-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later local discardSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "discard_skill", card_filter = function(self, to_select, selected) if #selected >= self.num then return false end if Fk:currentRoom():getCardArea(to_select) == Card.PlayerSpecial then local pile = "" for p, t in pairs(Self.special_cards) do if table.contains(t, to_select) then pile = p break end end if not string.find(self.pattern or "", pile) then return false end end local checkpoint = true local card = Fk:getCardById(to_select) local status_skills = Fk:currentRoom().status_skills[ProhibitSkill] or Util.DummyTable for _, skill in ipairs(status_skills) do if skill:prohibitDiscard(Self, card) then return false end end if Fk.currentResponseReason == "game_rule" then status_skills = Fk:currentRoom().status_skills[MaxCardsSkill] or Util.DummyTable for _, skill in ipairs(status_skills) do if skill:excludeFrom(Self, card) then return false end end end if not self.include_equip then checkpoint = checkpoint and (Fk:currentRoom():getCardArea(to_select) ~= Player.Equip) end if self.pattern and self.pattern ~= "" then checkpoint = checkpoint and (Exppattern:Parse(self.pattern):match(card)) end return checkpoint end, min_card_num = function(self) return self.min_num end, max_card_num = function(self) return self.num end, } local chooseCardsSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "choose_cards_skill", card_filter = function(self, to_select, selected) if #selected >= self.num then return false end if Fk:currentRoom():getCardArea(to_select) == Card.PlayerSpecial then if not string.find(self.pattern or "", self.expand_pile or "") then return false end end local checkpoint = true local card = Fk:getCardById(to_select) if not self.include_equip then checkpoint = checkpoint and (Fk:currentRoom():getCardArea(to_select) ~= Player.Equip) end if self.pattern and self.pattern ~= "" then checkpoint = checkpoint and (Exppattern:Parse(self.pattern):match(card)) end return checkpoint end, min_card_num = function(self) return self.min_num end, max_card_num = function(self) return self.num end, } local choosePlayersSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "choose_players_skill", card_filter = function(self, to_select, selected) return self.pattern ~= "" and Exppattern:Parse(self.pattern):match(Fk:getCardById(to_select)) and #selected == 0 end, target_filter = function(self, to_select, selected, cards) if self.pattern ~= "" and #cards == 0 then return end if #selected < self.num then return table.contains(self.targets, to_select) end end, card_num = function(self) return self.pattern ~= "" and 1 or 0 end, min_target_num = function(self) return self.min_num end, max_target_num = function(self) return self.num end, } local exChooseSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "ex__choose_skill", card_filter = function(self, to_select, selected) if #selected >= self.max_c_num then return false end if Fk:currentRoom():getCardArea(to_select) == Card.PlayerSpecial then if not string.find(self.pattern or "", self.expand_pile or "") then return false end end local checkpoint = true local card = Fk:getCardById(to_select) if not self.include_equip then checkpoint = checkpoint and (Fk:currentRoom():getCardArea(to_select) ~= Player.Equip) end if self.pattern and self.pattern ~= "" then checkpoint = checkpoint and (Exppattern:Parse(self.pattern):match(card)) end return checkpoint end, target_filter = function(self, to_select, selected, cards) if #cards < self.min_c_num then return end if #selected < self.max_t_num then return table.contains(self.targets, to_select) end end, min_target_num = function(self) return self.min_t_num end, max_target_num = function(self) return self.max_t_num end, min_card_num = function(self) return self.min_c_num end, max_card_num = function(self) return self.max_c_num end, } local maxCardsSkill = fk.CreateMaxCardsSkill{ name = "max_cards_skill", global = true, correct_func = function(self, player) local function getMark(markname) local v = 0 for mark, value in pairs(player.mark) do if mark == markname then v = v + value elseif mark:startsWith(markname .. "-") then for _, suffix in ipairs(MarkEnum.TempMarkSuffix) do if mark:find(suffix, 1, true) then v = v + value break end end end end return v end return getMark(MarkEnum.AddMaxCards) - getMark(MarkEnum.MinusMaxCards) end, } local distributionSelectSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "distribution_select_skill", mute = true, min_card_num = 1, card_filter = function(self, to_select, selected) return #selected < self.max_num and table.contains(self.cards, to_select) end, target_num = 1, target_filter = function(self, to_select, selected, selected_cards) return #selected == 0 and #selected_cards > 0 and table.contains(self.targets, to_select) and #selected_cards <= (self.residued_list[string.format("%d", to_select)] or 0) end, } local choosePlayersToMoveCardInBoardSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "choose_players_to_move_card_in_board", target_num = 2, card_filter = function(self, to_select) return false end, target_filter = function(self, to_select, selected, cards) local target = Fk:currentRoom():getPlayerById(to_select) if #selected > 0 then return Fk:currentRoom():getPlayerById(selected[1]):canMoveCardsInBoardTo(target, self.flag, self.excludeIds) end local fromAreas = { Player.Equip, Player.Judge } if self.flag == "e" then fromAreas = { Player.Equip } elseif self.flag == "j" then fromAreas = { Player.Judge } end return #table.filter(target:getCardIds(fromAreas), function(id) return not table.contains((type(self.excludeIds) == "table" and self.excludeIds or {}), id) end) > 0 end, } local uncompulsoryInvalidity = fk.CreateInvaliditySkill { name = "uncompulsory_invalidity", global = true, invalidity_func = function(self, from, skill) ---@param object Card|Player ---@param markname string ---@param suffixes string[] ---@return boolean local function hasMark(object, markname, suffixes) if not object then return false end for mark, _ in pairs(object.mark) do if mark == markname then return true end if mark:startsWith(markname .. "-") then for _, suffix in ipairs(suffixes) do if mark:find(suffix, 1, true) then return true end end end end return false end return (skill.frequency ~= Skill.Compulsory and skill.frequency ~= Skill.Wake) and not (skill:isEquipmentSkill() or skill.name:endsWith("&")) and hasMark(from, MarkEnum.UncompulsoryInvalidity, MarkEnum.TempMarkSuffix) -- ( -- from:getMark(MarkEnum.UncompulsoryInvalidity) ~= 0 or -- table.find(MarkEnum.TempMarkSuffix, function(s) -- return from:getMark(MarkEnum.UncompulsoryInvalidity .. s) ~= 0 -- end) -- ) end } local revealProhibited = fk.CreateInvaliditySkill { name = "reveal_prohibited", global = true, invalidity_func = function(self, from, skill) local generals = {} if type(from:getMark(MarkEnum.RevealProhibited)) == "table" then generals = from:getMark(MarkEnum.RevealProhibited) end for mark, value in pairs(from.mark) do if mark:startsWith(MarkEnum.RevealProhibited .. "-") and type(value) == "table" then for _, suffix in ipairs(MarkEnum.TempMarkSuffix) do if mark:find(suffix, 1, true) then for _, g in ipairs(value) do table.insertIfNeed(generals, g) end end end end end -- for _, m in ipairs(table.map(MarkEnum.TempMarkSuffix, function(s) -- return from:getMark(MarkEnum.RevealProhibited .. s) -- end)) do -- if type(m) == "table" then -- for _, g in ipairs(m) do -- table.insertIfNeed(generals, g) -- end -- end -- end if #generals == 0 then return false end local sname = skill.name for _, g in ipairs(generals) do if (g == "m" and from.general == "anjiang") or (g == "d" and from.deputyGeneral == "anjiang") then local generalName = g == "m" and from:getMark("__heg_general") or from:getMark("__heg_deputy") local general = Fk.generals[generalName] if table.contains(general:getSkillNameList(true), sname) then return true end end end return false end } -- 亮将 local revealSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "reveal_skill&", prompt = "#reveal_skill&", interaction = function(self) local choiceList = {} if (Self.general == "anjiang" and not Self:prohibitReveal()) then local general = Fk.generals[Self:getMark("__heg_general")] for _, sname in ipairs(general:getSkillNameList(true)) do local s = Fk.skills[sname] if s.frequency == Skill.Compulsory and s.relate_to_place ~= "m" then table.insert(choiceList, "revealMain:::" .. general.name) break end end end if (Self.deputyGeneral == "anjiang" and not Self:prohibitReveal(true)) then local general = Fk.generals[Self:getMark("__heg_deputy")] for _, sname in ipairs(general:getSkillNameList(true)) do local s = Fk.skills[sname] if s.frequency == Skill.Compulsory and s.relate_to_place ~= "d" then table.insert(choiceList, "revealDeputy:::" .. general.name) break end end end if #choiceList == 0 then return false end return UI.ComboBox { choices = choiceList } end, target_num = 0, card_num = 0, card_filter = Util.FalseFunc, on_use = function(self, room, effect) local player = room:getPlayerById(effect.from) local choice = self.interaction.data if not choice then return false elseif choice:startsWith("revealMain") then player:revealGeneral(false) elseif choice:startsWith("revealDeputy") then player:revealGeneral(true) end end, can_use = function(self, player) if (player.general == "anjiang" and not player:prohibitReveal()) then local general = Fk.generals[player:getMark("__heg_general")] for _, sname in ipairs(general:getSkillNameList(true)) do local s = Fk.skills[sname] if s.frequency == Skill.Compulsory and s.relate_to_place ~= "m" then return true end end end if (player.deputyGeneral == "anjiang" and not player:prohibitReveal(true)) then local general = Fk.generals[player:getMark("__heg_deputy")] for _, sname in ipairs(general:getSkillNameList(true)) do local s = Fk.skills[sname] if s.frequency == Skill.Compulsory and s.relate_to_place ~= "d" then return true end end end return false end } AuxSkills = { discardSkill, chooseCardsSkill, choosePlayersSkill, exChooseSkill, distributionSelectSkill, maxCardsSkill, choosePlayersToMoveCardInBoardSkill, uncompulsoryInvalidity, revealProhibited, revealSkill }