local extension = Package:new("jianyu_kg") extension.extensionName = "jianyu" local Q = require "packages/jianyu/question" -- 考公大学生用的题库 -- TODO: 这两个武将太耦合了,建议重写。 Fk:loadTranslationTable { ["jianyu_kg"] = [[简浴-考公]], } local jy_zuoti = fk.CreateActiveSkill { name = "jy_zuoti", anim_type = "control", mute = true, can_use = function(self, player) return player:usedSkillTimes(self.name, Player.HistoryPhase) == 0 end, card_filter = function(self, card) return false end, card_num = 0, target_filter = function(self, to_select, selected) return false end, on_use = function(self, room, effect) local player = room:getPlayerById(effect.from) player:broadcastSkillInvoke(self.name, math.random(4)) room:notifySkillInvoked(player, self.name, "drawcard") -- 随机从题库拿一道题 local questionFull = Q.getRandomQuestion() local question = questionFull[1] local answers = questionFull[2] local correct_answer = questionFull[3] ------------------------------------------ -- 插入换行符,每若干个字符一次 local function insert_br(str, ct) local result = "" local count = 0 local in_br = false -- 用于检测是否在原本的
之内 -- TODO:如果这是最后一个字符,那么不要添加br了 for char in str:gmatch("[%z\1-\127\194-\244_][\128-\191]*") do if char == "<" then in_br = true elseif char == ">" and in_br then in_br = false count = 0 end if not in_br then result = result .. char count = count + 1 -- 每ct个字符插入一个
if count == ct then result = result .. "
" count = 0 end else result = result .. char end end return result end local question_wrap = insert_br(question, 40) local answers_wrap = {} for _, a in ipairs(answers) do table.insert(answers_wrap, insert_br(a, 30)) end ----------------------------------------------- -- 建立输出到战报里的所有选项 local answers_string = "" for i, a in ipairs(answers) do if i ~= #answers then answers_string = answers_string .. a .. "
" else answers_string = answers_string .. a end end -- 做题 -- 不仅要让自己看到题目,还要让全场所有人看到题目。 room:doBroadcastNotify("ShowToast", Fk:translate("#jy_zuoti_ob")) room:sendLog { type = "%from 的题目:
%arg2", from = player.id, arg = question, arg2 = answers_string, } local answers_short = {} for _, a in ipairs(answers) do table.insert(answers_short, a[1]) end local choice = room:askForChoice(player, answers_wrap, "#jy_zuoti_q", question_wrap) -- 把skillName改成question可能可以 if choice[1] == correct_answer then -- 仅判断choice[1],因为答案只保留正确选项的选项名字(ABCD) player:broadcastSkillInvoke(self.name, math.random(5, 7)) room:addPlayerMark(player, "@jy_zuoti_correct_count") room:doBroadcastNotify("ShowToast", Fk:translate("#jy_zuoti_correct")) room:sendLog { type = "#jy_zuoti_correct_log", from = player.id, arg = correct_answer[1], } -- cheat,从谋徐盛抄来的 local cardType = { 'basic', 'trick', 'equip' } local cardTypeName = room:askForChoice(player, cardType, self.name, "#jy_zuoti_choose_card") local card_types = { Card.TypeBasic, Card.TypeTrick, Card.TypeEquip } cardType = card_types[table.indexOf(cardType, cardTypeName)] local allCardIds = Fk:getAllCardIds() local allCardMapper = {} local allCardNames = {} for _, id in ipairs(allCardIds) do local card = Fk:getCardById(id) if card.type == cardType then if allCardMapper[card.name] == nil and not Fk:cloneCard(card.name).is_derived then -- 我改了这里,禁止抽衍生牌 table.insert(allCardNames, card.name) end allCardMapper[card.name] = allCardMapper[card.name] or {} table.insert(allCardMapper[card.name], id) end end if #allCardNames == 0 then return end local cardName = room:askForChoice(player, allCardNames, self.name) local toGain -- = room:printCard(cardName, Card.Heart, 1) if #allCardMapper[cardName] > 0 then toGain = allCardMapper[cardName][math.random(1, #allCardMapper[cardName])] end room:obtainCard(player, toGain, true, fk.ReasonPrey) else player:broadcastSkillInvoke(self.name, math.random(8, 10)) room:addPlayerMark(player, "@jy_zuoti_incorrect_count") room:doBroadcastNotify("ShowToast", Fk:translate("#jy_zuoti_incorrect")) room:sendLog { type = "#jy_zuoti_incorrect_log", from = player.id, arg = choice[1], arg2 = correct_answer, } end end, } -- touhou_standard extremely_wicked local jy_jieju = fk.CreateActiveSkill { name = "jy_jieju", frequency = Skill.Quest, anim_type = "positive", can_use = function(self, player) return player:usedSkillTimes("jy_zuoti", Player.HistoryPhase) ~= 0 and -- player:usedSkillTimes(self.name, Player.HistoryPhase) <= 1 and not player:getQuestSkillState("jy_jieju") end, card_filter = function(self, card) return false end, card_num = 0, target_filter = function(self, to_select, selected) return false end, on_use = function(self, room, effect) local from = room:getPlayerById(effect.from) local hp_to_be_lost = 1 room:loseHp(from, hp_to_be_lost, self.name) -- room:throwCard(effect.cards, self.name, from, from) from:setSkillUseHistory("jy_zuoti", 0, Player.HistoryPhase) end, } local jy_jieju_success = fk.CreateTriggerSkill { name = "#jy_jieju_success", anim_type = "positive", events = { fk.EventPhaseStart, }, can_trigger = function(self, event, target, player) if player:getQuestSkillState("jy_jieju") then return false end return player:hasSkill("jy_jieju") and player.phase == Player.Finish and player:getMark("@jy_zuoti_correct_count") >= player:getMark("@jy_zuoti_incorrect_count") + 2 end, on_cost = Util.TrueFunc, on_use = function(self, event, target, player) local room = player.room room:updateQuestSkillState(player, "jy_jieju") player:drawCards(2, "jy_jieju") room:recover({ who = player, num = 2, recoverBy = player, skillName = self.name, }) room:handleAddLoseSkills(player, "jizhi", nil, true, false) room:handleAddLoseSkills(player, "kanpo", nil, true, false) room:handleAddLoseSkills(player, "xiangle", nil, true, false) end } local jy_jieju_fail = fk.CreateTriggerSkill { name = "#jy_jieju_fail", anim_type = "negative", events = { fk.EventPhaseStart, }, can_trigger = function(self, event, target, player) if player:getQuestSkillState("jy_jieju") then return false end return player:hasSkill("jy_jieju") and player.phase == Player.Finish and player:getMark("@jy_zuoti_incorrect_count") >= player:getMark("@jy_zuoti_correct_count") + 2 end, on_cost = Util.TrueFunc, on_use = function(self, event, target, player) local room = player.room room:updateQuestSkillState(player, "jy_jieju", true) player:turnOver() room:handleAddLoseSkills(player, "jy_yuyu", nil, true, false) room:handleAddLoseSkills(player, "jy_hongwen", nil, true, false) end } jy_jieju:addRelatedSkill(jy_jieju_success) jy_jieju:addRelatedSkill(jy_jieju_fail) local jy_guina = fk.CreateActiveSkill { mute = true, name = "jy_guina", anim_type = "control", can_use = function(self, player) return player:usedSkillTimes(self.name, Player.HistoryPhase) < 3 end, card_filter = function(self, card) return false end, card_num = 0, target_num = 1, target_filter = function(self, to_select, selected) return #selected == 0 end, on_use = function(self, room, effect) local me = room:getPlayerById(effect.from) me:broadcastSkillInvoke(self.name, math.random(4)) room:notifySkillInvoked(me, self.name, "drawcard") local player = room:getPlayerById(effect.tos[1]) -- 随机从题库拿一道题 local questionFull = Q.getRandomQuestion() local question = questionFull[1] local answers = questionFull[2] local correct_answer = questionFull[3] ------------------------------------------ -- 插入换行符,每若干个字符一次 local function insert_br(str, ct) local result = "" local count = 0 local in_br = false -- 用于检测是否在原本的
之内 -- TODO:如果这是最后一个字符,那么不要添加br了 for char in str:gmatch("[%z\1-\127\194-\244_][\128-\191]*") do if char == "<" then in_br = true elseif char == ">" and in_br then in_br = false count = 0 end if not in_br then result = result .. char count = count + 1 -- 每ct个字符插入一个
if count == ct then result = result .. "
" count = 0 end else result = result .. char end end return result end local question_wrap = insert_br(question, 40) local answers_wrap = {} for _, a in ipairs(answers) do table.insert(answers_wrap, insert_br(a, 30)) end ----------------------------------------------- -- 建立输出到战报里的所有选项 local answers_string = "" for i, a in ipairs(answers) do if i ~= #answers then answers_string = answers_string .. a .. "
" else answers_string = answers_string .. a end end -- 做题 -- 不仅要让自己看到题目,还要让全场所有人看到题目。 room:doBroadcastNotify("ShowToast", Fk:translate("#jy_zuoti_ob")) room:sendLog { type = "%from 的题目:
%arg2", from = player.id, arg = question, arg2 = answers_string, } local answers_short = {} for _, a in ipairs(answers) do table.insert(answers_short, a[1]) end -- local your_question_wrap = "归纳:回答行测真题,若正确你可以自选一张牌,

" .. question local choice = room:askForChoice(player, answers_wrap, "#jy_zuoti_q", question_wrap) if choice[1] == correct_answer then -- 仅判断choice[1],因为答案只保留正确选项的选项名字(ABCD) me:broadcastSkillInvoke(self.name, math.random(5, 6)) -- 播放选择正确的语音 -- room:addPlayerMark(player, "@jy_zuoti_correct_count") room:doBroadcastNotify("ShowToast", Fk:translate("#jy_guina_correct")) room:sendLog { type = "#jy_zuoti_correct_log", from = player.id, arg = correct_answer[1], } -- cheat,从谋徐盛抄来的 local cardType = { 'basic', 'trick', 'equip' } local cardTypeName = room:askForChoice(player, cardType, self.name, "#jy_guina_choose_card") local card_types = { Card.TypeBasic, Card.TypeTrick, Card.TypeEquip } cardType = card_types[table.indexOf(cardType, cardTypeName)] local allCardIds = Fk:getAllCardIds() local allCardMapper = {} local allCardNames = {} for _, id in ipairs(allCardIds) do local card = Fk:getCardById(id) if card.type == cardType then if allCardMapper[card.name] == nil and not Fk:cloneCard(card.name).is_derived then -- 我改了这里,禁止抽衍生牌 table.insert(allCardNames, card.name) end allCardMapper[card.name] = allCardMapper[card.name] or {} table.insert(allCardMapper[card.name], id) end end if #allCardNames == 0 then return end local cardName = room:askForChoice(player, allCardNames, self.name) local toGain -- = room:printCard(cardName, Card.Heart, 1) if #allCardMapper[cardName] > 0 then toGain = allCardMapper[cardName][math.random(1, #allCardMapper[cardName])] end room:obtainCard(player, toGain, true, fk.ReasonPrey) else me:broadcastSkillInvoke(self.name, math.random(7, 8)) -- 播放选择错误的语音 -- room:addPlayerMark(player, "@jy_zuoti_incorrect_count") room:doBroadcastNotify("ShowToast", Fk:translate("#jy_guina_incorrect")) room:sendLog { type = "#jy_zuoti_incorrect_log", from = player.id, arg = choice[1], arg2 = correct_answer, } room:setPlayerMark(player, "@jy_guina-phase", "") -- 给这个人上标记,标记为被点名的 end end, } local jy_guina_refresh = fk.CreateTriggerSkill { name = "#jy_guina_refresh", refresh_events = { fk.TargetConfirming, fk.Damaged }, can_refresh = function(self, event, target, player, data) if not player:hasSkill(self) then return false end if event == fk.TargetConfirming then -- if data.card then 这个事件只针对牌,所以不需要判断是否有牌 return data.from == player.id and (data.card:isCommonTrick() or data.card.type == Card.TypeBasic) else return data.to:getMark("@jy_guina-phase") ~= 0 -- data.from == player -- 因为这两个事件的data.to和from对应的数据结构不一样 end end, on_refresh = function(self, event, target, player, data) -- TODO:借刀等带副目标的不会生效 local room = player.room if event == fk.TargetConfirming then local guina_players = {} -- 用来画指示线的 local targets = AimGroup:getAllTargets(data.tos) for _, p in ipairs(room:getAlivePlayers()) do if p:getMark("@jy_guina-phase") ~= 0 and not table.contains(targets, p.id) then -- 判断目标是否不能成为这张牌的目标 if not Self:isProhibited(p, data.card) then AimGroup:addTargets(player.room, data, p.id) table.insert(guina_players, p.id) end end end if #guina_players ~= 0 then room:notifySkillInvoked(player, "jy_guina", "drawcard") room:doIndicate(data.from, guina_players) end else room:notifySkillInvoked(player, "jy_guina", "drawcard") player:drawCards(2, "jy_guina") end end, } jy_guina:addRelatedSkill(jy_guina_refresh) local jy__kgdxs = General(extension, "jy__kgdxs", "qun", 6, 6, General.Female) jy__kgdxs:addSkill(jy_zuoti) jy__kgdxs:addSkill(jy_jieju) jy__kgdxs:addRelatedSkill("jizhi") jy__kgdxs:addRelatedSkill("kanpo") jy__kgdxs:addRelatedSkill("xiangle") jy__kgdxs:addRelatedSkill("jy_yuyu") jy__kgdxs:addRelatedSkill("jy_hongwen") local kgds = General(extension, "jy__kgds", "god", 4) kgds:addSkill(jy_guina) local total_papers, total_questions = Q.questionCount() Fk:loadTranslationTable { ["jy__kgdxs"] = "考公大学生", ["#jy__kgdxs"] = "公喜发财", ["designer:jy__kgdxs"] = "考公专家", ["cv:jy__kgdxs"] = "侯小菲", ["illustrator:jy__kgdxs"] = "网络图片", ["~jy__kgdxs"] = [[老师,对不起……]], ["jy_zuoti"] = "做题", [":jy_zuoti"] = [[出牌阶段限一次,你可以回答一道行测真题。若正确,你获得一张你指定的非衍生牌名的牌。
收录2018-2024《行测》]] .. total_papers .. [[套共]] .. total_questions .. [[题,经人工筛选,不含图形推理、资料分析。]], ["#jy_zuoti_q"] = "行测真题", ["#jy_zuoti_see_log"] = [[做题:请在战报中查看完整题干]], ["#jy_zuoti_ob"] = [[正在做题!其他角色可以在战报中查看这道题目的完整题干和选项。]], ["#jy_zuoti_correct"] = [[答对了!你可以自选一张牌!
你可以在战报中查看正确答案。]], ["#jy_zuoti_incorrect"] = [[答错了,不过没有什么惩罚,你学到了新知识!
你可以在战报中查看正确答案。]], ["#jy_zuoti_choose_card"] = [[自选一张牌(尽量不要是自己区域内同牌名的牌)]], ["@jy_zuoti_correct_count"] = "答对", ["#jy_zuoti_correct_log"] = "%from 回答正确,正确答案:%arg。", ["@jy_zuoti_incorrect_count"] = "答错", ["#jy_zuoti_incorrect_log"] = "%from 选择了:%arg,正确答案:%arg2。", ["$jy_zuoti1"] = [[伟大的智慧之神,我最近每晚都在熬夜复习,考试就请让我通过吧!拜托了拜托了……]], ["$jy_zuoti2"] = [[唉,为什么报告和论文永远写不完?为什么?]], ["$jy_zuoti3"] = [[嗯哼,我也不想熬夜补课题进度。你想陪我一起吗?]], ["$jy_zuoti4"] = [[别害怕。]], ["$jy_zuoti5"] = [[好厉害,好羡慕……你还真是什么都会呀!]], ["$jy_zuoti6"] = [[哇!突然感觉不困了!]], ["$jy_zuoti7"] = [[还是你眼睛尖……]], ["$jy_zuoti8"] = [[现在逃还来得及吗?]], ["$jy_zuoti9"] = [[完了完了完了……]], ["$jy_zuoti10"] = [[啊……我……我要不行了……]], ["jy_jieju"] = "熬夜", [":jy_jieju"] = [[使命技,出牌阶段,你可以失去一点体力使〖做题〗视为未发动过。
失败:回合结束时,若你答错比答对至少多2次,你翻面,然后获得〖玉玉〗、〖红温〗。]], ["#jy_jieju_success"] = "结局:成功", ["#jy_jieju_fail"] = "结局:失败", ["jy__kgds"] = "考公专家", ["#jy__kgds"] = "正厅级", ["designer:jy__kgds"] = "考公专家", ["cv:jy__kgds"] = "桑毓泽", ["illustrator:jy__kgds"] = "网络图片", ["~jy__kgds"] = "“庸人”么……呵……", ["jy_guina"] = "归纳", [":jy_guina"] = [[出牌阶段限三次,你可以令一名角色回答一道行测真题。若正确,其获得一张其指定的非衍生牌名的牌,否则其获得“归纳”直到本阶段结束。你使用基本牌与普通锦囊牌时,额外指定有“归纳”的角色为目标;有“归纳”的角色受到伤害时,你摸两张牌。
收录2018-2024《行测》]] .. total_papers .. [[套共]] .. total_questions .. [[题,经人工筛选,不含图形推理、资料分析。]], ["@jy_guina-phase"] = "归纳", ["#jy_guina_correct"] = [[答对了!你可以自选一张牌获得!
你可以在战报中查看正确答案。]], ["#jy_guina_incorrect"] = [[答错了,本阶段的所有牌会额外指定你为目标!
你可以在战报中查看正确答案。]], ["#jy_guina_choose_card"] = [[自选一张牌(尽量不要是自己区域内同牌名的牌)]], ["$jy_guina1"] = [[让我来考考你。]], ["$jy_guina2"] = [[由我提问了。]], ["$jy_guina3"] = [[期待各位的应答。]], ["$jy_guina4"] = [[动动脑子!]], ["$jy_guina5"] = [[不错,加五分。]], ["$jy_guina6"] = [[做得好,加十分。]], ["$jy_guina7"] = [[零分,下一个!]], ["$jy_guina8"] = [[负分!]], } return extension