使用get.Audio整合parse audio api

This commit is contained in:
kuangshen04 2024-05-20 10:15:04 +08:00
parent c07b074fb2
commit 1330c13492
3 changed files with 269 additions and 240 deletions

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@ -1417,271 +1417,45 @@ export class Game {
* @typedef {{audio: audioInfo, audioname?:string[], audioname2?:{[playerName: string]: audioInfo}}} skillInfo
* @param { string } skill 技能名
* @param { Player | Object | string } [player] 角色/角色名
* @param { skillInfo | audioInfo } [skillInfo] 预设的skillInfo/audioInfo(转为skillInfo)覆盖lib.skill[skill]
* @param { boolean | undefined } [useRawAudio]
* @param { skillInfo | audioInfo } [skillInfo] 使用指定的skillInfo/audioInfo
* @returns { string[] } 语音地址列表
* @example
* ```js
* const info=lib.skill['skillname'];
* info.audio=undefined //默认值[true,2]
* info.audio=false // 不播放语音
* info.audio=true // [skill/skillname.mp3]
* info.audio=3 // [skill/skillname1.mp3,skill/skillname2.mp3,skill/skillname3.mp3](项数为数字大小)
* info.audio="(ext:extName|db:extension-extName)(/anyPath):true|number(:format)" //间接路径
* // 同上,只是将目录改为(ext:extName|db:extension-extName)(/anyPath),且可以指定格式(默认mp3)
* info.audio="(ext:extName|db:extension-extName/)(anyPath/)filename(.format)" //直接路径
* //path和format至少有一个否则会识别为引用技能
* //起始位置为audio/(若无anyPath则为audio/skill/)若没有format默认mp3
* info.audio="otherSkillname" //引用技能
* //引用一个其他技能的语音若lib.skill["otherSkillname"]不存在则读取"otherSkillname"的audio为默认值[true,2]
* info.audio=["otherSkillname", number] //带fixedNum的引用技能
* //同样引用一个其他技能的语音若lib.skill["otherSkillname"]不存在则读取"otherSkillname"的audio为number
* //若"otherSkillname"的语音数超过number则只取前number个
* info.audio=[true,2,"otherSkillname1",["otherSkillname2",2]] //任意元素拼接
* //数组里可以放任何以上的格式,结果为分析完的结果合并
* info.audioname=['player1','player2']
* //audioname里可以放任意角色名。
* //如果其中包含发动技能的角色名"player"且info.audio不是直接路径"(anyPath/)filename(.format)"的形式
* //则在"skill"和number中插入"_player",形如
* info.audioname2={'player1':audioInfo1,'player2':audioInfo2}
* //audioname2是一个对象其中key为角色名value的类型和info.audio一样
* //如果key中包含发动技能的角色名player则直接改用info.audioname2[player]来播放语音
* ```
parseSkillAudio(skill, player, skillInfo) {
return game.parseSkillTextMap(skill, player, skillInfo).map(data => data.file);
return get.Audio.skill({ skill, player, info: skillInfo }).map(data => data.file);
* 根据skill中的audio,audioname,audioname2和player来获取技能台词列表
* @param { string } skill 技能名
* @param { Player | Object | string } [player] 角色/角色名
* @param { skillInfo | audioInfo } [skillInfo] 预设的skillInfo/audioInfo(转为skillInfo)覆盖lib.skill[skill]
* @param { skillInfo | audioInfo } [skillInfo] 使用指定的skillInfo/audioInfo
* @returns { string[] } 语音地址列表
parseSkillText(skill, player, skillInfo) {
return game
.parseSkillTextMap(skill, player, skillInfo)
return get.Audio.skill({ skill, player, info: skillInfo })
.map(data => data.text)
.filter(text => text !== void 0);
* @deprecated 请使用get.Audio.skill
* 根据skill中的audio,audioname,audioname2和player来获取技能台词列表及其对应的源文件名
* @param { string } skill 技能名
* @param { Player | Object | string } [player] 角色/角色名
* @param { skillInfo | audioInfo } [skillInfo] 预设的skillInfo/audioInfo(转为skillInfo)覆盖lib.skill[skill]
* @returns { any[] } 语音地址列表
* @param { skillInfo | audioInfo } [skillInfo] 使用指定的skillInfo/audioInfo
* @returns 语音地址列表
parseSkillTextMap(skill, player, skillInfo) {
if (typeof player === "string") player = get.convertedCharacter({ name: player });
else if (typeof player !== "object" || player === null) player = get.convertedCharacter({ isNull: true });
if (skillInfo && (typeof skillInfo !== "object" || Array.isArray(skillInfo))) skillInfo = { audio: skillInfo };
const defaultInfo = [true, 2];
const check = (skill, history) => {
if (!get.info(skill)) return false;
if (!history.includes(skill)) return true;
if (history[0] === skill) return false;
throw new RangeError(`parseSkillTextMap: ${skill} in ${history} forms a deadlock`);
const getName = filter => {
const name = (player.tempname || []).find(i => filter(i));
if (name) return name;
return [player.name, player.name1, player.name2].reduce(
(result, name) => {
if (result) return result;
if (!name) return result;
if (filter(name)) return name;
return get.character(name).tempname.find(i => filter(i)) || result;
void 0
const getTextMap = (path, name, ext, isDefault) => ({
file: `${path}${name}${ext}`,
text: lib.translate[`#${name}`],
const getAudioList = (skill, options, skillInfo) => {
const info = skillInfo || get.info(skill);
if (!info) {
console.error(new ReferenceError(`parseSkillTextMap: Cannot find ${skill} in lib.skill`));
return parseAudio(skill, Object.assign(options, { isDefault: true }), defaultInfo);
const { audioname, history } = options;
let audioInfo = info.audio;
if (Array.isArray(info.audioname)) audioname.addArray(info.audioname);
if (info.audioname2) audioInfo = info.audioname2[getName(i => info.audioname2[i])] || audioInfo;
return parseAudio(skill, options, audioInfo);
const parseAudio = (skill, options, audioInfo) => {
const audioname = options.audioname.slice();
const history = options.history.slice();
const isDefault = options.isDefault;
options = { audioname, history, isDefault };
if (Array.isArray(audioInfo)) {
if (audioInfo.length === 2 && typeof audioInfo[0] === "string" && typeof audioInfo[1] === "number") {
const [name, number] = audioInfo;
if (check(name, history)) return getAudioList(name, options).slice(0, number);
return parseAudio(name, options, number);
const map = {};
audioInfo.forEach(i => {
parseAudio(skill, options, i).forEach(data => (map[data.name] = data));
return Object.values(map);
if (!["string", "number", "boolean"].includes(typeof audioInfo)) return parseAudio(skill, Object.assign(options, { isDefault: true }), defaultInfo);
if (audioInfo === false) return [];
if (typeof audioInfo === "string") {
if (["data:", "blob:"].some(prefix => audioInfo.startsWith(prefix))) return [getTextMap("", audioInfo, "", isDefault)];
if (check(audioInfo, history)) return getAudioList(audioInfo, options);
audioInfo = String(audioInfo);
const list = audioInfo.match(/(?:(.*):|^)(true|\d+)(?::(.*)|$)/); // [path, number|true, ext]
if (list) {
let [, path = "skill", audioNum, ext = "mp3"] = list;
let _audioname = getName(i => audioname.includes(i));
_audioname = _audioname ? `_${_audioname}` : "";
if (audioNum === "true") return [getTextMap(`${path}/`, `${skill}${_audioname}`, `.${ext}`, isDefault)];
const audioList = [];
audioNum = parseInt(audioNum);
for (let i = 1; i <= audioNum; i++) {
audioList.push(getTextMap(`${path}/`, `${skill}${_audioname}${i}`, `.${ext}`, isDefault));
return audioList;
let path = "", ext = "";
if (!/^db:|^ext:|\//.test(audioInfo)) path = "skill/";
if (!/\.\w+$/.test(audioInfo)) ext = ".mp3";
if (path && ext) return parseAudio(audioInfo, Object.assign(options, { isDefault: true }), defaultInfo);
return [getTextMap(path, audioInfo, ext, isDefault)];
return getAudioList(skill, { audioname: [], history: [], isDefault: false }, skillInfo);
return get.Audio.skill({ skill, player, info: skillInfo });
* @deprecated 请使用get.Audio.die
* 获取角色死亡时能播放的所有阵亡语音
* @param { string | Player } player 角色名
* @returns { any[] } 语音地址列表
* @returns 语音地址列表
parseDieTextMap(player) {
let name = typeof player === "string" ? player : player.name;
let audioInfo;
if (typeof player !== "string" && player.skin && player.skin.name) {
const skinName = player.skin.name;
if (skinName !== name && lib.characterSubstitute[name]) {
const skin = lib.characterSubstitute[name].find(i => i[0] === skinName);
if (skin) {
const newCharacter = get.convertedCharacter(["", "", 0, [], skin[1]]);
name = skinName;
audioInfo = newCharacter.dieAudios;
const defaultInfo = true;
const check = (name, history) => {
if (get.character(name).isNull) return false;
if (!history.includes(name)) return true;
if (history[0] === name) return false;
throw new RangeError(`parseDieTextMap: ${name} in ${history} forms a deadlock`);
const getTextMap = (path, name, ext, isDefault) => ({
file: `${path}${name}${ext}`,
text: lib.translate[`#${name}:die`],
const getAudioList = (name, options, audioInfo) => {
if (!audioInfo) {
const info = get.character(name);
if (info.isNull) {
// console.error(new ReferenceError(`parseDieTextMap: Cannot find ${name} in lib.character`));
return parseAudio(name, Object.assign(options, { isDefault: true }), defaultInfo);
audioInfo = info.dieAudios;
if (audioInfo.length === 0) audioInfo = void 0;
const { history } = options;
return parseAudio(name, options, audioInfo);
const parseAudio = (name, options, audioInfo) => {
const history = options.history.slice();
const isDefault = options.isDefault;
options = { history, isDefault };
if (Array.isArray(audioInfo)) {
// if (audioInfo.length === 2 && typeof audioInfo[0] === "string" && typeof audioInfo[1] === "number") {
// const [name, number] = audioInfo;
// if (check(name, history)) return getAudioList(name, options).slice(0, number);
// return parseAudio(name, options, number);
// }
const map = {};
audioInfo.forEach(i => {
parseAudio(name, options, i).forEach(data => (map[data.name] = data));
return Object.values(map);
if (!["string", "number", "boolean"].includes(typeof audioInfo)) return parseAudio(name, Object.assign(options, { isDefault: true }), defaultInfo);
if (audioInfo === false) return [];
if (typeof audioInfo === "string") {
if (["data:", "blob:"].some(prefix => audioInfo.startsWith(prefix))) return [getTextMap("", audioInfo, "", isDefault)];
if (check(audioInfo, history)) return getAudioList(audioInfo, options);
audioInfo = String(audioInfo);
const list = audioInfo.match(/(?:(.*):|^)(true|\d+)(?::(.*)|$)/); // [path, number|true, ext]
if (list) {
let [, path = "die", audioNum, ext = "mp3"] = list;
if (audioNum === "true") return [getTextMap(`${path}/`, `${name}`, `.${ext}`, isDefault)];
const audioList = [];
audioNum = parseInt(audioNum);
for (let i = 1; i <= audioNum; i++) {
audioList.push(getTextMap(`${path}/`, `${name}${i}`, `.${ext}`, isDefault));
return audioList;
let path = "",
ext = "";
if (!/^db:|^ext:|\//.test(audioInfo)) path = "die/";
if (!/\.\w+$/.test(audioInfo)) ext = ".mp3";
if (path && ext) return parseAudio(audioInfo, Object.assign(options, { isDefault: true }), defaultInfo);
return [getTextMap(path, audioInfo, ext, isDefault)];
return getAudioList(name, { history: [], isDefault: false }, audioInfo);
return get.Audio.die({ player });

noname/get/audio.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
import { lib } from "../library/index.js";
import { get } from "./index.js";
* @typedef { (string | number | boolean)[] | string | number | boolean } audioInfo
* @typedef { {
* name: string,
* file: string,
* text: string | undefined,
* type: string,
* isDefault: boolean
* } } textMap
export class Audio {
* @type { { [key: string]: textMap } }
#Cache = {};
* 根据skill中的audio,audioname,audioname2和player来获取技能台词列表及其对应的源文件名
* @typedef {{audio: audioInfo, audioname?: string[], audioname2?: {[playerName: string]: audioInfo}}} skillInfo
* @param { object } options
* @param { string } options.skill 技能名
* @param { Player | string } [options.player] 角色/角色名
* @param { audioInfo | skillInfo } [options.info] 使用指定的skillInfo/audioInfo
* @returns { textMap[] }
skill({ skill, player, info }) {
if (typeof player === "string") player = get.convertedCharacter({ name: player });
else if (typeof player !== "object" || player === null) player = get.convertedCharacter({ isNull: true });
if (typeof info !== "undefined" && (typeof info !== "object" || Array.isArray(info))) info = { audio: info };
const data = {
audioname: []
const options = {
type: "skill",
defaultPath: "skill",
defaultInfo: [true, 2],
const getInfo = name => get.info(name);
const isExist = name => get.info(name);
const getAudioInfo = (name, info, data, options) => {
let audioInfo = info.audio;
if (Array.isArray(info.audioname)) data.audioname.addArray(info.audioname);
data._audioname = getName(i => data.audioname.includes(i));
if (info.audioname2) audioInfo = info.audioname2[getName(i => info.audioname2[i])] || audioInfo;
return { audioInfo, isDefault: false };
const getName = filter => {
const tempname = (player.tempname || []).find(i => filter(i));
if (tempname) return name;
for (const name of [player.name, player.name1, player.name2]) {
if (filter(name)) return name;
const tempname = get.character(name).tempname.find(i => filter(i));
if (tempname) return tempname;
return this.#parse({ name: skill, info, data, options, getInfo, isExist, getAudioInfo });
* 获取角色死亡时能播放的所有阵亡台词列表及其对应的源文件名
* @param { object } options
* @param { Player | string } options.player 角色/角色名
* @param { audioInfo } [options.info] 使用指定的audioInfo
* @returns { textMap[] }
die({ player, info }) {
let name = typeof player === "string" ? player : player.name;
let skinInfo;
if (info) skinInfo = { dieAudios: info };
else if (typeof player !== "string" && player.skin && player.skin.name) {
const skinName = player.skin.name;
if (skinName !== name && lib.characterSubstitute[name]) {
const skin = lib.characterSubstitute[name].find(i => i[0] === skinName);
if (skin) {
skinInfo = get.convertedCharacter(["", "", 0, [], skin[1]]);
name = skinName;
const options = {
type: "die",
defaultPath: "die",
defaultInfo: true,
const getInfo = name => get.character(name);
const isExist = name => !get.character(name).isNull;
const getAudioInfo = (name, info, data, options) => {
let audioInfo = info.dieAudios;
if (audioInfo.length === 0) audioInfo = void 0;
return { audioInfo, isDefault: false };
return this.#parse({ name, info: skinInfo, options, getInfo, isExist, getAudioInfo });
* @this {typeof get.Audio}
* @returns { textMap[] }
#parse = function (arg) {
const { name, info, data = {}, options, getInfo, isExist, getAudioInfo } = arg;
const { type, defaultPath, defaultInfo } = options;
data.history = [];
const check = (name, history) => {
if (!isExist(name)) return false;
if (!history.includes(name)) return true;
if (history[0] === name) return false;
throw new RangeError(`parse: ${name} in ${history} forms a deadlock`);
const getAudioList = (name, data, info) => {
data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
if (typeof info === "undefined") {
if (!isExist(name)) {
console.warn(`parse: Cannot find ${name} when parsing ${type} audio.`);
return this.#parseAudioWithCache({ parseAudio, options }, name, defaultInfo, data, true);
info = getInfo(name);
const { audioInfo, isDefault } = getAudioInfo(name, info, data, options);
return this.#parseAudioWithCache({ parseAudio, options }, name, audioInfo, data, isDefault);
const parseAudio = (name, audioInfo, data, isDefault = false) => {
const { history, _audioname } = data;
if (Array.isArray(audioInfo)) {
if (type === "skill") {//skill的屎山
if (audioInfo.length === 2 && typeof audioInfo[0] === "string" && typeof audioInfo[1] === "number") {
const [newName, number] = audioInfo;
if (check(newName, history)) return getAudioList(newName, data).slice(0, number);
return parseAudio(newName, number, data, isDefault);
const map = {};
audioInfo.forEach(info => {
parseAudio(name, info, data, isDefault).forEach(i => (map[i.name] = i));
return Object.values(map);
if (!["string", "number", "boolean"].includes(typeof audioInfo))
return parseAudio(name, defaultInfo, data, true);
if (audioInfo === false) return [];
audioInfo = String(audioInfo);
if (["data:", "blob:"].some(prefix => audioInfo.startsWith(prefix))) {
return [this.#textMap({ path: "", name: audioInfo, ext: "", type, isDefault, defaultPath })];
if (check(audioInfo, history)) return getAudioList(audioInfo, data);
const list = audioInfo.match(/(?:(.*):|^)(true|\d+)(?::(.*)|$)/); // [path, number|true, ext]
if (list) {
let [, path = defaultPath, audioNum, ext = "mp3"] = list;
path = path + "/";
ext = "." + ext;
if (_audioname) name += "_" + _audioname;
if (audioNum === "true") return [this.#textMap({ path, name, ext, type, isDefault, defaultPath })];
const audioList = [];
audioNum = parseInt(audioNum);
for (let i = 1; i <= audioNum; i++) {
audioList.push(this.#textMap({ path, name: name + i, ext, type, isDefault, defaultPath }));
return audioList;
let path = defaultPath + "/";
const pathIndex = audioInfo.lastIndexOf("/");
if (pathIndex !== -1) {
path = audioInfo.slice(0, pathIndex);
audioInfo = audioInfo.slice(pathIndex);
if (!["db:", "ext:"].some(i => audioInfo.startsWith(i))) path = defaultPath + "/" + path;
let ext = ".mp3";
const extIndex = audioInfo.lastIndexOf(".");
if (extIndex !== -1) {
ext = audioInfo.slice(extIndex);
audioInfo = audioInfo.slice(0, extIndex);
if (pathIndex === -1 && extIndex === -1) return parseAudio(name, defaultInfo, data, true);
return [this.#textMap({ path, name: audioInfo, ext, type, isDefault, defaultPath })];
return getAudioList(name, data, info);
* @this {typeof get.Audio}
#parseAudioWithCache = function ({ parseAudio, options }, ...args) {
const key = this.#getCacheKey(options, ...args);
const result = this.#Cache[key];
if (typeof result !== "undefined") return result;
else {
const result = parseAudio(...args);
this.#Cache[key] = result;
return result;
* @this {typeof get.Audio}
#getCacheKey = function (options, name, audioInfo, data, isDefault = false) {
const key = { name, audioInfo, ...options, isDefault };
for (const i in data) {
const type = typeof data[i];
if (type !== 'object' && type !== 'function' || data[i] === null) key[i] = data[i];
return JSON.stringify(key);
* @this {typeof get.Audio}
* @returns {textMap}
#textMap = function ({ path, name, ext, type, isDefault = false, defaultPath }) {
const suffix = type === "skill" ? "" : ":" + type; //skill的屎山
const translatePath = path.startsWith(defaultPath + "/") ? path.slice(defaultPath.length + 1) : path;
return {
name: translatePath + name,
file: path + name + ext,
text: lib.translate[`#${translatePath}${name}${suffix}`],

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@ -8,10 +8,12 @@ import { Is } from "./is.js";
import { Promises } from "./promises.js";
import { rootURL } from "../../noname.js";
import * as pinyinPro from "./pinyins/index.js";
import { Audio } from "./audio.js";
export class Get {
is = new Is();
promises = new Promises();
Audio = new Audio();
* 获取当前内核版本信息