-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later -- 用于初始化FreeKill的最基本脚本 -- 向Lua虚拟机中加载库、游戏中的类,以及加载Mod等等。 -- 加载第三方库 package.path = package.path .. ";./lua/lib/?.lua" .. ";./lua/?.lua" -- middleclass: 轻量级的面向对象库 class = require "middleclass" -- json: 提供json处理支持,能解析JSON和生成JSON -- 仍借助luajson处理简单类型。 local luajson = require "json" json = { encode = function(val, t) if type(val) ~= "table" then return luajson.encode(val) end t = t or 1 -- Compact ---@diagnostic disable-next-line local doc = fk.QJsonDocument_fromVariant(val) local ret = doc:toJson(t) return ret end, decode = function(str) if str == "null" then return nil end local start = str:sub(1, 1) if start ~= "[" and start ~= "{" then return luajson.decode(str) end ---@diagnostic disable-next-line local doc = fk.QJsonDocument_fromJson(str) local ret = doc:toVariant() -- if ret == "" then ret = luajson.decode(str) end return ret end, } -- 初始化随机数种子 math.randomseed(os.time()) -- 加载实用类,让Lua编写起来更轻松。 local Utils = require "core.util" -- TargetGroup, AimGroup, Util = table.unpack(Utils) TargetGroup, AimGroup, Util = Utils[1], Utils[2], Utils[3] dofile "lua/core/debug.lua" -- 加载游戏核心类 Engine = require "core.engine" Package = require "core.package" General = require "core.general" Card = require "core.card" Exppattern = require "core.exppattern" Skill = require "core.skill" UsableSkill = require "core.skill_type.usable_skill" StatusSkill = require "core.skill_type.status_skill" Player = require "core.player" GameMode = require "core.game_mode" AbstractRoom = require "core.abstract_room" UI = require "ui-util" -- 读取配置文件。 -- 因为io马上就要被禁用了,所以赶紧先在这里读取配置文件。 local function loadConf() local cfg = io.open("freekill.client.config.json") local ret if cfg == nil then ret = { language = "zh_CN", } else ret = json.decode(cfg:read("a")) cfg:close() end return ret end Config = loadConf() -- 禁用各种危险的函数,尽可能让Lua执行安全的代码。 local _os = { time = os.time, date = os.date, clock = os.clock, difftime = os.difftime, getms = os.getms, } os = _os io = nil package = nil load = nil loadfile = nil local _dofile = dofile dofile = function(f) local errmsg = "Refusing dofile that not in game directory" assert(not f:startsWith("/"), errmsg) assert(not f:startsWith(".."), errmsg) assert(not f:find(":"), errmsg) return _dofile(f) end -- 初始化Engine类并置于Fk全局变量中,这里会加载拓展包 dofile "lua/fk_ex.lua" Fk = Engine:new()