Init Console start Single Player (Not recommended) PackageManage Package Manager updated packages for md5 Updating done, please try to connect to server again now. JoinServer @VersionMismatch <font color="red" size="4"><b>Mismatch version: server is at v%1</b></font> @NewServer Add new server @NewServerHint Please enter server's IP or domain name, then enter you username and password in this server. If you haven't played this server before, the server will register an account automaticly for you. Don't forget your password! @EditServer Edit server @EditServerHint You can edit your username and password now. You may not edit server IP here, if you really want, please delete and add a new one. Logic you have been temporarily banned! you have been temporarily banned for running away from a started room! ModInit ModMaker 新月杀Mod制作器 - 首页 Delete 删除 config is incomplete Mod制作器还未正确配置! 请点击右上角配置好用户名和邮箱 cannot use this mod name 不能给mod取这个名字 UserInfo help_text 用户名和邮箱需要填入和git服务器上相同的名字和邮箱。 username 用户名 email 邮箱 key_help_text 公钥是你向git服务器证明身份的手段。请点击按钮复制公钥,然后在网页中添加SSH密钥。详见新月杀Mod制作器教程。 copy pubkey 复制公钥 pubkey copied 公钥已经复制到剪贴板。 CreateSomething validator_hint 注意:你仅可以输入大小写字母、数字和下划线,且长度至少为4。这里输入的只是内部名称,它的中文名你可以稍后指定。 create_mod 新建Mod create_mod_hint 请输入mod的名称。 create_package 新建拓展包 create_package_hint 请输入拓展包的内部名称。 Tutorial tutor_msg_1 Welcome to FreeKill! <br> Since you are running this app for the first time, here is a short tutorial. <br> tutor_msg_2 FreeKill is a free version of Sanguosha game, <br> and it is open-source with the GPLv3 license. <br> Repo: <a href=""></a><br> tutor_msg_3 By default this game only has Standard package. <br> If you want to play more character you need to connect to a server.<br> tutor_msg_4 连接到服务器也可能不是一帆风顺。<br> 有时候你可能用了别人已注册的用户名,<br> 或者输错了IP等等。遇到错误不要心急,<br> 仔细注意一下屏幕底部的提示信息吧。 tutor_msg_5 更多指引可以去查阅下载链接附送的pdf。 这些pdf都是由开发者们编写的,不仅能让你快速掌握游戏的深入玩法, 还可以告诉你关于开设私服、制作拓展之类的知识。 tutor_msg_6 If you want to contact us: <br> Baidu Tieba: 新月杀吧<br> Discord server: <a href=""></a><br> QQ channel: freekill01<br> tutor_msg_7 Thanks for reading this!<br> Have a good time!