-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later local extension = Package("test_p_0") local cheat = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "cheat", anim_type = "drawcard", can_use = function(self, player) return true end, on_use = function(self, room, effect) local from = room:getPlayerById(effect.from) local cardTypeName = room:askForChoice(from, { 'BasicCard', 'TrickCard', 'Equip' }, "cheat") local cardType = Card.TypeBasic if cardTypeName == 'TrickCard' then cardType = Card.TypeTrick elseif cardTypeName == 'Equip' then cardType = Card.TypeEquip end local allCardIds = Fk:getAllCardIds() local allCardMapper = {} local allCardNames = {} for _, id in ipairs(allCardIds) do local card = Fk:getCardById(id) if card.type == cardType then if allCardMapper[card.name] == nil then table.insert(allCardNames, card.name) end allCardMapper[card.name] = allCardMapper[card.name] or {} table.insert(allCardMapper[card.name], id) end end if #allCardNames == 0 then return end local cardName = room:askForChoice(from, allCardNames, "cheat", nil, nil, true) local toGain = nil if #allCardMapper[cardName] > 0 then toGain = allCardMapper[cardName][math.random(1, #allCardMapper[cardName])] end from:addToPile(self.name, toGain, true, self.name) room:obtainCard(effect.from, toGain, true, fk.ReasonPrey) end } local test_filter = fk.CreateFilterSkill{ name = "test_filter", card_filter = function(self, card) return card.number > 11 end, view_as = function(self, card) return Fk:cloneCard("crossbow", card.suit, card.number) end, } local test_active = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "test_active", can_use = function(self, player) return true end, card_filter = function(self, card) -- if self.interaction.data == "joy" then --local c = Fk:getCardById(card) --return Self:getPileNameOfId(card) == self.name and c.color == Card.Red return true -- end end, card_num = 2, target_filter = function() return true end, interaction = function()return UI.Spin { --choices = Fk.package_names, from=2,to=8, -- default = "guanyu", }end, on_use = function(self, room, effect) --room:doSuperLightBox("packages/test/qml/Test.qml") local from = room:getPlayerById(effect.from) --local to = room:getPlayerById(effect.tos[1]) -- room:swapSeat(from, to) --from:control(to) local success, dat = room:askForUseViewAsSkill(from, "test_vs", nil, true) if success then local card = Fk.skills["test_vs"]:viewAs(dat.cards) room:useCard{ from = from.id, tos = table.map(dat.targets, function(e) return {e} end), card = card, } end -- from:pindian({to}) -- local result = room:askForCustomDialog(from, "simayi", "packages/test/qml/TestDialog.qml", "Hello, world. FROM LUA") -- print(result) -- room:fillAG(from, { 1, 43, 77 }) -- local id = room:askForAG(from, { 1, 43, 77 }) -- room:takeAG(from, id) -- room:delay(2000) -- room:closeAG(from) -- local cards = room:askForCardsChosen(from, from, 2, 3, "hej", "") -- from:addToPile(self.name, cards) -- from.kingdom = "wei" -- room:broadcastProperty(from, "kingdom") -- p(cards) -- room:useVirtualCard("slash", nil, from, room:getOtherPlayers(from), self.name, true) end, } local test_vs = fk.CreateViewAsSkill{ name = "test_vs", pattern = "nullification", card_filter = function(self, to_select, selected) return #selected == 0 end, interaction = function(self) return UI.ComboBox { choices = { "ex_nihilo", "duel", "snatch", "dismantlement", "savage_assault", "archery_attack", "lightning", "nullification", } } end, view_as = function(self, cards) if #cards ~= 1 then return nil end if not self.interaction.data then return end local c = Fk:cloneCard(self.interaction.data) c.skillName = self.name c:addSubcard(cards[1]) return c end, } local test_trig = fk.CreateTriggerSkill{ name = "test_trig", events = {fk.Damage}, on_use = function(self, event, target, player, data) player:drawCards(1, self.name) player.room.logic:breakTurn() end, } local test2 = General(extension, "mouxusheng", "wu", 4, 4, General.Female) test2.shield = 4 test2:addSkill("rende") test2:addSkill(cheat) test2:addSkill(test_active) test2:addSkill(test_vs) test2:addSkill(test_trig) Fk:loadTranslationTable{ ["test_p_0"] = "测试包", ["test"] = "测试", ["test_filter"] = "破军", [":test_filter"] = "你的点数大于11的牌视为无中生有。", ["mouxusheng"] = "谋徐盛", --["cheat"] = "开挂", [":cheat"] = "出牌阶段,你可以获得一张想要的牌。", } return { extension }