-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later ---@meta ---@class fk.Player FPlayer = {} ---@return integer id function FPlayer:getId()end ---@return string name function FPlayer:getScreenName()end ---@return string avatar function FPlayer:getAvatar()end ---@class fk.ServerPlayer : fk.Player FServerPlayer = {} --- Send a request to client, and allow client to reply within *timeout* seconds. --- --- *timeout* must not be negative or **nil**. ---@param command string ---@param jsonData string ---@param timeout integer function FServerPlayer:doRequest(command,jsonData,timeout)end --- Wait for at most *timeout* seconds for reply from client. --- --- If *timeout* is negative or **nil**, the function will wait forever until get reply. ---@param timeout integer @ seconds to wait ---@return string @ JSON data ---@overload fun() function FServerPlayer:waitForReply(timeout)end --- Notice the client. ---@param command string ---@param jsonData string function FServerPlayer:doNotify(command,jsonData)end function FServerPlayer:setBusy(_) end function FServerPlayer:isBusy(_) end function FServerPlayer:setThinking(_) end function FServerPlayer:getState() end