---@class ServerPlayer : Player ---@field serverplayer fk.ServerPlayer ---@field room Room ---@field next ServerPlayer ---@field request_data string ---@field client_reply string ---@field default_reply string ---@field reply_ready boolean ---@field reply_cancel boolean ---@field phases Phase[] ---@field skipped_phases Phase[] ---@field phase_state table[] ---@field phase_index integer ---@field role_shown boolean ---@field ai AI ---@field ai_data any local ServerPlayer = Player:subclass("ServerPlayer") function ServerPlayer:initialize(_self) Player.initialize(self) self.serverplayer = _self self.id = _self:getId() self.state = _self:getStateString() self.room = nil -- Below are for doBroadcastRequest self.request_data = "" self.client_reply = "" self.default_reply = "" self.reply_ready = false self.reply_cancel = false self.phases = {} self.skipped_phases = {} self.ai = RandomAI:new(self) end ---@param command string ---@param jsonData string function ServerPlayer:doNotify(command, jsonData) self.serverplayer:doNotify(command, jsonData) local room = self.room for _, t in ipairs(room.observers) do local id, p = table.unpack(t) if id == self.id then p:doNotify(command, jsonData) end end end --- Send a request to client, and allow client to reply within *timeout* seconds. --- --- *timeout* must not be negative. If nil, room.timeout is used. ---@param command string ---@param jsonData string ---@param timeout integer function ServerPlayer:doRequest(command, jsonData, timeout) timeout = timeout or self.room.timeout self.client_reply = "" self.reply_ready = false self.reply_cancel = false self.ai_data = { command = command, jsonData = jsonData, } self.serverplayer:doRequest(command, jsonData, timeout) end local function checkNoHuman(room) for _, p in ipairs(room.players) do -- TODO: trust if p.serverplayer:getStateString() == "online" then return end end room:gameOver("") end local function _waitForReply(player, timeout) local result local start = os.getms() local state = player.serverplayer:getStateString() if state ~= "online" then -- Let AI make reply. First handle request local ret_msg = true while ret_msg do -- when ret_msg is false, that means there is no request in the queue ret_msg = coroutine.yield(1) end checkNoHuman(player.room) player.ai:readRequestData() local reply = player.ai:makeReply() return reply end while true do result = player.serverplayer:waitForReply(0) if result ~= "__notready" then return result end local rest = timeout * 1000 - (os.getms() - start) / 1000 if timeout and rest <= 0 then return "" end coroutine.yield(rest) end end --- Wait for at most *timeout* seconds for reply from client. --- --- If *timeout* is negative or **nil**, the function will wait forever until get reply. ---@param timeout integer @ seconds to wait ---@return string @ JSON data function ServerPlayer:waitForReply(timeout) local result = _waitForReply(self, timeout) self.request_data = "" self.client_reply = result if result == "__cancel" then result = "" self.reply_cancel = true end if result ~= "" then self.reply_ready = true end return result end ---@param player ServerPlayer function ServerPlayer:marshal(player) local room = self.room if not room.game_started then -- If game does not starts, that mean we are entering room that -- all players are choosing their generals. -- Note that when we are in this function, the main thread must be -- calling delay() or waiting for reply. if self.role_shown then room:notifyProperty(player, self, "role") end return end room:notifyProperty(player, self, "maxHp") room:notifyProperty(player, self, "hp") room:notifyProperty(player, self, "gender") if self.kingdom ~= Fk.generals[self.general].kingdom then room:notifyProperty(player, self, "kingdom") end if self.dead then room:notifyProperty(player, self, "dead") room:notifyProperty(player, self, "role") else room:notifyProperty(player, self, "seat") room:notifyProperty(player, self, "phase") end if not self.faceup then room:notifyProperty(player, self, "faceup") end if self.chained then room:notifyProperty(player, self, "chained") end local card_moves = {} if #self.player_cards[Player.Hand] ~= 0 then local info = {} for _, i in ipairs(self.player_cards[Player.Hand]) do table.insert(info, { cardId = i, fromArea = Card.DrawPile }) end local move = { moveInfo = info, to = self.id, toArea = Card.PlayerHand } table.insert(card_moves, move) end if #self.player_cards[Player.Equip] ~= 0 then local info = {} for _, i in ipairs(self.player_cards[Player.Equip]) do table.insert(info, { cardId = i, fromArea = Card.DrawPile }) end local move = { moveInfo = info, to = self.id, toArea = Card.PlayerEquip } table.insert(card_moves, move) end if #self.player_cards[Player.Judge] ~= 0 then local info = {} for _, i in ipairs(self.player_cards[Player.Judge]) do table.insert(info, { cardId = i, fromArea = Card.DrawPile }) end local move = { moveInfo = info, to = self.id, toArea = Card.PlayerJudge } table.insert(card_moves, move) end if #card_moves > 0 then room:notifyMoveCards({ player }, card_moves) end -- TODO: pile, mark for _, s in ipairs(self.player_skills) do player:doNotify("AddSkill", json.encode{self.id, s.name}) end for k, v in pairs(self.cardUsedHistory) do if v[1] > 0 then player:doNotify("AddCardUseHistory", json.encode{k, v[1]}) end end if self.role_shown then room:notifyProperty(player, self, "role") end end function ServerPlayer:reconnect() local room = self.room self.serverplayer:setStateString("online") self:doNotify("Setup", json.encode{ self.id, self.serverplayer:getScreenName(), self.serverplayer:getAvatar(), }) self:doNotify("EnterLobby", "") self:doNotify("EnterRoom", json.encode{ #room.players, room.timeout, -- FIXME: use real room settings here { enableFreeAssign = false } }) room:notifyProperty(self, self, "role") -- send player data for _, p in ipairs(room:getOtherPlayers(self, true, true)) do self:doNotify("AddPlayer", json.encode{ p.id, p.serverplayer:getScreenName(), p.serverplayer:getAvatar(), }) end local player_circle = {} for i = 1, #room.players do table.insert(player_circle, room.players[i].id) end self:doNotify("ArrangeSeats", json.encode(player_circle)) for _, p in ipairs(room.players) do room:notifyProperty(self, p, "general") p:marshal(self) end -- TODO: tell drawPile room:broadcastProperty(self, "state") end function ServerPlayer:isAlive() return self.dead == false end function ServerPlayer:getNextAlive() if #self.room.alive_players == 0 then return self end local ret = self.next while ret.dead do ret = ret.next end return ret end function ServerPlayer:turnOver() self.faceup = not self.faceup self.room:broadcastProperty(self, "faceup") self.room:sendLog{ type = "#TurnOver", from = self.id, arg = self.faceup and "face_up" or "face_down", } self.room.logic:trigger(fk.TurnedOver, self) end ---@param from_phase Phase ---@param to_phase Phase function ServerPlayer:changePhase(from_phase, to_phase) local room = self.room local logic = room.logic self.phase = Player.PhaseNone local phase_change = { from = from_phase, to = to_phase } local skip = logic:trigger(fk.EventPhaseChanging, self, phase_change) if skip and to_phase ~= Player.NotActive then self.phase = from_phase return true end self.phase = to_phase room:notifyProperty(self, self, "phase") if #self.phases > 0 then table.remove(self.phases, 1) end if not logic:trigger(fk.EventPhaseStart, self) then if self.phase ~= Player.NotActive then logic:trigger(fk.EventPhaseProceeding, self) end end if self.phase ~= Player.NotActive then logic:trigger(fk.EventPhaseEnd, self) end return false end local phase_name_table = { [Player.Judge] = "phase_judge", [Player.Draw] = "phase_draw", [Player.Play] = "phase_play", [Player.Discard] = "phase_discard", } ---@param phase_table Phase[] function ServerPlayer:play(phase_table) phase_table = phase_table or {} if #phase_table > 0 then if not table.contains(phase_table, Player.NotActive) then table.insert(phase_table, Player.NotActive) end else phase_table = { Player.RoundStart, Player.Start, Player.Judge, Player.Draw, Player.Play, Player.Discard, Player.Finish, Player.NotActive, } end self.phases = phase_table self.phase_state = {} local phases = self.phases local phase_state = self.phase_state local room = self.room for i = 1, #phases do phase_state[i] = { phase = phases[i], skipped = self.skipped_phases[phases[i]] or false } end for i = 1, #phases do if self.dead then self:changePhase(self.phase, Player.NotActive) break end self.phase_index = i local phase_change = { from = self.phase, to = phases[i] } local logic = self.room.logic self.phase = Player.PhaseNone local skip = phase_state[i].skipped if not skip then skip = logic:trigger(fk.EventPhaseChanging, self, phase_change) end phases[i] = phase_change.to phase_state[i].phase = phases[i] self.phase = phases[i] room:notifyProperty(self, self, "phase") local cancel_skip = true if phases[i] ~= Player.NotActive and (skip) then cancel_skip = logic:trigger(fk.EventPhaseSkipping, self) end if (not skip) or (cancel_skip) then if not logic:trigger(fk.EventPhaseStart, self) then if self.phase ~= Player.NotActive then logic:trigger(fk.EventPhaseProceeding, self) end end if self.phase ~= Player.NotActive then logic:trigger(fk.EventPhaseEnd, self) else self.skipped_phases = {} end else room:sendLog{ type = "#PhaseSkipped", from = self.id, arg = phase_name_table[self.phase], } end end end ---@param phase Phase function ServerPlayer:skip(phase) if not table.contains({ Player.Judge, Player.Draw, Player.Play, Player.Discard }, phase) then return end self.skipped_phases[phase] = true for _, t in ipairs(self.phase_state) do if t.phase == phase then t.skipped = true end end end function ServerPlayer:drawCards(num, skillName, fromPlace) return self.room:drawCards(self, num, skillName, fromPlace) end ---@param pile_name string ---@param card integer|Card ---@param visible boolean ---@param skillName string function ServerPlayer:addToPile(pile_name, card, visible, skillName) local room = self.room room:moveCardTo(card, Card.PlayerSpecial, self, fk.ReasonJustMove, skillName, pile_name, visible) end function ServerPlayer:bury() -- self:clearFlags() -- self:clearHistory() self:throwAllCards() -- self:throwAllMarks() -- self:clearPiles() -- self.room:clearPlayerCardLimitation(self, false) end function ServerPlayer:throwAllCards(flag) local room = self.room flag = flag or "hej" if string.find(flag, "h") then room:throwCard(self.player_cards[Player.Hand], "", self) end if string.find(flag, "e") then room:throwCard(self.player_cards[Player.Equip], "", self) end if string.find(flag, "j") then room:throwCard(self.player_cards[Player.Judge], "", self) end end function ServerPlayer:addVirtualEquip(card) Player.addVirtualEquip(self, card) self.room:doBroadcastNotify("AddVirtualEquip", json.encode{ player = self.id, name = card.name, subcards = card.subcards, }) end function ServerPlayer:removeVirtualEquip(cid) local ret = Player.removeVirtualEquip(self, cid) self.room:doBroadcastNotify("RemoveVirtualEquip", json.encode{ player = self.id, id = cid, }) return ret end function ServerPlayer:addCardUseHistory(cardName, num) Player.addCardUseHistory(self, cardName, num) self:doNotify("AddCardUseHistory", json.encode{cardName, num}) end function ServerPlayer:setCardUseHistory(cardName, num, scope) Player.setCardUseHistory(self, cardName, num, scope) self:doNotify("SetCardUseHistory", json.encode{cardName, num, scope}) end function ServerPlayer:addSkillUseHistory(cardName, num) Player.addSkillUseHistory(self, cardName, num) self:doNotify("AddSkillUseHistory", json.encode{cardName, num}) end function ServerPlayer:setSkillUseHistory(cardName, num, scope) Player.setSkillUseHistory(self, cardName, num, scope) self:doNotify("SetSkillUseHistory", json.encode{cardName, num, scope}) end return ServerPlayer