
247 lines
6.3 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import QtQuick
import Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects
import Fk
import Fk.PhotoElement
/* Layout of general card:
* +--------+
*kindom|wu 9999| <- hp
*name -|s |
* |q img |
* | |
* | |
* +--------+
* Inherit from CardItem to use common signal
CardItem {
property string kingdom
property string subkingdom: "wei"
property int hp
property int maxHp
property int shieldNum
property int mainMaxHp
property int deputyMaxHp
property int inPosition: 0
property string pkgName: ""
property bool detailed: true
property alias hasCompanions: companions.visible
name: ""
// description: Sanguosha.getGeneralDescription(name)
suit: ""
number: 0
footnote: ""
card.source: known ? SkinBank.getGeneralPicture(name)
: (SkinBank.GENERALCARD_DIR + 'card-back')
glow.color: "white" //Engine.kingdomColor[kingdom]
// FIXME: 藕!!
property bool heg: name.startsWith('hs__') || name.startsWith('ld__') ||
Image {
source: known ? (SkinBank.GENERALCARD_DIR + "border") : ""
Image {
scale: subkingdom ? 0.6 : 1
width: 34; fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
source: SkinBank.getGeneralCardDir(kingdom) + kingdom
visible: detailed && known
Image {
scale: 0.6; x: 9; y: 12
transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
width: 34; fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
source: subkingdom ? SkinBank.getGeneralCardDir(subkingdom) + subkingdom
: ""
visible: detailed && known
Row {
x: 34
y: 4
spacing: 1
visible: detailed && known && !heg
Repeater {
id: hpRepeater
model: (!heg) ? ((hp > 5 || hp !== maxHp) ? 1 : hp) : 0
Item {
width: childrenRect.width
height: childrenRect.height
Image {
source: SkinBank.getGeneralCardDir(kingdom) + kingdom + "-magatama"
Image {
id: subkingdomMagatama
visible: false
source: subkingdom ? SkinBank.getGeneralCardDir(subkingdom) +
subkingdom + "-magatama" : ""
LinearGradient {
id: subkingdomMask
visible: false
anchors.fill: subkingdomMagatama
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { position: 0.35; color: "transparent" }
GradientStop { position: 0.50; color: "white" }
OpacityMask {
anchors.fill: subkingdomMagatama
source: subkingdomMagatama
maskSource: subkingdomMask
visible: subkingdom
Text {
visible: hp > 5 || hp !== maxHp
text: hp === maxHp ? ("x" + hp) : (" " + hp + "/" + maxHp)
color: "white"
font.pixelSize: 14
style: Text.Outline
y: -6
Row {
x: 34
y: 3
spacing: 0
visible: detailed && known && heg
Repeater {
id: hegHpRepeater
model: heg ? ((hp > 7 || hp !== maxHp) ? 1 : Math.ceil(hp / 2)) : 0
Item {
width: childrenRect.width
height: childrenRect.height
Image {
opacity: ((mainMaxHp < 0 || deputyMaxHp < 0) && (index * 2 + 1 === hp) && inPosition !== -1)
? (inPosition === 0 ? 0.5 : 0) :1
height: 12; fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
source: SkinBank.getGeneralCardDir(kingdom) + kingdom + "-magatama-l"
Image {
x: 4.4
opacity: (index + 1) * 2 <= hp ? (((mainMaxHp < 0 || deputyMaxHp < 0) && inPosition !== -1 && ((index + 1) * 2 === hp))
? (inPosition === 0 ? 0.5 : 0) : 1) : 0
height: 12; fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
source: {
const k = subkingdom ? subkingdom : kingdom;
SkinBank.getGeneralCardDir(k) + k + "-magatama-r"
Text {
visible: hp > 7 || hp !== maxHp
text: hp === maxHp ? ("x" + hp / 2) : (" " + hp / 2 + "/" + maxHp / 2)
color: "white"
font.pixelSize: 14
style: Text.Outline
y: -4
Shield {
visible: shieldNum > 0 && detailed && known
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.topMargin: hpRepeater.model > 4 ? 16 : 0
scale: 0.8
value: shieldNum
Image {
id: companions
width: parent.width
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
visible: false
source: {
const f = SkinBank.getGeneralCardDir(kingdom) + kingdom + "-companions";
if (Backend.exists(f + ".png")) return f;
return "";
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
y: 80
Text {
width: 20
height: 80
x: 2
y: lineCount > 6 ? 30 : 34
text: name !== "" ? luatr(name) : "nil"
visible: luatr(name).length <= 6 && detailed && known
color: "white"
font.pixelSize: 18
lineHeight: Math.max(1.4 - lineCount / 8, 0.6)
style: Text.Outline
wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
Text {
x: 0
y: 12
rotation: 90
transformOrigin: Item.BottomLeft
text: luatr(name)
visible: luatr(name).length > 6 && detailed && known
color: "white"
font.pixelSize: 18
style: Text.Outline
Rectangle {
visible: pkgName !== "" && detailed && known
height: 16
width: childrenRect.width + 4
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 4
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 4
color: "#3C3229"
opacity: 0.8
radius: 4
border.color: "white"
border.width: 1
Text {
text: luatr(pkgName)
x: 2; y: 1
font.pixelSize: 14
color: "white"
style: Text.Outline
textFormat: Text.RichText
onNameChanged: {
const data = lcall("GetGeneralData", name);
kingdom = data.kingdom;
subkingdom = (data.subkingdom !== kingdom && data.subkingdom) || "";
hp = data.hp;
maxHp = data.maxHp;
shieldNum = data.shield;
mainMaxHp = data.mainMaxHpAdjustedValue;
deputyMaxHp = data.deputyMaxHpAdjustedValue;
const splited = name.split("__");
if (splited.length > 1) {
pkgName = splited[0];
} else {
pkgName = "";