1701 lines
45 KiB
1701 lines
45 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
const Card = {
Unknown : 0,
PlayerHand : 1,
PlayerEquip : 2,
PlayerJudge : 3,
PlayerSpecial : 4,
Processing : 5,
DrawPile : 6,
DiscardPile : 7,
Void : 8
function arrangeManyPhotos() {
/* Layout of photos:
* +----------------+
* | -2 ... 2 |
* | -1 1 |
* | 0 |
* +----------------+
const photoBaseWidth = 175;
const photoMaxWidth = 175 * 0.75;
const verticalSpacing = 32;
// Padding is negative, because photos are scaled.
const roomAreaPadding = -16;
let horizontalSpacing = 8;
let photoWidth = (roomArea.width - horizontalSpacing * playerNum)
/ (playerNum - 1);
let photoScale = 0.75;
if (photoWidth > photoMaxWidth) {
photoWidth = photoMaxWidth;
horizontalSpacing = (roomArea.width - photoWidth * (playerNum - 1))
/ playerNum;
} else {
photoScale = photoWidth / photoBaseWidth;
const horizontalPadding = (photoWidth - photoBaseWidth) / 2;
const startX = horizontalPadding + horizontalSpacing;
const padding = photoWidth + horizontalSpacing;
let regions = [
x: startX + padding * (playerNum - 2),
y: roomScene.height - 220,
scale: photoScale
let i;
for (i = 0; i < playerNum - 1; i++) {
x: startX + padding * (playerNum - 2 - i),
y: roomAreaPadding,
scale: photoScale,
regions[1].y += verticalSpacing * 3;
regions[regions.length - 1].y += verticalSpacing * 3;
regions[2].y += verticalSpacing;
regions[regions.length - 2].y += verticalSpacing;
let item, region;
for (i = 0; i < playerNum; i++) {
item = photos.itemAt(i);
if (!item)
region = regions[photoModel.get(i).index];
item.x = region.x;
item.y = region.y;
item.scale = region.scale;
function arrangePhotos() {
if (playerNum > 8) {
return arrangeManyPhotos();
/* Layout of photos:
* +---------------+
* | 6 5 4 3 2 |
* | 7 1 |
* | 0 |
* +---------------+
const photoWidth = 175 * 0.75;
// Padding is negative, because photos are scaled.
const roomAreaPadding = -16;
const verticalPadding = -175 / 8;
const horizontalSpacing = 32;
const verticalSpacing = (roomArea.width - photoWidth * 7) / 8;
// Position 1-7
const startX = verticalPadding + verticalSpacing;
const padding = photoWidth + verticalSpacing;
const regions = [
{ x: startX + padding * 6, y: roomScene.height - 220 },
{ x: startX + padding * 6, y: roomAreaPadding + horizontalSpacing * 3 },
{ x: startX + padding * 5, y: roomAreaPadding + horizontalSpacing },
{ x: startX + padding * 4, y: roomAreaPadding },
{ x: startX + padding * 3, y: roomAreaPadding },
{ x: startX + padding * 2, y: roomAreaPadding },
{ x: startX + padding, y: roomAreaPadding + horizontalSpacing },
{ x: startX, y: roomAreaPadding + horizontalSpacing * 3 },
const regularSeatIndex = [
[0, 4],
[0, 3, 5],
[0, 1, 4, 7],
[0, 1, 3, 5, 7],
[0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
const seatIndex = regularSeatIndex[playerNum - 2];
let item, region, i;
for (i = 0; i < playerNum; i++) {
item = photos.itemAt(i);
if (!item)
region = regions[seatIndex[photoModel.get(i).index]];
item.x = region.x;
item.y = region.y;
function doOkButton() {
if (roomScene.state === "playing" || roomScene.state === "responding") {
const reply = JSON.stringify({
card: dashboard.getSelectedCard(),
targets: selected_targets,
special_skill: roomScene.getCurrentCardUseMethod(),
interaction_data: roomScene.skillInteraction.item ?
roomScene.skillInteraction.item.answer : undefined,
if (roomScene.extra_data.luckCard) {
okButton.enabled = false;
ClientInstance.notifyServer("PushRequest", [
"luckcard", true
if (roomScene.extra_data.time === 1) {
roomScene.state = "notactive";
let _is_canceling = false;
function doCancelButton() {
if (_is_canceling) return;
_is_canceling = true;
if (roomScene.state === "playing") {
_is_canceling = false;
} else if (roomScene.state === "responding") {
const p = dashboard.pending_skill;
if (roomScene.autoPending || !p) {
} else {
_is_canceling = false;
if (roomScene.extra_data.luckCard) {
ClientInstance.notifyServer("PushRequest", [
"luckcard", false
roomScene.state = "notactive";
_is_canceling = false;
_is_canceling = false;
function replyToServer(jsonData) {
ClientInstance.replyToServer("", jsonData);
if (!mainWindow.is_pending) {
roomScene.state = "notactive";
} else {
roomScene.state = "";
const data = mainWindow.fetchMessage();
return mainWindow.handleMessage(data.command, data.jsonData);
function getPhotoModel(id) {
for (let i = 0; i < photoModel.count; i++) {
const item = photoModel.get(i);
if (item.id === id) {
return item;
return undefined;
function getPhoto(id) {
for (let i = 0; i < photoModel.count; i++) {
const item = photoModel.get(i);
if (item.id === id) {
return photos.itemAt(i);
return undefined;
function getPhotoOrDashboard(id) {
if (id === Self.id)
return dashboard;
return getPhoto(id);
function getAreaItem(area, id) {
if (area === Card.DrawPile) {
return drawPile;
} else if (area === Card.DiscardPile || area === Card.Processing ||
area === Card.Void) {
return tablePile;
} else if (area === Card.AG) {
return popupBox.item;
const photo = getPhoto(id);
if (!photo) {
return null;
if (area === Card.PlayerHand) {
return id === Self.id ? dashboard.handcardArea : photo.handcardArea;
} else if (area === Card.PlayerEquip) {
return photo.equipArea;
} else if (area === Card.PlayerJudge) {
return photo.delayedTrickArea;
} else if (area === Card.PlayerSpecial) {
return photo.specialArea;
return null;
function moveCards(moves) {
for (let i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
const move = moves[i];
const from = getAreaItem(move.fromArea, move.from);
const to = getAreaItem(move.toArea, move.to);
if (!from || !to || (from === to && move.fromArea !== Card.DiscardPile))
const items = from.remove(move.ids, move.fromSpecialName);
if (to === tablePile) {
let vanished = items.filter(c => c.cid === -1);
if (vanished.length > 0) {
drawPile.add(vanished, move.specialName);
vanished = items.filter(c => c.cid !== -1);
if (vanished.length > 0) {
to.add(vanished, move.specialName);
} else {
if (items.length > 0)
to.add(items, move.specialName);
function resortHandcards() {
if (!dashboard.handcardArea.cards.length) {
const subtypeString2Number = {
["none"]: Card.SubtypeNone,
["delayed_trick"]: Card.SubtypeDelayedTrick,
["weapon"]: Card.SubtypeWeapon,
["armor"]: Card.SubtypeArmor,
["defensive_horse"]: Card.SubtypeDefensiveRide,
["offensive_horse"]: Card.SubtypeOffensiveRide,
["treasure"]: Card.SubtypeTreasure,
dashboard.handcardArea.cards.sort((prev, next) => {
if (prev.footnote === next.footnote) {
if (prev.type === next.type) {
const prevSubtypeNumber = subtypeString2Number[prev.subtype];
const nextSubtypeNumber = subtypeString2Number[next.subtype];
if (prevSubtypeNumber === nextSubtypeNumber) {
const splitedPrevName = prev.name.split('__');
const prevTrueName = splitedPrevName[splitedPrevName.length - 1];
const splitedNextName = next.name.split('__');
const nextTrueName = splitedNextName[splitedNextName.length - 1];
if (prevTrueName === nextTrueName) {
return prev.cid - next.cid;
} else {
return prevTrueName > nextTrueName ? -1 : 1;
} else {
return prevSubtypeNumber - nextSubtypeNumber;
} else {
return prev.type - next.type;
} else {
return prev.footnote > next.footnote ? 1 : -1;
function setEmotion(id, emotion, isCardId) {
let path;
if (OS === "Win") {
// Windows: file:///C:/xxx/xxxx
path = (SkinBank.PIXANIM_DIR + emotion).replace("file:///", "");
} else {
path = (SkinBank.PIXANIM_DIR + emotion).replace("file://", "");
if (!Backend.exists(path)) {
// Try absolute path again
if (OS === "Win") {
// Windows: file:///C:/xxx/xxxx
path = (AppPath + "/" + emotion).replace("file:///", "");
} else {
path = (AppPath + "/" + emotion).replace("file://", "");
if (!Backend.exists(path))
if (!Backend.isDir(path)) {
// TODO: set picture emotion
const component = Qt.createComponent("../RoomElement/PixmapAnimation.qml");
if (component.status !== Component.Ready)
let photo;
if (isCardId === true) {
roomScene.tableCards.forEach((v) => {
if (v.cid === id) {
photo = v;
if (!photo)
} else {
photo = getPhoto(id);
if (!photo) {
return null;
const animation = component.createObject(photo,
{ source: (OS === "Win" ? "file:///" : "") + path });
animation.anchors.centerIn = photo;
if (isCardId) {
animation.started.connect(() => photo.busy = true);
animation.finished.connect(() => {
photo.busy = false;
} else {
animation.finished.connect(() => animation.destroy());
function setCardFootnote(id, footnote) {
let card;
roomScene.tableCards.forEach((v) => {
if (v.cid === id) {
card = v;
if (!card) {
card.footnote = footnote;
card.footnoteVisible = true;
callbacks["SetCardFootnote"] = (j) => {
const data = JSON.parse(j);
const id = data[0];
const note = data[1];
setCardFootnote(id, note);
function setCardVirtName(id, name) {
let card;
roomScene.tableCards.forEach((v) => {
if (v.cid === id) {
card = v;
if (!card) {
card.virt_name = name;
callbacks["SetCardVirtName"] = (j) => {
const data = JSON.parse(j);
const ids = data[0];
const note = data[1];
ids.forEach(id => setCardVirtName(id, note));
function changeHp(id, delta, losthp) {
const photo = getPhoto(id);
if (!photo) {
return null;
if (delta < 0) {
if (!losthp) {
setEmotion(id, "damage")
function doIndicate(from, tos) {
const component = Qt.createComponent("../RoomElement/IndicatorLine.qml");
if (component.status !== Component.Ready)
const fromItem = getPhotoOrDashboard(from);
const fromPos = mapFromItem(fromItem, fromItem.width / 2,
fromItem.height / 2);
const end = [];
for (let i = 0; i < tos.length; i++) {
if (from === tos[i])
const toItem = getPhotoOrDashboard(tos[i]);
const toPos = mapFromItem(toItem, toItem.width / 2, toItem.height / 2);
const color = "#96943D";
const line = component.createObject(roomScene, {
start: fromPos,
end: end,
color: color
line.finished.connect(() => line.destroy());
line.running = true;
function processPrompt(prompt) {
const data = prompt.split(":");
let raw = luatr(data[0]);
const src = parseInt(data[1]);
const dest = parseInt(data[2]);
if (raw.match("%src"))
raw = raw.replace(/%src/g, luatr(getPhoto(src).general));
if (raw.match("%dest"))
raw = raw.replace(/%dest/g, luatr(getPhoto(dest).general));
if (raw.match("%arg2"))
raw = raw.replace(/%arg2/g, luatr(data[4]));
if (raw.match("%arg"))
raw = raw.replace(/%arg/g, luatr(data[3]));
return raw;
callbacks["MaxCard"] = (jsonData) => {
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const id = data.id;
const cardMax = data.pcardMax;
const photo = getPhoto(id);
if (photo) {
photo.maxCard = cardMax;
function changeSelf(id) {
lcall("ChangeSelf", id);
// move new selfPhoto to dashboard
let order = new Array(photoModel.count);
for (let i = 0; i < photoModel.count; i++) {
const item = photoModel.get(i);
order[item.seatNumber - 1] = item.id;
if (item.id === Self.id) {
dashboard.self = photos.itemAt(i);
// update dashboard
// handle pending messages
if (mainWindow.is_pending) {
const data = mainWindow.fetchMessage();
return mainWindow.handleMessage(data.command, data.jsonData);
callbacks["AddPlayer"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: int id, string screenName, string avatar, bool ready
for (let i = 0; i < photoModel.count; i++) {
const item = photoModel.get(i);
if (item.id === -1) {
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const uid = data[0];
const name = data[1];
const avatar = data[2];
const ready = data[3];
item.id = uid;
item.screenName = name;
item.general = avatar;
item.avatar = avatar;
item.ready = ready;
if (getPhoto(-1)) {
roomScene.isFull = false;
} else {
roomScene.isFull = true;
// card: int | { skill: string, subcards: int[] }
function enableTargets(card) {
if (roomScene.respond_play) {
const candidate = (!isNaN(card) && card !== -1)
|| typeof(card) === "string";
if (candidate) {
okButton.enabled =
lcall("CardFitPattern", card, roomScene.responding_card) &&
!lcall("CardProhibitedResponse", card);
} else {
okButton.enabled = false;
let i = 0;
const candidate = (!isNaN(card) && card !== -1) || typeof(card) === "string";
const all_photos = [];
for (i = 0; i < playerNum; i++) {
selected_targets = [];
for (i = 0; i < playerNum; i++) {
all_photos[i].selected = false;
if (candidate) {
const data = {
ok_enabled: false,
enabled_targets: []
all_photos.forEach(photo => {
photo.state = "candidate";
const id = photo.playerid;
const ret = lcall("CanUseCardToTarget", card, id, selected_targets,
photo.selectable = ret;
if (roomScene.extra_data instanceof Object) {
const must = roomScene.extra_data.must_targets;
const included = roomScene.extra_data.include_targets;
const exclusive = roomScene.extra_data.exclusive_targets;
if (exclusive instanceof Array) {
if (exclusive.indexOf(id) === -1) photo.selectable = false;
if (must instanceof Array) {
if (must.filter((val) => {
return selected_targets.indexOf(val) === -1;
}).length !== 0 && must.indexOf(id) === -1) photo.selectable = false;
if (included instanceof Array) {
if (included.filter((val) => {
return selected_targets.indexOf(val) !== -1;
}).length === 0 && included.indexOf(id) === -1)
photo.selectable = false;
okButton.enabled = lcall("CardFeasible", card, selected_targets);
if (okButton.enabled && roomScene.state === "responding") {
okButton.enabled =
lcall("CardFitPattern", card, roomScene.responding_card) &&
(roomScene.autoPending || !lcall("CardProhibitedUse", card));
} else if (okButton.enabled && roomScene.state === "playing") {
okButton.enabled = lcall("CanUseCard", card, Self.id,
if (okButton.enabled) {
if (roomScene.extra_data instanceof Object) {
const must = roomScene.extra_data.must_targets;
const included = roomScene.extra_data.include_targets;
if (must instanceof Array) {
if(must.length === 0) okButton.enabled = false;
if (included instanceof Array) {
if (included.length === 0) okButton.enabled = false;
} else {
all_photos.forEach(photo => {
photo.state = "normal";
photo.selected = false;
okButton.enabled = false;
function updateSelectedTargets(playerid, selected) {
let i = 0;
const card = dashboard.getSelectedCard();
const candidate = (!isNaN(card) && card !== -1) || typeof(card) === "string";
const all_photos = [];
for (i = 0; i < playerNum; i++) {
if (selected) {
} else {
selected_targets.splice(selected_targets.indexOf(playerid), 1);
if (candidate) {
all_photos.forEach(photo => {
if (photo.selected) return;
const id = photo.playerid;
const ret = lcall("CanUseCardToTarget", card, id, selected_targets,
photo.selectable = ret;
if (roomScene.extra_data instanceof Object) {
const must = roomScene.extra_data.must_targets;
const included = roomScene.extra_data.include_targets;
const exclusive = roomScene.extra_data.exclusive_targets;
if (exclusive instanceof Array) {
if (exclusive.indexOf(id) === -1) photo.selectable = false;
if (must instanceof Array) {
if (must.filter((val) => {
return selected_targets.indexOf(val) === -1;
}).length !== 0 && must.indexOf(id) === -1) photo.selectable = false;
if (included instanceof Array) {
if (included.filter((val) => {
return selected_targets.indexOf(val) !== -1;
}).length === 0 && included.indexOf(id) === -1)
photo.selectable = false;
okButton.enabled = lcall("CardFeasible", card, selected_targets);
if (okButton.enabled && roomScene.state === "responding") {
okButton.enabled =
lcall("CardFitPattern", card, roomScene.responding_card) &&
(roomScene.autoPending || !lcall("CardProhibitedUse", card));
} else if (okButton.enabled && roomScene.state === "playing") {
okButton.enabled = lcall("CanUseCard", card, Self.id,
if (okButton.enabled) {
if (roomScene.extra_data instanceof Object) {
const must = roomScene.extra_data.must_targets;
const included = roomScene.extra_data.include_targets;
if (must instanceof Array) {
if (must.filter((val) => {
return selected_targets.indexOf(val) === -1;
}).length !== 0) okButton.enabled = false;
if (included instanceof Array) {
if (included.filter((val) => {
return selected_targets.indexOf(val) !== -1;
}).length === 0) okButton.enabled = false;
} else {
all_photos.forEach(photo => {
photo.state = "normal";
photo.selected = false;
okButton.enabled = false;
callbacks["RemovePlayer"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: int uid
const uid = JSON.parse(jsonData)[0];
const model = getPhotoModel(uid);
if (typeof(model) !== "undefined") {
model.id = -1;
model.screenName = "";
model.general = "";
model.isOwner = false;
roomScene.isFull = false;
callbacks["RoomOwner"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: int uid of the owner
const uid = JSON.parse(jsonData)[0];
roomScene.isOwner = (Self.id === uid);
const model = getPhotoModel(uid);
if (typeof(model) !== "undefined") {
model.isOwner = true;
function checkAllReady() {
let allReady = true;
for (let i = 0; i < photoModel.count; i++) {
const item = photoModel.get(i);
if (!item.isOwner && !item.ready) {
allReady = false;
roomScene.isAllReady = allReady;
callbacks["ReadyChanged"] = (j) => {
const data = JSON.parse(j);
const id = data[0];
const ready = data[1];
if (id === Self.id) {
roomScene.isReady = ready === 1;
const model = getPhotoModel(id);
if (typeof(model) !== "undefined") {
model.ready = ready ? true : false;
callbacks["NetStateChanged"] = (j) => {
const data = JSON.parse(j);
const id = data[0];
let state = data[1];
const model = getPhotoModel(id);
if (state === "run" && model.dead) {
state = "leave";
model.netstate = state;
callbacks["PropertyUpdate"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: int id, string property_name, value
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const uid = data[0];
const property_name = data[1];
let value = data[2];
let model = getPhotoModel(uid);
if (typeof(model) !== "undefined") {
if (property_name == "sealedSlots")
value = JSON.stringify(value); // 辣鸡qml
model[property_name] = value;
if (property_name === "phase") {
let item = getPhoto(uid);
item.playing = value < 8; // Player.NotActive
callbacks["UpdateCard"] = (j) => {
const id = parseInt(j);
let card;
roomScene.tableCards.forEach((v) => {
if (v.cid === id) {
card = v;
if (!card) {
roomScene.dashboard.handcardArea.cards.forEach((v) => {
if (v.cid === id) {
card = v;
if (!card) {
card.setData(lcall("GetCardData", id));
callbacks["StartGame"] = (jsonData) => {
roomScene.isStarted = true;
for (let i = 0; i < photoModel.count; i++) {
const item = photoModel.get(i);
item.ready = false;
item.general = "";
callbacks["ArrangeSeats"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: seat order
const order = JSON.parse(jsonData);
for (let i = 0; i < photoModel.count; i++) {
const item = photoModel.get(i);
item.seatNumber = order.indexOf(item.id) + 1;
// make Self to the first of list, then reorder photomodel
const selfIndex = order.indexOf(Self.id);
const after = order.splice(selfIndex);
const photoOrder = after;
for (let i = 0; i < photoModel.count; i++) {
const item = photoModel.get(i);
item.index = photoOrder.indexOf(item.id);
function cancelAllFocus() {
let item;
for (let i = 0; i < playerNum; i++) {
item = photos.itemAt(i);
item.progressBar.visible = false;
item.progressTip = "";
callbacks["MoveFocus"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: int[] focuses, string command
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const focuses = data[0];
const command = data[1];
let item, model;
for (let i = 0; i < playerNum; i++) {
model = photoModel.get(i);
if (focuses.indexOf(model.id) != -1) {
item = photos.itemAt(i);
item.progressBar.visible = true;
item.progressTip = luatr(command)
+ luatr(" thinking...");
if (command === "PlayCard") {
item.playing = true;
} else {
item = photos.itemAt(i);
if (command === "PlayCard") {
item.playing = false;
callbacks["PlayerRunned"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: int runner, int robot
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const runner = data[0];
const robot = data[1];
const model = getPhotoModel(runner);
if (typeof(model) !== "undefined") {
model.id = robot;
callbacks["AskForGeneral"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: string[] Generals
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const generals = data[0];
const n = data[1];
const convert = data[2];
const heg = data[3];
roomScene.setPrompt(luatr("#AskForGeneral"), true);
roomScene.state = "replying";
roomScene.popupBox.sourceComponent =
const box = roomScene.popupBox.item;
box.accepted.connect(() => {
box.choiceNum = n;
box.convertDisabled = !!convert;
box.hegemony = !!heg;
for (let i = 0; i < generals.length; i++)
box.generalList.append({ "name": generals[i] });
callbacks["AskForSkillInvoke"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: [ string name, string prompt ]
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const skill = data[0];
const prompt = data[1];
roomScene.promptText = prompt ? processPrompt(prompt)
: luatr("#AskForSkillInvoke").arg(luatr(skill));
roomScene.state = "replying";
roomScene.okCancel.visible = true;
roomScene.okButton.enabled = true;
roomScene.cancelButton.enabled = true;
callbacks["AskForGuanxing"] = (jsonData) => {
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const cards = [];
const min_top_cards = data.min_top_cards;
const max_top_cards = data.max_top_cards;
const min_bottom_cards = data.min_bottom_cards;
const max_bottom_cards = data.max_bottom_cards;
const top_area_name = data.top_area_name;
const bottom_area_name = data.bottom_area_name;
const prompt = data.prompt;
roomScene.state = "replying";
roomScene.popupBox.sourceComponent =
data.cards.forEach(id => cards.push(lcall("GetCardData", id)));
const box = roomScene.popupBox.item;
box.prompt = prompt;
if (max_top_cards === 0) {
box.areaCapacities = [max_bottom_cards];
box.areaLimits = [min_bottom_cards];
box.areaNames = [luatr(bottom_area_name)];
} else {
if (max_bottom_cards === 0) {
box.areaCapacities = [max_top_cards];
box.areaLimits = [min_top_cards];
box.areaNames = [luatr(top_area_name)];
} else {
box.areaCapacities = [max_top_cards, max_bottom_cards];
box.areaLimits = [min_top_cards, min_bottom_cards];
box.areaNames = [luatr(top_area_name), luatr(bottom_area_name)];
box.cards = cards;
box.accepted.connect(() => {
callbacks["AskForExchange"] = (jsonData) => {
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const cards = [];
const cards_name = [];
const capacities = [];
const limits = [];
roomScene.state = "replying";
roomScene.popupBox.sourceComponent =
let for_i = 0;
const box = roomScene.popupBox.item;
data.piles.forEach(ids => {
if (ids.length > 0) {
ids.forEach(id => cards.push(lcall("GetCardData", id)));
for_i ++;
box.areaCapacities = capacities
box.areaLimits = limits
box.areaNames = cards_name
box.cards = cards;
box.accepted.connect(() => {
callbacks["AskForChoice"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: [ string[] choices, string skill ]
// TODO: multiple choices, e.g. benxi_ol
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const choices = data[0];
const all_choices = data[1];
const skill_name = data[2];
const prompt = data[3];
const detailed = data[4];
if (prompt === "") {
roomScene.promptText = luatr("#AskForChoice")
} else {
roomScene.setPrompt(processPrompt(prompt), true);
roomScene.state = "replying";
let qmlSrc;
if (!detailed) {
qmlSrc = "../RoomElement/ChoiceBox.qml";
} else {
qmlSrc = "../RoomElement/DetailedChoiceBox.qml";
roomScene.popupBox.sourceComponent = Qt.createComponent(qmlSrc);
const box = roomScene.popupBox.item;
box.options = choices;
box.skill_name = skill_name;
box.all_options = all_choices;
box.accepted.connect(() => {
callbacks["AskForChoices"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: [ string[] choices, string skill ]
// TODO: multiple choices, e.g. benxi_ol
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const choices = data[0];
const all_choices = data[1];
const min_num = data[2][0];
const max_num = data[2][1];
const cancelable = data[3];
const skill_name = data[4];
const prompt = data[5];
const detailed = data[6];
if (prompt === "") {
roomScene.promptText = luatr("#AskForChoices")
} else {
roomScene.setPrompt(processPrompt(prompt), true);
roomScene.state = "replying";
let qmlSrc;
if (!detailed) {
qmlSrc = "../RoomElement/CheckBox.qml";
} else {
qmlSrc = "../RoomElement/DetailedCheckBox.qml";
roomScene.popupBox.sourceComponent = Qt.createComponent(qmlSrc);
const box = roomScene.popupBox.item;
box.options = choices;
box.skill_name = skill_name;
box.all_options = all_choices;
box.min_num = min_num;
box.max_num = max_num;
box.cancelable = cancelable;
box.accepted.connect(() => {
const ret = [];
box.result.forEach(id => {
callbacks["AskForCardChosen"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: [ int[] handcards, int[] equips, int[] delayedtricks,
// string reason ]
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const reason = data._reason;
const prompt = data._prompt;
if (prompt === "") {
roomScene.promptText = luatr(processPrompt("#AskForChooseCard:" + data._id))
} else {
roomScene.setPrompt(processPrompt(prompt), true);
roomScene.state = "replying";
roomScene.popupBox.sourceComponent =
const box = roomScene.popupBox.item;
box.prompt = prompt;
for (let d of data.card_data) {
const arr = [];
const ids = d[1];
ids.forEach(id => arr.push(lcall("GetCardData", id)));
box.addCustomCards(d[0], arr);
box.cardSelected.connect(cid => replyToServer(cid));
callbacks["AskForCardsChosen"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: [ int[] handcards, int[] equips, int[] delayedtricks,
// int min, int max, string reason ]
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const min = data._min;
const max = data._max;
const reason = data._reason;
const prompt = data._prompt;
if (prompt === "") {
roomScene.promptText = luatr(processPrompt("#AskForChooseCards:" + data._id))
} else {
roomScene.setPrompt(processPrompt(prompt), true);
roomScene.state = "replying";
roomScene.popupBox.sourceComponent =
const box = roomScene.popupBox.item;
box.multiChoose = true;
box.min = min;
box.max = max;
box.prompt = prompt;
for (let d of data.card_data) {
const arr = [];
const ids = d[1];
ids.forEach(id => arr.push(lcall("GetCardData", id)));
box.addCustomCards(d[0], arr);
box.cardsSelected.connect((ids) => {
callbacks["AskForPoxi"] = (jsonData) => {
const { type, data, extra_data, cancelable } = JSON.parse(jsonData);
roomScene.state = "replying";
roomScene.popupBox.sourceComponent =
const box = roomScene.popupBox.item;
box.extra_data = extra_data;
box.poxi_type = type;
box.card_data = data;
box.cancelable = cancelable;
for (let d of data) {
const arr = [];
const ids = d[1];
ids.forEach(id => arr.push(lcall("GetCardData", id)));
box.addCustomCards(d[0], arr);
box.cardsSelected.connect((ids) => {
callbacks["AskForMoveCardInBoard"] = (jsonData) => {
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const { cards, cardsPosition, generalNames, playerIds } = data;
roomScene.state = "replying";
roomScene.popupBox.sourceComponent =
const boxCards = [];
cards.forEach(id => {
const cardPos = cardsPosition[cards.findIndex(cid => cid === id)];
const d = lcall("GetCardData", id, playerIds[cardPos]);
const box = roomScene.popupBox.item;
box.cards = boxCards;
box.cardsPosition = cardsPosition;
box.playerIds = playerIds;
box.generalNames = generalNames.map(name => {
const namesSplited = name.split('/');
if (namesSplited.length > 1) {
return namesSplited.map(nameSplited => luatr(nameSplited)).join('/');
return luatr(name);
box.accepted.connect(() => {
callbacks["MoveCards"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: merged moves
const moves = JSON.parse(jsonData);
callbacks["PlayCard"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: int playerId
const playerId = parseInt(jsonData);
if (playerId === Self.id) {
roomScene.setPrompt(luatr("#PlayCard"), true);
roomScene.state = "playing";
okButton.enabled = false;
callbacks["LoseSkill"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: [ int player_id, string skill_name ]
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const id = data[0];
const skill_name = data[1];
const prelight = data[2];
if (id === Self.id) {
dashboard.loseSkill(skill_name, prelight);
callbacks["AddSkill"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: [ int player_id, string skill_name ]
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const id = data[0];
const skill_name = data[1];
const prelight = data[2];
if (id === Self.id) {
dashboard.addSkill(skill_name, prelight);
callbacks["PrelightSkill"] = (jsonData) => {
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const skill_name = data[0];
const prelight = data[1];
dashboard.prelightSkill(skill_name, prelight);
callbacks["AskForUseActiveSkill"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: string skill_name, string prompt
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const skill_name = data[0];
const prompt = data[1];
const cancelable = data[2];
const extra_data = data[3] ?? {};
if (prompt === "") {
roomScene.promptText = luatr("#AskForUseActiveSkill")
} else {
roomScene.setPrompt(processPrompt(prompt), true);
roomScene.respond_play = false;
roomScene.state = "responding";
if (lcall('GetSkillData', skill_name).isViewAsSkill) {
roomScene.responding_card = ".";
roomScene.autoPending = true;
roomScene.extra_data = extra_data;
// dashboard.startPending(skill_name);
roomScene.activateSkill(skill_name, true);
cancelButton.enabled = cancelable;
callbacks["CancelRequest"] = () => {
roomScene.state = "notactive";
callbacks["GameLog"] = (jsonData) => {
callbacks["AskForUseCard"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: card, pattern, prompt, cancelable, {}
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const cardname = data[0];
const pattern = data[1];
const prompt = data[2];
const extra_data = data[4];
const disabledSkillNames = data[5];
if (extra_data != null) {
if (extra_data.effectTo !== Self.id &&
roomScene.skippedUseEventId.find(id => id === extra_data.useEventId)) {
} else {
roomScene.extra_data = extra_data;
if (prompt === "") {
roomScene.promptText = luatr("#AskForUseCard")
} else {
roomScene.setPrompt(processPrompt(prompt), true);
roomScene.responding_card = pattern;
roomScene.respond_play = false;
disabledSkillNames && (dashboard.disabledSkillNames = disabledSkillNames);
roomScene.state = "responding";
okButton.enabled = false;
cancelButton.enabled = true;
callbacks["AskForResponseCard"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: card_name, pattern, prompt, cancelable, {}
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const cardname = data[0];
const pattern = data[1];
const prompt = data[2];
const disabledSkillNames = data[5];
if (prompt === "") {
roomScene.promptText = luatr("#AskForResponseCard")
} else {
roomScene.setPrompt(processPrompt(prompt), true);
roomScene.responding_card = pattern;
roomScene.respond_play = true;
disabledSkillNames && (dashboard.disabledSkillNames = disabledSkillNames);
roomScene.state = "responding";
okButton.enabled = false;
cancelButton.enabled = true;
callbacks["WaitForNullification"] = () => {
roomScene.state = "notactive";
callbacks["SetPlayerMark"] = (jsonData) => {
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const player = getPhoto(data[0]);
const mark = data[1];
const value = data[2] instanceof Object ? data[2] : data[2].toString();
let area = mark.startsWith("@!") ? player.picMarkArea : player.markArea;
if (data[2] === 0) {
} else {
area.setMark(mark, mark.startsWith("@@") ? "" : value);
callbacks["SetBanner"] = (jsonData) => {
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const mark = data[0];
const value = data[1] instanceof Object ? data[1] : data[1].toString();
let area = roomScene.banner;
if (data[1] === 0) {
} else {
area.setMark(mark, mark.startsWith("@@") ? "" : value);
callbacks["Animate"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: [Object object]
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
switch (data.type) {
case "Indicate":
data.to.forEach(item => {
doIndicate(data.from, [item[0]]);
if (item[1]) {
doIndicate(item[0], item.slice(1));
case "Emotion":
setEmotion(data.player, data.emotion, data.is_card);
case "LightBox":
case "SuperLightBox": {
const path = data.path;
const jsonData = data.data;
roomScene.bigAnim.source = AppPath + "/" + path;
if (jsonData && jsonData !== "") {
case "InvokeSkill": {
const id = data.player;
const component =
if (component.status !== Component.Ready)
const photo = getPhoto(id);
if (!photo) {
return null;
const animation = component.createObject(photo, {
skill_name: luatr(data.name),
skill_type: (data.skill_type ? data.skill_type : "special"),
animation.anchors.centerIn = photo;
animation.finished.connect(() => animation.destroy());
case "InvokeUltSkill": {
const id = data.player;
const photo = getPhoto(id);
if (!photo) {
return null;
roomScene.bigAnim.source = "../RoomElement/UltSkillAnimation.qml";
skill_name: data.name,
general: data.deputy ? photo.deputyGeneral : photo.general,
callbacks["LogEvent"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: [Object object]
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
switch (data.type) {
case "Damage": {
const item = getPhotoOrDashboard(data.to);
setEmotion(data.to, "damage");
data.damageType = data.damageType || "normal_damage";
Backend.playSound("./audio/system/" + data.damageType +
(data.damageNum > 1 ? "2" : ""));
case "LoseHP": {
case "ChangeMaxHp": {
if (data.num < 0) {
case "PlaySkillSound": {
const skill = data.name;
// let extension = data.extension;
let extension;
let path;
let dat;
// try main general
if (data.general) {
dat = lcall("GetGeneralData", data.general);
extension = dat.extension;
path = "./packages/" + extension + "/audio/skill/" + skill + "_"
+ data.general;
if (Backend.exists(path + ".mp3") || Backend.exists(path + "1.mp3")) {
Backend.playSound(path, data.i);
// secondly try deputy general
if (data.deputy) {
dat = lcall("GetGeneralData", data.deputy);
extension = dat.extension;
path = "./packages/" + extension + "/audio/skill/" + skill + "_"
+ data.deputy;
if (Backend.exists(path + ".mp3") || Backend.exists(path + "1.mp3")) {
Backend.playSound(path, data.i);
// finally normal skill
dat = lcall("GetSkillData", skill);
extension = dat.extension;
path = "./packages/" + extension + "/audio/skill/" + skill;
Backend.playSound(path, data.i);
case "PlaySound": {
case "Death": {
const item = getPhoto(data.to);
const extension = lcall("GetGeneralData", item.general).extension;
Backend.playSound("./packages/" + extension + "/audio/death/"
+ item.general);
callbacks["GameOver"] = (jsonData) => {
roomScene.state = "notactive";
roomScene.popupBox.sourceComponent =
const box = roomScene.popupBox.item;
box.winner = jsonData;
// roomScene.isStarted = false;
callbacks["FillAG"] = (j) => {
const data = JSON.parse(j);
const ids = data[0];
roomScene.manualBox.sourceComponent =
callbacks["AskForAG"] = (j) => {
roomScene.state = "replying";
roomScene.manualBox.item.interactive = true;
callbacks["TakeAG"] = (j) => {
if (!roomScene.manualBox.item) return;
const data = JSON.parse(j);
const pid = data[0];
const cid = data[1];
const item = getPhoto(pid);
const general = luatr(item.general);
// the item should be AG box
roomScene.manualBox.item.takeAG(general, cid);
callbacks["CloseAG"] = () => roomScene.manualBox.item.close();
callbacks["CustomDialog"] = (j) => {
const data = JSON.parse(j);
const path = data.path;
const dat = data.data;
roomScene.state = "replying";
roomScene.popupBox.source = AppPath + "/" + path;
if (dat) {
callbacks["MiniGame"] = (j) => {
const data = JSON.parse(j);
const game = data.type;
const dat = data.data;
const gdata = lcall("GetMiniGame", game, Self.id, JSON.stringify(dat));
roomScene.state = "replying";
roomScene.popupBox.source = AppPath + "/" + gdata.qml_path + ".qml";
if (dat) {
callbacks["UpdateMiniGame"] = (j) => {
const data = JSON.parse(j);
if (roomScene.popupBox.item) {
callbacks["UpdateLimitSkill"] = (j) => {
const data = JSON.parse(j);
const id = data[0];
const skill = data[1];
const time = data[2];
const photo = getPhoto(id);
if (photo) {
photo.updateLimitSkill(skill, time);
callbacks["UpdateDrawPile"] = (j) => {
const data = parseInt(j);
roomScene.miscStatus.pileNum = data;
callbacks["UpdateRoundNum"] = (j) => {
const data = parseInt(j);
roomScene.miscStatus.roundNum = data;
callbacks["UpdateGameData"] = (j) => {
const data = JSON.parse(j);
const id = data[0];
const total = data[1];
const win = data[2];
const run = data[3];
const photo = getPhoto(id);
if (photo) {
photo.totalGame = total;
photo.winGame = win;
photo.runGame = run;
// 神貂蝉
callbacks["StartChangeSelf"] = (j) => {
const id = parseInt(j);
ClientInstance.notifyServer("PushRequest", "changeself," + j);
callbacks["ChangeSelf"] = (j) => {
const data = parseInt(j);
if (Self.id === data) {
const msg = mainWindow.fetchMessage();
if (!msg) return;
mainWindow.handleMessage(msg.command, msg.jsonData);
callbacks["AskForLuckCard"] = (j) => {
// jsonData: int time
if (config.observing || config.replaying) return;
const time = parseInt(j);
roomScene.setPrompt(luatr("#AskForLuckCard").arg(time), true);
roomScene.state = "replying";
roomScene.extra_data = {
luckCard: true,
time: time,
roomScene.okCancel.visible = true;
roomScene.okButton.enabled = true;
roomScene.cancelButton.enabled = true;
callbacks["CancelRequest"] = (jsonData) => {
ClientInstance.replyToServer("", "__cancel")
callbacks["ReplayerDurationSet"] = (j) => {
roomScene.replayerDuration = parseInt(j);
callbacks["ReplayerElapsedChange"] = (j) => {
roomScene.replayerElapsed = parseInt(j);
callbacks["ReplayerSpeedChange"] = (j) => {
roomScene.replayerSpeed = parseFloat(j);