import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Window import "Logic.js" as Logic import "Pages" Window { id: realMainWin visible: true width: 960 height: 540 minimumWidth: 160 minimumHeight: 90 property var callbacks: Logic.callbacks Item { id: mainWindow width: (parent.width / parent.height < 960 / 540) ? 960 : 540 * parent.width / parent.height height: (parent.width / parent.height > 960 / 540) ? 540 : 960 * parent.height / parent.width scale: parent.width / width anchors.centerIn: parent Config { id: config } Image { source: config.lobbyBg anchors.fill: parent fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop } FontLoader { id: fontLibian; source: AppPath + "/fonts/FZLBGBK.ttf" } FontLoader { id: fontLi2; source: AppPath + "/fonts/FZLE.ttf" } StackView { id: mainStack visible: !mainWindow.busy // If error occurs during loading initialItem, the program will fall into "polish()" loop // initialItem: OS !== "Web" ? init : webinit anchors.fill: parent } Component { id: init; Init {} } Component { id: webinit; WebInit {} } Component { id: packageManage; PackageManage {} } Component { id: lobby; Lobby {} } Component { id: generalsOverview; GeneralsOverview {} } Component { id: cardsOverview; CardsOverview {} } Component { id: modesOverview; ModesOverview {} } Component { id: room; Room {} } Component { id: aboutPage; About {} } property var generalsOverviewPage property var cardsOverviewPage property alias modesOverviewPage: modesOverview property alias aboutPage: aboutPage property bool busy: false property string busyText: "" onBusyChanged: busyText = ""; BusyIndicator { running: true anchors.centerIn: parent visible: mainWindow.busy === true } Item { visible: mainWindow.busy === true && mainWindow.busyText !== "" anchors.bottom: parent.bottom height: 32 width: parent.width Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "#88EEEEEE" } Text { anchors.centerIn: parent text: mainWindow.busyText font.pixelSize: 24 } } // global popup. it is modal and just lower than toast Rectangle { id: globalPopupDim anchors.fill: parent color: "black" opacity: 0 visible: !mainWindow.busy property bool stateVisible: false states: [ State { when: globalPopupDim.stateVisible PropertyChanges { target: globalPopupDim; opacity: 0.5 } }, State { when: !globalPopupDim.stateVisible PropertyChanges { target: globalPopupDim; opacity: 0.0 } } ] transitions: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } } Popup { id: globalPopup property string source: "" modal: true dim: false // cannot animate the dim focus: true opacity: mainWindow.busy ? 0 : 1 closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape anchors.centerIn: parent onAboutToShow: { globalPopupDim.stateVisible = true } enter: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity"; from: 0; to: 1 } NumberAnimation { properties: "scale"; from: 0.4; to: 1 } } onAboutToHide: { globalPopupDim.stateVisible = false } exit: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity"; from: 1; to: 0 } NumberAnimation { properties: "scale"; from: 1; to: 0.4 } } Loader { visible: !mainWindow.busy source: globalPopup.source === "" ? "" : "GlobalPopups/" + globalPopup.source onSourceChanged: { if (item === null) return; item.finished.connect(() => { globalPopup.close(); globalPopup.source = ""; }); } } } Popup { id: errDialog property string txt: "" modal: true anchors.centerIn: parent width: Math.min(contentWidth + 24, realMainWin.width * 0.9) height: Math.min(contentHeight + 24, realMainWin.height * 0.9) closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside padding: 12 contentItem: Text { text: errDialog.txt wrapMode: Text.WordWrap TapHandler { onTapped: errDialog.close(); } } } ToastManager { id: toast } Connections { target: Backend function onNotifyUI(command, jsonData) { if (command === "ErrorDialog") { errDialog.txt = jsonData;; return; } let cb = callbacks[command] if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(jsonData); } else { callbacks["ErrorMsg"]("Unknown command " + command + "!"); } } } } Shortcut { sequences: [ StandardKey.FullScreen ] onActivated: { if (realMainWin.visibility === Window.FullScreen) realMainWin.showNormal(); else realMainWin.showFullScreen(); } } Loader { id: splashLoader anchors.fill: parent } Component.onCompleted: { if (OS !== "Web") { mainStack.push(init); if (!Debugging) { splashLoader.source = "Splash.qml"; splashLoader.item.disappeared.connect(() => { splashLoader.source = ""; }); } } else { mainStack.push(webinit); } if (OS !== "Android" && OS !== "Web") { x = config.winX; y = config.winY; width = config.winWidth; height = config.winHeight; } } onClosing: { config.winWidth = width; config.winHeight = height; config.saveConf(); Backend.quitLobby(); } }