-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later ---@class GameEvent: Object ---@field public id integer @ 事件的id,随着时间推移自动增加并分配给新事件 ---@field public end_id integer @ 事件的对应结束id,如果整个事件中未插入事件,那么end_id就是自己的id ---@field public room Room @ room实例 ---@field public event integer @ 该事件对应的EventType ---@field public data any @ 事件的附加数据,视类型而定 ---@field public parent GameEvent @ 事件的父事件(栈中的上一层事件) ---@field public prepare_func fun(self: GameEvent) @ 事件即将开始时执行的函数 ---@field public main_func fun(self: GameEvent) @ 事件的主函数 ---@field public clear_func fun(self: GameEvent) @ 事件结束时执行的函数 ---@field public extra_clear_funcs fun(self:GameEvent)[] @ 事件结束时执行的自定义函数列表 ---@field public exit_func fun(self: GameEvent) @ 事件结束后执行的函数 ---@field public extra_exit_funcs fun(self:GameEvent)[] @ 事件结束后执行的自定义函数 ---@field public exec_ret boolean? @ exec函数的返回值,可能不存在 ---@field public status string @ ready, running, exiting, dead ---@field public interrupted boolean @ 事件是否是因为被中断而结束的,可能是防止事件或者被杀 ---@field public killed boolean @ 事件因为终止一切结算而被中断(所谓的“被杀”) local GameEvent = class("GameEvent") ---@type (fun(self: GameEvent): bool)[] GameEvent.prepare_funcs = {} ---@type (fun(self: GameEvent): bool)[] GameEvent.functions = {} ---@type (fun(self: GameEvent): bool)[] GameEvent.cleaners = {} ---@type (fun(self: GameEvent): bool)[] GameEvent.exit_funcs = {} local function wrapCoFunc(f, ...) if not f then return nil end local args = {...} return function() return f(table.unpack(args)) end end local dummyFunc = Util.DummyFunc function GameEvent:initialize(event, ...) self.id = -1 self.end_id = -1 self.room = RoomInstance self.event = event self.data = { ... } self.prepare_func = GameEvent.prepare_funcs[event] or dummyFunc self.main_func = wrapCoFunc(GameEvent.functions[event], self) or dummyFunc self.clear_func = GameEvent.cleaners[event] or dummyFunc self.extra_clear_funcs = Util.DummyTable self.exit_func = GameEvent.exit_funcs[event] or dummyFunc self.extra_exit_funcs = Util.DummyTable self.status = "ready" self.interrupted = false end -- 静态函数,实际定义在events/init.lua function GameEvent:translate(id) error('static') end function GameEvent:__tostring() return string.format("<%s #%d>", GameEvent:translate(self.event), self.id) end function GameEvent:addCleaner(f) if self.extra_clear_funcs == Util.DummyTable then self.extra_clear_funcs = {} end table.insert(self.extra_clear_funcs, f) end function GameEvent:addExitFunc(f) if self.extra_exit_funcs == Util.DummyTable then self.extra_exit_funcs = {} end table.insert(self.extra_exit_funcs, f) end function GameEvent:prependExitFunc(f) if self.extra_exit_funcs == Util.DummyTable then self.extra_exit_funcs = {} end table.insert(self.extra_exit_funcs, 1, f) end function GameEvent:findParent(eventType, includeSelf) if includeSelf and self.event == eventType then return self end local e = self.parent while e do if e.event == eventType then return e end e = e.parent end return nil end -- 找n个id介于from和to之间的事件。 local function bin_search(events, from, to, n, func) local left = 1 local right = #events local mid local ret = {} if from < events[1].id then mid = 1 elseif from > events[right].id then return ret else while true do if left > right then return ret end mid = (left + right) // 2 local id = events[mid].id local id_left = mid == 1 and -math.huge or events[mid - 1].id if from < id then if from >= id_left then break end right = mid - 1 else left = mid + 1 end end end for i = mid, #events do local v = events[i] if v.id <= to and func(v) then table.insert(ret, v) end if #ret >= n then break end end return ret end -- 从某个区间中,找出类型符合且符合func函数检测的至多n个事件。 ---@param eventType integer @ 要查找的事件类型 ---@param n integer @ 最多找多少个 ---@param func fun(e: GameEvent): boolean? @ 过滤用的函数 ---@param endEvent? GameEvent @ 区间终止点,默认为本事件结束 ---@return GameEvent[] @ 找到的符合条件的所有事件,最多n个但不保证有n个 function GameEvent:searchEvents(eventType, n, func, endEvent) local logic = self.room.logic local events = logic.event_recorder[eventType] or Util.DummyTable local from = self.id local to = endEvent and endEvent.id or self.end_id if math.abs(to) == 1 then to = #logic.all_game_events end n = n or 1 func = func or Util.TrueFunc local ret if #events < 6 then ret = {} for _, v in ipairs(events) do if v.id >= from and v.id <= to and func(v) then table.insert(ret, v) end if #ret >= n then break end end else ret = bin_search(events, from, to, n, func) end return ret end function GameEvent:exec() local room = self.room local logic = room.logic if self.status ~= "ready" then return true end self.parent = logic:getCurrentEvent() if self:prepare_func() then return true end logic:pushEvent(self) local co = coroutine.create(self.main_func) self._co = co self.status = "running" coroutine.yield(self, "__newEvent") Pcall(self.exit_func, self) for _, f in ipairs(self.extra_exit_funcs) do if type(f) == "function" then Pcall(f, self) end end return self.interrupted, self.exec_ret end function GameEvent:shutdown() if self.status ~= "running" then return end -- yield to self and break coroutine.yield(self, "__breakEvent") end return GameEvent