// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import QtQuick import Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects import QtQuick.Controls import Fk import Fk.PhotoElement Item { id: root width: 175 height: 233 scale: 0.75 property int playerid: 0 property string general: "" property string deputyGeneral: "" property string screenName: "" property string role: "unknown" property string kingdom: "qun" property string netstate: "online" property alias handcards: handcardAreaItem.length property int maxHp: 0 property int hp: 0 property int shield: 0 property int seatNumber: 1 property bool dead: false property bool dying: false property bool faceup: true property bool chained: false property int drank: 0 property bool isOwner: false property int distance: 0 property string status: "normal" <<<<<<< HEAD property int maxCard: 0 ======= >>>>>>> parent of 179bc69 (CardMax) property alias handcardArea: handcardAreaItem property alias equipArea: equipAreaItem property alias markArea: markAreaItem property alias delayedTrickArea: delayedTrickAreaItem property alias specialArea: specialAreaItem property alias progressBar: progressBar property alias progressTip: progressTip.text property bool selectable: false property bool selected: false property bool playing: false onPlayingChanged: { if (playing) { animPlaying.start(); } else { animPlaying.stop(); } } Behavior on x { NumberAnimation { duration: 600; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } Behavior on y { NumberAnimation { duration: 600; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } states: [ State { name: "normal" }, State { name: "candidate" } //State { name: "playing" } //State { name: "responding" }, //State { name: "sos" } ] state: "normal" transitions: [ Transition { from: "*"; to: "normal" ScriptAction { script: { animSelectable.stop(); animSelected.stop(); } } }, Transition { from: "*"; to: "candidate" ScriptAction { script: { animSelectable.start(); animSelected.start(); } } } ] PixmapAnimation { id: animPlaying source: SkinBank.PIXANIM_DIR + "playing" anchors.centerIn: parent loop: true scale: 1.1 visible: root.playing } PixmapAnimation { id: animSelected source: SkinBank.PIXANIM_DIR + "selected" anchors.centerIn: parent loop: true scale: 1.1 visible: root.state === "candidate" && selected } Image { id: back source: SkinBank.getPhotoBack(root.kingdom) } Text { id: generalName x: 5 y: 28 font.family: fontLibian.name font.pixelSize: 22 opacity: 0.9 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter lineHeight: 18 lineHeightMode: Text.FixedHeight color: "white" width: 24 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: "" } Text { id: longGeneralName x: 5 y: 6 font.family: fontLibian.name font.pixelSize: 22 rotation: 90 transformOrigin: Item.BottomLeft opacity: 0.9 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter lineHeight: 18 lineHeightMode: Text.FixedHeight color: "white" text: "" } HpBar { id: hp x: 8 value: root.hp maxValue: root.maxHp shieldNum: root.shield anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 36 } Item { width: 138 height: 222 visible: false id: generalImgItem Image { id: generalImage width: deputyGeneral ? parent.width / 2 : parent.width height: parent.height smooth: true fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop source: (general != "") ? SkinBank.getGeneralPicture(general) : "" } Image { id: deputyGeneralImage anchors.left: generalImage.right width: parent.width / 2 height: parent.height smooth: true fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop source: (deputyGeneral != "") ? SkinBank.getGeneralPicture(deputyGeneral) : "" } Image { id: deputySplit source: SkinBank.PHOTO_DIR + "deputy-split" opacity: deputyGeneral ? 1 : 0 } Text { id: deputyGeneralName anchors.left: generalImage.right anchors.leftMargin: -14 y: 23 font.family: fontLibian.name font.pixelSize: 22 opacity: 0.9 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter lineHeight: 18 lineHeightMode: Text.FixedHeight color: "white" width: 24 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: Backend.translate(deputyGeneral) style: Text.Outline } } Rectangle { id: photoMask x: 31 y: 5 width: 138 height: 222 radius: 8 visible: false } OpacityMask { anchors.fill: photoMask source: generalImgItem maskSource: photoMask } Colorize { anchors.fill: photoMask source: generalImgItem saturation: 0 visible: root.dead } Rectangle { x: 31 y: 5 width: 138 height: 222 radius: 8 visible: root.drank > 0 color: "red" opacity: 0.4 + Math.log(root.drank) * 0.12 } Image { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottomMargin: 8 anchors.rightMargin: 4 source: SkinBank.PHOTO_DIR + (isOwner ? "owner" : "ready") visible: screenName != "" && !roomScene.isStarted } Image { visible: equipAreaItem.length > 0 source: SkinBank.PHOTO_DIR + "equipbg" x: 31 y: 121 } Image { source: root.status != "normal" ? SkinBank.STATUS_DIR + root.status : "" x: -6 } Image { id: turnedOver visible: !root.faceup source: SkinBank.PHOTO_DIR + "faceturned" x: 29; y: 5 } EquipArea { id: equipAreaItem x: 31 y: 139 } Item { id: specialAreaItem x: 31 y: 139 InvisibleCardArea { id: specialContainer // checkExisting: true } function updatePileInfo(areaName) { let data = JSON.parse(Backend.callLuaFunction("GetPile", [root.playerid, areaName])); if (data.length === 0) { root.markArea.removeMark(areaName); } else { root.markArea.setMark(areaName, data.length.toString()); } } function add(inputs, areaName) { updatePileInfo(areaName); specialContainer.add(inputs); } function remove(inputs, areaName) { updatePileInfo(areaName); return specialContainer.remove(inputs); } function updateCardPosition(a) { specialContainer.updateCardPosition(a); } } MarkArea { id: markAreaItem anchors.bottom: equipAreaItem.top anchors.bottomMargin: -18 x: 31 } Image { id: chain visible: root.chained source: SkinBank.PHOTO_DIR + "chain" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter y: 72 } Image { // id: saveme visible: root.dead || root.dying source: SkinBank.DEATH_DIR + (root.dead ? root.role : "saveme") anchors.centerIn: photoMask } Image { id: netstat source: SkinBank.STATE_DIR + root.netstate x: photoMask.x y: photoMask.y } Image { id: handcardNum source: SkinBank.PHOTO_DIR + "handcard" anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: -6 x: -6 Text { <<<<<<< HEAD text: root.maxCard==root.hp ? root.handcards : root.handcards + "/" +root.maxCard ======= text: root.handcards >>>>>>> parent of 179bc69 (CardMax) font.family: fontLibian.name font.pixelSize: root.maxCard==root.hp ? 32 : 27 //font.weight: 30 color: "white" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 4 style: Text.Outline } } TapHandler { acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton | Qt.NoButton gesturePolicy: TapHandler.WithinBounds onTapped: (p, btn) => { if (btn === Qt.LeftButton || btn === Qt.NoButton) { if (parent.state != "candidate" || !parent.selectable) { return; } parent.selected = !parent.selected; } else if (btn === Qt.RightButton) { parent.showDetail(); } } onLongPressed: { parent.showDetail(); } } RoleComboBox { id: role value: root.role anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: -4 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: -4 } LimitSkillArea { id: limitSkills anchors.top: parent.top anchors.right: parent.right anchors.topMargin: role.height + 2 anchors.rightMargin: 30 } GlowText { id: playerName anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: 2 font.pixelSize: 16 text: screenName glow.radius: 8 } Image { visible: root.state === "candidate" && !selectable && !selected source: SkinBank.PHOTO_DIR + "disable" x: 31; y: -21 } GlowText { id: seatNum visible: !progressBar.visible anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: -32 property var seatChr: ["一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八"] font.family: fontLi2.name font.pixelSize: 32 text: seatChr[seatNumber - 1] glow.color: "brown" glow.spread: 0.2 glow.radius: 8 //glow.samples: 12 } SequentialAnimation { id: trembleAnimation running: false PropertyAnimation { target: root property: "x" to: root.x - 20 easing.type: Easing.InQuad duration: 100 } PropertyAnimation { target: root property: "x" to: root.x easing.type: Easing.OutQuad duration: 100 } } function tremble() { trembleAnimation.start() } ProgressBar { id: progressBar width: parent.width height: 4 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: -4 from: 0.0 to: 100.0 visible: false NumberAnimation on value { running: progressBar.visible from: 100.0 to: 0.0 duration: config.roomTimeout * 1000 onFinished: { progressBar.visible = false; root.progressTip = ""; } } } Image { anchors.top: progressBar.bottom anchors.topMargin: 1 source: SkinBank.PHOTO_DIR + "control/tip" visible: progressTip.text != "" Text { id: progressTip font.family: fontLibian.name font.pixelSize: 18 x: 18 color: "white" text: "" } } PixmapAnimation { id: animSelectable source: SkinBank.PIXANIM_DIR + "selectable" anchors.centerIn: parent loop: true visible: root.state === "candidate" && selectable } InvisibleCardArea { id: handcardAreaItem anchors.centerIn: parent } DelayedTrickArea { id: delayedTrickAreaItem anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 8 } InvisibleCardArea { id: defaultArea anchors.centerIn: parent } Rectangle { id: chat color: "#F2ECD7" radius: 4 opacity: 0 width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height + 8 property string text: "" visible: false Text { width: parent.width - 8 x: 4 y: 4 text: parent.text wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere font.family: fontLibian.name font.pixelSize: 20 } SequentialAnimation { id: chatAnim PropertyAnimation { target: chat property: "opacity" to: 0.9 duration: 200 } NumberAnimation { duration: 2500 } PropertyAnimation { target: chat property: "opacity" to: 0 duration: 150 } onFinished: chat.visible = false; } } Rectangle { color: "white" height: 20 width: 20 visible: distance != 0 Text { text: distance anchors.centerIn: parent } } onGeneralChanged: { if (!roomScene.isStarted) return; let text = Backend.translate(general); if (text.length > 6) { generalName.text = ""; longGeneralName.text = text; } else { generalName.text = text; longGeneralName.text = ""; } // let data = JSON.parse(Backend.callLuaFunction("GetGeneralData", [general])); // kingdom = data.kingdom; } function chat(msg) { chat.text = msg; chat.visible = true; chatAnim.restart(); } function updateLimitSkill(skill, time) { limitSkills.update(skill, time); } function showDetail() { roomScene.startCheat("PlayerDetail", { photo: this }); } }