-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later ---@param victim ServerPlayer local function getWinner(victim) local room = victim.room local winner = "" local alive = room.alive_players if victim.role == "lord" then if #alive == 1 and alive[1].role == "renegade" then winner = "renegade" else winner = "rebel" end elseif victim.role ~= "loyalist" then local lord_win = true for _, p in ipairs(alive) do if p.role == "rebel" or p.role == "renegade" then lord_win = false break end end if lord_win then winner = "lord+loyalist" end end return winner end ---@param killer ServerPlayer local function rewardAndPunish(killer, victim) if killer.dead then return end if victim.role == "rebel" then killer:drawCards(3, "kill") elseif victim.role == "loyalist" and killer.role == "lord" then killer:throwAllCards("he") end end GameRule = fk.CreateTriggerSkill{ name = "game_rule", events = { fk.GameStart, fk.AskForPeaches, fk.AskForPeachesDone, fk.GameOverJudge, fk.BuryVictim, }, priority = 0, can_trigger = function(self, event, target, player, data) return (target == player) or (target == nil) end, on_trigger = function(self, event, target, player, data) local room = player.room if room:getTag("SkipGameRule") then room:setTag("SkipGameRule", false) return false end if event == fk.GameStart then room:setTag("FirstRound", true) room:setTag("RoundCount", 0) return false end switch(event, { [fk.AskForPeaches] = function() local dyingPlayer = room:getPlayerById(data.who) while dyingPlayer.hp < 1 do local pattern = "peach" local prompt = "#AskForPeaches:" .. dyingPlayer.id .. "::" .. tostring(1 - dyingPlayer.hp) if player == dyingPlayer then pattern = pattern .. ",analeptic" prompt = "#AskForPeachesSelf:::" .. tostring(1 - dyingPlayer.hp) end local peach_use = room:askForUseCard(player, "peach", pattern, prompt) if not peach_use then break end peach_use.tos = { {dyingPlayer.id} } if peach_use.card.trueName == "analeptic" then peach_use.extra_data = peach_use.extra_data or {} peach_use.extra_data.analepticRecover = true end room:useCard(peach_use) end end, [fk.AskForPeachesDone] = function() if player.hp < 1 and not data.ignoreDeath then ---@type DeathStruct local deathData = { who = player.id, damage = data.damage, } room:killPlayer(deathData) end end, [fk.GameOverJudge] = function() local winner = getWinner(player) if winner ~= "" then room:gameOver(winner) return true end end, [fk.BuryVictim] = function() player:bury() if room.tag["SkipNormalDeathProcess"] then return false end local damage = data.damage if damage and damage.from then local killer = damage.from rewardAndPunish(killer, player); end end, default = function() print("game_rule: Event=" .. event) room:askForSkillInvoke(player, "rule") end, }) return false end, }