local extension = Package:new("maneuvering", Package.CardPack) local slash = Fk:cloneCard("slash") local thunderSlashSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "thunder_slash_skill", max_phase_use_time = 1, target_num = 1, can_use = slash.skill.canUse, target_filter = slash.skill.targetFilter, on_effect = function(self, room, effect) local to = effect.to local from = effect.from room:damage({ from = room:getPlayerById(from), to = room:getPlayerById(to), card = effect.card, damage = 1 + (effect.addtionalDamage or 0), damageType = fk.ThunderDamage, skillName = self.name }) end } local thunderSlash = fk.CreateBasicCard{ name = "thunder__slash", skill = thunderSlashSkill, } extension:addCards{ thunderSlash:clone(Card.Club, 5), thunderSlash:clone(Card.Club, 6), thunderSlash:clone(Card.Club, 7), thunderSlash:clone(Card.Club, 8), thunderSlash:clone(Card.Spade, 4), thunderSlash:clone(Card.Spade, 5), thunderSlash:clone(Card.Spade, 6), thunderSlash:clone(Card.Spade, 7), thunderSlash:clone(Card.Spade, 8), } local fireSlashSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "fire_slash_skill", max_phase_use_time = 1, target_num = 1, can_use = slash.skill.canUse, target_filter = slash.skill.targetFilter, on_effect = function(self, room, effect) local to = effect.to local from = effect.from room:damage({ from = room:getPlayerById(from), to = room:getPlayerById(to), card = effect.card, damage = 1 + (effect.addtionalDamage or 0), damageType = fk.FireDamage, skillName = self.name }) end } local fireSlash = fk.CreateBasicCard{ name = "fire__slash", skill = fireSlashSkill, } extension:addCards{ fireSlash:clone(Card.Heart, 4), fireSlash:clone(Card.Heart, 7), fireSlash:clone(Card.Heart, 10), fireSlash:clone(Card.Diamond, 4), fireSlash:clone(Card.Diamond, 5), } local ironChainEffect = fk.CreateTriggerSkill{ name = "iron_chain_effect", global = true, priority = 0, -- game rule refresh_events = {fk.DamageFinished}, can_refresh = function(self, event, target, player, data) return target == player and data.damageType ~= fk.NormalDamage end, on_refresh = function(self, event, target, player, data) local room = player.room if data.to.chained then data.to:setChainState(false) else return end if data.chain then return end local targets = table.filter(room:getAlivePlayers(), function(p) return p.chained end) for _, p in ipairs(targets) do room:sendLog{ type = "#ChainDamage", from = p.id } local dmg = table.simpleClone(data) dmg.to = p dmg.chain = true room:damage(dmg) end end, } Fk:addSkill(ironChainEffect) local ironChainCardSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "iron_chain_skill", min_target_num = 1, max_target_num = 2, target_filter = function() return true end, on_effect = function(self, room, cardEffectEvent) local to = room:getPlayerById(cardEffectEvent.to) to:setChainState(not to.chained) end, } local ironChain = fk.CreateTrickCard{ name = "iron_chain", skill = ironChainCardSkill, } extension:addCards{ ironChain:clone(Card.Spade, 11), ironChain:clone(Card.Spade, 12), ironChain:clone(Card.Club, 10), ironChain:clone(Card.Club, 11), ironChain:clone(Card.Club, 12), ironChain:clone(Card.Club, 13), } local supplyShortageSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "supply_shortage_skill", distance_limit = 1, target_filter = function(self, to_select, selected) if #selected == 0 then local player = Fk:currentRoom():getPlayerById(to_select) if Self ~= player then return not player:hasDelayedTrick("supply_shortage") and Self:distanceTo(player) <= self:getDistanceLimit(Self) end end return false end, target_num = 1, on_effect = function(self, room, effect) local to = room:getPlayerById(effect.to) local judge = { who = to, reason = "supply_shortage", pattern = ".|.|spade,heart,diamond", } room:judge(judge) local result = judge.card if result.suit ~= Card.Club then to:skip(Player.Draw) end self:onNullified(room, effect) end, on_nullified = function(self, room, effect) room:moveCards{ ids = room:getSubcardsByRule(effect.card, { Card.Processing }), toArea = Card.DiscardPile, moveReason = fk.ReasonPutIntoDiscardPile } end, } local supplyShortage = fk.CreateDelayedTrickCard{ name = "supply_shortage", skill = supplyShortageSkill, } extension:addCards{ supplyShortage:clone(Card.Spade, 10), supplyShortage:clone(Card.Club, 4), } local gudingSkill = fk.CreateTriggerSkill{ name = "#guding_blade_skill", attached_equip = "guding_blade", frequency = Skill.Compulsory, events = {fk.DamageCaused}, can_trigger = function(self, event, target, player, data) return target == player and player:hasSkill(self.name) and data.to:isKongcheng() and data.card and data.card.trueName == "slash" and not data.chain end, on_use = function(_, _, _, _, data) data.damage = data.damage + 1 end, } Fk:addSkill(gudingSkill) local gudingBlade = fk.CreateWeapon{ name = "guding_blade", suit = Card.Spade, number = 1, attack_range = 2, equip_skill = gudingSkill, } extension:addCard(gudingBlade) local vineSkill = fk.CreateTriggerSkill{ name = "#vine_skill", attached_equip = "vine", mute = true, frequency = Skill.Compulsory, events = {fk.PreCardEffect, fk.DamageInflicted}, can_trigger = function(self, event, target, player, data) if event == fk.DamageInflicted then return target == player and player:hasSkill(self.name) and data.damageType == fk.FireDamage end local effect = data ---@type CardEffectEvent return player.id == effect.to and player:hasSkill(self.name) and (effect.card.name == "slash" or effect.card.name == "savage_assault" or effect.card.name == "archery_attack") end, on_use = function(self, event, target, player, data) local room = player.room if event == fk.DamageInflicted then room:broadcastPlaySound("./packages/maneuvering/audio/card/vineburn") room:setEmotion(player, "./packages/maneuvering/image/anim/vineburn") data.damage = data.damage + 1 else room:broadcastPlaySound("./packages/maneuvering/audio/card/vine") room:setEmotion(player, "./packages/maneuvering/image/anim/vine") return true end end, } Fk:addSkill(vineSkill) local vine = fk.CreateArmor{ name = "vine", equip_skill = vineSkill, } extension:addCards{ vine:clone(Card.Spade, 2), vine:clone(Card.Club, 2), } local silverLionSkill = fk.CreateTriggerSkill{ name = "#silver_lion_skill", attached_equip = "silver_lion", frequency = Skill.Compulsory, events = {fk.DamageInflicted}, can_trigger = function(self, event, target, player, data) return target == player and player:hasSkill(self.name) and data.damage > 1 end, on_use = function(_, _, _, _, data) data.damage = 1 end, } Fk:addSkill(silverLionSkill) local silverLion = fk.CreateArmor{ name = "silver_lion", suit = Card.Club, number = 1, equip_skill = silverLionSkill, on_uninstall = function(self, room, player) Armor.onUninstall(self, room, player) if player:isWounded() then room:broadcastPlaySound("./packages/maneuvering/audio/card/silver_lion") room:setEmotion(player, "./packages/maneuvering/image/anim/silver_lion") room:recover{ who = player, num = 1, skillName = self.name } end end, } extension:addCard(silverLion) local huaLiu = fk.CreateDefensiveRide{ name = "hualiu", suit = Card.Diamond, number = 13, } extension:addCards({ huaLiu, }) extension:addCards{ Fk:cloneCard("jink", Card.Heart, 8), Fk:cloneCard("jink", Card.Heart, 9), Fk:cloneCard("jink", Card.Heart, 11), Fk:cloneCard("jink", Card.Heart, 12), Fk:cloneCard("jink", Card.Diamond, 6), Fk:cloneCard("jink", Card.Diamond, 7), Fk:cloneCard("jink", Card.Diamond, 8), Fk:cloneCard("jink", Card.Diamond, 10), Fk:cloneCard("jink", Card.Diamond, 11), Fk:cloneCard("peach", Card.Heart, 5), Fk:cloneCard("peach", Card.Heart, 6), Fk:cloneCard("peach", Card.Diamond, 2), Fk:cloneCard("peach", Card.Diamond, 3), Fk:cloneCard("nullification", Card.Heart, 1), Fk:cloneCard("nullification", Card.Heart, 13), Fk:cloneCard("nullification", Card.Spade, 13), } Fk:loadTranslationTable{ ["thunder__slash"] = "雷杀", ["fire__slash"] = "火杀", ["iron_chain"] = "铁锁连环", ["supply_shortage"] = "兵粮寸断", ["guding_blade"] = "古锭刀", ["vine"] = "藤甲", ["silver_lion"] = "白银狮子", ["hualiu"] = "骅骝", } return extension