-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later -- All functions in this file are used by Qml function Translate(src) return Fk:translate(src) end function GetGeneralData(name) local general = Fk.generals[name] if general == nil then general = Fk.generals["diaochan"] end return json.encode { package = general.package.name, extension = general.package.extensionName, kingdom = general.kingdom, subkingdom = general.subkingdom, hp = general.hp, maxHp = general.maxHp, shield = general.shield, hidden = general.hidden, total_hidden = general.total_hidden, } end function GetGeneralDetail(name) local general = Fk.generals[name] if general == nil then general = Fk.generals["diaochan"] end local ret = { package = general.package.name, extension = general.package.extensionName, kingdom = general.kingdom, hp = general.hp, maxHp = general.maxHp, gender = general.gender, skill = {}, related_skill = {}, companions = general.companions } for _, s in ipairs(general.skills) do table.insert(ret.skill, { name = s.name, description = Fk:getDescription(s.name) }) end for _, s in ipairs(general.other_skills) do table.insert(ret.skill, { name = s, description = Fk:getDescription(s) }) end for _, s in ipairs(general.related_skills) do table.insert(ret.related_skill, { name = s.name, description = Fk:getDescription(s.name) }) end for _, s in ipairs(general.related_other_skills) do table.insert(ret.related_skill, { name = s, description = Fk:getDescription(s) }) end for _, g in pairs(Fk.generals) do if table.contains(g.companions, general.name) then table.insertIfNeed(ret.companions, g.name) end end return json.encode(ret) end function GetSameGenerals(name) return json.encode(Fk:getSameGenerals(name)) end function IsCompanionWith(general, general2) local _general, _general2 = Fk.generals[general], Fk.generals[general2] return json.encode(_general:isCompanionWith(_general2)) end local cardSubtypeStrings = { [Card.SubtypeNone] = "none", [Card.SubtypeDelayedTrick] = "delayed_trick", [Card.SubtypeWeapon] = "weapon", [Card.SubtypeArmor] = "armor", [Card.SubtypeDefensiveRide] = "defensive_horse", [Card.SubtypeOffensiveRide] = "offensive_horse", [Card.SubtypeTreasure] = "treasure", } function GetCardData(id, virtualCardForm) local card = Fk:getCardById(id) if card == nil then return json.encode{ cid = id, known = false } end local mark = {} for k, v in pairs(card.mark) do if k and k:startsWith("@") and v and v ~= 0 then table.insert(mark, { k = k, v = v, }) end end local ret = { cid = id, name = card.name, extension = card.package.extensionName, number = card.number, suit = card:getSuitString(), color = card:getColorString(), mark = mark, type = card.type, subtype = cardSubtypeStrings[card.sub_type] } if card.skillName ~= "" then local orig = Fk:getCardById(id, true) ret.name = orig.name ret.virt_name = card.name end if virtualCardForm then local virtualCard = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(virtualCardForm):getVirualEquip(id) if virtualCard then ret.virt_name = virtualCard.name ret.subtype = cardSubtypeStrings[virtualCard.sub_type] end end return json.encode(ret) end function GetCardExtensionByName(cardName) local card = Fk.all_card_types[cardName] return card and card.package.extensionName or "" end function GetAllMods() return json.encode(Fk.extensions) end function GetAllModNames() return json.encode(Fk.extension_names) end function GetAllGeneralPack() local ret = {} for _, name in ipairs(Fk.package_names) do if Fk.packages[name].type == Package.GeneralPack then table.insert(ret, name) end end return json.encode(ret) end function GetGenerals(pack_name) if not Fk.packages[pack_name] then return "[]" end local ret = {} for _, g in ipairs(Fk.packages[pack_name].generals) do if not g.total_hidden then table.insert(ret, g.name) end end return json.encode(ret) end function SearchAllGenerals(word) local ret = {} for _, name in ipairs(Fk.package_names) do if Fk.packages[name].type == Package.GeneralPack then table.insertTable(ret, json.decode(SearchGenerals(name, word))) end end return json.encode(ret) end function SearchGenerals(pack_name, word) local ret = {} if word == "" then return GetGenerals(pack_name) end for _, g in ipairs(Fk.packages[pack_name].generals) do if not g.total_hidden and string.find(Fk:translate(g.name), word) then table.insert(ret, g.name) end end return json.encode(ret) end function UpdatePackageEnable(pkg, enabled) if enabled then table.removeOne(ClientInstance.disabled_packs, pkg) else table.insertIfNeed(ClientInstance.disabled_packs, pkg) end end function GetAvailableGeneralsNum() local generalPool = Fk:getAllGenerals() local except = {} local ret = 0 for _, g in ipairs(Fk.packages["test_p_0"].generals) do table.insert(except, g.name) end local availableGenerals = {} for _, general in pairs(generalPool) do if not table.contains(except, general.name) then if (not general.hidden and not general.total_hidden) and #table.filter(availableGenerals, function(g) return g.trueName == general.trueName end) == 0 then ret = ret + 1 end end end return ret end function GetAllCardPack() local ret = {} for _, name in ipairs(Fk.package_names) do if Fk.packages[name].type == Package.CardPack then table.insert(ret, name) end end return json.encode(ret) end function GetCards(pack_name) local ret = {} for _, c in ipairs(Fk.packages[pack_name].cards) do table.insert(ret, c.id) end return json.encode(ret) end function GetCardSkill(cid) return Fk:getCardById(cid).skill and Fk:getCardById(cid).skill.name or "" end function GetCardSpecialSkills(cid) return json.encode(Fk:getCardById(cid).special_skills or Util.DummyTable) end function DistanceTo(from, to) local a = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(from) local b = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(to) return a:distanceTo(b) end function GetPile(id, name) return json.encode(ClientInstance:getPlayerById(id):getPile(name) or {}) end function GetAllPiles(id) return json.encode(ClientInstance:getPlayerById(id).special_cards or Util.DummyTable) end function GetPlayerSkills(id) local p = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(id) return json.encode(table.map(p.player_skills, function(s) return s.visible and { name = s.name, description = Fk:getDescription(s.name), } or nil end)) end ---@param card string | integer ---@param player integer ---@param extra_data_str string function CanUseCard(card, player, extra_data_str) local c ---@type Card local extra_data = extra_data_str == "" and nil or json.decode(extra_data_str) if type(card) == "number" then c = Fk:getCardById(card) else local data = json.decode(card) local skill = Fk.skills[data.skill] local selected_cards = data.subcards if skill:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) then c = skill:viewAs(selected_cards) if not c then return "false" end else -- ActiveSkill should return true here return "true" end end player = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(player) local ret = c.skill:canUse(player, c, extra_data) ret = ret and not player:prohibitUse(c) if ret then local min_target = c.skill:getMinTargetNum() if min_target > 0 then for _, p in ipairs(ClientInstance.players) do if c.skill:targetFilter(p.id, {}, {}, c, extra_data) then return "true" end end return "false" end end return json.encode(ret) end function CardProhibitedUse(card) local c ---@type Card local ret = false if type(card) == "number" then c = Fk:getCardById(card) else local data = json.decode(card) local skill = Fk.skills[data.skill] local selected_cards = data.subcards if skill:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) then c = skill:viewAs(selected_cards) end end if c == nil then return "true" else ret = Self:prohibitUse(c) end return json.encode(ret) end ---@param card string | integer ---@param to_select integer @ id of the target ---@param selected integer[] @ ids of selected targets ---@param extra_data_str string @ extra data function CanUseCardToTarget(card, to_select, selected, extra_data_str) local extra_data = extra_data_str == "" and nil or json.decode(extra_data_str) if ClientInstance:getPlayerById(to_select).dead then return "false" end local c ---@type Card local selected_cards if type(card) == "number" then c = Fk:getCardById(card) selected_cards = {card} else local t = json.decode(card) return ActiveTargetFilter(t.skill, to_select, selected, t.subcards, extra_data) end local ret = c.skill:targetFilter(to_select, selected, selected_cards, c, extra_data) ret = ret and not Self:isProhibited(Fk:currentRoom():getPlayerById(to_select), c) return json.encode(ret) end ---@param card string | integer ---@param to_select integer @ id of a card not selected ---@param selected_targets integer[] @ ids of selected players function CanSelectCardForSkill(card, to_select, selected_targets) local c ---@type Card local selected_cards if type(card) == "number" then c = Fk:getCardById(card) selected_cards = {card} else error() end local ret = c.skill:cardFilter(to_select, selected_cards, selected_targets) return json.encode(ret) end ---@param card string | integer ---@param selected_targets integer[] @ ids of selected players function CardFeasible(card, selected_targets) local c ---@type Card local selected_cards if type(card) == "number" then c = Fk:getCardById(card) selected_cards = {card} else local t = json.decode(card) return ActiveFeasible(t.skill, selected_targets, t.subcards) end local ret = c.skill:feasible(selected_targets, selected_cards, Self, c) return json.encode(ret) end -- Handle skills function GetSkillData(skill_name) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] if not skill then return "null" end local freq = "notactive" if skill:isInstanceOf(ActiveSkill) or skill:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) then freq = "active" end local frequency if skill.frequency == Skill.Limited then frequency = "limit" elseif skill.frequency == Skill.Wake then frequency = "wake" elseif skill.frequency == Skill.Quest then frequency = "quest" end return json.encode{ skill = Fk:translate(skill_name), orig_skill = skill_name, extension = skill.package.extensionName, freq = freq, frequency = frequency, switchSkillName = skill.switchSkillName, isViewAsSkill = skill:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill), } end function ActiveCanUse(skill_name, extra_data_str) local extra_data = extra_data_str == "" and nil or json.decode(extra_data_str) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] local ret = false if skill then if skill:isInstanceOf(ActiveSkill) then ret = skill:canUse(Self, extra_data) elseif skill:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) then ret = skill:enabledAtPlay(Self) if ret then local exp = Exppattern:Parse(skill.pattern) local cnames = {} for _, m in ipairs(exp.matchers) do if m.name then table.insertTable(cnames, m.name) end if m.trueName then table.insertTable(cnames, m.trueName) end end for _, n in ipairs(cnames) do local c = Fk:cloneCard(n) c.skillName = skill_name ret = c.skill:canUse(Self, c, extra_data) if ret then break end end end end end return json.encode(ret) end function ActiveSkillPrompt(skill_name, selected, selected_targets) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] local ret = false if skill then if type(skill.prompt) == "function" then ret = skill:prompt(selected, selected_targets) else ret = skill.prompt end end return json.encode(ret or "") end function ActiveCardFilter(skill_name, to_select, selected, selected_targets) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] local ret = false if skill then if skill:isInstanceOf(ActiveSkill) then ret = skill:cardFilter(to_select, selected, selected_targets) elseif skill:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) then ret = skill:cardFilter(to_select, selected) end end return json.encode(ret) end function ActiveTargetFilter(skill_name, to_select, selected, selected_cards, extra_data) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] local ret = false if skill then if skill:isInstanceOf(ActiveSkill) then ret = skill:targetFilter(to_select, selected, selected_cards) elseif skill:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) then local card = skill:viewAs(selected_cards) if card then ret = card.skill:targetFilter(to_select, selected, selected_cards, card, extra_data) ret = ret and not Self:isProhibited(Fk:currentRoom():getPlayerById(to_select), card) end end end return json.encode(ret) end function ActiveFeasible(skill_name, selected, selected_cards) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] local ret = false if skill then if skill:isInstanceOf(ActiveSkill) then ret = skill:feasible(selected, selected_cards, Self, nil) elseif skill:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) then local card = skill:viewAs(selected_cards) if card then ret = card.skill:feasible(selected, selected_cards, Self, card) end end end return json.encode(ret) end function CanViewAs(skill_name, card_ids) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] local ret = false if skill then if skill:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) then ret = skill:viewAs(card_ids) ~= nil elseif skill:isInstanceOf(ActiveSkill) then ret = true end end return json.encode(ret) end -- card_name may be id, name of card, or json string function CardFitPattern(card_name, pattern) local exp = Exppattern:Parse(pattern) local c local ret = false if type(card_name) == "number" then c = Fk:getCardById(card_name) ret = exp:match(c) elseif string.sub(card_name, 1, 1) == "{" then local data = json.decode(card_name) local skill = Fk.skills[data.skill] local selected_cards = data.subcards if skill:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) then c = skill:viewAs(selected_cards) if c then ret = exp:match(c) end else return "true" end else ret = exp:matchExp(card_name) end return json.encode(ret) end function SkillFitPattern(skill_name, pattern) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] local ret = false if skill and skill.pattern then local exp = Exppattern:Parse(pattern) ret = exp:matchExp(skill.pattern) end return json.encode(ret) end function CardProhibitedResponse(card) local c ---@type Card local ret = false if type(card) == "number" then c = Fk:getCardById(card) else local data = json.decode(card) local skill = Fk.skills[data.skill] local selected_cards = data.subcards if skill:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) then c = skill:viewAs(selected_cards) end end if c == nil then return "true" else ret = Self:prohibitResponse(c) end return json.encode(ret) end function SkillCanResponse(skill_name, cardResponsing) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] local ret = false if skill and skill:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) then ret = skill:enabledAtResponse(Self, cardResponsing) end return json.encode(ret) end function GetVirtualEquip(player, cid) local c = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(player):getVirualEquip(cid) if not c then return "null" end return json.encode{ name = c.name, cid = c.subcards[1], } end function GetExpandPileOfSkill(skillName) local skill = Fk.skills[skillName] if not skill then return "" end local e = skill.expand_pile if type(e) == "function" then e = e(skill) end if type(e) == "table" then return json.encode(e) else return e or "" end end function GetGameModes() local ret = {} for k, v in pairs(Fk.game_modes) do table.insert(ret, { name = Fk:translate(v.name), orig_name = v.name, minPlayer = v.minPlayer, maxPlayer = v.maxPlayer, }) end table.sort(ret, function(a, b) return a.name > b.name end) return json.encode(ret) end function GetInteractionOfSkill(skill_name) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] if skill and skill.interaction then return json.encode(skill:interaction()) end return "null" end function SetInteractionDataOfSkill(skill_name, data) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] if skill and skill.interaction then skill.interaction.data = json.decode(data) end end function ChangeSelf(pid) local c = ClientInstance c.client:changeSelf(pid) -- for qml Self = c:getPlayerById(pid) end function GetPlayerHandcards(pid) local c = ClientInstance local p = c:getPlayerById(pid) return p and json.encode(p.player_cards[Player.Hand]) or "" end function GetPlayerEquips(pid) local c = ClientInstance local p = c:getPlayerById(pid) return json.encode(p.player_cards[Player.Equip]) end function ResetClientLua() local _data = ClientInstance.enter_room_data; local data = ClientInstance.room_settings Self = ClientPlayer:new(fk.Self) ClientInstance = Client:new() -- clear old client data ClientInstance.players = {Self} ClientInstance.alive_players = {Self} ClientInstance.discard_pile = {} ClientInstance.enter_room_data = _data; ClientInstance.room_settings = data ClientInstance.disabled_packs = data.disabledPack ClientInstance.disabled_generals = data.disabledGenerals -- ClientInstance:notifyUI("EnterRoom", jsonData) end function ResetAddPlayer(j) fk.client_callback["AddPlayer"](j) end function GetRoomConfig() return json.encode(ClientInstance.room_settings) end function GetPlayerGameData(pid) local c = ClientInstance local p = c:getPlayerById(pid) if not p then return "[0, 0, 0, 0]" end local raw = p.player:getGameData() local ret = {} for _, i in fk.qlist(raw) do table.insert(ret, i) end table.insert(ret, p.player:getTotalGameTime()) return json.encode(ret) end function SetPlayerGameData(pid, data) local c = ClientInstance local p = c:getPlayerById(pid) local total, win, run = table.unpack(data) p.player:setGameData(total, win, run) table.insert(data, 1, pid) ClientInstance:notifyUI("UpdateGameData", json.encode(data)) end function FilterMyHandcards() Self:filterHandcards() end function SetObserving(o) ClientInstance.observing = o end function CheckSurrenderAvailable(playedTime) local curMode = ClientInstance.room_settings.gameMode return json.encode(Fk.game_modes[curMode]:surrenderFunc(playedTime)) end function SaveRecord() local c = ClientInstance c.client:saveRecord(json.encode(c.record), c.record[2]) end function GetCardProhibitReason(cid, method, pattern) local card = Fk:getCardById(cid) if not card then return "" end if method == "play" and not card.skill:canUse(Self, card) then return "" end if method ~= "play" and not card:matchPattern(pattern) then return "" end if method == "play" then method = "use" end local status_skills = Fk:currentRoom().status_skills[ProhibitSkill] or Util.DummyTable local s for _, skill in ipairs(status_skills) do local fn = method == "use" and skill.prohibitUse or skill.prohibitResponse if fn(skill, Self, card) then s = skill break end end if not s then return "" end -- try to return a translated string local skillName = s.name local ret = Fk:translate(skillName) if ret ~= skillName then -- TODO: translate return ret .. "禁" .. (method == "use" and "使用" or "打出") elseif skillName:endsWith("_prohibit") and skillName:startsWith("#") then return Fk:translate(skillName:sub(2, -10)) .. "禁" .. (method == "use" and "使用" or "打出") else return ret end end function PoxiPrompt(poxi_type, data, extra_data) local poxi = Fk.poxi_methods[poxi_type] extra_data = extra_data and json.decode(extra_data) if not poxi or not poxi.prompt then return "" end if type(poxi.prompt) == "string" then return Fk:translate(poxi.prompt) end return Fk:translate(poxi.prompt(data, extra_data)) end function PoxiFilter(poxi_type, to_select, selected, data, extra_data) local poxi = Fk.poxi_methods[poxi_type] extra_data = extra_data and json.decode(extra_data) if not poxi then return "false" end return json.encode(poxi.card_filter(to_select, selected, data, extra_data)) end function PoxiFeasible(poxi_type, selected, data, extra_data) local poxi = Fk.poxi_methods[poxi_type] extra_data = extra_data and json.decode(extra_data) if not poxi then return "false" end return json.encode(poxi.feasible(selected, data, extra_data)) end function GetQmlMark(mtype, name, value, p) local spec = Fk.qml_marks[mtype] if not spec then return "{}" end p = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(p) value = json.decode(value) return json.encode { qml_path = type(spec.qml_path) == "function" and spec.qml_path(name, value, p) or spec.qml_path, text = spec.how_to_show(name, value, p) } end function GetMiniGame(gtype, p, data) local spec = Fk.mini_games[gtype] p = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(p) data = json.decode(data) return json.encode { qml_path = type(spec.qml_path) == "function" and spec.qml_path(p, data) or spec.qml_path, } end function ReloadPackage(path) Fk:reloadPackage(path) end dofile "lua/client/i18n/init.lua"