-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later local playCardEmotionAndSound = function(room, player, card) if card.type ~= Card.TypeEquip then local anim_path = "./packages/" .. card.package.extensionName .. "/image/anim/" .. card.name if not FileIO.exists(anim_path) then for _, dir in ipairs(FileIO.ls("./packages/")) do anim_path = "./packages/" .. dir .. "/image/anim/" .. card.name if FileIO.exists(anim_path) then break end end end if FileIO.exists(anim_path) then room:setEmotion(player, anim_path) end end local soundName if card.type == Card.TypeEquip then local subTypeStr if card.sub_type == Card.SubtypeDefensiveRide or card.sub_type == Card.SubtypeOffensiveRide then subTypeStr = "horse" elseif card.sub_type == Card.SubtypeWeapon then subTypeStr = "weapon" else subTypeStr = "armor" end soundName = "./audio/card/common/" .. subTypeStr else soundName = "./packages/" .. card.package.extensionName .. "/audio/card/" .. (player.gender == General.Male and "male/" or "female/") .. card.name if not FileIO.exists(soundName .. ".mp3") then for _, dir in ipairs(FileIO.ls("./packages/")) do soundName = "./packages/" .. dir .. "/audio/card/" .. (player.gender == General.Male and "male/" or "female/") .. card.name if FileIO.exists(soundName .. ".mp3") then break end end end end room:broadcastPlaySound(soundName) end ---@param room Room ---@param cardUseEvent CardUseStruct local sendCardEmotionAndLog = function(room, cardUseEvent) local from = cardUseEvent.from local _card = cardUseEvent.card -- when this function is called, card is already in PlaceTable and no filter skill is applied. -- So filter this card manually here to get 'real' use.card local card = _card if not _card:isVirtual() then local temp = { card = _card } Fk:filterCard(_card.id, room:getPlayerById(from), temp) card = temp.card end playCardEmotionAndSound(room, room:getPlayerById(from), card) room:doAnimate("Indicate", { from = from, to = cardUseEvent.tos or {}, }) local useCardIds = card:isVirtual() and card.subcards or { card.id } if cardUseEvent.tos and #cardUseEvent.tos > 0 then local to = {} for _, t in ipairs(cardUseEvent.tos) do table.insert(to, t[1]) end if card:isVirtual() or (card ~= _card) then if #useCardIds == 0 then room:sendLog{ type = "#UseV0CardToTargets", from = from, to = to, arg = card:toLogString(), } else room:sendLog{ type = "#UseVCardToTargets", from = from, to = to, card = useCardIds, arg = card:toLogString(), } end else room:sendLog{ type = "#UseCardToTargets", from = from, to = to, card = useCardIds } end for _, t in ipairs(cardUseEvent.tos) do if t[2] then local temp = {table.unpack(t)} table.remove(temp, 1) room:sendLog{ type = "#CardUseCollaborator", from = t[1], to = temp, arg = card.name, } end end elseif cardUseEvent.toCard then if card:isVirtual() or (card ~= _card) then if #useCardIds == 0 then room:sendLog{ type = "#UseV0CardToCard", from = from, arg = cardUseEvent.toCard.name, arg2 = card:toLogString(), } else room:sendLog{ type = "#UseVCardToCard", from = from, card = useCardIds, arg = cardUseEvent.toCard.name, arg2 = card:toLogString(), } end else room:sendLog{ type = "#UseCardToCard", from = from, card = useCardIds, arg = cardUseEvent.toCard.name, } end else if card:isVirtual() or (card ~= _card) then if #useCardIds == 0 then room:sendLog{ type = "#UseV0Card", from = from, arg = card:toLogString(), } else room:sendLog{ type = "#UseVCard", from = from, card = useCardIds, arg = card:toLogString(), } end else room:sendLog{ type = "#UseCard", from = from, card = useCardIds, } end end end ---@param self GameEvent GameEvent.functions[GameEvent.UseCard] = function(self) local cardUseEvent = table.unpack(self.data) local self = self.room local from = cardUseEvent.from self:moveCards({ ids = self:getSubcardsByRule(cardUseEvent.card), from = from, toArea = Card.Processing, moveReason = fk.ReasonUse, }) if cardUseEvent.card.skill then cardUseEvent.card.skill:onUse(self, cardUseEvent) end if self.logic:trigger(fk.PreCardUse, self:getPlayerById(cardUseEvent.from), cardUseEvent) then self.logic:breakEvent() end sendCardEmotionAndLog(self, cardUseEvent) if not cardUseEvent.extraUse then self:getPlayerById(cardUseEvent.from):addCardUseHistory(cardUseEvent.card.trueName, 1) end if cardUseEvent.responseToEvent then cardUseEvent.responseToEvent.cardsResponded = cardUseEvent.responseToEvent.cardsResponded or {} table.insert(cardUseEvent.responseToEvent.cardsResponded, cardUseEvent.card) end for _, event in ipairs({ fk.AfterCardUseDeclared, fk.AfterCardTargetDeclared, fk.BeforeCardUseEffect, fk.CardUsing }) do if not cardUseEvent.toCard and #TargetGroup:getRealTargets(cardUseEvent.tos) == 0 then break end self.logic:trigger(event, self:getPlayerById(cardUseEvent.from), cardUseEvent) if event == fk.CardUsing then self:doCardUseEffect(cardUseEvent) end end end GameEvent.cleaners[GameEvent.UseCard] = function(self) local cardUseEvent = table.unpack(self.data) local self = self.room self.logic:trigger(fk.CardUseFinished, self:getPlayerById(cardUseEvent.from), cardUseEvent) local leftRealCardIds = self:getSubcardsByRule(cardUseEvent.card, { Card.Processing }) if #leftRealCardIds > 0 then self:moveCards({ ids = leftRealCardIds, toArea = Card.DiscardPile, moveReason = fk.ReasonPutIntoDiscardPile, }) end end GameEvent.functions[GameEvent.RespondCard] = function(self) local cardResponseEvent = table.unpack(self.data) local self = self.room local from = cardResponseEvent.customFrom or cardResponseEvent.from local card = cardResponseEvent.card local cardIds = self:getSubcardsByRule(card) if card:isVirtual() then if #cardIds == 0 then self:sendLog{ type = "#ResponsePlayV0Card", from = from, arg = card:toLogString(), } else self:sendLog{ type = "#ResponsePlayVCard", from = from, card = cardIds, arg = card:toLogString(), } end else self:sendLog{ type = "#ResponsePlayCard", from = from, card = cardIds, } end self:moveCards({ ids = cardIds, from = from, toArea = Card.Processing, moveReason = fk.ReasonResonpse, }) if self.logic:trigger(fk.PreCardRespond, self:getPlayerById(cardResponseEvent.from), cardResponseEvent) then self.logic:breakEvent() end playCardEmotionAndSound(self, self:getPlayerById(from), card) self.logic:trigger(fk.CardResponding, self:getPlayerById(cardResponseEvent.from), cardResponseEvent) end GameEvent.cleaners[GameEvent.RespondCard] = function(self) local cardResponseEvent = table.unpack(self.data) local self = self.room self.logic:trigger(fk.CardRespondFinished, self:getPlayerById(cardResponseEvent.from), cardResponseEvent) local realCardIds = self:getSubcardsByRule(cardResponseEvent.card, { Card.Processing }) if #realCardIds > 0 and not cardResponseEvent.skipDrop then self:moveCards({ ids = realCardIds, toArea = Card.DiscardPile, moveReason = fk.ReasonPutIntoDiscardPile, }) end end