import QtQuick Item { id: root property var parentBlock property var childBlocks: [] // nested blocks inside this block property var currentStack: [ root ] // the block stack that root is in property var workspace // workspace property bool draggable: false property alias dragging: property real startX // only available when dragging property real startY // TMP property int idx function toString() { return "Block #" + idx.toString(); } // TMP Rectangle { id: rect anchors.fill: parent color: ? "grey" : "snow" border.width: 1 radius: 0 } Text { text: idx } DragHandler { id: drag enabled: root.draggable grabPermissions: PointHandler.TakeOverForbidden xAxis.enabled: true yAxis.enabled: true } onDraggingChanged: { if (!dragging) { finishDrag(); } else { startDrag(); } } onXChanged: { if (dragging) { updateChildrenPos(); } } onYChanged: { if (dragging) { updateChildrenPos(); } } function getStackParent() { const idx = currentStack.indexOf(root); if (idx <= 0) { return null; } return currentStack[idx - 1]; } function getStackChildren() { const idx = currentStack.indexOf(root); if (idx >= currentStack.length - 1) { return []; } return currentStack.slice(idx + 1); } function startDrag() { startX = x; startY = y; let children = getStackChildren(); children.push(...childBlocks); children.forEach(b => { b.startX = b.x; b.startY = b.y; }); } function updateChildrenPos() { const dx = root.x - root.startX; const dy = root.y - root.startY; let children = getStackChildren(); children.push(...childBlocks); children.forEach(b => { b.x = b.startX + dx; b.y = b.startY + dy; }); } function finishDrag() { if (currentStack[0] !== root) { tearFrom(getStackParent()); } if (parentBlock) { tearFrom(parentBlock); } if (workspace) { workspace.arrangeBlock(root); } } function pasteTo(dest, asParent) { x = dest.x; y = dest.y + dest.height; updateChildrenPos(); if (!asParent) { const stk = currentStack; dest.currentStack.push(...stk); const p = dest.parentBlock; let c = getStackChildren(); c.push(root); c.forEach(cc => { cc.parentBlock = p; cc.currentStack = dest.currentStack; }); } else { // TODO } } function tearFrom(dest) { const fromParent = dest === root.parentBlock; if (!fromParent) { const idx = currentStack.indexOf(root); const newStack = currentStack.slice(idx); let c = getStackChildren(); currentStack.splice(idx); c.push(root); c.forEach(cc => { cc.parentBlock = null; cc.currentStack = newStack; }); } else { // TODO } } Component.onCompleted: { } }