i][2] = map[name]; lib.card.list[i]._replaced = true; } } }; "step 1"; var playback = localStorage.getItem(lib.configprefix + "playback"); if (playback) { ui.create.me(); ui.arena.style.display = "none"; ui.system.style.display = "none"; _status.playback = playback; localStorage.removeItem(lib.configprefix + "playback"); var store = lib.db.transaction(["video"], "readwrite").objectStore("video"); store.get(parseInt(playback)).onsuccess = function (e) { if (e.target.result) { game.playVideoContent(e.target.result.video); } else { alert("播放失败:找不到录像"); game.reload(); } }; event.finish(); } else if (!_status.connectMode) { if (_status.mode == "zhong") { if (get.config("zhong_card")) { event.replacePile(); } game.prepareArena(8); } else if (_status.mode == "purple") { game.prepareArena(8); } else { game.prepareArena(); } if (!lib.config.new_tutorial) { game.delay(); } } "step 2"; if (!lib.config.new_tutorial) { _status.new_tutorial = true; lib.init.onfree(); game.saveConfig("version", lib.version); var clear = function () { ui.dialog.close(); while (ui.controls.length) ui.controls[0].close(); }; var clear2 = function () { ui.auto.show(); ui.arena.classList.remove("only_dialog"); }; var step1 = function () { ui.create.dialog("欢迎来到无名杀,是否进入新手向导?"); game.saveConfig("new_tutorial", true); ui.dialog.add('
跳过后,你可以在选项-其它中重置新手向导'); ui.auto.hide(); ui.create.control("跳过向导", function () { clear(); clear2(); game.resume(); // lib.cheat.cfg(); // owidgets }); ui.create.control("继续", step2); }; var step2 = function () { if (!lib.config.phonelayout) { clear(); ui.create.dialog( "如果你在使用手机,可能会觉得按钮有点小" + ",将布局改成移动可以使按钮变大" ); ui.dialog.add('
你可以在选项-外观-布局中更改此设置'); var lcontrol = ui.create.control("使用移动布局", function () { if (lib.config.phonelayout) { ui.control.firstChild.firstChild.innerHTML = "使用移动布局"; game.saveConfig("phonelayout", false); lib.init.layout("mobile"); } else { ui.control.firstChild.firstChild.innerHTML = "使用默认布局"; game.saveConfig("phonelayout", true); lib.init.layout("mobile"); } }); ui.create.control("继续", step3); } else { step3(); } }; var step3 = function () { if (lib.config.touchscreen) { clear(); ui.create.dialog("触屏模式中,下划可以显示菜单,上划可以切换托管,双指单击可以暂停"); ui.dialog.add('
你可以在选项-通用-中更改手势设置'); ui.create.control("继续", step4); } else { step4(); } }; var step4 = lib.genAsync(function* () { clear(); ui.window.classList.add("noclick_important"); ui.click.configMenu(); ui.control.classList.add("noclick_click_important"); ui.control.style.top = "calc(100% - 105px)"; yield new Promise((resolve) => ui.create.control("在菜单中,可以进行各项设置", resolve)); ui.click.menuTab("选项"); yield new Promise((resolve) => ui.controls[0].replace("如果你感到游戏较卡,可以开启流畅模式", resolve) ); yield new Promise((resolve) => ui.controls[0].replace("在技能一栏中,可以设置自动发动或双将禁配的技能", resolve) ); ui.click.menuTab("武将"); yield new Promise((resolve) => ui.controls[0].replace("在武将或卡牌一栏中,单击武将/卡牌可以将其禁用", resolve) ); ui.click.menuTab("战局"); yield new Promise((resolve) => ui.controls[0].replace("在战局中可以输入游戏命令,或者管理录像", resolve) ); ui.click.menuTab("帮助"); yield new Promise((resolve) => ui.controls[0].replace("在帮助中,可以检查更新和下载素材", resolve) ); ui.click.configMenu(); ui.window.classList.remove("noclick_important"); ui.control.classList.remove("noclick_click_important"); ui.control.style.top = ""; step5(); }); var step5 = function () { clear(); ui.create.dialog("如果还有其它问题,欢迎来到百度无名杀吧进行交流"); ui.create.control("完成", function () { clear(); clear2(); game.resume(); }); }; game.pause(); step1(); } else { if (!_status.connectMode) { game.showChangeLog(); } } "step 3"; if (typeof _status.new_tutorial == "function") { _status.new_tutorial(); } delete _status.new_tutorial; if (_status.connectMode) { game.waitForPlayer(function () { if (lib.configOL.identity_mode == "zhong" || lib.configOL.identity_mode == "purple") { lib.configOL.number = 8; } }); } "step 4"; var yearLimitCheck = () => { var next = game.createEvent("year_limit_pop", false); next.setContent(function () { "step 0"; var str = get.cnNumber(game.shuffleNumber + 1, true); game.me.$fullscreenpop(`第${str}年`, "thunder"); game.log("游戏进入了", `#y第${str}年`); if (game.shuffleNumber + 1 < game.countPlayer2()) event.finish(); else game.delay(2); "step 1"; game.me.$fullscreenpop("年份已到", "metal"); game.log("年份已到,主忠方判定为胜利"); game.delay(2); "step 2"; game.over( game.me.identity == "zhu" || game.me.identity == "zhong" || game.me.identity == "mingzhong" || (game.me.identity == "commoner" && game.me.isIn()) ); }); }; if (_status.connectMode) { _status.mode = lib.configOL.identity_mode; if (_status.mode == "zhong") { lib.configOL.number = 8; if (lib.configOL.zhong_card) { event.replacePile(); } } else if (_status.mode == "purple") { lib.configOL.number = 8; } else if (_status.mode == "normal") { if (lib.configOL.enable_commoner || lib.configOL.double_nei) { var identity = lib.configOL.enable_commoner ? "commoner" : "nei"; for (var i = 1; i < lib.config.mode_config.identity.identity.length; i++) { var list = lib.config.mode_config.identity.identity[i]; var toReplace; if (list.filter((i) => i == "nei").length >= 2) toReplace = "nei"; else if ( list.filter((i) => i == "zhong").length > list.filter((i) => i == "fan").length / 2 ) toReplace = "zhong"; else toReplace = "fan"; list.remove(toReplace); list.push(identity); } game.broadcast( (identityList) => (lib.config.mode_config.identity.identity = identityList), lib.config.mode_config.identity.identity ); } } if (lib.configOL.number < 2) { lib.configOL.number = 2; } if (_status.mode != "purple" && lib.configOL.enable_year_limit) { lib.onwash.push(yearLimitCheck); } game.randomMapOL(); } else { if (_status.mode == "normal" && (get.config("enable_commoner") || get.config("double_nei"))) { var identity = get.config("enable_commoner") ? "commoner" : "nei"; for (var i = 1; i < lib.config.mode_config.identity.identity.length; i++) { var list = lib.config.mode_config.identity.identity[i]; var toReplace; if (list.filter((i) => i == "nei").length >= 2) toReplace = "nei"; else if ( list.filter((i) => i == "zhong").length > list.filter((i) => i == "fan").length / 2 ) toReplace = "zhong"; else toReplace = "fan"; list.remove(toReplace); list.push(identity); } } if (_status.mode != "purple" && get.config("enable_year_limit")) { lib.onwash.push(yearLimitCheck); } for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { game.players[i].getId(); } if (_status.brawl && _status.brawl.chooseCharacterBefore) { _status.brawl.chooseCharacterBefore(); } game.chooseCharacter(); } "step 5"; if (ui.coin) { _status.coinCoeff = get.coinCoeff([game.me.name]); } if (game.players.length == 2) { game.showIdentity(true); var map = {}; for (var i in lib.playerOL) { map[i] = lib.playerOL[i].identity; } game.broadcast(function (map) { for (var i in map) { lib.playerOL[i].identity = map[i]; lib.playerOL[i].setIdentity(); lib.playerOL[i].ai.shown = 1; } }, map); } else { for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { game.players[i].ai.shown = 0; } } var stratagemMode = _status.mode == "stratagem"; if (stratagemMode) { var beginner; if (_status.cheat_seat) { var seat = _status.cheat_seat.link; beginner = seat == 0 ? game.me : game.players[game.players.length - seat]; if (!beginner) beginner = game.me; delete _status.cheat_seat; } else { beginner = game.players[Math.floor(Math.random() * game.players.length)]; } event.beginner = beginner; var stratagemBroadcast = () => { _status.stratagemFuryMax = 3; ui.css.stratagemCardStyle = lib.init.sheet( [ ".card.stratagem-fury-glow:before{", "opacity:0.2;", "box-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0 0 0 1px,rgb(255,109,12) 0 0 5px,rgb(255,0,0) 0 0 10px;", "background-color:yellow;", "-webkit-filter:blur(5px);", "filter:blur(5px);", "}", ].join("") ); }; game.broadcastAll(stratagemBroadcast); if (_status.connectMode && !_status.postReconnect.stratagemReinit) _status.postReconnect.stratagemReinit = [stratagemBroadcast, {}]; for (var current of game.players) { if (current.identity == "zhu") current.addSkill("stratagem_monarchy"); if (current.identity == "fan") current.addSkill("stratagem_revitalization"); } } if ( game.zhu == game.me && game.zhu.identity != "zhu" && _status.brawl && _status.brawl.identityShown ) { delete game.zhu; } else { if (!stratagemMode) game.zhu.ai.shown = 1; if (game.zhu2) { game.zhong = game.zhu; game.zhu = game.zhu2; delete game.zhu2; if (game.zhong.sex == "male" && game.zhong.maxHp <= 4) { game.zhong.addSkill("dongcha"); } else { game.zhong.addSkill("sheshen"); } } var enhance_zhu = false; if (_status.connectMode) { enhance_zhu = !["zhong", "stratagem", "purple"].includes(_status.mode) && lib.configOL.enhance_zhu && get.population("fan") >= 3; } else { enhance_zhu = !["zhong", "stratagem", "purple"].includes(_status.mode) && get.config("enhance_zhu") && get.population("fan") >= 3; } if (enhance_zhu) { var skill; switch (game.zhu.name) { case "key_yuri": skill = "buqu"; break; case "liubei": skill = "jizhen"; break; case "dongzhuo": skill = "hengzheng"; break; case "sunquan": skill = "batu"; break; case "sp_zhangjiao": skill = "tiangong"; break; case "liushan": skill = "shengxi"; break; case "sunce": skill = "ciqiu"; break; case "re_sunben": skill = "ciqiu"; break; case "yuanshao": skill = "geju"; break; case "re_caocao": skill = "dangping"; break; case "caopi": skill = "junxing"; break; case "liuxie": skill = "moukui"; break; default: skill = "tianming"; break; } game.broadcastAll( function (player, skill) { player.addSkill(skill); player.storage.enhance_zhu = skill; }, game.zhu, skill ); } } game.syncState(); event.trigger("gameStart"); var players = get.players(lib.sort.position); var info = []; for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { var ifo = { name: players[i].name1, name2: players[i].name2, identity: players[i].identity, }; if (stratagemMode) { ifo.translate = lib.translate[game.players[i].name]; ifo.isCamouflaged = players[i].ai.stratagemCamouflage; } info.push(ifo); } _status.videoInited = true; game.addVideo("init", null, info); if (stratagemMode) { game.addVideo("arrangeLib", null, { skill: { stratagem_fury: { mark: true, marktext: "🔥", intro: { name: "怒气", content: "当前怒气值:#", }, }, }, }); for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { //game.addVideo('markSkill',game.players[i],['stratagem_fury']); game.players[i].ai.shown = 0; } game.stratagemCamouflage(); } "step 6"; if (_status.mode != "stratagem") event.beginner = _status.firstAct2 || game.zhong || game.zhu || _status.firstAct || game.me; game.gameDraw(event.beginner, function (player) { if (_status.mode == "purple" && player.seatNum > 5) return 5; return 4; }); if (_status.connectMode && lib.configOL.change_card) game.replaceHandcards(game.players.slice(0)); "step 7"; game.phaseLoop(event.beginner); }, game: { canReplaceViewpoint: () => true, getState: function () { var state = {}; for (var i in lib.playerOL) { var player = lib.playerOL[i]; state[i] = { identity: player.identity }; if (player == game.zhu) { state[i].zhu = true; } if (player == game.zhong) { state[i].zhong = true; } if (player.isZhu) { state[i].isZhu = true; } if (player.special_identity) { state[i].special_identity = player.special_identity; } state[i].shown = player.ai.shown; //state[i].group=player.group; } return state; }, updateState: function (state) { for (var i in state) { var player = lib.playerOL[i]; if (player) { player.identity = state[i].identity; if (state[i].identity == "rZhu" || state[i].identity == "bZhu") game[state[i].identity] = player; if (state[i].special_identity) { player.special_identity = state[i].special_identity; if (player.node.dieidentity) { player.node.dieidentity.innerHTML = get.translation( state[i].special_identity ); player.node.identity.firstChild.innerHTML = get.translation( state[i].special_identity + "_bg" ); } } if (state[i].zhu) { game.zhu = player; } if (state[i].isZhu) { player.isZhu = true; } if (state[i].zhong) { game.zhong = player; } player.ai.shown = state[i].shown; //player.group=state[i].group; //player.node.name.dataset.nature=get.groupnature(player.group); } } }, getRoomInfo: function (uiintro) { uiintro.add( '
游戏模式:' + (lib.configOL.identity_mode == "zhong" ? "明忠" : "标准") ); uiintro.add( '
双将模式:' + (lib.configOL.double_character ? "开启" : "关闭") ); if (lib.configOL.identity_mode != "zhong") { if (lib.configOL.identity_mode == "stratagem") { uiintro.add( '
首轮强化:' + (lib.configOL.round_one_use_fury ? "开启" : "关闭") ); } else if (lib.configOL.identity_mode != "purple") { uiintro.add( '
双内奸:' + (lib.configOL.double_nei ? "开启" : "关闭") ); if (lib.configOL.identity_mode != "stratagem") { uiintro.add( '
加强主公:' + (lib.configOL.enhance_zhu ? "开启" : "关闭") ); uiintro.add( '
平民身份:' + (lib.configOL.enable_commoner ? "开启" : "关闭") ); } uiintro.add( '
年机制:' + (lib.configOL.enable_year_limit ? "开启" : "关闭") ); } } else { uiintro.add( '
卡牌替换:' + (lib.configOL.zhong_card ? "开启" : "关闭") ); } var last = uiintro.add( '
出牌时限:' + lib.configOL.choose_timeout + "秒" ); // uiintro.add('
屏蔽弱将:'+(lib.configOL.ban_weak?'开启':'关闭')); // var last=uiintro.add('
屏蔽强将:'+(lib.configOL.ban_strong?'开启':'关闭')); if (lib.configOL.banned.length) { last = uiintro.add( '
禁用武将:' + get.translation(lib.configOL.banned) ); } if (lib.configOL.bannedcards.length) { last = uiintro.add( '
禁用卡牌:' + get.translation(lib.configOL.bannedcards) ); } last.style.paddingBottom = "8px"; }, getIdentityList: function (player) { if (player.identityShown) return; if (player == game.me) return; if (_status.mode == "purple") { if ( _status.yeconfirm && ["rNei", "bNei"].includes(game.me.identity) && ["rNei", "bNei"].includes(player.identity) ) return; if (player.identity.slice(0, 1) == "r") return { cai2: "猜", rZhong: "忠", rNei: "内", rYe: "野", }; return { cai: "猜", bZhong: "忠", bNei: "内", bYe: "野", }; } else if (_status.mode == "zhong") { if (player.fanfixed) return; if (game.zhu && game.zhu.isZhu) { return { fan: "反", zhong: "忠", nei: "内", cai: "猜", }; } else { return { fan: "反", zhong: "忠", nei: "内", zhu: "主", cai: "猜", }; } } else if (_status.mode == "stratagem") { if ((game.zhu && game.zhu.isZhu && game.zhu.identityShown) || game.me.identity == "zhu") { return { fan: "反", zhong: "忠", nei: "内", enemy: "敌", friend: "友", cai: "猜", }; } else { return { fan: "反", zhong: "忠", nei: "内", zhu: "主", enemy: "敌", friend: "友", cai: "猜", }; } } else { if (get.config("enable_commoner")) { return { fan: "反", zhong: "忠", nei: "内", commoner: "民", cai: "猜", }; } else { return { fan: "反", zhong: "忠", nei: "内", cai: "猜", }; } } }, getIdentityList2: function (list) { for (var i in list) { switch (i) { case "fan": list[i] = "反贼"; break; case "zhong": list[i] = "忠臣"; break; case "nei": list[i] = "内奸"; break; case "commoner": list[i] = "平民"; break; case "zhu": list[i] = "主公"; break; case "enemy": list[i] = "敌方"; break; case "friend": list[i] = "友方"; break; case "cai": case "cai2": list[i] = "未知"; break; case "rZhong": case "bZhong": list[i] = "前锋"; break; case "rNei": case "bNei": list[i] = "细作"; break; case "rYe": case "bYe": list[i] = "野心家"; break; } } }, getVideoName: function () { var str = get.translation(game.me.name); if (game.me.name2) { str += "/" + get.translation(game.me.name2); } var str2; if (game.identityVideoName) str2 = game.identityVideoName; else { switch (_status.mode) { case "purple": str2 = "3v3v2 - " + (game.me.identity.indexOf("r") == 0 ? "暖色" : "冷色") + lib.translate[game.me.identity + "2"]; break; case "zhong": str2 = "忠胆英杰 - " + lib.translate[game.me.identity + "2"]; break; case "stratagem": str2 = get.cnNumber(get.playerNumber()) + "人谋攻" + "-" + lib.translate[game.me.identity + "2"]; break; default: str2 = get.cnNumber(get.playerNumber()) + "人" + get.translation(lib.config.mode) + " - " + lib.translate[game.me.identity + "2"]; } } var name = [str, str2]; return name; }, addRecord: function (bool) { if (typeof bool == "boolean") { var data = lib.config.gameRecord.identity.data; var identity = game.me.identity; if (identity == "mingzhong") { identity = "zhong"; } if (!data[identity]) { data[identity] = [0, 0]; } if (bool) { data[identity][0]++; } else { data[identity][1]++; } var list = ["zhu", "zhong", "nei", "fan", "commoner"]; var str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (data[list[i]]) { str += lib.translate[list[i] + "2"] + ":" + data[list[i]][0] + "胜" + " " + data[list[i]][1] + "负
"; } } lib.config.gameRecord.identity.str = str; game.saveConfig("gameRecord", lib.config.gameRecord); } }, showIdentity: function (me) { for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { // if(me===false&&game.players[i]==game.me) continue; game.players[i].node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); game.players[i].identityShown = true; game.players[i].ai.shown = 1; game.players[i].setIdentity(game.players[i].identity); if (game.players[i].special_identity) { game.players[i].node.identity.firstChild.innerHTML = get.translation( game.players[i].special_identity + "_bg" ); } if (game.players[i].identity == "zhu") { game.players[i].isZhu = true; } } if (_status.clickingidentity) { for (var i = 0; i < _status.clickingidentity[1].length; i++) { _status.clickingidentity[1][i].delete(); _status.clickingidentity[1][i].style.transform = ""; } delete _status.clickingidentity; } }, checkResult: function () { var me = game.me._trueMe || game.me; if (_status.brawl && _status.brawl.checkResult) { _status.brawl.checkResult(); return; } else if (_status.mode == "purple") { var winner = []; var loser = []; var ye = game.filterPlayer( function (current) { return ["rYe", "bYe"].includes(current.identity); }, null, true ); var red = game.filterPlayer( function (current) { return ["rZhu", "rZhong", "bNei"].includes(current.identity); }, null, true ); var blue = game.filterPlayer( function (current) { return ["bZhu", "bZhong", "rNei"].includes(current.identity); }, null, true ); game.countPlayer2(function (current) { switch (current.identity) { case "rZhu": if (ye.length == 0 && game.bZhu.isDead()) winner.push(current); if (current.isDead()) loser.push(current); break; case "rZhong": case "bNei": if (ye.length == 0 && game.bZhu.isDead()) winner.push(current); if (game.rZhu.isDead()) loser.push(current); break; case "bZhu": if (ye.length == 0 && game.rZhu.isDead()) winner.push(current); if (current.isDead()) loser.push(current); break; case "bZhong": case "rNei": if (ye.length == 0 && game.rZhu.isDead()) winner.push(current); if (game.bZhu.isDead()) loser.push(current); break; default: if (red.length + blue.length == 0) winner.push(current); else if (game.rZhu.isDead() && game.bZhu.isDead()) loser.push(current); break; } }, true); var winner2 = winner.slice(0); var loser2 = loser.slice(0); for (var i = 0; i < winner.length; i++) { if (winner[i].isDead()) winner.splice(i--, 1); } for (var i = 0; i < loser.length; i++) { if (loser[i].isDead()) loser.splice(i--, 1); } if (winner.length > 0 || loser.length == game.players.length) { game.broadcastAll( function (winner, loser) { _status.winner = winner; _status.loser = loser; }, winner, loser ); if (loser.length == game.players.length) { game.showIdentity(); game.over("游戏平局"); } else if (winner2.includes(me)) { game.showIdentity(); if (loser2.includes(me)) game.over(false); else game.over(true); } else { game.showIdentity(); game.over(false); } } return; } if (!game.zhu) { if (get.population("fan") == 0) { switch (me.identity) { case "fan": game.over(false); break; case "zhong": game.over(true); break; case "commoner": game.over(true); break; default: game.over(); break; } } else if (get.population("zhong") == 0) { switch (me.identity) { case "fan": game.over(true); break; case "zhong": game.over(false); break; case "commoner": game.over(true); break; default: game.over(); break; } } return; } if (game.zhu.isAlive() && get.population("fan") + get.population("nei") > 0) return; if (game.zhong) { game.zhong.identity = "zhong"; } game.showIdentity(); if (me.identity == "zhu" || me.identity == "zhong" || me.identity == "mingzhong") { if (game.zhu.classList.contains("dead")) { game.over(false); } else { game.over(true); } } else if (me.identity == "nei") { if ( game.players.length == 1 + game.players.filter((i) => i.identity == "commoner").length && me.isAlive() ) { game.over(true); } else { game.over(false); } } else if (me.identity == "fan") { if ( (get.population("fan") + get.population("zhong") > 0 || get.population("nei") > 1) && game.zhu.classList.contains("dead") ) { game.over(true); } else { game.over(false); } } else if (me.identity == "commoner") { game.over(true); } }, checkOnlineResult: function (player) { if (_status.winner && _status.loser) { if (_status.loser.length == game.players.length) return null; if (_status.loser.includes(player)) return false; if (_status.winner.includes(player)) return true; } if (game.zhu.isAlive()) { return ( player.identity == "zhu" || player.identity == "zhong" || player.identity == "mingzhong" || (player.identity == "commoner" && player.isAlive()) ); } else if ( (game.players.length == 1 + game.players.filter((i) => i.identity == "commoner").length && game.players[0].identity == "nei") || game.players[0].identity == "commoner" ) { return player.isAlive(); } else { return player.identity == "fan" || (player.identity == "commoner" && player.isAlive()); } }, chooseCharacterPurpleOL: function () { var next = game.createEvent("chooseCharacter"); next.setContent(function () { "step 0"; ui.arena.classList.add("choose-character"); "step 1"; var list = ["rZhu", "rZhong", "rNei", "rYe"]; var list2 = ["bZhu", "bZhong", "bNei", "bYe"]; list.randomSort(); list2.randomSort(); var identityList = list.concat(list2); var num = get.rand(0, 7); var players = game.players.slice(0); for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { players.push(players.shift()); } game.broadcastAll( function (players, identityList, list) { _status.mode = "purple"; if (game.online) ui.arena.classList.add("choose-character"); for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { players[i].node.identity.classList.add("guessing"); players[i].identity = identityList[i]; players[i].setIdentity(list.includes(identityList[i]) ? "cai2" : "cai"); if (["rZhu", "bZhu"].includes(identityList[i])) { game[identityList[i]] = players[i]; players[i].setIdentity(identityList[i]); players[i].identityShown = true; players[i].node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); } } game.zhu = game.rZhu; game.rZhu.isZhu = true; game.bZhu.isZhu = true; game.me.setIdentity(); game.me.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); }, players, identityList, list ); players.sortBySeat(game.zhu); for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { players[i].seatNum = i; } "step 2"; var map = {}; var map_zhu = {}; event.mapNum = {}; var list = []; var libCharacter = {}; for (var i = 0; i < lib.configOL.characterPack.length; i++) { var pack = lib.characterPack[lib.configOL.characterPack[i]]; for (var j in pack) { // if(j=='zuoci') continue; if (lib.character[j]) libCharacter[j] = pack[j]; } } for (var i in libCharacter) { if (lib.filter.characterDisabled(i, libCharacter)) continue; if (i.indexOf("lingju") != -1 || get.is.double(i)) continue; var group = lib.character[i][1]; if (group == "shen") continue; if (!map[group]) { map[group] = []; list.push(group); } map[group].push(i); if (lib.character[i].isZhugong) { if (!map_zhu[group]) { map_zhu[group] = []; } map_zhu[group].push(i); } } for (var i in map) { if (map[i].length < 12) { delete map[i]; list.remove(i); } else event.mapNum[i] = map[i].length > 15 ? 5 : 3; } list.sort(function (a, b) { return lib.group.indexOf(a) - lib.group.indexOf(b); }); event.list = list; event.map = map; event.map_zhu = map_zhu; game.bZhu .chooseControl(list) .set("prompt", "请选择冷方武将势力") .set("ai", function () { return _status.event.choice; }) .set("choice", event.list.randomGet()); "step 3"; event.bZhu = result.control; event.list.remove(event.bZhu); game.rZhu .chooseControl(event.list) .set("prompt", "请选择暖方武将的势力") .set("ai", function () { return _status.event.choice; }) .set("choice", event.list.randomGet()); "step 4"; event.rZhu = result.control; var players = [game.rZhu, game.bZhu]; var list = []; for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { var group = event[players[i].identity]; var str = "选择角色"; var list2 = event.map[group].randomGets(4); if (event.map_zhu[group]) list2.addArray(event.map_zhu[group].randomGets(2)); event.map[players[i].playerid] = list2; list.push([players[i], [str, [list2, "character"]], true]); } game.me.chooseButtonOL(list, function (player, result) { if (game.online || player == game.me) { player.init(result.links[0]); if (!player.isInitFilter("noZhuHp")) { player.hp++; player.maxHp++; player.update(); } } }); "step 5"; for (var i in result) { if (result[i] == "ai" || !result[i] || !result[i].links) { result[i] = event.map[i].randomGet(); } else { result[i] = result[i].links; } var group = lib.character[result[i][0]][1]; event.map[group].remove(result[i][0]); if (!lib.playerOL[i].name) { lib.playerOL[i].init(result[i][0]); } } game.broadcast(function (result) { for (var i in result) { if (!lib.playerOL[i].name) { lib.playerOL[i].init(result[i][0], result[i][1]); if (!lib.playerOL[i].isInitFilter("noZhuHp")) { lib.playerOL[i].hp++; lib.playerOL[i].maxHp++; lib.playerOL[i].update(); } } } }, result); var list = []; var players = game.players.slice(0); players.removeArray([game.rZhu, game.bZhu]); for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { var group = event[players[i].identity.slice(0, 1) + "Zhu"]; var str = "选择角色"; var list2 = event.map[group].randomRemove(event.mapNum[group]); event.map[players[i].playerid] = list2; list.push([players[i], [str, [list2, "character"]], true]); } game.me.chooseButtonOL(list, function (player, result) { if (game.online || player == game.me) { player.init(result.links[0]); } }); "step 6"; for (var i in result) { if (result[i] == "ai" || !result[i] || !result[i].links) { result[i] = event.map[i].randomGet(); } else { result[i] = result[i].links; } var group = lib.character[result[i][0]][1]; event.map[group].remove(result[i][0]); if (!lib.playerOL[i].name) { lib.playerOL[i].init(result[i][0]); } } game.broadcast(function (result) { for (var i in result) { if (!lib.playerOL[i].name) { lib.playerOL[i].init(result[i][0], result[i][1]); } } setTimeout(function () { ui.arena.classList.remove("choose-character"); }, 500); }, result); setTimeout(function () { ui.arena.classList.remove("choose-character"); }, 500); }); }, chooseCharacterPurple: function () { var next = game.createEvent("chooseCharacter"); next.setContent(function () { "step 0"; ui.arena.classList.add("choose-character"); game.no_continue_game = true; lib.init.onfree(); "step 1"; var list = ["rZhu", "rZhong", "rNei", "rYe"]; var list2 = ["bZhu", "bZhong", "bNei", "bYe"]; list.randomSort(); list2.randomSort(); var identityList = list.concat(list2); var num = get.rand(0, 7); var players = game.players.slice(0); for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { players.push(players.shift()); } for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { players[i].node.identity.classList.add("guessing"); players[i].identity = identityList[i]; players[i].setIdentity(list.includes(identityList[i]) ? "cai2" : "cai"); if (["rZhu", "bZhu"].includes(identityList[i])) { game[identityList[i]] = players[i]; players[i].setIdentity(identityList[i]); players[i].identityShown = true; players[i].node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); } } game.zhu = game.rZhu; game.rZhu.isZhu = true; game.bZhu.isZhu = true; game.me.setIdentity(); game.me.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); players.sortBySeat(game.zhu); for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { players[i].seatNum = i; } "step 2"; var map = {}; var map_zhu = {}; var list = []; for (var i in lib.character) { if (lib.filter.characterDisabled(i)) continue; if (i.indexOf("lingju") != -1 || get.is.double(i)) continue; var group = lib.character[i][1]; if (group == "shen") continue; if (!map[group]) { map[group] = []; list.push(group); } map[group].push(i); if (lib.character[i].isZhugong) { if (!map_zhu[group]) { map_zhu[group] = []; } map_zhu[group].push(i); } } for (var i in map) { if (map[i].length < 12) { delete map[i]; list.remove(i); } } list.sort(function (a, b) { return lib.group.indexOf(a) - lib.group.indexOf(b); }); event.list = list; event.map = map; event.map_zhu = map_zhu; game.bZhu .chooseControl(list) .set("prompt", "请选择冷方武将势力") .set("ai", function () { return _status.event.choice; }) .set("choice", event.list.randomGet()); "step 3"; event.bZhu = result.control; event.list.remove(event.bZhu); game.rZhu .chooseControl(event.list) .set("prompt", "请选择暖方武将的势力") .set("ai", function () { return _status.event.choice; }) .set("choice", event.list.randomGet()); "step 4"; event.rZhu = result.control; if (game.me == game.rZhu || game.me == game.bZhu) { event.isZhu = true; var list = event.map[event[game.me.identity]].randomGets(4); if (event.map_zhu[event[game.me.identity]]) list.addArray(event.map_zhu[event[game.me.identity]].randomGets(2)); game.me.chooseButton(true, ["请选择您的武将牌", [list, "character"]]); } "step 5"; if (event.isZhu) { event.map[event[game.me.identity]].remove(result.links[0]); game.me.init(result.links[0]); } if (!game.rZhu.name) { var list = event.map[event.rZhu].randomGets(3); if (event.map_zhu[event.rZhu]) list.addArray(event.map_zhu[event.rZhu]); var character = list.randomGet(); event.map[event.rZhu].remove(character); game.rZhu.init(character); } if (!game.bZhu.name) { var list = event.map[event.bZhu].randomGets(4); if (event.map_zhu[event.bZhu]) list.addArray(event.map_zhu[event.bZhu].randomGets(2)); var character = list.randomGet(); event.map[event.bZhu].remove(character); game.bZhu.init(character); } if (!game.rZhu.isInitFilter("noZhuHp")) { game.rZhu.maxHp++; game.rZhu.hp++; game.rZhu.update(); } if (!game.bZhu.isInitFilter("noZhuHp")) { game.bZhu.maxHp++; game.bZhu.hp++; game.bZhu.update(); } if (!event.isZhu) { var group = game.me.identity.indexOf("r") == 0 ? event.rZhu : event.bZhu; game.me.chooseButton(true, [ "请选择您的武将牌", [event.map[group].randomRemove(5), "character"], ]); } "step 6"; if (!event.isZhu) { game.me.init(result.links[0]); } game.countPlayer(function (current) { if (!current.name) { var group = current.identity.indexOf("r") == 0 ? event.rZhu : event.bZhu; current.init(event.map[group].randomRemove(1)[0]); } }); "step 7"; setTimeout(function () { ui.arena.classList.remove("choose-character"); }, 500); }); }, chooseCharacterStratagemOL: function () { var next = game.createEvent("chooseCharacter"); next.setContent(function () { "step 0"; ui.arena.classList.add("choose-character"); var i; var identityList = get.identityList(game.players.length); if (lib.configOL.double_nei) { switch (lib.configOL.number) { case 8: identityList.remove("fan"); identityList.push("nei"); break; case 7: identityList.remove("zhong"); identityList.push("nei"); break; case 6: identityList.remove("fan"); identityList.push("nei"); break; case 5: identityList.remove("fan"); identityList.push("nei"); break; case 4: identityList.remove("zhong"); identityList.push("nei"); break; case 3: identityList.remove("fan"); identityList.push("nei"); break; } } identityList.randomSort(); for (i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { game.players[i].identity = identityList[i]; game.players[i].setIdentity("cai"); game.players[i].node.identity.classList.add("guessing"); if (identityList[i] == "zhu") { game.zhu = game.players[i]; } game.players[i].identityShown = false; } game.zhu.isZhu = game.zhu.identity == "zhu"; game.me.setIdentity(); game.me.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { game.players[i].send( function (zhu, zhuid, me, identity) { for (var i in lib.playerOL) { lib.playerOL[i].setIdentity("cai"); lib.playerOL[i].node.identity.classList.add("guessing"); } zhu.identity = zhuid; if (zhuid == "zhu") zhu.isZhu = true; me.setIdentity(identity); me.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); ui.arena.classList.add("choose-character"); }, game.zhu, game.zhu.identity, game.players[i], game.players[i].identity ); } var list; var list3 = []; var list4 = []; event.list = []; event.list2 = []; var libCharacter = {}; for (var i = 0; i < lib.configOL.characterPack.length; i++) { var pack = lib.characterPack[lib.configOL.characterPack[i]]; for (var j in pack) { if (lib.character[j]) libCharacter[j] = pack[j]; } } for (i in lib.characterReplace) { var ix = lib.characterReplace[i]; for (var j = 0; j < ix.length; j++) { if (!libCharacter[ix[j]] || lib.filter.characterDisabled(ix[j])) ix.splice(j--, 1); } if (ix.length) { event.list.push(i); event.list2.push(i); list4.addArray(ix); list3.push(i); } } game.broadcast(function (list) { for (var i in lib.characterReplace) { var ix = lib.characterReplace[i]; for (var j = 0; j < ix.length; j++) { if (!list.includes(ix[j])) ix.splice(j--, 1); } } }, list4); for (i in libCharacter) { if (list4.includes(i)) continue; if (lib.filter.characterDisabled(i, libCharacter)) continue; event.list.push(i); event.list2.push(i); list4.push(i); list3.push(i); } _status.characterlist = list4.slice(0); list = list3.randomGets(5); "step 1"; var list = []; var selectButton = lib.configOL.double_character ? 2 : 1; var num, num2 = 0; num = Math.floor(event.list.length / (game.players.length - 1)); if (num > 5) { num = 5; } num2 = event.list.length - num * (game.players.length - 1); if (lib.configOL.double_nei) { num2 = Math.floor(num2 / 2); } if (num2 > 2) { num2 = 2; } for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { var num3 = 0; if (game.players[i].identity == "nei") { num3 = num2; } var str = "选择角色"; list.push([ game.players[i], [str, [event.list.randomRemove(num + num3), "characterx"]], selectButton, true, ]); } game.me.chooseButtonOL(list, function (player, result) { if (game.online || player == game.me) player.init(result.links[0], result.links[1]); }); "step 2"; var shen = []; for (var i in result) { if (result[i] && result[i].links) { for (var j = 0; j < result[i].links.length; j++) { event.list2.remove(get.sourceCharacter(result[i].links[j])); } } } for (var i in result) { if (result[i] == "ai") { result[i] = event.list2.randomRemove(lib.configOL.double_character ? 2 : 1); for (var j = 0; j < result[i].length; j++) { var listx = lib.characterReplace[result[i][j]]; if (listx && listx.length) result[i][j] = listx.randomGet(); } } else { result[i] = result[i].links; } if ( get.is.double(result[i][0]) || (lib.character[result[i][0]] && lib.character[result[i][0]].group == "shen" && !lib.character[result[i][0]].hasHiddenSkill) ) shen.push(lib.playerOL[i]); } event.result2 = result; if (shen.length) { var list = ["wei", "shu", "wu", "qun", "jin", "key"]; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (!lib.group.includes(list[i])) list.splice(i--, 1); else list[i] = ["", "", "group_" + list[i]]; } for (var i = 0; i < shen.length; i++) { if (get.is.double(result[shen[i].playerid][0])) { shen[i]._groupChosen = true; shen[i] = [ shen[i], [ "请选择你的势力", [ get.is .double(result[shen[i].playerid][0], true) .map(function (i) { return ["", "", "group_" + i]; }), "vcard", ], ], 1, true, ]; } else shen[i] = [shen[i], ["请选择神武将的势力", [list, "vcard"]], 1, true]; } game.me .chooseButtonOL(shen, function (player, result) { if (player == game.me) player.changeGroup(result.links[0][2].slice(6), false, false); }) .set("switchToAuto", function () { _status.event.result = "ai"; }) .set("processAI", function () { return { bool: true, links: [_status.event.dialog.buttons.randomGet().link], }; }); } else event._result = {}; "step 3"; if (!result) result = {}; for (var i in result) { if (result[i] && result[i].links) result[i] = result[i].links[0][2].slice(6); else if (result[i] == "ai") result[i] = (function () { return ["wei", "shu", "wu", "qun", "jin", "key"].randomGet(); })(); } var result2 = event.result2; game.broadcast( function (result, result2) { for (var i in result) { if (!lib.playerOL[i].name) { lib.playerOL[i].init(result[i][0], result[i][1]); } if (result2[i] && result2[i].length) lib.playerOL[i].changeGroup(result2[i], false, false); } setTimeout(function () { ui.arena.classList.remove("choose-character"); }, 500); }, result2, result ); for (var i in result2) { if (!lib.playerOL[i].name) { lib.playerOL[i].init(result2[i][0], result2[i][1]); } if (result[i] && result[i].length) lib.playerOL[i].changeGroup(result[i], false, false); } for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { _status.characterlist.remove(game.players[i].name); _status.characterlist.remove(game.players[i].name1); _status.characterlist.remove(game.players[i].name2); } ["stratagem_gain", "stratagem_insight", "stratagem_expose"].forEach((globalSkill) => game.addGlobalSkill(globalSkill) ); game.players.forEach((current) => { current.storage.zhibi = []; current.storage.stratagem_expose = []; current.markSkill("stratagem_fury"); }); setTimeout(function () { ui.arena.classList.remove("choose-character"); }, 500); }); }, chooseCharacter: function () { if (_status.mode == "purple") { game.chooseCharacterPurple(); return; } var next = game.createEvent("chooseCharacter"); next.showConfig = true; next.addPlayer = function (player) { var list = get.identityList(game.players.length - 1); var list2 = get.identityList(game.players.length); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) list2.remove(list[i]); player.identity = list2[0]; player.setIdentity("cai"); }; next.removePlayer = function () { return game.players.randomGet(game.me, game.zhu); }; next.ai = function (player, list, list2, back) { if (_status.brawl && _status.brawl.chooseCharacterAi) { if (_status.brawl.chooseCharacterAi(player, list, list2, back) !== false) { return; } } var stratagemMode = _status.event.stratagemMode; if (_status.event.zhongmode) { var listc = list.slice(0, 2); for (var i = 0; i < listc.length; i++) { var listx = lib.characterReplace[listc[i]]; if (listx && listx.length) listc[i] = listx.randomGet(); } if (get.config("double_character")) { player.init(listc[0], listc[1]); } else { player.init(listc[0]); } if (player.identity == "mingzhong") { if (!player.isInitFilter("noZhuHp")) { player.hp++; player.maxHp++; player.update(); } } } else if (player.identity == "zhu" && !stratagemMode) { list2.randomSort(); var choice, choice2; if (!_status.event.zhongmode && Math.random() - 0.8 < 0 && list2.length) { choice = list2[0]; choice2 = list[0]; if (choice2 == choice) { choice2 = list[1]; } } else { choice = list[0]; choice2 = list[1]; } if (lib.characterReplace[choice] && lib.characterReplace[choice].length) choice = lib.characterReplace[choice].randomGet(); if (lib.characterReplace[choice2] && lib.characterReplace[choice2].length) choice2 = lib.characterReplace[choice2].randomGet(); if (get.config("double_character")) { player.init(choice, choice2); } else { player.init(choice); } if (game.players.length > 4) { if (!player.isInitFilter("noZhuHp")) { player.hp++; player.maxHp++; player.update(); } } } else if ( player.identity == "zhong" && (Math.random() < 0.5 || ["sunliang", "key_akane"].includes(game.zhu.name)) && !stratagemMode ) { var listc = list.slice(0); for (var i = 0; i < listc.length; i++) { var listx = lib.characterReplace[listc[i]]; if (listx && listx.length) listc[i] = listx.randomGet(); } var choice = 0; for (var i = 0; i < listc.length; i++) { if (lib.character[listc[i]][1] == game.zhu.group) { choice = i; break; } } if (get.config("double_character")) { player.init(listc[choice], listc[choice == 0 ? choice + 1 : choice - 1]); } else { player.init(listc[choice]); } } else { var listc = list.slice(0, 2); for (var i = 0; i < listc.length; i++) { var listx = lib.characterReplace[listc[i]]; if (listx && listx.length) listc[i] = listx.randomGet(); } if (get.config("double_character")) { player.init(listc[0], listc[1]); } else { player.init(listc[0]); } } if (back) { list.remove(get.sourceCharacter(player.name1)); list.remove(get.sourceCharacter(player.name2)); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { back.push(list[i]); } } if (typeof lib.config.test_game == "string" && player == game.me.next) { if (lib.config.test_game != "_") player.init(lib.config.test_game); } if (get.is.double(player.name1)) { player._groupChosen = true; player.group = get.is.double(player.name1, true).randomGet(); player.node.name.dataset.nature = get.groupnature(player.group); } else if (get.config("choose_group") && player.group == "shen" && !player.isUnseen(0)) { var list = lib.group.slice(0); list.remove("shen"); if (list.length) player.group = (function () { if (_status.mode != "zhong" && game.zhu && game.zhu.group) { if ( [ "re_zhangjiao", "liubei", "re_liubei", "caocao", "re_caocao", "sunquan", "re_sunquan", "zhangjiao", "sp_zhangjiao", "caopi", "re_caopi", "liuchen", "caorui", "sunliang", "sunxiu", "sunce", "re_sunben", "ol_liushan", "re_liushan", "key_akane", "dongzhuo", "re_dongzhuo", "ol_dongzhuo", "jin_simashi", "caomao", ].includes(game.zhu.name) ) return game.zhu.group; if (game.zhu.name == "yl_yuanshu") { if (player.identity == "zhong") list.remove("qun"); else return "qun"; } if ( [ "sunhao", "xin_yuanshao", "re_yuanshao", "re_sunce", "ol_yuanshao", "yuanshu", "jin_simazhao", "liubian", ].includes(game.zhu.name) ) { if (player.identity != "zhong") list.remove(game.zhu.group); else return game.zhu.group; } } return list.randomGet(); })(); } player.node.name.dataset.nature = get.groupnature(player.group); }; next.setContent(function () { "step 0"; ui.arena.classList.add("choose-character"); var i; var list; var list2 = []; var list3 = []; var list4 = []; var identityList; var chosen = lib.config.continue_name || []; game.saveConfig("continue_name"); event.chosen = chosen; if (_status.mode == "zhong") { event.zhongmode = true; identityList = ["zhu", "zhong", "mingzhong", "nei", "fan", "fan", "fan", "fan"]; } else { if (_status.mode == "stratagem") event.stratagemMode = true; identityList = get.identityList(game.players.length); } var stratagemMode = event.stratagemMode; var addSetting = function (dialog) { dialog.add("选择身份").classList.add("add-setting"); var table = document.createElement("div"); table.classList.add("add-setting"); table.style.margin = "0"; table.style.width = "100%"; table.style.position = "relative"; var listi; if (event.zhongmode) { listi = ["random", "zhu", "mingzhong", "zhong", "fan", "nei"]; } else { listi = ["random", "zhu", "zhong", "fan", "nei"]; if (get.config("enable_commoner") && !event.stratagemMode) listi.push("commoner"); } for (var i = 0; i < listi.length; i++) { var td = ui.create.div(".shadowed.reduce_radius.pointerdiv.tdnode"); td.link = listi[i]; if (td.link === game.me.identity) { td.classList.add("bluebg"); } table.appendChild(td); td.innerHTML = "" + get.translation(listi[i] + "2") + ""; td.addEventListener(lib.config.touchscreen ? "touchend" : "click", function () { if (_status.dragged) return; if (_status.justdragged) return; _status.tempNoButton = true; setTimeout(function () { _status.tempNoButton = false; }, 500); var link = this.link; if (game.zhu) { if (link != "random") { _status.event.parent.fixedseat = get.distance( game.me, game.zhu, "absolute" ); } if (game.zhu.name) game.zhu.uninit(); delete game.zhu.isZhu; delete game.zhu.identityShown; } var current = this.parentNode.querySelector(".bluebg"); if (current) { current.classList.remove("bluebg"); } current = _status.cheat_seat || seats.querySelector(".bluebg"); if (current) { current.classList.remove("bluebg"); } if (link == "random") { if (event.zhongmode) { link = ["zhu", "zhong", "nei", "fan", "mingzhong"].randomGet(); } else { var listi = ["zhu", "zhong", "nei", "fan"]; if (get.config("enable_commoner") && !event.stratagemMode) listi.push("commoner"); link = listi.randomGet(); } for (var i = 0; i < this.parentNode.childElementCount; i++) { if (this.parentNode.childNodes[i].link == link) { this.parentNode.childNodes[i].classList.add("bluebg"); } } } else { this.classList.add("bluebg"); } num = get.config("choice_" + link); if (event.zhongmode) { num = 6; if (link == "zhu" || link == "nei" || link == "mingzhong") { num = 8; } } _status.event.parent.swapnodialog = function (dialog, list) { var buttons = ui.create.div(".buttons"); var node = dialog.buttons[0].parentNode; dialog.buttons = ui.create.buttons(list, "characterx", buttons); dialog.content.insertBefore(buttons, node); buttons.addTempClass("start"); node.remove(); game.uncheck(); game.check(); if (event.stratagemMode) return; for (var i = 0; i < seats.childElementCount; i++) { if ( get.distance(game.zhu, game.me, "absolute") === seats.childNodes[i].link ) { seats.childNodes[i].classList.add("bluebg"); } } }; _status.event = _status.event.parent; _status.event.step = 0; _status.event.identity = link; if (!event.stratagemMode) { if (link != (event.zhongmode ? "mingzhong" : "zhu")) { seats.previousSibling.style.display = ""; seats.style.display = ""; } else { seats.previousSibling.style.display = "none"; seats.style.display = "none"; } } game.resume(); }); } dialog.content.appendChild(table); dialog.add("选择座位").classList.add("add-setting"); var seats = document.createElement("div"); seats.classList.add("add-setting"); seats.style.margin = "0"; seats.style.width = "100%"; seats.style.position = "relative"; for (var i = stratagemMode ? 1 : 2; i <= game.players.length; i++) { var td = ui.create.div(".shadowed.reduce_radius.pointerdiv.tdnode"); td.innerHTML = get.cnNumber(i, true); td.link = i - 1; seats.appendChild(td); if (!stratagemMode && get.distance(game.zhu, game.me, "absolute") === i - 1) { td.classList.add("bluebg"); } td.addEventListener(lib.config.touchscreen ? "touchend" : "click", function () { if (_status.dragged) return; if (_status.justdragged) return; if (_status.cheat_seat) { _status.cheat_seat.classList.remove("bluebg"); if (_status.cheat_seat == this) { delete _status.cheat_seat; return; } } if (stratagemMode) { this.classList.add("bluebg"); _status.cheat_seat = this; } else { if (get.distance(game.zhu, game.me, "absolute") == this.link) return; var current = this.parentNode.querySelector(".bluebg"); if (current) { current.classList.remove("bluebg"); } this.classList.add("bluebg"); for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (get.distance(game.players[i], game.me, "absolute") == this.link) { game.swapSeat(game.zhu, game.players[i], false); return; } } } }); } dialog.content.appendChild(seats); if (!stratagemMode && game.me == game.zhu) { seats.previousSibling.style.display = "none"; seats.style.display = "none"; } dialog.add(ui.create.div(".placeholder.add-setting")); dialog.add(ui.create.div(".placeholder.add-setting")); if (get.is.phoneLayout()) dialog.add(ui.create.div(".placeholder.add-setting")); }; var removeSetting = function () { var dialog = _status.event.dialog; if (dialog) { dialog.style.height = ""; delete dialog._scrollset; var list = Array.from(dialog.querySelectorAll(".add-setting")); while (list.length) { list.shift().remove(); } ui.update(); } }; event.addSetting = addSetting; event.removeSetting = removeSetting; event.list = []; identityList.randomSort(); if (event.identity) { identityList.remove(event.identity); identityList.unshift(event.identity); if (event.fixedseat) { var zhuIdentity = _status.mode == "zhong" ? "mingzhong" : "zhu"; if (zhuIdentity != event.identity) { identityList.remove(zhuIdentity); identityList.splice(event.fixedseat, 0, zhuIdentity); } delete event.fixedseat; } delete event.identity; } else if (_status.mode != "zhong" && (!_status.brawl || !_status.brawl.identityShown)) { var ban_identity = []; ban_identity.push(get.config("ban_identity") || "off"); if (ban_identity[0] != "off") { ban_identity.push(get.config("ban_identity2") || "off"); if (ban_identity[1] != "off") { ban_identity.push(get.config("ban_identity3") || "off"); } } ban_identity.remove("off"); if (ban_identity.length) { var identityList2 = identityList.slice(0); for (var i = 0; i < ban_identity.length; i++) { while (identityList2.includes(ban_identity[i])) { identityList2.remove(ban_identity[i]); } } ban_identity = identityList2.randomGet(); identityList.remove(ban_identity); identityList.splice(game.players.indexOf(game.me), 0, ban_identity); } } for (i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (_status.brawl && _status.brawl.identityShown) { if (game.players[i].identity == "zhu") game.zhu = game.players[i]; if (!stratagemMode) game.players[i].identityShown = true; } else { game.players[i].node.identity.classList.add("guessing"); game.players[i].identity = identityList[i]; game.players[i].setIdentity("cai"); if (event.zhongmode) { if (identityList[i] == "mingzhong") { game.zhu = game.players[i]; } else if (identityList[i] == "zhu") { game.zhu2 = game.players[i]; } } else { if (identityList[i] == "zhu") { game.zhu = game.players[i]; } } game.players[i].identityShown = false; } } if ( get.config("special_identity") && !event.zhongmode && !event.stratagemMode && game.players.length == 8 ) { for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { delete game.players[i].special_identity; } event.special_identity = []; var zhongs = game.filterPlayer(function (current) { return current.identity == "zhong"; }); var fans = game.filterPlayer(function (current) { return current.identity == "fan"; }); if (fans.length >= 1) { fans.randomRemove().special_identity = "identity_zeishou"; event.special_identity.push("identity_zeishou"); } if (zhongs.length > 1) { zhongs.randomRemove().special_identity = "identity_dajiang"; zhongs.randomRemove().special_identity = "identity_junshi"; event.special_identity.push("identity_dajiang"); event.special_identity.push("identity_junshi"); } else if (zhongs.length == 1) { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { zhongs.randomRemove().special_identity = "identity_dajiang"; event.special_identity.push("identity_dajiang"); } else { zhongs.randomRemove().special_identity = "identity_junshi"; event.special_identity.push("identity_junshi"); } } } if (!game.zhu) game.zhu = game.me; else { if (!stratagemMode) { game.zhu.setIdentity(); game.zhu.identityShown = true; game.zhu.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); } game.zhu.isZhu = game.zhu.identity == "zhu"; game.me.setIdentity(); game.me.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); } //选将框分配 for (i in lib.characterReplace) { var ix = lib.characterReplace[i]; for (var j = 0; j < ix.length; j++) { if (chosen.includes(ix[j]) || lib.filter.characterDisabled(ix[j])) ix.splice(j--, 1); } if (ix.length) { event.list.push(i); list4.addArray(ix); if (stratagemMode) { list3.push(i); } else { var bool = false; for (var j of ix) { if (lib.character[j].isZhugong) { bool = true; break; } } (bool ? list2 : list3).push(i); } } } for (i in lib.character) { if (list4.includes(i)) continue; if (chosen.includes(i)) continue; if (lib.filter.characterDisabled(i)) continue; event.list.push(i); list4.push(i); if (!stratagemMode && lib.character[i].isZhugong) { list2.push(i); } else { list3.push(i); } } var getZhuList = function () { if (stratagemMode) { list2.sort(lib.sort.character); return list2; } var limit_zhu = get.config("limit_zhu"); if (!limit_zhu || limit_zhu == "off") return list2.slice(0).sort(lib.sort.character); if (limit_zhu != "group") { var num = parseInt(limit_zhu) || 6; return list2.randomGets(num).sort(lib.sort.character); } var getGroup = function (name) { var characterReplace = lib.characterReplace[name]; if (characterReplace && characterReplace[0] && lib.character[characterReplace[0]]) return lib.character[characterReplace[0]][1]; return lib.character[name][1]; }; var list2x = list2.slice(0); list2x.randomSort(); for (var i = 0; i < list2x.length; i++) { for (var j = i + 1; j < list2x.length; j++) { if (getGroup(list2x[i]) == getGroup(list2x[j])) { list2x.splice(j--, 1); } } } list2x.sort(lib.sort.character); return list2x; }; event.list.randomSort(); _status.characterlist = list4.slice(0).randomSort(); list3.randomSort(); if (_status.brawl && _status.brawl.chooseCharacterFilter) { _status.brawl.chooseCharacterFilter(event.list, getZhuList(), list3); } var num = get.config("choice_" + game.me.identity); if (event.zhongmode) { num = 6; if ( game.me.identity == "zhu" || game.me.identity == "nei" || game.me.identity == "mingzhong" ) { num = 8; } } if (stratagemMode) { list = event.list.slice(0, num); } else if (game.zhu != game.me) { event.ai(game.zhu, event.list, getZhuList()); event.list.remove(get.sourceCharacter(game.zhu.name1)); event.list.remove(get.sourceCharacter(game.zhu.name2)); if (_status.brawl && _status.brawl.chooseCharacter) { list = _status.brawl.chooseCharacter(event.list, num); if (list === false || list === "nozhu") { list = event.list.slice(0, num); } } else { list = event.list.slice(0, num); } } else { if (_status.brawl && _status.brawl.chooseCharacter) { list = _status.brawl.chooseCharacter(getZhuList(), list3, num); if (list === false) { if (event.zhongmode) { list = list3.slice(0, 6); } else { list = getZhuList().concat(list3.slice(0, num)); } } else if (list === "nozhu") { list = event.list.slice(0, num); } } else { if (event.zhongmode) { list = list3.slice(0, 8); } else { list = getZhuList().concat(list3.slice(0, num)); } } } delete event.swapnochoose; var dialog; if (event.swapnodialog) { dialog = ui.dialog; event.swapnodialog(dialog, list); delete event.swapnodialog; } else { var str = "选择角色"; if (_status.brawl && _status.brawl.chooseCharacterStr) { str = _status.brawl.chooseCharacterStr; } dialog = ui.create.dialog(str, "hidden", [list, "characterx"]); if (!_status.brawl || !_status.brawl.noAddSetting) { if (get.config("change_identity")) { addSetting(dialog); } } } if (game.me.special_identity) { dialog.setCaption("选择角色(" + get.translation(game.me.special_identity) + ")"); game.me.node.identity.firstChild.innerHTML = get.translation( game.me.special_identity + "_bg" ); } else { dialog.setCaption("选择角色"); game.me.setIdentity(); } if (!event.chosen.length) { game.me.chooseButton(dialog, true).set("onfree", true).selectButton = function () { if (_status.brawl && _status.brawl.doubleCharacter) return 2; return get.config("double_character") ? 2 : 1; }; } else { lib.init.onfree(); } ui.create.cheat = function () { _status.createControl = ui.cheat2; ui.cheat = ui.create.control("更换", function () { if (ui.cheat2 && ui.cheat2.dialog == _status.event.dialog) { return; } if (game.changeCoin) { game.changeCoin(-3); } if (game.zhu != game.me) { event.list.randomSort(); if (_status.brawl && _status.brawl.chooseCharacter) { list = _status.brawl.chooseCharacter(event.list, num); if (list === false || list === "nozhu") { list = event.list.slice(0, num); } } else { list = event.list.slice(0, num); } } else { getZhuList().sort(lib.sort.character); list3.randomSort(); if (_status.brawl && _status.brawl.chooseCharacter) { list = _status.brawl.chooseCharacter(getZhuList(), list3, num); if (list === false) { if (event.zhongmode) { list = list3.slice(0, 6); } else { list = getZhuList().concat(list3.slice(0, num)); } } else if (list === "nozhu") { event.list.randomSort(); list = event.list.slice(0, num); } } else { if (event.zhongmode) { list = list3.slice(0, 6); } else { list = getZhuList().concat(list3.slice(0, num)); } } } var buttons = ui.create.div(".buttons"); var node = _status.event.dialog.buttons[0].parentNode; _status.event.dialog.buttons = ui.create.buttons(list, "characterx", buttons); _status.event.dialog.content.insertBefore(buttons, node); buttons.addTempClass("start"); node.remove(); game.uncheck(); game.check(); }); delete _status.createControl; }; if (lib.onfree) { lib.onfree.push(function () { event.dialogxx = ui.create.characterDialog("heightset"); if (ui.cheat2) { ui.cheat2.addTempClass("controlpressdownx", 500); ui.cheat2.classList.remove("disabled"); } }); } else { event.dialogxx = ui.create.characterDialog("heightset"); } ui.create.cheat2 = function () { ui.cheat2 = ui.create.control("自由选将", function () { if (this.dialog == _status.event.dialog) { if (game.changeCoin) { game.changeCoin(10); } this.dialog.close(); _status.event.dialog = this.backup; this.backup.open(); delete this.backup; game.uncheck(); game.check(); if (ui.cheat) { ui.cheat.addTempClass("controlpressdownx", 500); ui.cheat.classList.remove("disabled"); } } else { if (game.changeCoin) { game.changeCoin(-10); } this.backup = _status.event.dialog; _status.event.dialog.close(); _status.event.dialog = _status.event.parent.dialogxx; this.dialog = _status.event.dialog; this.dialog.open(); game.uncheck(); game.check(); if (ui.cheat) { ui.cheat.classList.add("disabled"); } } }); if (lib.onfree) { ui.cheat2.classList.add("disabled"); } }; if (!_status.brawl || !_status.brawl.chooseCharacterFixed) { if (!ui.cheat && get.config("change_choice")) ui.create.cheat(); if (!ui.cheat2 && get.config("free_choose")) ui.create.cheat2(); } "step 1"; if (ui.cheat) { ui.cheat.close(); delete ui.cheat; } if (ui.cheat2) { ui.cheat2.close(); delete ui.cheat2; } if (event.chosen.length) { event.choosed = event.chosen; } else if (event.modchosen) { if (event.modchosen[0] == "random") event.modchosen[0] = result.buttons[0].link; else event.modchosen[1] = result.buttons[0].link; event.choosed = event.modchosen; } else if (result.buttons.length == 2) { event.choosed = [result.buttons[0].link, result.buttons[1].link]; game.addRecentCharacter(result.buttons[0].link, result.buttons[1].link); } else { event.choosed = [result.buttons[0].link]; game.addRecentCharacter(result.buttons[0].link); } var name = event.choosed[0]; if (get.is.double(name)) { game.me._groupChosen = true; game.me.chooseControl(get.is.double(name, true)).set("prompt", "请选择你的势力"); } else if ( lib.character[name].group == "shen" && !lib.character[name].hasHiddenSkill && get.config("choose_group") ) { var list = lib.group.slice(0); list.remove("shen"); game.me.chooseControl(list).set("prompt", "请选择神武将的势力"); } "step 2"; event.group = result.control || false; if (event.choosed.length == 2) { game.me.init(event.choosed[0], event.choosed[1]); } else { game.me.init(event.choosed[0]); } event.list.remove(get.sourceCharacter(game.me.name1)); event.list.remove(get.sourceCharacter(game.me.name2)); if (!event.stratagemMode && game.me == game.zhu && game.players.length > 4) { if (!game.me.isInitFilter("noZhuHp")) { game.me.hp++; game.me.maxHp++; game.me.update(); } } for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if ( (event.stratagemMode || game.players[i] != game.zhu) && game.players[i] != game.me ) { event.list.randomSort(); event.ai( game.players[i], event.list.splice(0, get.config("choice_" + game.players[i].identity)), null, event.list ); } } "step 3"; if (event.group) { game.me.group = event.group; game.me.node.name.dataset.nature = get.groupnature(game.me.group); game.me.update(); } for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { _status.characterlist.remove(game.players[i].name); _status.characterlist.remove(game.players[i].name1); _status.characterlist.remove(game.players[i].name2); } "step 4"; if (event.stratagemMode) { ["stratagem_gain", "stratagem_insight", "stratagem_expose"].forEach((globalSkill) => game.addGlobalSkill(globalSkill) ); game.players.forEach((i) => { i.storage.zhibi = []; i.storage.stratagem_expose = []; i.markSkill("stratagem_fury"); }); } setTimeout(function () { ui.arena.classList.remove("choose-character"); }, 500); if (event.special_identity) { for (var i = 0; i < event.special_identity.length; i++) { game.zhu.addSkill(event.special_identity[i]); } } }); }, chooseCharacterOL: function () { if (_status.mode == "purple") { game.chooseCharacterPurpleOL(); return; } else if (_status.mode == "stratagem") { game.chooseCharacterStratagemOL(); return; } var next = game.createEvent("chooseCharacter"); next.setContent(function () { "step 0"; ui.arena.classList.add("choose-character"); var i; var identityList; if (_status.mode == "zhong") { event.zhongmode = true; identityList = ["zhu", "zhong", "mingzhong", "nei", "fan", "fan", "fan", "fan"]; } else { identityList = get.identityList(game.players.length); } identityList.randomSort(); for (i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { game.players[i].identity = identityList[i]; game.players[i].setIdentity("cai"); game.players[i].node.identity.classList.add("guessing"); if (event.zhongmode) { if (identityList[i] == "mingzhong") { game.zhu = game.players[i]; } else if (identityList[i] == "zhu") { game.zhu2 = game.players[i]; } } else { if (identityList[i] == "zhu") { game.zhu = game.players[i]; } } game.players[i].identityShown = false; } if (lib.configOL.special_identity && !event.zhongmode && game.players.length == 8) { var map = {}; var zhongs = game.filterPlayer(function (current) { return current.identity == "zhong"; }); var fans = game.filterPlayer(function (current) { return current.identity == "fan"; }); if (fans.length >= 1) { map.identity_zeishou = fans.randomRemove(); } if (zhongs.length > 1) { map.identity_dajiang = zhongs.randomRemove(); map.identity_junshi = zhongs.randomRemove(); } else if (zhongs.length == 1) { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { map.identity_dajiang = zhongs.randomRemove(); } else { map.identity_junshi = zhongs.randomRemove(); } } game.broadcastAll( function (zhu, map) { for (var i in map) { map[i].special_identity = i; } }, game.zhu, map ); event.special_identity = map; } game.zhu.setIdentity(); game.zhu.identityShown = true; game.zhu.isZhu = game.zhu.identity == "zhu"; game.zhu.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); game.me.setIdentity(); game.me.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); if (game.me.special_identity) { game.me.node.identity.firstChild.innerHTML = get.translation( game.me.special_identity + "_bg" ); } for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { game.players[i].send( function (zhu, zhuid, me, identity) { for (var i in lib.playerOL) { lib.playerOL[i].setIdentity("cai"); lib.playerOL[i].node.identity.classList.add("guessing"); } zhu.identityShown = true; zhu.identity = zhuid; if (zhuid == "zhu") zhu.isZhu = true; zhu.setIdentity(); zhu.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); me.setIdentity(identity); me.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); if (me.special_identity) { me.node.identity.firstChild.innerHTML = get.translation( me.special_identity + "_bg" ); } ui.arena.classList.add("choose-character"); }, game.zhu, game.zhu.identity, game.players[i], game.players[i].identity ); } var list; var list2 = []; var list3 = []; var list4 = []; event.list = []; event.list2 = []; var libCharacter = {}; for (var i = 0; i < lib.configOL.characterPack.length; i++) { var pack = lib.characterPack[lib.configOL.characterPack[i]]; for (var j in pack) { // if(j=='zuoci') continue; if (lib.character[j]) libCharacter[j] = lib.character[j]; } } for (i in lib.characterReplace) { var ix = lib.characterReplace[i]; for (var j = 0; j < ix.length; j++) { if (!libCharacter[ix[j]] || lib.filter.characterDisabled(ix[j])) ix.splice(j--, 1); } if (ix.length) { event.list.push(i); event.list2.push(i); list4.addArray(ix); var bool = false; for (var j of ix) { if (libCharacter[j].isZhugong) { bool = true; break; } } (bool ? list2 : list3).push(i); } } game.broadcast(function (list) { for (var i in lib.characterReplace) { var ix = lib.characterReplace[i]; for (var j = 0; j < ix.length; j++) { if (!list.includes(ix[j])) ix.splice(j--, 1); } } }, list4); for (i in libCharacter) { if (list4.includes(i)) continue; if (lib.filter.characterDisabled(i, libCharacter)) continue; event.list.push(i); event.list2.push(i); list4.push(i); if (libCharacter[i].isZhugong) { list2.push(i); } else { list3.push(i); } } _status.characterlist = list4.slice(0); if (event.zhongmode) { list = event.list.randomGets(8); } else { var getZhuList = function (list2) { var limit_zhu = lib.configOL.limit_zhu; if (!limit_zhu || limit_zhu == "off") return list2.slice(0).sort(lib.sort.character); if (limit_zhu != "group") { var num = parseInt(limit_zhu) || 6; return list2.randomGets(num).sort(lib.sort.character); } var getGroup = function (name) { if (lib.characterReplace[name]) return lib.character[lib.characterReplace[name][0]][1]; return lib.character[name][1]; }; var list2x = list2.slice(0); list2x.randomSort(); for (var i = 0; i < list2x.length; i++) { for (var j = i + 1; j < list2x.length; j++) { if (getGroup(list2x[i]) == getGroup(list2x[j])) { list2x.splice(j--, 1); } } } list2x.sort(lib.sort.character); return list2x; }; list = getZhuList(list2).concat(list3.randomGets(5)); } var next = game.zhu.chooseButton(true); next.set("selectButton", lib.configOL.double_character ? 2 : 1); next.set("createDialog", ["选择角色", [list, "characterx"]]); next.set("ai", function (button) { return Math.random(); }); "step 1"; if (!game.zhu.name) { game.zhu.init(result.links[0], result.links[1]); } event.list.remove(get.sourceCharacter(game.zhu.name1)); event.list.remove(get.sourceCharacter(game.zhu.name2)); event.list2.remove(get.sourceCharacter(game.zhu.name1)); event.list2.remove(get.sourceCharacter(game.zhu.name2)); if (game.players.length > 4) { if (!game.zhu.isInitFilter("noZhuHp")) { game.zhu.maxHp++; game.zhu.hp++; game.zhu.update(); } } game.broadcast( function (zhu, name, name2, addMaxHp) { if (!zhu.name) { zhu.init(name, name2); } if (addMaxHp) { if (!zhu.isInitFilter("noZhuHp")) { zhu.maxHp++; zhu.hp++; zhu.update(); } } }, game.zhu, result.links[0], result.links[1], game.players.length > 4 ); if (game.zhu.group == "shen" && !game.zhu.isUnseen(0)) { var list = ["wei", "shu", "wu", "qun", "jin", "key"]; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (!lib.group.includes(list[i])) list.splice(i--, 1); else list[i] = ["", "", "group_" + list[i]]; } game.zhu .chooseButton(["请选择神武将的势力", [list, "vcard"]], true) .set("ai", function () { return Math.random(); }); } else if (get.is.double(game.zhu.name1)) { game.zhu._groupChosen = true; var list = get.is.double(game.zhu.name1, true); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (!lib.group.includes(list[i])) list.splice(i--, 1); else list[i] = ["", "", "group_" + list[i]]; } game.zhu .chooseButton(["请选择你的势力", [list, "vcard"]], true) .set("ai", function () { return Math.random(); }); } else event.goto(3); "step 2"; var name = result.links[0][2].slice(6); game.zhu.changeGroup(name); "step 3"; var list = []; var selectButton = lib.configOL.double_character ? 2 : 1; var num, num2 = 0; if (event.zhongmode) { num = 6; } else { num = Math.floor(event.list.length / (game.players.length - 1)); if (num > 5) { num = 5; } num2 = event.list.length - num * (game.players.length - 1); if (lib.configOL.double_nei) { num2 = Math.floor(num2 / 2); } if (num2 > 2) { num2 = 2; } } for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (game.players[i] != game.zhu) { var num3 = 0; if (event.zhongmode) { if (game.players[i].identity == "nei" || game.players[i].identity == "zhu") { num3 = 2; } } else { if (game.players[i].identity == "nei") { num3 = num2; } } var str = "选择角色"; if (game.players[i].special_identity) { str += "(" + get.translation(game.players[i].special_identity) + ")"; } list.push([ game.players[i], [str, [event.list.randomRemove(num + num3), "characterx"]], selectButton, true, ]); } } game.me.chooseButtonOL(list, function (player, result) { if (game.online || player == game.me) player.init(result.links[0], result.links[1]); }); "step 4"; var shen = []; for (var i in result) { if (result[i] && result[i].links) { for (var j = 0; j < result[i].links.length; j++) { event.list2.remove(get.sourceCharacter(result[i].links[j])); } } } for (var i in result) { if (result[i] == "ai") { result[i] = event.list2.randomRemove(lib.configOL.double_character ? 2 : 1); for (var j = 0; j < result[i].length; j++) { var listx = lib.characterReplace[result[i][j]]; if (listx && listx.length) result[i][j] = listx.randomGet(); } } else { result[i] = result[i].links; } if ( get.is.double(result[i][0]) || (lib.character[result[i][0]] && lib.character[result[i][0]].group == "shen" && !lib.character[result[i][0]].hasHiddenSkill) ) shen.push(lib.playerOL[i]); } event.result2 = result; if (shen.length) { var list = ["wei", "shu", "wu", "qun", "jin", "key"]; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (!lib.group.includes(list[i])) list.splice(i--, 1); else list[i] = ["", "", "group_" + list[i]]; } for (var i = 0; i < shen.length; i++) { if (get.is.double(result[shen[i].playerid][0])) { shen[i]._groupChosen = true; shen[i] = [ shen[i], [ "请选择你的势力", [ get.is .double(result[shen[i].playerid][0], true) .map(function (i) { return ["", "", "group_" + i]; }), "vcard", ], ], 1, true, ]; } else shen[i] = [shen[i], ["请选择神武将的势力", [list, "vcard"]], 1, true]; } game.me .chooseButtonOL(shen, function (player, result) { if (player == game.me) player.changeGroup(result.links[0][2].slice(6), false, false); }) .set("switchToAuto", function () { _status.event.result = "ai"; }) .set("processAI", function () { return { bool: true, links: [_status.event.dialog.buttons.randomGet().link], }; }); } else event._result = {}; "step 5"; if (!result) result = {}; for (var i in result) { if (result[i] && result[i].links) result[i] = result[i].links[0][2].slice(6); else if (result[i] == "ai") result[i] = (function () { var player = lib.playerOL[i]; var list = ["wei", "shu", "wu", "qun", "jin", "key"]; for (var ix = 0; ix < list.length; ix++) { if (!lib.group.includes(list[ix])) list.splice(ix--, 1); } if (_status.mode != "zhong" && game.zhu && game.zhu.group) { if ( [ "re_zhangjiao", "liubei", "re_liubei", "caocao", "re_caocao", "sunquan", "re_sunquan", "zhangjiao", "sp_zhangjiao", "caopi", "re_caopi", "liuchen", "caorui", "sunliang", "sunxiu", "sunce", "re_sunben", "ol_liushan", "re_liushan", "key_akane", "dongzhuo", "re_dongzhuo", "ol_dongzhuo", "jin_simashi", "caomao", ].includes(game.zhu.name) ) return game.zhu.group; if (game.zhu.name == "yl_yuanshu") { if (player.identity == "zhong") list.remove("qun"); else return "qun"; } if ( [ "sunhao", "xin_yuanshao", "re_yuanshao", "re_sunce", "ol_yuanshao", "yuanshu", "jin_simazhao", "liubian", ].includes(game.zhu.name) ) { if (player.identity != "zhong") list.remove(game.zhu.group); else return game.zhu.group; } } return list.randomGet(); })(); } var result2 = event.result2; game.broadcast( function (result, result2) { for (var i in result) { if (!lib.playerOL[i].name) { lib.playerOL[i].init(result[i][0], result[i][1]); } if (result2[i] && result2[i].length) lib.playerOL[i].changeGroup(result2[i], false, false); } setTimeout(function () { ui.arena.classList.remove("choose-character"); }, 500); }, result2, result ); for (var i in result2) { if (!lib.playerOL[i].name) { lib.playerOL[i].init(result2[i][0], result2[i][1]); } if (result[i] && result[i].length) lib.playerOL[i].changeGroup(result[i], false, false); } if (event.special_identity) { for (var i in event.special_identity) { game.zhu.addSkill(i); } } for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { _status.characterlist.remove(game.players[i].name); _status.characterlist.remove(game.players[i].name1); _status.characterlist.remove(game.players[i].name2); } setTimeout(function () { ui.arena.classList.remove("choose-character"); }, 500); }); }, stratagemCamouflage: function () { var next = game.createEvent("stratagemCamouflage"); next.players = game.players.slice(); if (_status.connectMode) { next.setContent("stratagemCamouflageOL"); } else { next.setContent("stratagemCamouflage"); } }, }, translate: { zhu: "主", zhong: "忠", mingzhong: "忠", nei: "内", fan: "反", commoner: "民", cai: "猜", cai2: "猜", rZhu: "主", rZhong: "忠", rNei: "内", rYe: "野", rZhu2: "主帅", rZhong2: "前锋", rNei2: "细作", rYe2: "野心家", bZhu: "主", bZhong: "忠", bNei: "内", bYe: "野", bZhu2: "主帅", bZhong2: "前锋", bNei2: "细作", bYe2: "野心家", zhu2: "主公", zhong2: "忠臣", mingzhong2: "明忠", nei2: "内奸", fan2: "反贼", commoner2: "平民", random2: "随机", enemy: "敌", friend: "友", enemy2: "敌方", friend2: "友方", identity_junshi_bg: "师", identity_dajiang_bg: "将", identity_zeishou_bg: "首", identity_junshi: "军师", identity_dajiang: "大将", identity_zeishou: "贼首", ai_strategy_1: "均衡", ai_strategy_2: "偏反", ai_strategy_3: "偏主", ai_strategy_4: "酱油", ai_strategy_5: "天使", ai_strategy_6: "仇主", dongcha: "洞察", dongcha_info: "游戏开始时,随机一名反贼的身份对你可见;准备阶段,你可以弃置场上的一张牌。", sheshen: "舍身", sheshen_info: "锁定技,主公处于濒死状态即将死亡时,令主公+1体力上限,回复体力至X点(X为你的体力值数),获得你的所有牌,然后你死亡。", yexinbilu: "野心毕露", stratagem_insight: "洞察", }, element: { player: { insightInto: function (target) { var next = game.createEvent("stratagemInsight"); next.player = this; next.target = target; next.setContent("stratagemInsight"); return next; }, addExpose: function (num) { if (!game.zhu || !game.zhu.isZhu || !game.zhu.identityShown) return; if (typeof this.ai.shown == "number" && !this.identityShown && this.ai.shown < 1) { this.ai.shown += num; if (this.ai.shown > 0.95) { this.ai.shown = 0.95; } } return this; }, yexinbilu: function () { game.broadcastAll(function (player) { player.showIdentity(); }, this); this.gainMaxHp(); this.recover(); }, $dieAfter: function () { if (_status.video) return; if (!this.node.dieidentity) { var str; if (this.special_identity) { str = get.translation(this.special_identity); } else { str = get.translation(this.identity + "2"); } var node = ui.create.div(".damage.dieidentity", str, this); if (str == "野心家") { node.style.fontSize = "40px"; } ui.refresh(node); node.style.opacity = 1; this.node.dieidentity = node; } var trans = this.style.transform; if (trans) { if (trans.indexOf("rotateY") != -1) { this.node.dieidentity.style.transform = "rotateY(180deg)"; } else if (trans.indexOf("rotateX") != -1) { this.node.dieidentity.style.transform = "rotateX(180deg)"; } else { this.node.dieidentity.style.transform = ""; } } else { this.node.dieidentity.style.transform = ""; } }, dieAfter2: function (source) { if (_status.mode == "stratagem") return; if (_status.mode == "purple") { if (source) { if (this.identity == "rZhu" || this.identity == "bZhu") { if (this.identity.slice(0, 1) != source.identity.slice(0, 1)) source.recover(); } else if (this.identity == "rZhong" || this.identity == "bZhong") { if (this.identity.slice(0, 1) != source.identity.slice(0, 1)) source.draw(2); else if (source.identity.indexOf("Zhu") == 1) source.discard(source.getCards("h")); } else if (this.identity == "rNei" || this.identity == "bNei") { if (this.identity.slice(0, 1) == source.identity.slice(0, 1)) source.draw(3); } } if (!_status.yeconfirm) { _status.yeconfirm = true; game.addGlobalSkill("yexinbilu"); game.broadcastAll(function () { if (game.me.identity == "rYe" || game.me.identity == "bYe") { var player = game.findPlayer(function (current) { return ( current != game.me && (current.identity == "bYe" || current.identity == "rYe") ); }); if (player) { player.showIdentity(); } } }); } } if (this.identity == "fan" && source) source.draw(3); else if (this.identity == "commoner" && source) source.draw(2); else if (this.identity == "mingzhong" && source) { if (source.identity == "zhu") { source.discard(source.getCards("he")); } else { source.draw(3); } } else if ( this.identity == "zhong" && source && source.identity == "zhu" && source.isZhu ) { source.discard(source.getCards("he")); } }, dieAfter: function (source) { if (!this.identityShown) { game.broadcastAll( function (player, identity, identity2) { player.setIdentity(player.identity); player.identityShown = true; player.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); if (identity) { player.node.identity.firstChild.innerHTML = get.translation( identity + "_bg" ); game.log(player, "的身份是", "#g" + get.translation(identity)); } else { game.log(player, "的身份是", "#g" + get.translation(identity2 + "2")); } }, this, this.special_identity, this.identity ); } if (this.special_identity) { game.broadcastAll( function (zhu, identity) { zhu.removeSkill(identity); }, game.zhu, this.special_identity ); } game.checkResult(); if (_status.mode == "purple") { var red = []; var blue = []; game.countPlayer(function (current) { var identity = current.identity.slice(1); if (identity != "Zhu") { if (current.identity.indexOf("r") == 0) red.push(current); else blue.push(current); } }); if (red.length <= 1 && blue.length <= 1) game.broadcastAll(game.showIdentity); return; } if (game.zhu && game.zhu.isZhu) { if ( (get.population("zhong") + get.population("nei") == 0 || get.population("zhong") + get.population("fan") == 0) && get.population("commoner") == 0 ) { game.broadcastAll(function () { if (game.showIdentity) game.showIdentity(); if ( game.zhu && game.zhu.isAlive() && get.population("nei") == 1 && get.config("nei_fullscreenpop") ) game.me.$fullscreenpop( '主公 vs 内奸', null, null, false ); }); } } if (game.zhu && game.zhu.storage.enhance_zhu && get.population("fan") < 3) { game.zhu.removeSkill(game.zhu.storage.enhance_zhu); delete game.zhu.storage.enhance_zhu; } if (this == game.zhong) { game.broadcastAll(function (player) { game.zhu = player; game.zhu.identityShown = true; game.zhu.ai.shown = 1; game.zhu.setIdentity(); game.zhu.isZhu = true; var skills = player.getStockSkills(true, true).filter((skill) => { if (player.hasSkill(skill)) return false; var info = get.info(skill); return info && info.zhuSkill; }); if (skills.length) { player.addSkills(skills); } game.zhu.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); if (lib.config.animation && !lib.config.low_performance) game.zhu.$legend(); delete game.zhong; if (_status.clickingidentity && _status.clickingidentity[0] == game.zhu) { for (var i = 0; i < _status.clickingidentity[1].length; i++) { _status.clickingidentity[1][i].delete(); _status.clickingidentity[1][i].style.transform = ""; } delete _status.clickingidentity; } }, game.zhu); game.delay(2); game.zhu.playerfocus(1000); } if (!_status.over) { var giveup; if (get.population("fan") + get.population("nei") == 1) { for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (game.players[i].identity == "fan" || game.players[i].identity == "nei") { giveup = game.players[i]; break; } } } else if ( get.population("zhong") + get.population("mingzhong") + get.population("nei") == 0 ) { giveup = game.zhu; } if (giveup) { giveup.showGiveup(); } } }, logAi: function (targets, card) { if (this.ai.shown == 1 || this.isMad()) return; var stratagemMode = get.mode() == "identity" && _status.mode == "stratagem"; if (stratagemMode && (!game.zhu || !game.zhu.isZhu || !game.zhu.identityShown)) return; if (typeof targets == "number") { this.ai.shown += targets; } else { var effect = 0, c, shown; var info = get.info(card); if (info.ai && info.ai.expose) { if (_status.event.name == "_wuxie" && card.name == "wuxie") { const infomap = _status.event._info_map; if (infomap) { if (this != infomap.target && infomap.player && infomap.player.ai.shown) { this.ai.shown += 0.2; } } } else { this.ai.shown += info.ai.expose; } } if (targets.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { shown = Math.abs(targets[i].ai.shown); if (shown < 0.2 || targets[i].identity == "nei") c = 0; else if (shown < 0.4) c = 0.5; else if (shown < 0.6) c = 0.8; else c = 1; var eff = get.effect(targets[i], card, this); effect += eff * c; if ( eff == 0 && shown == 0 && ["zhong", "rZhong", "bZhong"].includes(this.identity) && targets[i] != this ) { effect += 0.1; } } } if (effect > 0) { if (effect < 1) c = 0.5; else c = 1; if (targets.length == 1 && targets[0] == this); else if (targets.length == 1) this.ai.shown += 0.2 * c; else this.ai.shown += 0.1 * c; } else if ( effect < 0 && this == game.me && ["nei", "commoner", "rYe", "bYe"].includes(game.me.identity) ) { if (targets.length == 1 && targets[0] == this); else if (targets.length == 1) this.ai.shown -= 0.2; else this.ai.shown -= 0.1; } } if (!stratagemMode && this != game.me) this.ai.shown *= 2; if (this.ai.shown > 0.95) this.ai.shown = 0.95; if (this.ai.shown < -0.5) this.ai.shown = -0.5; if (_status.mode == "purple") return; if (stratagemMode) return; var marknow = !_status.connectMode && this != game.me && get.config("auto_mark_identity") && this.ai.identity_mark != "finished"; // if(true){ if (marknow && _status.clickingidentity && _status.clickingidentity[0] == this) { for (var i = 0; i < _status.clickingidentity[1].length; i++) { _status.clickingidentity[1][i].delete(); _status.clickingidentity[1][i].style.transform = ""; } delete _status.clickingidentity; } if (!Array.isArray(targets)) { targets = []; } var effect = 0, c, shown; var zhu = game.zhu; if (_status.mode == "zhong" && !game.zhu.isZhu) { zhu = game.zhong; } if (targets.length == 1 && targets[0] == this) { effect = 0; } else if (this.identity != "nei" && this.identity != "commoner") { if (this.ai.shown > 0) { if (this.identity == "fan") { effect = -1; } else { effect = 1; } } } else if (targets.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { shown = Math.abs(targets[i].ai.shown); if (shown < 0.2 || targets[i].identity == "nei") c = 0; else if (shown < 0.4) c = 0.5; else if (shown < 0.6) c = 0.8; else c = 1; effect += get.effect(targets[i], card, this, zhu) * c; } } if (this.identity == "nei" || this.identity == "commoner") { if (effect > 0) { if (this.ai.identity_mark == "fan") { if (marknow) this.setIdentity(); this.ai.identity_mark = "finished"; } else { if (marknow) this.setIdentity("zhong"); this.ai.identity_mark = "zhong"; } } else if (effect < 0 && get.population("fan") > 0) { if (this.ai.identity_mark == "zhong") { if (marknow) this.setIdentity(); this.ai.identity_mark = "finished"; } else { if (marknow) this.setIdentity("fan"); this.ai.identity_mark = "fan"; } } } else if (marknow) { if (effect > 0 && this.identity != "fan") { this.setIdentity("zhong"); this.ai.identity_mark = "finished"; } else if (effect < 0 && this.identity == "fan") { this.setIdentity("fan"); this.ai.identity_mark = "finished"; } } // } }, showIdentity: function () { this.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); this.identityShown = true; this.ai.shown = 1; this.setIdentity(); if (this.special_identity) { this.node.identity.firstChild.innerHTML = get.translation( this.special_identity + "_bg" ); } if (this.identity == "zhu") { this.isZhu = true; } else { delete this.isZhu; } if (_status.clickingidentity) { for (var i = 0; i < _status.clickingidentity[1].length; i++) { _status.clickingidentity[1][i].delete(); _status.clickingidentity[1][i].style.transform = ""; } delete _status.clickingidentity; } }, }, content: { stratagemInsight: (event) => { "step 0"; game.log(player, "洞察了", target, "与其的阵营关系"); "step 1"; var storage = player.storage; if (!storage.zhibi) storage.zhibi = []; var zhibi = storage.zhibi; if (!zhibi.includes(target)) zhibi.push(target); var insightResult = (event.insightResult = get.insightResult(player, target)); event.videoId = lib.status.videoId++; var send = (clientTarget, clientInsightResult, id) => { var classList = clientTarget.classList, nonStratagemInsightFlashing = classList.contains( "flash-animation-iteration-count-infinite" ); if (nonStratagemInsightFlashing) clientTarget.nonStratagemInsightFlashing = true; else classList.add("flash-animation-iteration-count-infinite"); var identity = get.translation(`${clientInsightResult}2`); clientTarget.prompt(identity, clientInsightResult); var dialog = ui.create.dialog( `${get.translation(clientTarget)}是${identity}
`, "forcebutton" ); ui.create.spinningIdentityCard(clientInsightResult, dialog); var control = ui.create.control("ok", () => { dialog.close(); control.close(); _status.imchoosing = false; _status.event._result = { bool: true, }; game.resume(); }); dialog.videoId = id; game.pause(); game.countChoose(); }; game.broadcastAll( (clientPlayer, clientTarget, id) => { if (clientPlayer != game.me) ui.create.dialog( `${get.translation(clientPlayer)}正在洞察${get.translation( clientTarget )}的阵营...
` ).videoId = id; }, player, target, event.videoId ); if (event.isMine()) send(target, insightResult, event.videoId); else if (event.isOnline()) { player.send(send, target, insightResult, event.videoId); player.wait(); game.pause(); } "step 2"; game.broadcastAll("closeDialog", event.videoId); if ( !_status.connectMode && get.config("auto_mark_identity") && !target.node.identity.firstChild.innerHTML.length ) game.broadcastAll( (clientPlayer, clientTarget, insightResult) => { if (clientPlayer.isUnderControl(true)) clientTarget.setIdentity(insightResult); }, player, target, event.insightResult ); var afterInsight = (clientTarget) => { clientTarget.unprompt(); if (clientTarget.nonStratagemInsightFlashing) { delete clientTarget.nonStratagemInsightFlashing; return; } var classList = clientTarget.classList; if (classList.contains("flash-animation-iteration-count-infinite")) classList.remove("flash-animation-iteration-count-infinite"); }; if (event.isMine()) afterInsight(target); else if (event.isOnline()) player.send(afterInsight, target); }, stratagemCamouflage: () => { "step 0"; var camouflaged = (event.targets = game.players .filter((current) => current.identity == "fan" && !current.ai.stratagemCamouflage) .randomGets(Math.max(Math.round(get.population() / 6), 1))); camouflaged.forEach((current) => (current.ai.stratagemCamouflage = true)); var me = game.me; if (event.players.includes(me) && me.identity == "nei") { event.videoId = lib.status.videoId++; var rebel = get.translation("fan2"), dialog = ui.create.dialog( `${get.translation(camouflaged)}是${rebel}
`, "forcebutton" ); ui.create.spinningIdentityCard("fan", dialog); dialog.videoId = event.videoId; camouflaged.forEach((victim) => { var classList = victim.classList, nonCamouflageFlashing = classList.contains( "flash-animation-iteration-count-infinite" ); if (nonCamouflageFlashing) victim.nonCamouflageFlashing = true; else classList.add("flash-animation-iteration-count-infinite"); victim.prompt(rebel, "fan"); }); me.chooseControl("ok").set("dialog", dialog); } game.filterPlayer((current) => { if (current.identity != "nei") return; var storage = current.storage; if (!storage.zhibi) storage.zhibi = []; storage.zhibi.addArray(camouflaged); }); "step 1"; targets.forEach((current) => { if (game.me.identity == "nei" && get.config("nei_auto_mark_camouflage")) current.setIdentity(); current.unprompt(); if (current.nonCamouflageFlashing) { delete current.nonCamouflageFlashing; return; } var classList = current.classList; if (classList.contains("flash-animation-iteration-count-infinite")) classList.remove("flash-animation-iteration-count-infinite"); }); }, stratagemCamouflageOL: () => { "step 0"; var send = (clientCamouflaged, id, online) => { var me = game.me; if (me.identity == "nei") { var storage = me.storage; if (!storage.zhibi) storage.zhibi = []; storage.zhibi.addArray(clientCamouflaged); var rebel = get.translation("fan2"), dialog = ui.create.dialog( `${get.translation(clientCamouflaged)}是${rebel}
`, "forcebutton" ); ui.create.spinningIdentityCard("fan", dialog); dialog.videoId = id; clientCamouflaged.forEach((victim) => { var classList = victim.classList, nonCamouflageFlashing = classList.contains( "flash-animation-iteration-count-infinite" ); if (nonCamouflageFlashing) victim.nonCamouflageFlashing = true; else classList.add("flash-animation-iteration-count-infinite"); victim.prompt(rebel, "fan"); }); me.chooseControl("ok").set("dialog", dialog); } else ui.create.dialog("请等待内奸身份确认...").videoId = id; if (online) game.resume(); }; var camouflaged = (event.targets = game.players .filter((current) => current.identity == "fan" && !current.ai.stratagemCamouflage) .randomGets(Math.max(Math.round(get.population() / 6), 1))); camouflaged.forEach((current) => (current.ai.stratagemCamouflage = true)); event.videoId = lib.status.videoId++; var time = 10000; if (lib.configOL && lib.configOL.choose_timeout) time = parseInt(lib.configOL.choose_timeout) * 1000; var aiTargets = (event.aiTargets = []); event.players.forEach((current) => { current.showTimer(time); if (current.isOnline()) { current.send(send, camouflaged, event.videoId, true); current.wait(); if (current.identity == "nei") event.withOL = true; return; } var me = game.me; if (current == me) { event.withMe = true; send(camouflaged, event.videoId); if (me.identity == "nei") me.wait(); else event._result = { bool: true, }; return; } if (current.identity == "nei") aiTargets.push(current); }); if (!aiTargets.length) return; aiTargets.randomSort(); new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, Math.ceil(5000 + 5000 * Math.random())) ).then(() => { var interval = setInterval(() => { aiTargets.shift(); if (aiTargets.length) return; clearInterval(interval); if (event.withAI) game.resume(); }, Math.ceil(500 + 500 * Math.random())); }); "step 1"; if (event.withMe) game.me.unwait(result); "step 2"; if (event.withOL && !event.resultOL) game.pause(); "step 3"; if (!event.aiTargets.length) return; event.withAI = true; game.pause(); "step 4"; game.broadcastAll("closeDialog", event.videoId); event.players.forEach((current) => current.hideTimer()); var afterCamouflage = (clientCamouflaged) => clientCamouflaged.forEach((victim) => { victim.unprompt(); if (victim.nonCamouflageFlashing) { delete victim.nonCamouflageFlashing; return; } var classList = victim.classList; if (classList.contains("flash-animation-iteration-count-infinite")) classList.remove("flash-animation-iteration-count-infinite"); }); event.players.forEach((current) => { if (current.isOnline()) { current.send(afterCamouflage, targets); return; } var me = game.me; if (current == me && me.identity == "nei") afterCamouflage(targets); }); }, }, }, get: { rawAttitude: function (from, to) { var x = 0, num = 0, temp, i; if (_status.ai.customAttitude) { for (i = 0; i < _status.ai.customAttitude.length; i++) { temp = _status.ai.customAttitude[i](from, to); if (temp != undefined) { x += temp; num++; } } } if (num) { return x / num; } if (_status.mode == "purple") { var real = get.realAttitude(from, to); if ( from == to || to.identityShown || (from.storage.zhibi && from.storage.zhibi.includes(to)) || (_status.yeconfirm && ["rYe", "bYe"].includes(to.identity) && ["rYe", "bYe"].includes(to.identity)) ) return real * 1.1; return ( (to.ai.shown + 0.1) * real + (from.identity.slice(0, 1) == to.identity.slice(0, 1) ? 3 : -3) * (1 - to.ai.shown) ); } else if (_status.mode == "stratagem") { var x = 0, num = 0, temp, i; if (_status.ai.customAttitude) { for (i = 0; i < _status.ai.customAttitude.length; i++) { temp = _status.ai.customAttitude[i](from, to); if (temp != undefined) { x += temp; num++; } } } if (num) { return x / num; } var real = get.realAttitude(from, to), zhibi = from.storage.zhibi, stratagem_expose = from.storage.stratagem_expose, followCamouflage = true; if (to.ai.shown) return ( to.ai.shown * (real + (from.identity == to.identity || (from.identity == "zhu" && to.identity == "zhong") || (from.identity == "zhong" && to.identity == "zhu") || (from.identity == "nei" && to.identity == "zhu" && get.situation() <= 1) || (to.identity == "nei" && get.situation() <= 0 && ["zhu", "zhong"].includes(from.identity)) || (get.situation() >= 3 && from.identity == "fan") ? 2.9 : -2.9)) ); if ( from == to || to.identityShown || (((stratagem_expose && stratagem_expose.includes(to)) || (zhibi && zhibi.includes(to))) && !to.ai.stratagemCamouflage) ) return real * 1.1; if (from.identity == "nei" && to.ai.stratagemCamouflage) return real * 1.1; if (to.identity == "nei") { if (from.identity == "fan") { if (get.population("zhong") == 0) { if (zhibi) { var dead = game.dead.slice(); for (var current of dead) { if ( from.storage.zhibi.includes(current) && current.ai.stratagemCamouflage ) { if ( from.storage.stratagem_expose && from.storage.stratagem_expose.includes(to) ) return -7; } } if (zhibi.includes(to)) return 3; } } } } if ( to.identity == "fan" && from.identity == "nei" && zhibi.includes(game.zhu) && game.players .filter((i) => i != from && !zhibi.includes(i)) .map((i) => i.identity) .reduce((p, c) => (!p.includes(c) ? p.push(c) && p : p), []).length == 1 ) return real; for (var fan of game.dead) { if (fan.identity != "fan" || !fan.storage.stratagem_revitalization) continue; for (var current of fan.storage.stratagem_expose) { if (to == current) { return real; } } } if (from.identity == "fan" && to.identity == "fan") { if (from.ai.stratagemCamouflage) { var zhu = game.zhu && game.zhu.isZhu && game.zhu.identityShown ? game.zhu : undefined; if (zhu) { if (zhu.storage.stratagem_expose && zhu.storage.stratagem_expose.includes(to)) return 0; } if (zhibi && zhibi.includes(to)) return -7; } if (to.ai.stratagemCamouflage) { var zhu = game.zhu && game.zhu.isZhu && game.zhu.identityShown ? game.zhu : undefined; if (zhu) { if (zhu.storage.stratagem_expose && zhu.storage.stratagem_expose.includes(to)) return 0; } if (zhibi && zhibi.includes(to)) return -7; } } if ( from.identity != "nei" && zhibi && zhibi.includes(to) && !to.identityShown && followCamouflage && to.ai.stratagemCamouflage ) return -5; if ( from.identity != "nei" && stratagem_expose && stratagem_expose.includes(to) && !to.identityShown ) return -5; if (zhibi) { for (var to2 of zhibi) { if (to2.storage.stratagem_expose) { if (to2.ai.stratagemCamouflage) { for (var to3 of to2.storage.stratagem_expose) { if (zhibi.slice().addArray(stratagem_expose).includes(to3)) { if (to == to2) { return real; } } else if (to == to3) { return Math.abs(real + 10) / 10; } } } else { for (var to3 of to2.storage.stratagem_expose) { if ( !zhibi.slice().addArray(stratagem_expose).includes(to3) && to == to3 ) { return get.rawAttitude(to3, to) * Math.sign(real); } } } } } } return Math.max( -1, Math.min( -0.1, (-Math.min(5, to.countCards("hes") / 2 + 1) / 5 - Math.max(0, 5 - to.hp) / 4) / 2 ) ); } //正常身份模式态度 var difficulty = 0; if (to == game.me) difficulty = 2 - get.difficulty(); if ( from == to || to.identityShown || from.storage.dongcha == to || to.identityShown || (from.storage.zhibi && from.storage.zhibi.includes(to)) ) { return get.realAttitude(from, to) + difficulty * 1.5; } else { if ( from.identity == "zhong" && to.ai.shown == 0 && from.ai.tempIgnore && !from.ai.tempIgnore.includes(to) ) { for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (game.players[i].ai.shown == 0 && game.players[i].identity == "fan") { return -0.1 + difficulty * 1.5; } } } var aishown = to.ai.shown; if ( (to.identity == "nei" || to.identity == "commoner") && to.ai.shown < 1 && (to.ai.identity_mark == "fan" || to.ai.identity_mark == "zhong") ) { aishown = 0.5; } else if (aishown == 0 && to.identity != "fan" && to.identity != "zhu") { var fanshown = true; for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if ( game.players[i].identity == "fan" && game.players[i].ai.shown == 0 && game.players[i] != from ) { fanshown = false; break; } } if (fanshown) aishown = 0.3; } return get.realAttitude(from, to) * aishown + difficulty * 1.5; } }, realAttitude: function (from, to) { if (_status.mode == "purple") { if (["rZhu", "rZhong", "bNei"].includes(from.identity)) { if (to.identity == "rZhu") return 8; if (["rZhong", "bNei"].includes(to.identity)) return 7; return -7; } else if (["bZhu", "bZhong", "rNei"].includes(from.identity)) { if (to.identity == "bZhu") return 8; if (["bZhong", "rNei"].includes(to.identity)) return 7; return -7; } else { if (["rYe", "bYe"].includes(to.identity)) return 7; if ( ["rZhu", "bZhu"].includes(to.identity) && game.hasPlayer(function (current) { return ["rZhong", "bZhong", "rNei", "bNei"].includes(current.identity); }) ) return 6.5; return -7; } } else if (_status.mode == "stratagem") { if (!game.zhu) { if (from.identity == "nei" || to.identity == "nei") return -1; if (from.identity == to.identity) return 6; return -6; } var situation = get.situation(); var identity = from.identity; var identity2 = to.identity; if (identity2 == "zhu" && !to.isZhu) { identity2 = "zhong"; if (from == to) return 10; } if ( from != to && to.identity == "nei" && to.ai.shown < 1 && (to.ai.identity_mark == "fan" || to.ai.identity_mark == "zhong") ) { identity2 = to.ai.identity_mark; } if ( from.identity != "nei" && from != to && get.population("fan") == 0 && identity2 == "zhong" ) { for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if ( game.players[i].identity == "nei" && game.players[i].ai.identity_mark == "zhong" && game.players[i].ai.shown < 1 ) { identity2 = "nei"; break; } } } switch (identity) { case "zhu": switch (identity2) { case "zhu": return 10; case "zhong": return 6; case "nei": if (game.players.length == 2) return -10; if (to.identity == "zhong") return 0; if (get.population("fan") == 0) { if (to.ai.identity_mark == "zhong" && to.ai.shown < 1) return 0; return -1; } if ( get.population("fan") == 1 && get.population("nei") == 1 && game.players.length == 3 ) { var fan; for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (game.players[i].identity == "fan") { fan = game.players[i]; break; } } if (fan) { if ( to.hp > 1 && to.hp > fan.hp && to.countCards("he") > fan.countCards("he") ) { return -3; } } return 0; } if (situation > 1) return Math.max((situation - 8) / 3, -2); return Math.min(3, get.population("fan")); case "fan": if ( get.population("fan") == 1 && get.population("nei") == 1 && game.players.length == 3 ) { var nei; for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (game.players[i].identity == "nei") { nei = game.players[i]; break; } } if (nei) { if ( nei.hp > 1 && nei.hp > to.hp && nei.countCards("he") > to.countCards("he") ) { return 0; } } return -3; } return -4; } break; case "zhong": switch (identity2) { case "zhu": return 10; case "zhong": if (from == to) return 5; if (get.population("zhong") > 1) return 3; return 4; case "nei": if (get.population("fan") == 0 && get.population("zhong") == 1) return -2; if (get.population("zhong") >= 1) return Math.min(3, -situation); return 3; case "fan": return -8; } break; case "nei": if (identity2 == "zhu" && game.players.length == 2) return -10; if (from != to && identity2 != "zhu" && game.players.length == 3) return -8; var strategy = get.aiStrategy(); if (strategy == 4) { if (from == to) return 10; return 0; } var num; switch (identity2) { case "zhu": if (strategy == 6) return -1; if (strategy == 5) return 10; if (to.hp <= 0) return 10; if (get.population("fan") == 1) { var fan; for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (game.players[i].identity == "fan") { fan = game.players[i]; break; } } if (fan) { if ( to.hp > 1 && to.hp > fan.hp && to.countCards("he") > fan.countCards("he") ) { return -3; } } return 0; } else { if (situation > 1 || get.population("fan") == 0) num = 0; else num = get.population("fan") + Math.max(0, 3 - game.zhu.hp); } if (strategy == 2) num--; if (strategy == 3) num++; return num; case "zhong": if (strategy == 5) return Math.min(0, -situation); if (strategy == 6) return Math.max(-1, -situation); if (get.population("fan") == 0) num = -5; else if (situation <= 0) num = 0; else if (game.zhu && game.zhu.hp < 2) num = 0; else if (game.zhu && game.zhu.hp == 2) num = -1; else if (game.zhu && game.zhu.hp <= 2 && situation > 1) num = -1; else num = -2; if (strategy == 2) num--; if (strategy == 3) num++; return num; case "nei": if (from == to) return 10; if (from.ai.friend.includes(to)) return 5; if (get.population("fan") + get.population("zhong") > 0) return 0; return -5; case "fan": if (strategy == 5) return Math.max(-1, situation); if (strategy == 6) return Math.min(0, situation); if ((game.zhu && game.zhu.hp <= 2 && situation < 0) || situation < -1) num = -3; else if (situation < 0 || get.population("zhong") == 0) num = -2; else if ((game.zhu && game.zhu.hp >= 4 && situation > 0) || situation > 1) num = 1; else num = 0; if (strategy == 2) num++; if (strategy == 3) num--; return num; } break; case "fan": switch (identity2) { case "zhu": if (get.population("nei") > 0) { if (situation == 1) return -6; if (situation > 1) return -5; } return -8; case "zhong": if (game.zhu.hp >= 3 && to.hp == 1) { return -10; } return -7; case "nei": if (get.population("fan") == 1) return 0; if (get.population("zhong") == 0) return -2; if (game.zhu && game.zhu.hp <= 2 && game.zhu.identityShown) return -1; return 3; case "fan": return 5; } } } //正常身份模式态度 if (!game.zhu) { if ( from.identity == "nei" || to.identity == "nei" || from.identity == "commoner" || to.identity == "commoner" ) return -1; if (from.identity == to.identity) return 6; return -6; } var situation = get.situation(); var identity = from.identity; var identity2 = to.identity; if (identity2 == "zhu" && !to.isZhu) { identity2 = "zhong"; if (from == to) return 10; } if ( from != to && to.identity == "nei" && to.ai.shown < 1 && (to.ai.identity_mark == "fan" || to.ai.identity_mark == "zhong") ) { identity2 = to.ai.identity_mark; } if ( from.identity != "nei" && from.identity != "commoner" && from != to && get.population("fan") == 0 && identity2 == "zhong" ) { for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if ( game.players[i].identity == "nei" && game.players[i].ai.identity_mark == "zhong" && game.players[i].ai.shown < 1 ) { identity2 = "nei"; break; } else if ( game.players[i].identity == "commoner" && game.players[i].ai.identity_mark == "zhong" && game.players[i].ai.shown < 1 ) { identity2 = "commoner"; break; } } } var zhongmode = false; if (!game.zhu.isZhu) { zhongmode = true; } switch (identity) { case "zhu": switch (identity2) { case "zhu": return 10; case "zhong": case "mingzhong": return 6; case "nei": if (game.players.length == 2) return -10; if (to.identity == "zhong") return 0; if (get.population("fan") == 0) { if (to.ai.identity_mark == "zhong" && to.ai.shown < 1) return 0; return -0.5; } if (zhongmode && to.ai.sizhong && to.ai.shown < 1) return 6; if ( get.population("fan") == 1 && get.population("nei") == 1 && game.players.length == 3 ) { var fan; for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (game.players[i].identity == "fan") { fan = game.players[i]; break; } } if (fan) { if ( to.hp > 1 && to.hp > fan.hp && to.countCards("he") > fan.countCards("he") ) { return -3; } } return 0; } if (situation > 1) return 0; return Math.min(3, get.population("fan")); case "fan": if ( get.population("fan") == 1 && get.population("nei") == 1 && game.players.length == 3 ) { var nei; for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (game.players[i].identity == "nei") { nei = game.players[i]; break; } } if (nei) { if ( nei.hp > 1 && nei.hp > to.hp && nei.countCards("he") > to.countCards("he") ) { return 0; } } return -3; } return -4; case "commoner": if (to.identity == "zhong") return 0; if (get.population("fan") == 0) { if (to.ai.identity_mark == "zhong" && to.ai.shown < 1) return 0; return -0.5; } if (zhongmode && to.ai.sizhong && to.ai.shown < 1) return 6; if (game.players.length == 3) { var fan; for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (game.players[i].identity == "fan") { fan = game.players[i]; break; } } if (fan) { if ( to.hp > 1 && to.hp > fan.hp && to.countCards("he") > fan.countCards("he") ) { return -3; } } return 3; } if (situation < 0 && game.zhu && game.zhu.hp <= 2) return -3.8; return Math.max(-4, 2 - get.population("fan")); } break; case "zhong": case "mingzhong": switch (identity2) { case "zhu": return 10; case "zhong": case "mingzhong": return 4; case "nei": if (get.population("fan") == 0) return -2; if (zhongmode && to.ai.sizhong && to.ai.shown < 1) return 6; return Math.min(3, -situation); case "fan": return -8; case "commoner": return Math.min(3, Math.max(-3, situation - 0.2)); } break; case "nei": if (identity2 == "zhu" && game.players.length == 2) return -10; if ( from != to && identity2 != "zhu" && identity2 != "commoner" && game.players.length == 3 ) return -8; var strategy = get.aiStrategy(); if (strategy == 4) { if (from == to) return 10; return 0; } var num; switch (identity2) { case "zhu": if (strategy == 6) return -1; if (strategy == 5) return 10; if (to.hp <= 0) return 10; if (get.population("fan") == 1) { var fan; for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (game.players[i].identity == "fan") { fan = game.players[i]; break; } } if (fan) { if ( to.hp > 1 && to.hp > fan.hp && to.countCards("he") > fan.countCards("he") ) { return -1.7; } } return 0; } else { if (situation > 1 || get.population("fan") == 0) num = 0; else num = get.population("fan") + Math.max(0, 3 - game.zhu.hp); } if (strategy == 2) num--; if (strategy == 3) num++; return num; case "zhong": if (strategy == 5) return Math.min(0, -situation); if (strategy == 6) return Math.max(-1, -situation); if (get.population("fan") == 0) num = -5; else if (situation <= 0) num = 0; else if (game.zhu && game.zhu.hp < 2) num = 0; else if (game.zhu && game.zhu.hp == 2) num = -1; else if (game.zhu && game.zhu.hp <= 2 && situation > 1) num = -1; else num = -2; if (zhongmode && situation < 2) { num = 4; } if (strategy == 2) num--; if (strategy == 3) num++; return num; case "mingzhong": if (zhongmode) { if (from.ai.sizhong == undefined) { from.ai.sizhong = Math.random() < 0.5; } if (from.ai.sizhong) return 6; } if (strategy == 5) return Math.min(0, -situation); if (strategy == 6) return Math.max(-1, -situation); if (get.population("fan") == 0) num = -5; else if (situation <= 0) num = 0; else num = -3; if (strategy == 2) num--; if (strategy == 3) num++; return num; case "nei": if (from == to) return 10; if (from.ai.friend.includes(to)) return 5; if (get.population("fan") + get.population("zhong") > 0) return 0; return -5; case "fan": if (strategy == 5) return Math.max(-1, situation); if (strategy == 6) return Math.min(0, situation); if ((game.zhu && game.zhu.hp <= 2 && situation < 0) || situation < -1) num = -3; else if ( situation < 0 || get.population("zhong") + get.population("mingzhong") == 0 ) num = -2; else if ((game.zhu && game.zhu.hp >= 4 && situation > 0) || situation > 1) num = 1; else num = 0; if (strategy == 2) num++; if (strategy == 3) num--; return num; case "commoner": if (game.players.length <= 4) return 5; return Math.min(Math.max(-situation, -2), 2); } break; case "fan": switch (identity2) { case "zhu": if (get.population("nei") > 0) { if (situation == 1) return -6; if (situation > 1) return -5; } return -8; case "zhong": if (!zhongmode && game.zhu.hp >= 3 && to.hp == 1) { return -10; } return -7; case "mingzhong": return -5; case "nei": if (zhongmode && to.ai.sizhong) return -7; if (get.population("fan") == 1) return 0; if (get.population("zhong") + get.population("mingzhong") == 0) return -7; if (game.zhu && game.zhu.hp <= 2) return -1; return Math.min(3, situation); case "fan": return 5; case "commoner": return 2 * get.population("fan") - 3; } break; case "commoner": switch (identity2) { case "zhu": if (situation > 0) return 2 * Math.min(4, to.hp + to.countCards("h") / 4 - 2); if (situation >= -3 && game.zhu) return to.hp - 2 + to.countCards("h") / 4; //return Math.min(-0.1,5-game.zhu.hp); return to.hp + to.countCards("h") / 3 - 4; case "zhong": if (situation > 0) { if (to.hp >= 2) return Math.min(3, Math.max(1, to.hp + to.countCards("h") / 4 - 4)); else return 0; } return -2; case "nei": if (game.players.length == 3 && get.population("nei") == 1) return ( Math.min(3.5, to.hp - 1.5 + to.countCards("h") / 3) - (to.hp < (game.zhu ? game.zhu.hp : 0) ? 4 : 0) ); if (game.players.length <= 4 && get.population("nei") == 1) return Math.min(5, to.hp - 1.5 + to.countCards("h") / 3); if (situation > 0) return -3; return 0; case "fan": if (situation < 0) return to.hp + to.countCards("h") / 4 - 1.7 * get.population("fan") + 2; else if (situation == 0) return 0; return 0.55 * get.population("fan") - 2.1; case "commoner": return from == to ? 10 : to.hp <= 2 ? -2 : 0; } break; } }, situation: function (absolute) { var i, j, player; var zhuzhong = 0, total = 0, zhu, fan = 0; for (i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { player = game.players[i]; var php = player.hp; if (player.hasSkill("benghuai") && php > 4) { php = 4; } else if (php > 6) { php = 6; } j = player.countCards("h") + player.countCards("e") * 1.5 + php * 2; if (player.identity == "zhu") { zhuzhong += j * 1.2 + 5; total += j * 1.2 + 5; zhu = j; } else if (player.identity == "zhong" || player.identity == "mingzhong") { zhuzhong += j * 0.8 + 3; total += j * 0.8 + 3; } else if (player.identity == "fan") { zhuzhong -= j + 4; total += j + 4; fan += j + 4; } } if (absolute) return zhuzhong; var result = parseInt(10 * Math.abs(zhuzhong / total)); if (zhuzhong < 0) result = -result; if (!game.zhong) { if (zhu < 12 && fan > 30) result--; if (zhu < 6 && fan > 15) result--; if (zhu < 4) result--; } return result; }, insightResult: function (from, to) { var friend = "friend", enemy = "enemy"; if (from.identity == "nei") return to.identity; if (to.identity == "nei") return friend; if (from.ai.stratagemCamouflage || to.ai.stratagemCamouflage) return enemy; if ( from.identity == to.identity || (from.identity == "zhu" && to.identity == "zhong") || (from.identity == "zhong" && to.identity == "zhu") ) return friend; return enemy; }, }, skill: { stratagem_gain: { silent: true, charlotte: true, ruleSkill: true, trigger: { player: ["phaseBegin", "damageEnd"], }, content: () => { player.changeFury(trigger.name == "damage" ? trigger.num : 1, true); }, }, stratagem_insight: { trigger: { source: "damageSource", global: "loseHpEnd", }, filter: (event, player) => { if (!player.storage.stratagem_fury) return false; const target = event.player; if (target == player || !target.isIn() || target.identityShown) return false; let source = event.source; if (event.name == "loseHp") { const trigger = event.getParent()._trigger; if (trigger) source = trigger.source; } return player == source; }, logTarget: "player", prompt2: (event) => `消耗1点怒气,洞察${get.translation(event.player)}的身份`, check: (event, player) => { const storage = player.storage, zhibi = storage.zhibi; if (zhibi && zhibi.includes(event.player)) return false; const stratagemExpose = storage.stratagem_expose; if (stratagemExpose && stratagemExpose.includes(event.player)) return false; if (get.population("zhong") == 0 && player.identity == "fan") return false; return Math.abs(get.attitude(player, event.player)) <= 1; }, content: () => { player.changeFury(-1, true); player.insightInto(trigger.player); }, }, stratagem_monarchy: { trigger: { player: ["dying", "phaseZhunbeiBegin"], global: "dieAfter", }, forced: true, priority: 100, popup: false, unique: true, firstDo: true, silent: true, charlotte: true, ruleSkill: true, filter: (event, player, name) => { if (player.storage.stratagem_monarchy || player.identity != "zhu") return false; if (name == "dieAfter") return game.dead.length >= Math.max(Math.round(get.population() / 3), 2); return ( name == "dying" || game.roundNumber >= Math.max(Math.round(get.population() / 2), 3) ); }, content: () => { "step 0"; if (event.triggername == "dying") game.delayx(); "step 1"; player.storage.stratagem_monarchy = true; game.broadcastAll((clientPlayer) => { if (!game.zhu) game.zhu = clientPlayer; clientPlayer.identityShown = true; clientPlayer.ai.shown = 1; clientPlayer.setIdentity(); clientPlayer.isZhu = true; clientPlayer.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); var config = lib.config; if (config.animation && !config.low_performance) clientPlayer.$legend(); var clickingIdentity = _status.clickingidentity; if (!clickingIdentity || clickingIdentity[0] != clientPlayer) return; clickingIdentity[1].forEach((element) => { element.delete(); element.style.transform = ""; }); delete _status.clickingidentity; }, player); game.addVideo("showIdentity", player, "zhu"); game.delay(2); player.playerfocus(1000); event.trigger("zhuUpdate"); "step 2"; player.recover(); player.draw(); "step 3"; const skills = player.getStockSkills(true, true).filter((stockSkill) => { if (player.hasSkill(stockSkill)) return; var info = get.info(stockSkill); if (!info || !info.zhuSkill) return; return true; }); if (skills.length) player.addSkills(skills); }, }, stratagem_revitalization: { trigger: { player: "dying", }, forced: true, unique: true, silent: true, charlotte: true, ruleSkill: true, filter: (event, player) => { const storage = player.storage; return ( !storage.stratagem_revitalization && player.ai.stratagemCamouflage && game.dead.length < Math.max(Math.round(get.population() / 6), 1) && storage.stratagem_fury >= 2 ); }, content: () => { "step 0"; game.delayx(); "step 1"; player.storage.stratagem_revitalization = true; game.broadcastAll((clientPlayer) => { clientPlayer.identityShown = true; clientPlayer.ai.shown = 1; clientPlayer.setIdentity(); clientPlayer.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); if (lib.config.animation && !lib.config.low_performance) clientPlayer.$thunder(); }, player); game.addVideo("showIdentity", player, "fan"); game.delay(2); player.playerfocus(800); "step 2"; player.changeFury(-player.storage.stratagem_fury, true); player.discard(player.getCards("hej")); player.link(false); player.turnOver(false); player.recover(2 - player.hp); player.draw(3); }, }, stratagem_expose: { trigger: { player: "useCard" }, forced: true, silent: true, popup: false, filter: (event, player) => { const targets = event.targets; if (targets.length != 1) return false; const target = targets[0]; return ( target == player && (target.identityShown || player.storage.zhibi.includes(target) || game.hasPlayer2((current) => { if (!current.identityShown) return false; const storage = current.storage; return ( (storage.stratagem_revitalization || storage.stratagem_monarchy) && storage.stratagem_expose.includes(target) ); })) ); }, content: () => { var storage = trigger.targets[0].storage; if (!storage.stratagem_expose) storage.stratagem_expose = []; storage.stratagem_expose.add(player); }, }, yexinbilu: { enable: "phaseUse", filter: function (event, player) { return player.identity == "rYe" || player.identity == "bYe"; }, skillAnimation: "legend", animationColor: "thunder", content: function () { game.removeGlobalSkill("yexinbilu"); player.yexinbilu(); }, ai: { order: 10, result: { player: function (player) { return ( 1 - game.countPlayer(function (current) { return ( current != player && (current.identity == "rYe" || current.identity == "bYe") && (current == game.me || current.isOnline()) ); }) ); }, }, }, }, identity_junshi: { name: "军师", mark: true, intro: { content: "准备阶段开始时,可以观看牌堆顶的三张牌,然后将这些牌以任意顺序置于牌堆顶或牌堆底", }, trigger: { player: "phaseZhunbeiBegin" }, silent: true, content: function () { "step 0"; var cards = get.cards(3); game.cardsGotoOrdering(cards); var next = player.chooseToMove(); next.set("list", [["牌堆顶", cards], ["牌堆底"]]); next.set("prompt", "观星:点击将牌移动到牌堆顶或牌堆底"); next.processAI = function (list) { var cards = list[0][1], player = _status.event.player; var top = []; var judges = player.getCards("j"); var stopped = false; if (!player.hasWuxie()) { for (var i = 0; i < judges.length; i++) { var judge = get.judge(judges[i]); cards.sort(function (a, b) { return judge(b) - judge(a); }); if (judge(cards[0]) < 0) { stopped = true; break; } else { top.unshift(cards.shift()); } } } var bottom; if (!stopped) { cards.sort(function (a, b) { return get.value(b, player) - get.value(a, player); }); while (cards.length) { if (get.value(cards[0], player) <= 5) break; top.unshift(cards.shift()); } } bottom = cards; return [top, bottom]; }; "step 1"; var top = result.moved[0]; var bottom = result.moved[1]; top.reverse(); for (var i = 0; i < top.length; i++) { ui.cardPile.insertBefore(top[i], ui.cardPile.firstChild); } for (i = 0; i < bottom.length; i++) { ui.cardPile.appendChild(bottom[i]); } player.popup(get.cnNumber(top.length) + "上" + get.cnNumber(bottom.length) + "下"); game.log(player, "将" + get.cnNumber(top.length) + "张牌置于牌堆顶"); game.updateRoundNumber(); game.delayx(); }, }, identity_dajiang: { name: "大将", mark: true, intro: { content: "手牌上限+1", }, mod: { maxHandcard: function (player, num) { return num + 1; }, }, }, identity_zeishou: { name: "贼首", mark: true, intro: { content: "手牌上限-1", }, mod: { maxHandcard: function (player, num) { return num - 1; }, }, }, dongcha: { trigger: { player: "phaseBegin" }, direct: true, unique: true, filter: function (event, player) { return game.hasPlayer(function (current) { return current.countCards("ej"); }); }, forceunique: true, content: function () { "step 0"; player .chooseTarget(get.prompt("dongcha"), function (card, player, target) { return target.countCards("ej") > 0; }) .set("ai", function (target) { var player = _status.event.player; var att = get.attitude(player, target); if (att > 0) { var js = target.getCards("j"); if (js.length) { var jj = js[0].viewAs ? { name: js[0].viewAs } : js[0]; if ( jj.name == "guohe" || js.length > 1 || get.effect(target, jj, target, player) < 0 ) { return 2 * att; } } if ( target.getEquip("baiyin") && target.isDamaged() && get.recoverEffect(target, player, player) > 0 ) { if (target.hp == 1 && !target.hujia) return 1.6 * att; if (target.hp == 2) return 0.01 * att; return 0; } } var es = target.getCards("e"); var noe = target.hasSkillTag("noe"); var noe2 = es.length == 1 && es[0].name == "baiyin" && target.isDamaged(); if (noe || noe2) return 0; if (att <= 0 && !es.length) return 1.5 * att; return -1.5 * att; }); "step 1"; if (result.bool) { event.target = result.targets[0]; event.target.addExpose(0.1); player.logSkill("dongcha", event.target); game.delayx(); } else { event.finish(); } "step 2"; if (event.target) { player.discardPlayerCard("ej", true, event.target); } }, group: ["dongcha_begin", "dongcha_log"], subSkill: { begin: { trigger: { global: "gameStart" }, forced: true, popup: false, content: function () { var list = []; for (var i = 0; i < game.players.length; i++) { if (game.players[i].identity == "fan") { list.push(game.players[i]); } } var target = list.randomGet(); player.storage.dongcha = target; if (!_status.connectMode) { if (player == game.me) { target.setIdentity("fan"); target.node.identity.classList.remove("guessing"); target.fanfixed = true; player.line(target, "green"); player.popup("dongcha"); } } else { player .chooseControl("ok") .set("dialog", [ get.translation(target) + "是反贼", [[target.name], "character"], ]); } }, }, log: { trigger: { player: "useCard" }, forced: true, popup: false, filter: function (event, player) { return ( event.targets.length == 1 && event.targets[0] == player.storage.dongcha && event.targets[0].ai.shown < 0.95 ); }, content: function () { trigger.targets[0].addExpose(0.2); }, }, }, }, sheshen: { trigger: { global: "dieBefore" }, forced: true, unique: true, forceunique: true, filter: function (event, player) { return event.player == game.zhu && player.hp > 0; }, logTarget: "player", content: function () { "step 0"; trigger.player.gainMaxHp(); "step 1"; var dh = player.hp - trigger.player.hp; if (dh > 0) { trigger.player.recover(dh); } "step 2"; var cards = player.getCards("he"); if (cards.length) { trigger.player.gain(cards, player); player.$giveAuto(cards, trigger.player); } "step 3"; trigger.cancel(); player.die(); }, }, }, help: { 身份模式: '
  • 加强主公
    反贼人数多于2时主公会额外增加一个技能(每个主公的额外技能固定,非常备主公增加天命)' + '
  • 特殊身份
    • 军师:忠臣身份。只要军师存活,主公在准备阶段开始时,可以观看牌堆顶的三张牌,然后将这些牌以任意顺序置于牌堆顶或牌堆底
    • 大将:忠臣身份。只要大将存活,主公手牌上限+1
    • 贼首:反贼身份,只要贼首存活,主公手牌上限-1
' + "
  • 平民身份
    英盗版三国杀于2017标准版中提出的新概念。平民的获胜条件为:当其他身份的角色达成了其获胜条件,且你存活,你也获胜;同时内奸的获胜条件改为:主公死亡时,场上所有忠臣和反贼均已死亡。即内奸可以和与平民共同胜利。杀死平民的角色的奖惩为:摸两张牌。" + "
  • 年机制
    英盗版三国杀于2019标准版中提出的新概念。“年”是一个全局概念,游戏开始时为第一年,当牌堆洗牌时,年数+1。一局游戏的限定年数为本局游戏开始时玩家总数。当年数增加后,若当前年数已超过限定年数,则主忠方直接获胜,若平民存活则平民也获胜。", 明忠模式: '
    • 本模式需要8名玩家进行游戏,使用的身份牌为:1主公、2忠臣、4反贼和1内奸。游戏开始时,每名玩家随机获得一个身份,由系统随机选择一名忠臣身份的玩家亮出身份(将忠臣牌正面朝上放在面前),其他身份(包括主公)的玩家不亮出身份。
    • ' + "首先由亮出身份的忠臣玩家随机获得六张武将牌,挑选一名角色,并将选好的武将牌展示给其他玩家。之后其余每名玩家随机获得三张武将牌,各自从其中挑选一张同时亮出
    • " + "亮出身份牌的忠臣增加1点体力上限。角色濒死和死亡的结算及胜利条件与普通身份局相同。", 谋攻模式: '
      • 《谋攻篇》一词出自《孙子兵法·谋攻篇》,是春秋时期兵法家孙武创作的一篇散文。《谋攻篇》故知胜有五:知可以战与不可以战者胜,识众寡之用者胜,上下同欲者胜,以虞待不虞者胜,将能而君不御者胜。
      ' + '
      • 谋攻篇模式为六名玩家参与的全暗身份模式,引入新机制“怒气”,玩家可以消耗怒气探查其他角色的身份是敌人或者队友,或使用怒气强化手牌,以达到识别出队友并击杀敌人的目标。' + "
      • 各身份玩家的胜利条件与身份局中对应身份的胜利条件一致,且该模式下没有奖惩。" + "
      • 当主公进入濒死、场上有两名角色阵亡、第三轮的主公准备阶段,主公将会翻开身份牌,回复1点体力并摸一张牌,并获得武将牌上的主公技。" + "
      • 内奸在游戏开始时将会得知一名反贼的身份,并令该反贼被“伪装”。本局游戏内,被“伪装”的反贼在被任何人探查身份时,结果都提示为“敌人”。作为补偿,其第一次进入濒死时,若场上没有角色死亡且其怒气值不小于2,其弃置区域内所有牌,重置武将牌,将体力回复至2点并摸三张牌。" + "
      • 特殊地,内奸在被所有角色探查时,都提示为“队友”;内奸在进行探查时,直接得知目标的身份。
      " + '
      • 一名角色在回合开始时或受到1点伤害后,将获得1点怒气;怒气上限为3。
      • 一名角色令其他角色扣减体力后,该角色可以消耗1点怒气,查探扣减体力的角色是敌或友。
      ' + '
      • 在第二轮游戏开始后,当你需要使用一张“强化表”内的牌时,你可以通过消耗怒气将此牌强化。' + '
      • 可强化卡牌
          ' + "
        • 【杀】:消耗1点怒气进行强化,你令响应此杀所需使用的【闪】数+1" + "
        • 【闪】:消耗1点怒气进行强化,使用时视为两张【闪】的效果" + "
        • 【决斗】:消耗2点怒气进行强化,对此牌的目标造成伤害时,伤害+1" + "
        • 【火攻】:消耗2点怒气进行强化,造成的伤害+1" + "
        • 【桃】:消耗3点怒气进行强化,回复的体力+1
      ", "3v3v2": '
      • 游戏准备
        本模式需要8名玩家进行游戏。游戏开始前,所有玩家随机分成两组,每组四人,分别称为「冷色阵营」和「暖色阵营」,然后分发身份牌,抽取到「主帅」身份的玩家亮出身份牌。' + "
      • 身份牌
        " + "
      • 胜负判定
        " + "
      • 游戏流程
        " + "
      • 击杀奖惩
        " + "
      • 制作团队
    ", }, }; });