-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later ---@class Client : AbstractRoom ---@field public client fk.Client ---@field public players ClientPlayer[] @ 所有参战玩家的数组 ---@field public alive_players ClientPlayer[] @ 所有存活玩家的数组 ---@field public observers ClientPlayer[] @ 观察者的数组 ---@field public current ClientPlayer @ 当前回合玩家 ---@field public discard_pile integer[] @ 弃牌堆 ---@field public observing boolean ---@field public record any Client = AbstractRoom:subclass('Client') -- load client classes ClientPlayer = require "client.clientplayer" fk.client_callback = {} -- 总而言之就是会让roomScene.state变为responding或者playing的状态 local pattern_refresh_commands = { "PlayCard", "AskForUseActiveSkill", "AskForUseCard", "AskForResponseCard", } -- 无需进行JSON.parse,但可能传入JSON字符串的command local no_decode_commands = { "ErrorMsg", "Heartbeat", } function Client:initialize() AbstractRoom.initialize(self) self.client = fk.ClientInstance self.notifyUI = function(self, command, data) fk.Backend:notifyUI(command, data) end self.client.callback = function(_self, command, jsonData, isRequest) if self.recording then table.insert(self.record, {math.floor(os.getms() / 1000), isRequest, command, jsonData}) end local cb = fk.client_callback[command] local data if table.contains(no_decode_commands, command) then data = jsonData else local err, ret = pcall(json.decode, jsonData) if err == false then -- 不关心报错 data = jsonData else data = ret end end if table.contains(pattern_refresh_commands, command) then Fk.currentResponsePattern = nil Fk.currentResponseReason = nil end if (type(cb) == "function") then cb(data) else self:notifyUI(command, data) end end self.discard_pile = {} self._processing = {} self.disabled_packs = {} self.disabled_generals = {} self.recording = false end ---@param id integer ---@return ClientPlayer function Client:getPlayerById(id) if id == Self.id then return Self end for _, p in ipairs(self.players) do if p.id == id then return p end end return nil end ---@param cardId integer | Card ---@return CardArea function Client:getCardArea(cardId) local cardIds = Card:getIdList(cardId) local resultPos = {} for _, cid in ipairs(cardIds) do if not table.contains(resultPos, Card.PlayerHand) and table.contains(Self.player_cards[Player.Hand], cid) then table.insert(resultPos, Card.PlayerHand) end if not table.contains(resultPos, Card.PlayerEquip) and table.contains(Self.player_cards[Player.Equip], cid) then table.insert(resultPos, Card.PlayerEquip) end for _, t in pairs(Self.special_cards) do if table.contains(t, cid) then table.insertIfNeed(resultPos, Card.PlayerSpecial) end end end if #resultPos == 1 then return resultPos[1] end return Card.Unknown end function Client:moveCards(moves) for _, move in ipairs(moves) do if move.from and move.fromArea then local from = self:getPlayerById(move.from) self:notifyUI("MaxCard", { pcardMax = from:getMaxCards(), id = move.from, }) if move.fromArea == Card.PlayerHand and not Self:isBuddy(self:getPlayerById(move.from)) then for _ = 1, #move.ids do table.remove(from.player_cards[Player.Hand]) end else if table.contains({ Player.Hand, Player.Equip, Player.Judge, Player.Special }, move.fromArea) then from:removeCards(move.fromArea, move.ids, move.fromSpecialName) end end elseif move.fromArea == Card.DiscardPile then table.removeOne(self.discard_pile, move.ids[1]) end if move.to and move.toArea then local ids = move.ids self:notifyUI("MaxCard", { pcardMax = self:getPlayerById(move.to):getMaxCards(), id = move.to, }) if (not Self:isBuddy(self:getPlayerById(move.to)) and move.toArea == Card.PlayerHand) or table.contains(ids, -1) then ids = table.map(ids, function() return -1 end) end self:getPlayerById(move.to):addCards(move.toArea, ids, move.specialName) elseif move.toArea == Card.DiscardPile then table.insert(self.discard_pile, move.ids[1]) end -- FIXME: 需要系统化的重构 if move.fromArea == Card.Processing then for _, v in ipairs(move.ids) do self._processing[v] = nil end end if move.toArea == Card.Processing then for _, v in ipairs(move.ids) do self._processing[v] = true end end if (move.ids[1] ~= -1) then Fk:filterCard(move.ids[1], ClientInstance:getPlayerById(move.to)) end end end ---@param msg LogMessage local function parseMsg(msg, nocolor) local self = ClientInstance local data = msg local function getPlayerStr(pid, color) if nocolor then color = "white" end if not pid then return "" end local p = self:getPlayerById(pid) local str = '%s' if p.general == "anjiang" and (p.deputyGeneral == "anjiang" or not p.deputyGeneral) then local ret = Fk:translate("seat#" .. p.seat) return string.format(str, color, ret) end local ret = p.general ret = Fk:translate(ret) if p.deputyGeneral and p.deputyGeneral ~= "" then ret = ret .. "/" .. Fk:translate(p.deputyGeneral) end ret = string.format(str, color, ret) return ret end local from = getPlayerStr(data.from, "#0C8F0C") ---@type any local to = data.to or Util.DummyTable local to_str = {} for _, id in ipairs(to) do table.insert(to_str, getPlayerStr(id, "#CC3131")) end to = table.concat(to_str, ", ") ---@type any local card = data.card or Util.DummyTable local allUnknown = true local unknownCount = 0 for _, id in ipairs(card) do if id ~= -1 then allUnknown = false else unknownCount = unknownCount + 1 end end if allUnknown then card = "" else local card_str = {} for _, id in ipairs(card) do table.insert(card_str, Fk:getCardById(id, true):toLogString()) end if unknownCount > 0 then table.insert(card_str, Fk:translate("unknown_card") .. unknownCount == 1 and "x" .. unknownCount or "") end card = table.concat(card_str, ", ") end local function parseArg(arg) arg = arg or "" arg = Fk:translate(arg) arg = string.format('%s', nocolor and "white" or "#0598BC", arg) return arg end local arg = parseArg(data.arg) local arg2 = parseArg(data.arg2) local arg3 = parseArg(data.arg3) local log = Fk:translate(data.type) log = string.gsub(log, "%%from", from) log = string.gsub(log, "%%to", to) log = string.gsub(log, "%%card", card) log = string.gsub(log, "%%arg2", arg2) log = string.gsub(log, "%%arg3", arg3) log = string.gsub(log, "%%arg", arg) return log end ---@param msg LogMessage function Client:appendLog(msg) local text = parseMsg(msg) self:notifyUI("GameLog", text) if msg.toast then self:notifyUI("ShowToast", text) end end ---@param msg LogMessage function Client:setCardNote(ids, msg) for _, id in ipairs(ids) do if id ~= -1 then self:notifyUI("SetCardFootnote", { id, parseMsg(msg, true) }) end end end fk.client_callback["SetCardFootnote"] = function(data) ClientInstance:setCardNote(data[1], data[2]); end local function setup(id, name, avatar) local self = fk.Self self:setId(id) self:setScreenName(name) self:setAvatar(avatar) Self = ClientPlayer:new(fk.Self) end fk.client_callback["Setup"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ int id, string screenName, string avatar ] local id, name, avatar = data[1], data[2], data[3] setup(id, name, avatar) end fk.client_callback["EnterRoom"] = function(_data) Self = ClientPlayer:new(fk.Self) ClientInstance = Client:new() -- clear old client data ClientInstance.players = {Self} ClientInstance.alive_players = {Self} ClientInstance.discard_pile = {} local data = _data[3] ClientInstance.enter_room_data = json.encode(_data); ClientInstance.room_settings = data table.insertTableIfNeed( data.disabledPack, Fk.game_mode_disabled[data.gameMode] ) ClientInstance.disabled_packs = data.disabledPack ClientInstance.disabled_generals = data.disabledGenerals ClientInstance:notifyUI("EnterRoom", _data) end fk.client_callback["AddPlayer"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ int id, string screenName, string avatar ] -- when other player enter the room, we create clientplayer(C and lua) for them local id, name, avatar, time = data[1], data[2], data[3], data[5] local player = fk.ClientInstance:addPlayer(id, name, avatar) player:addTotalGameTime(time or 0) -- 以防再次智迟 local p = ClientPlayer:new(player) table.insert(ClientInstance.players, p) table.insert(ClientInstance.alive_players, p) ClientInstance:notifyUI("AddPlayer", data) end fk.client_callback["RemovePlayer"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ int id ] local id = data[1] for _, p in ipairs(ClientInstance.players) do if p.player:getId() == id then table.removeOne(ClientInstance.players, p) table.removeOne(ClientInstance.alive_players, p) break end end if id ~= Self.id then fk.ClientInstance:removePlayer(id) ClientInstance:notifyUI("RemovePlayer", data) end end fk.client_callback["AddObserver"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ int id, string screenName, string avatar ] -- when observer enter the room, we create lua clientplayer for them local id, name, avatar = data[1], data[2], data[3] local player = { getId = function() return id end, getScreenName = function() return name end, getAvatar = function() return avatar end, } local p = ClientPlayer:new(player) table.insert(ClientInstance.observers, p) end fk.client_callback["RemoveObserver"] = function(data) local id = data[1] for _, p in ipairs(ClientInstance.observers) do if p.player:getId() == id then table.removeOne(ClientInstance.observers, p) break end end end fk.client_callback["ArrangeSeats"] = function(data) local n = #ClientInstance.players local players = {} for i = 1, n do local p = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(data[i]) p.seat = i table.insert(players, p) end for i = 1, #players - 1 do players[i].next = players[i + 1] end players[#players].next = players[1] ClientInstance.players = players ClientInstance:notifyUI("ArrangeSeats", data) end fk.client_callback["PropertyUpdate"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ int id, string property_name, value ] local id, name, value = data[1], data[2], data[3] local p = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(id) p[name] = value if name == "dead" then if value == true then table.removeOne(ClientInstance.alive_players, p) else table.insertIfNeed(ClientInstance.alive_players, p) end end ClientInstance:notifyUI("PropertyUpdate", data) ClientInstance:notifyUI("MaxCard", { pcardMax = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(id):getMaxCards(), id = id, }) end fk.client_callback["AskForCardChosen"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ int target_id, string flag, int reason ] local id, flag, reason, prompt = data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4] local target = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(id) local hand = target.player_cards[Player.Hand] local equip = target.player_cards[Player.Equip] local judge = target.player_cards[Player.Judge] local ui_data = flag if type(flag) == "string" then if not string.find(flag, "h") then hand = {} end if not string.find(flag, "e") then equip = {} end if not string.find(flag, "j") then judge = {} end ui_data = { _id = id, _reason = reason, card_data = {}, _prompt = prompt, } if #hand ~= 0 then table.insert(ui_data.card_data, { "$Hand", hand }) end if #equip ~= 0 then table.insert(ui_data.card_data, { "$Equip", equip }) end if #judge ~= 0 then table.insert(ui_data.card_data, { "$Judge", judge }) end else ui_data._id = id ui_data._reason = reason ui_data._prompt = prompt end ClientInstance:notifyUI("AskForCardChosen", ui_data) end fk.client_callback["AskForCardsChosen"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ int target_id, int min, int max, string flag, int reason ] local id, min, max, flag, reason, prompt = table.unpack(data) --data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6] local target = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(id) local hand = target.player_cards[Player.Hand] local equip = target.player_cards[Player.Equip] local judge = target.player_cards[Player.Judge] local ui_data = flag if type(flag) == "string" then if not string.find(flag, "h") then hand = {} end if not string.find(flag, "e") then equip = {} end if not string.find(flag, "j") then judge = {} end ui_data = { _id = id, _min = min, _max = max, _reason = reason, card_data = {}, _prompt = prompt, } if #hand ~= 0 then table.insert(ui_data.card_data, { "$Hand", hand }) end if #equip ~= 0 then table.insert(ui_data.card_data, { "$Equip", equip }) end if #judge ~= 0 then table.insert(ui_data.card_data, { "$Judge", judge }) end else ui_data._id = id ui_data._min = min ui_data._max = max ui_data._reason = reason ui_data._prompt = prompt end ClientInstance:notifyUI("AskForCardsChosen", ui_data) end --- separated moves to many moves(one card per move) ---@param moves CardsMoveStruct[] local function separateMoves(moves) local ret = {} ---@type CardsMoveInfo[] for _, move in ipairs(moves) do for _, info in ipairs(move.moveInfo) do table.insert(ret, { ids = {info.cardId}, from = move.from, to = move.to, toArea = move.toArea, fromArea = info.fromArea, moveReason = move.moveReason, specialName = move.specialName, fromSpecialName = info.fromSpecialName, proposer = move.proposer, }) end end return ret end --- merge separated moves that information is the same local function mergeMoves(moves) local ret = {} local temp = {} for _, move in ipairs(moves) do local info = string.format("%q,%q,%q,%q,%s,%s,%q", move.from, move.to, move.fromArea, move.toArea, move.specialName, move.fromSpecialName, move.proposer) if temp[info] == nil then temp[info] = { ids = {}, from = move.from, to = move.to, fromArea = move.fromArea, toArea = move.toArea, moveReason = move.moveReason, specialName = move.specialName, fromSpecialName = move.fromSpecialName, proposer = move.proposer, } end table.insert(temp[info].ids, move.ids[1]) end for _, v in pairs(temp) do table.insert(ret, v) end return ret end local function sendMoveCardLog(move) local client = ClientInstance ---@class Client if #move.ids == 0 then return end local hidden = table.contains(move.ids, -1) local msgtype if move.toArea == Card.PlayerHand then if move.fromArea == Card.PlayerSpecial then client:appendLog{ type = "$GetCardsFromPile", from = move.to, arg = move.fromSpecialName, arg2 = #move.ids, card = move.ids, } elseif move.fromArea == Card.DrawPile then client:appendLog{ type = "$DrawCards", from = move.to, card = move.ids, arg = #move.ids, } elseif move.fromArea == Card.Processing then client:appendLog{ type = "$GotCardBack", from = move.to, card = move.ids, arg = #move.ids, } elseif move.fromArea == Card.DiscardPile then client:appendLog{ type = "$RecycleCard", from = move.to, card = move.ids, arg = #move.ids, } elseif move.from then client:appendLog{ type = "$MoveCards", from = move.from, to = { move.to }, arg = #move.ids, card = move.ids, } else client:appendLog{ type = "$PreyCardsFromPile", from = move.to, card = move.ids, arg = #move.ids, } end elseif move.toArea == Card.PlayerEquip then client:appendLog{ type = "$InstallEquip", from = move.to, card = move.ids, } elseif move.toArea == Card.PlayerJudge then if move.from ~= move.to and move.fromArea == Card.PlayerJudge then client:appendLog{ type = "$LightningMove", from = move.from, to = { move.to }, card = move.ids, } elseif move.from then client:appendLog{ type = "$PasteCard", from = move.from, to = { move.to }, card = move.ids, } end elseif move.toArea == Card.PlayerSpecial then client:appendLog{ type = "$AddToPile", arg = move.specialName, arg2 = #move.ids, from = move.to, card = move.ids, } elseif move.fromArea == Card.PlayerEquip then client:appendLog{ type = "$UninstallEquip", from = move.from, card = move.ids, } -- elseif move.toArea == Card.Processing then -- nop elseif move.from and move.toArea == Card.DrawPile then msgtype = hidden and "$PutCard" or "$PutKnownCard" client:appendLog{ type = msgtype, from = move.from, card = move.ids, arg = #move.ids, } client:setCardNote(move.ids, { type = "$$PutCard", from = move.from, }) elseif move.toArea == Card.DiscardPile then if move.moveReason == fk.ReasonDiscard then if move.proposer and move.proposer ~= move.from then client:appendLog{ type = "$DiscardOther", from = move.from, to = {move.proposer}, card = move.ids, arg = #move.ids, } else client:appendLog{ type = "$DiscardCards", from = move.from, card = move.ids, arg = #move.ids, } end elseif move.moveReason == fk.ReasonPutIntoDiscardPile then client:appendLog{ type = "$PutToDiscard", card = move.ids, arg = #move.ids, } end -- elseif move.toArea == Card.Void then -- nop end -- TODO: footnote if move.moveReason == fk.ReasonDiscard then client:setCardNote(move.ids, { type = "$$DiscardCards", from = move.from }) end end fk.client_callback["MoveCards"] = function(raw_moves) -- jsonData: CardsMoveStruct[] local separated = separateMoves(raw_moves) ClientInstance:moveCards(separated) local merged = mergeMoves(separated) ClientInstance:notifyUI("MoveCards", merged) for _, move in ipairs(merged) do sendMoveCardLog(move) end end fk.client_callback["ShowCard"] = function(data) local from = data.from local cards = data.cards ClientInstance:notifyUI("MoveCards", { { ids = cards, fromArea = Card.DrawPile, toArea = Card.Processing, } }) end -- 说是限定技,其实也适用于觉醒技、转换技、使命技 ---@param skill Skill ---@param times integer local function updateLimitSkill(pid, skill, times) if not skill.visible then return end if skill:isSwitchSkill() then local _times = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(pid):getSwitchSkillState(skill.switchSkillName) == fk.SwitchYang and 0 or 1 if times == -1 then _times = -1 end ClientInstance:notifyUI("UpdateLimitSkill", { pid, skill.switchSkillName, _times }) elseif skill.frequency == Skill.Limited or skill.frequency == Skill.Wake or skill.frequency == Skill.Quest then ClientInstance:notifyUI("UpdateLimitSkill", { pid, skill.name, times }) end end fk.client_callback["LoseSkill"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ int player_id, string skill_name ] local id, skill_name, fake = data[1], data[2], data[3] local target = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(id) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] if not fake then target:loseSkill(skill) if skill.visible then ClientInstance:notifyUI("LoseSkill", data) end elseif skill.visible then -- 按理说能弄得更好的但还是复制粘贴舒服 local sks = { table.unpack(skill.related_skills) } --[[ 需要大伙都适配好main_skill或者讨论出更好方案才行。不敢轻举妄动 local sks = table.filter(skill.related_skills, function(s) return s.main_skill == skill end) --]] table.insert(sks, skill) table.removeOne(target.player_skills, skill) local chk = false if table.find(sks, function(s) return s:isInstanceOf(TriggerSkill) end) then chk = true ClientInstance:notifyUI("LoseSkill", data) end local active = table.filter(sks, function(s) return s:isInstanceOf(ActiveSkill) or s:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) end) if #active > 0 then chk = true ClientInstance:notifyUI("LoseSkill", { id, skill_name, }) end if not chk then ClientInstance:notifyUI("LoseSkill", { id, skill_name, }) end end updateLimitSkill(id, skill, -1) end fk.client_callback["AddSkill"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ int player_id, string skill_name ] local id, skill_name, fake = data[1], data[2], data[3] local target = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(id) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] if not fake then target:addSkill(skill) if skill.visible then ClientInstance:notifyUI("AddSkill", data) end elseif skill.visible then -- 添加假技能:服务器只会传一个主技能来。 -- 若有主动技则添加按钮,若有触发技则添加预亮按钮。 -- 无视状态技。 local sks = { table.unpack(skill.related_skills) } table.insert(sks, skill) table.insert(target.player_skills, skill) local chk = false if table.find(sks, function(s) return s:isInstanceOf(TriggerSkill) end) then chk = true ClientInstance:notifyUI("AddSkill", data) end local active = table.filter(sks, function(s) return s:isInstanceOf(ActiveSkill) or s:isInstanceOf(ViewAsSkill) end) if #active > 0 then chk = true ClientInstance:notifyUI("AddSkill", { id, skill_name, }) end -- 面板上总得有点啥东西表明自己有技能吧 = = if not chk then ClientInstance:notifyUI("AddSkill", { id, skill_name, }) end end if skill.frequency == Skill.Quest then return end updateLimitSkill(id, skill, target:usedSkillTimes(skill_name, Player.HistoryGame)) end fk.client_callback["AskForUseActiveSkill"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ string skill_name, string prompt, bool cancelable. json extra_data ] local skill = Fk.skills[data[1]] local extra_data = data[4] skill._extra_data = extra_data Fk.currentResponseReason = extra_data.skillName ClientInstance:notifyUI("AskForUseActiveSkill", data) end fk.client_callback["AskForUseCard"] = function(data) Fk.currentResponsePattern = data[2] ClientInstance:notifyUI("AskForUseCard", data) end fk.client_callback["AskForResponseCard"] = function(data) Fk.currentResponsePattern = data[2] ClientInstance:notifyUI("AskForResponseCard", data) end fk.client_callback["SetPlayerMark"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ int id, string mark, int value ] local player, mark, value = data[1], data[2], data[3] local p = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(player) p:setMark(mark, value) if string.sub(mark, 1, 1) == "@" then if mark:startsWith("@[") and mark:find(']') then local close = mark:find(']') local mtype = mark:sub(3, close - 1) local spec = Fk.qml_marks[mtype] if spec then local text = spec.how_to_show(mark, value, p) if text == "#hidden" then return end end end ClientInstance:notifyUI("SetPlayerMark", data) end end fk.client_callback["SetBanner"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ int id, string mark, int value ] local mark, value = data[1], data[2] ClientInstance:setBanner(mark, value) if string.sub(mark, 1, 1) == "@" then ClientInstance:notifyUI("SetBanner", data) end end fk.client_callback["SetCardMark"] = function(data) -- jsonData: [ int id, string mark, int value ] local card, mark, value = data[1], data[2], data[3] Fk:getCardById(card):setMark(mark, value) ClientInstance:notifyUI("UpdateCard", card) end fk.client_callback["Chat"] = function(data) -- jsonData: { int type, int sender, string msg } if data.type == 1 then data.general = "" data.time = os.date("%H:%M:%S") ClientInstance:notifyUI("Chat", data) return end local p = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(data.sender) if not p then for _, pl in ipairs(ClientInstance.observers) do if pl.id == data.sender then p = pl; break end end if not p then return end data.general = "" else data.general = p.general end data.userName = p.player:getScreenName() data.time = os.date("%H:%M:%S") ClientInstance:notifyUI("Chat", data) end fk.client_callback["GameLog"] = function(data) ClientInstance:appendLog(data) end fk.client_callback["LogEvent"] = function(data) if data.type == "Death" then table.removeOne( ClientInstance.alive_players, ClientInstance:getPlayerById(data.to) ) end ClientInstance:notifyUI("LogEvent", data) end fk.client_callback["AddCardUseHistory"] = function(data) Self:addCardUseHistory(data[1], data[2]) end fk.client_callback["SetCardUseHistory"] = function(data) Self:setCardUseHistory(data[1], data[2], data[3]) end fk.client_callback["AddSkillUseHistory"] = function(data) local playerid, skill_name, time = data[1], data[2], data[3] local player = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(playerid) player:addSkillUseHistory(skill_name, time) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] if not skill or skill.frequency == Skill.Quest then return end updateLimitSkill(playerid, Fk.skills[skill_name], player:usedSkillTimes(skill_name, Player.HistoryGame)) end fk.client_callback["SetSkillUseHistory"] = function(data) local id, skill_name, time, scope = data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4] local player = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(id) player:setSkillUseHistory(skill_name, time, scope) local skill = Fk.skills[skill_name] if not skill or skill.frequency == Skill.Quest then return end updateLimitSkill(id, Fk.skills[skill_name], player:usedSkillTimes(skill_name, Player.HistoryGame)) end fk.client_callback["AddVirtualEquip"] = function(data) local cname = data.name local player = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(data.player) local subcards = data.subcards local c = Fk:cloneCard(cname) c:addSubcards(subcards) player:addVirtualEquip(c) end fk.client_callback["RemoveVirtualEquip"] = function(data) local player = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(data.player) player:removeVirtualEquip(data.id) end fk.client_callback["Heartbeat"] = function() ClientInstance.client:notifyServer("Heartbeat", "") end fk.client_callback["ChangeSelf"] = function(data) local p = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(data.id) p.player_cards[Player.Hand] = data.handcards p.special_cards = data.special_cards ClientInstance:notifyUI("ChangeSelf", data.id) end fk.client_callback["UpdateQuestSkillUI"] = function(data) local player, skillName, usedTimes = data[1], data[2], data[3] updateLimitSkill(player, Fk.skills[skillName], usedTimes) end fk.client_callback["UpdateGameData"] = function(data) local player, total, win, run = data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4] player = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(player) if player then player.player:setGameData(total, win, run) end ClientInstance:notifyUI("UpdateGameData", data) end fk.client_callback["AddTotalGameTime"] = function(data) local player, time = data[1], data[2] player = ClientInstance:getPlayerById(player) if player then player.player:addTotalGameTime(time) if player == Self then ClientInstance:notifyUI("AddTotalGameTime", data) end end end fk.client_callback["StartGame"] = function(jsonData) local c = ClientInstance c.record = { fk.FK_VER, os.date("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), c.enter_room_data, json.encode { Self.id, fk.Self:getScreenName(), fk.Self:getAvatar() }, -- RESERVED "", "", "", "", "", "", } for _, p in ipairs(c.players) do if p.id ~= Self.id then table.insert(c.record, { math.floor(os.getms() / 1000), false, "AddPlayer", json.encode { p.player:getId(), p.player:getScreenName(), p.player:getAvatar(), true, p.player:getTotalGameTime(), }, }) end end c.recording = true c:notifyUI("StartGame", jsonData) end fk.client_callback["GameOver"] = function(jsonData) local c = ClientInstance if c.recording then c.recording = false c.record[2] = table.concat({ c.record[2], Self.player:getScreenName(), c.room_settings.gameMode, Self.general, Self.role, jsonData, }, ".") -- c.client:saveRecord(json.encode(c.record), c.record[2]) end c:notifyUI("GameOver", jsonData) end fk.client_callback["EnterLobby"] = function(jsonData) local c = ClientInstance --[[ if c.recording and not c.observing then c.recording = false c.record[2] = table.concat({ c.record[2], Self.player:getScreenName(), c.room_settings.gameMode, Self.general, Self.role, "", }, ".") -- c.client:saveRecord(json.encode(c.record), c.record[2]) end --]] c:notifyUI("EnterLobby", jsonData) end fk.client_callback["PrintCard"] = function(data) local n, s, num = table.unpack(data) local cd = Fk:cloneCard(n, s, num) Fk:_addPrintedCard(cd) end fk.client_callback["AddBuddy"] = function(data) local c = ClientInstance local id, hand = table.unpack(data) local to = c:getPlayerById(id) Self:addBuddy(to) to.player_cards[Player.Hand] = hand end fk.client_callback["RmBuddy"] = function(data) local c = ClientInstance local id = data local to = c:getPlayerById(id) Self:removeBuddy(to) to.player_cards[Player.Hand] = table.map(to.player_cards, function() return -1 end) end local function loadPlayerSummary(pdata) local f = fk.client_callback["PropertyUpdate"] local id = pdata.d[1] local properties = { "general", "deputyGeneral", "maxHp", "hp", "shield", "gender", "kingdom", "dead", "role", "rest", "seat", "phase", "faceup", "chained", "sealedSlots", } for _, k in ipairs(properties) do if pdata.p[k] ~= nil then f{ id, k, pdata.p[k] } end end local card_moves = {} local cards = pdata.c if #cards[Player.Hand] ~= 0 then local info = {} for _, i in ipairs(cards[Player.Hand]) do table.insert(info, { cardId = i, fromArea = Card.DrawPile }) end local move = { moveInfo = info, to = id, toArea = Card.PlayerHand } table.insert(card_moves, move) end if #cards[Player.Equip] ~= 0 then local info = {} for _, i in ipairs(cards[Player.Equip]) do table.insert(info, { cardId = i, fromArea = Card.DrawPile }) end local move = { moveInfo = info, to = id, toArea = Card.PlayerEquip } table.insert(card_moves, move) end if #cards[Player.Judge] ~= 0 then local info = {} for _, i in ipairs(cards[Player.Judge]) do table.insert(info, { cardId = i, fromArea = Card.DrawPile }) end local move = { moveInfo = info, to = id, toArea = Card.PlayerJudge } table.insert(card_moves, move) end for k, v in pairs(pdata.sc) do local info = {} for _, i in ipairs(v) do table.insert(info, { cardId = i, fromArea = Card.DrawPile }) end local move = { moveInfo = info, to = id, toArea = Card.PlayerSpecial, specialName = k, specialVisible = Self.id == id, } table.insert(card_moves, move) end if #card_moves > 0 then -- TODO: visibility fk.client_callback["MoveCards"](card_moves) end f = fk.client_callback["SetPlayerMark"] for k, v in pairs(pdata.m) do f{ id, k, v } end f = fk.client_callback["AddSkill"] for _, v in pairs(pdata.s) do f{ id, v } end f = fk.client_callback["AddCardUseHistory"] for k, v in pairs(pdata.ch) do if v[1] > 0 then f{ k, v[1] } end end f = fk.client_callback["SetSkillUseHistory"] for k, v in pairs(pdata.sh) do if v[4] > 0 then f{ id, k, v[1], 1 } f{ id, k, v[2], 2 } f{ id, k, v[3], 3 } f{ id, k, v[4], 4 } end end end local function loadRoomSummary(data) local players = data.p fk.client_callback["StartGame"]("") for _, pid in ipairs(data.circle) do if pid ~= data.you then fk.client_callback["AddPlayer"](players[tostring(pid)].d) end end fk.client_callback["ArrangeSeats"](data.circle) for _, d in ipairs(data.pc) do local cd = Fk:cloneCard(table.unpack(d)) Fk:_addPrintedCard(cd) end for cid, marks in pairs(data.cm) do for k, v in pairs(marks) do Fk:getCardById(tonumber(cid)):setMark(k, v) ClientInstance:notifyUI("UpdateCard", cid) end end for k, v in pairs(data.b) do fk.client_callback["SetBanner"]{ k, v } end for _, pid in ipairs(data.circle) do local pdata = data.p[tostring(pid)] loadPlayerSummary(pdata) end ClientInstance:notifyUI("UpdateDrawPile", data.dp) ClientInstance:notifyUI("UpdateRoundNum", data.rnd) end fk.client_callback["Reconnect"] = function(data) local players = data.p local setup_data = players[tostring(data.you)].d setup(setup_data[1], setup_data[2], setup_data[3]) fk.client_callback["AddTotalGameTime"]{ setup_data[1], setup_data[5] } local enter_room_data = data.d table.insert(enter_room_data, 1, #data.circle) fk.client_callback["EnterLobby"]("") fk.client_callback["EnterRoom"](enter_room_data) loadRoomSummary(data) end fk.client_callback["Observe"] = function(data) local players = data.p local setup_data = players[tostring(data.you)].d setup(setup_data[1], setup_data[2], setup_data[3]) local enter_room_data = data.d table.insert(enter_room_data, 1, #data.circle) fk.client_callback["EnterRoom"](enter_room_data) fk.client_callback["StartGame"]("") loadRoomSummary(data) end -- Create ClientInstance (used by Lua) ClientInstance = Client:new() dofile "lua/client/client_util.lua"