-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later -- fk_ex.lua对标太阳神三国杀的sgs_ex.lua -- 目的是提供类似太阳神三国杀拓展般的拓展语法。 -- 关于各种CreateXXXSkill的介绍,请见相应文档,这里不做赘述。 -- 首先加载所有详细的技能类型、卡牌类型等等,以及时机列表 dofile "lua/server/event.lua" dofile "lua/server/system_enum.lua" dofile "lua/server/mark_enum.lua" TriggerSkill = require "core.skill_type.trigger" ActiveSkill = require "core.skill_type.active" ViewAsSkill = require "core.skill_type.view_as" DistanceSkill = require "core.skill_type.distance" ProhibitSkill = require "core.skill_type.prohibit" AttackRangeSkill = require "core.skill_type.attack_range" MaxCardsSkill = require "core.skill_type.max_cards" TargetModSkill = require "core.skill_type.target_mod" FilterSkill = require "core.skill_type.filter" InvaliditySkill = require "lua.core.skill_type.invalidity" BasicCard = require "core.card_type.basic" local Trick = require "core.card_type.trick" TrickCard, DelayedTrickCard = table.unpack(Trick) local Equip = require "core.card_type.equip" _, Weapon, Armor, DefensiveRide, OffensiveRide, Treasure = table.unpack(Equip) local function readCommonSpecToSkill(skill, spec) skill.mute = spec.mute skill.anim_type = spec.anim_type if spec.attached_equip then assert(type(spec.attached_equip) == "string") skill.attached_equip = spec.attached_equip end if spec.switch_skill_name then assert(type(spec.switch_skill_name) == "string") skill.switchSkillName = spec.switch_skill_name end if spec.relate_to_place then assert(type(spec.relate_to_place) == "string") skill.relate_to_place = spec.relate_to_place end end local function readUsableSpecToSkill(skill, spec) readCommonSpecToSkill(skill, spec) assert(spec.main_skill == nil or spec.main_skill:isInstanceOf(UsableSkill)) skill.main_skill = spec.main_skill skill.target_num = spec.target_num or skill.target_num skill.min_target_num = spec.min_target_num or skill.min_target_num skill.max_target_num = spec.max_target_num or skill.max_target_num skill.target_num_table = spec.target_num_table or skill.target_num_table skill.card_num = spec.card_num or skill.card_num skill.min_card_num = spec.min_card_num or skill.min_card_num skill.max_card_num = spec.max_card_num or skill.max_card_num skill.card_num_table = spec.card_num_table or skill.card_num_table skill.max_use_time = { spec.max_phase_use_time or 9999, spec.max_turn_use_time or 9999, spec.max_round_use_time or 9999, spec.max_game_use_time or 9999, } skill.distance_limit = spec.distance_limit or skill.distance_limit skill.expand_pile = spec.expand_pile end local function readStatusSpecToSkill(skill, spec) readCommonSpecToSkill(skill, spec) if spec.global then skill.global = spec.global end end ---@class UsableSkillSpec: UsableSkill ---@field public max_phase_use_time? integer ---@field public max_turn_use_time? integer ---@field public max_round_use_time? integer ---@field public max_game_use_time? integer ---@class StatusSkillSpec: StatusSkill ---@alias TrigFunc fun(self: TriggerSkill, event: Event, target: ServerPlayer, player: ServerPlayer, data: any): boolean? ---@class TriggerSkillSpec: UsableSkillSpec ---@field public global? boolean ---@field public events? Event | Event[] ---@field public refresh_events? Event | Event[] ---@field public priority? number | table ---@field public on_trigger? TrigFunc ---@field public can_trigger? TrigFunc ---@field public on_cost? TrigFunc ---@field public on_use? TrigFunc ---@field public on_refresh? TrigFunc ---@field public can_refresh? TrigFunc ---@field public can_wake? TrigFunc ---@param spec TriggerSkillSpec ---@return TriggerSkill function fk.CreateTriggerSkill(spec) assert(type(spec.name) == "string") --assert(type(spec.on_trigger) == "function") if spec.frequency then assert(type(spec.frequency) == "number") end local frequency = spec.frequency or Skill.NotFrequent local skill = TriggerSkill:new(spec.name, frequency) readUsableSpecToSkill(skill, spec) if type(spec.events) == "number" then table.insert(skill.events, spec.events) elseif type(spec.events) == "table" then table.insertTable(skill.events, spec.events) end if type(spec.refresh_events) == "number" then table.insert(skill.refresh_events, spec.refresh_events) elseif type(spec.refresh_events) == "table" then table.insertTable(skill.refresh_events, spec.refresh_events) end if type(spec.global) == "boolean" then skill.global = spec.global end if spec.on_trigger then skill.trigger = spec.on_trigger end if spec.can_trigger then if spec.frequency == Skill.Wake then skill.triggerable = function(self, event, target, player, data) return spec.can_trigger(self, event, target, player, data) and skill:enableToWake(event, target, player, data) end else skill.triggerable = spec.can_trigger end end if skill.frequency == Skill.Wake and spec.can_wake then skill.canWake = spec.can_wake end if spec.on_cost then skill.cost = spec.on_cost end if spec.on_use then skill.use = spec.on_use end if spec.can_refresh then skill.canRefresh = spec.can_refresh end if spec.on_refresh then skill.refresh = spec.on_refresh end if spec.attached_equip then if not spec.priority then spec.priority = 0.1 end elseif not spec.priority then spec.priority = 1 end if type(spec.priority) == "number" then for _, event in ipairs(skill.events) do skill.priority_table[event] = spec.priority end elseif type(spec.priority) == "table" then for event, priority in pairs(spec.priority) do skill.priority_table[event] = priority end end return skill end ---@class ActiveSkillSpec: UsableSkillSpec ---@field public can_use? fun(self: ActiveSkill, player: Player, card: Card): boolean? ---@field public card_filter? fun(self: ActiveSkill, to_select: integer, selected: integer[], selected_targets: integer[]): boolean? ---@field public target_filter? fun(self: ActiveSkill, to_select: integer, selected: integer[], selected_cards: integer[], card: Card): boolean? ---@field public feasible? fun(self: ActiveSkill, selected: integer[], selected_cards: integer[]): boolean? ---@field public on_use? fun(self: ActiveSkill, room: Room, cardUseEvent: CardUseStruct): boolean? ---@field public about_to_effect? fun(self: ActiveSkill, room: Room, cardEffectEvent: CardEffectEvent): boolean? ---@field public on_effect? fun(self: ActiveSkill, room: Room, cardEffectEvent: CardEffectEvent): boolean? ---@field public on_nullified? fun(self: ActiveSkill, room: Room, cardEffectEvent: CardEffectEvent): boolean? ---@field public mod_target_filter? fun(self: ActiveSkill, to_select: integer, selected: integer[], user: integer, card: Card, distance_limited: boolean): boolean? ---@field public prompt? string|fun(self: ActiveSkill, selected_cards: integer[], selected_targets: integer[]): string ---@field public interaction any ---@param spec ActiveSkillSpec ---@return ActiveSkill function fk.CreateActiveSkill(spec) assert(type(spec.name) == "string") local skill = ActiveSkill:new(spec.name, spec.frequency or Skill.NotFrequent) readUsableSpecToSkill(skill, spec) if spec.can_use then skill.canUse = function(curSkill, player, card) return spec.can_use(curSkill, player, card) and curSkill:isEffectable(player) end end if spec.card_filter then skill.cardFilter = spec.card_filter end if spec.target_filter then skill.targetFilter = spec.target_filter end if spec.mod_target_filter then skill.modTargetFilter = spec.mod_target_filter end if spec.feasible then -- print(spec.name .. ": feasible is deprecated. Use target_num and card_num instead.") skill.feasible = spec.feasible end if spec.on_use then skill.onUse = spec.on_use end if spec.about_to_effect then skill.aboutToEffect = spec.about_to_effect end if spec.on_effect then skill.onEffect = spec.on_effect end if spec.on_nullified then skill.onNullified = spec.on_nullified end if spec.prompt then skill.prompt = spec.prompt end if spec.interaction then skill.interaction = setmetatable({}, { __call = function(self) if type(spec.interaction) == "function" then return spec.interaction(self) else return spec.interaction end end, }) end return skill end ---@class ViewAsSkillSpec: UsableSkillSpec ---@field public card_filter? fun(self: ViewAsSkill, to_select: integer, selected: integer[]): boolean? ---@field public view_as fun(self: ViewAsSkill, cards: integer[]): Card? ---@field public pattern? string ---@field public enabled_at_play? fun(self: ViewAsSkill, player: Player): boolean? ---@field public enabled_at_response? fun(self: ViewAsSkill, player: Player, response: boolean): boolean? ---@field public before_use? fun(self: ViewAsSkill, player: ServerPlayer, use: CardUseStruct): string? ---@field public prompt? string|fun(self: ActiveSkill, selected: integer[], selected_cards: integer[]): string ---@param spec ViewAsSkillSpec ---@return ViewAsSkill function fk.CreateViewAsSkill(spec) assert(type(spec.name) == "string") assert(type(spec.view_as) == "function") local skill = ViewAsSkill:new(spec.name, spec.frequency or Skill.NotFrequent) readUsableSpecToSkill(skill, spec) skill.viewAs = spec.view_as if spec.card_filter then skill.cardFilter = spec.card_filter end if type(spec.pattern) == "string" then skill.pattern = spec.pattern end if type(spec.enabled_at_play) == "function" then skill.enabledAtPlay = function(curSkill, player) return spec.enabled_at_play(curSkill, player) and curSkill:isEffectable(player) end end if type(spec.enabled_at_response) == "function" then skill.enabledAtResponse = function(curSkill, player, cardResponsing) return spec.enabled_at_response(curSkill, player, cardResponsing) and curSkill:isEffectable(player) end end if spec.prompt then skill.prompt = spec.prompt end if spec.interaction then skill.interaction = setmetatable({}, { __call = function() if type(spec.interaction) == "function" then return spec.interaction(skill) else return spec.interaction end end, }) end if spec.before_use and type(spec.before_use) == "function" then skill.beforeUse = spec.before_use end return skill end ---@class DistanceSpec: StatusSkillSpec ---@field public correct_func? fun(self: DistanceSkill, from: Player, to: Player): integer? ---@field public fixed_func? fun(self: DistanceSkill, from: Player, to: Player): integer? ---@param spec DistanceSpec ---@return DistanceSkill function fk.CreateDistanceSkill(spec) assert(type(spec.name) == "string") assert(type(spec.correct_func) == "function" or type(spec.fixed_func) == "function") local skill = DistanceSkill:new(spec.name) readStatusSpecToSkill(skill, spec) skill.getCorrect = spec.correct_func skill.getFixed = spec.fixed_func return skill end ---@class ProhibitSpec: StatusSkillSpec ---@field public is_prohibited? fun(self: ProhibitSkill, from: Player, to: Player, card: Card): boolean? ---@field public prohibit_use? fun(self: ProhibitSkill, player: Player, card: Card): boolean? ---@field public prohibit_response? fun(self: ProhibitSkill, player: Player, card: Card): boolean? ---@field public prohibit_discard? fun(self: ProhibitSkill, player: Player, card: Card): boolean? ---@field public prohibit_pindian? fun(self: ProhibitSkill, from: Player, to: Player): boolean? ---@param spec ProhibitSpec ---@return ProhibitSkill function fk.CreateProhibitSkill(spec) assert(type(spec.name) == "string") local skill = ProhibitSkill:new(spec.name) readStatusSpecToSkill(skill, spec) skill.isProhibited = spec.is_prohibited or skill.isProhibited skill.prohibitUse = spec.prohibit_use or skill.prohibitUse skill.prohibitResponse = spec.prohibit_response or skill.prohibitResponse skill.prohibitDiscard = spec.prohibit_discard or skill.prohibitDiscard skill.prohibitPindian = spec.prohibit_pindian or skill.prohibitPindian return skill end ---@class AttackRangeSpec: StatusSkillSpec ---@field public correct_func? fun(self: AttackRangeSkill, from: Player, to: Player): number? ---@field public within_func? fun(self: AttackRangeSkill, from: Player, to: Player): boolean? ---@param spec AttackRangeSpec ---@return AttackRangeSkill function fk.CreateAttackRangeSkill(spec) assert(type(spec.name) == "string") assert(type(spec.correct_func) == "function" or type(spec.within_func) == "function") local skill = AttackRangeSkill:new(spec.name) readStatusSpecToSkill(skill, spec) if spec.correct_func then skill.getCorrect = spec.correct_func end if spec.within_func then skill.withinAttackRange = spec.within_func end return skill end ---@class MaxCardsSpec: StatusSkillSpec ---@field public correct_func? fun(self: MaxCardsSkill, player: Player): number? ---@field public fixed_func? fun(self: MaxCardsSkill, player: Player): number? ---@field public exclude_from? fun(self: MaxCardsSkill, player: Player, card: Card): boolean? ---@param spec MaxCardsSpec ---@return MaxCardsSkill function fk.CreateMaxCardsSkill(spec) assert(type(spec.name) == "string") assert(type(spec.correct_func) == "function" or type(spec.fixed_func) == "function" or type(spec.exclude_from) == "function") local skill = MaxCardsSkill:new(spec.name) readStatusSpecToSkill(skill, spec) if spec.correct_func then skill.getCorrect = spec.correct_func end if spec.fixed_func then skill.getFixed = spec.fixed_func end skill.excludeFrom = spec.exclude_from or skill.excludeFrom return skill end ---@class TargetModSpec: StatusSkillSpec ---@field public bypass_times? fun(self: TargetModSkill, player: Player, skill: ActiveSkill, scope: integer, card: Card, to: Player): boolean? ---@field public residue_func? fun(self: TargetModSkill, player: Player, skill: ActiveSkill, scope: integer, card: Card, to: Player): number? ---@field public bypass_distances? fun(self: TargetModSkill, player: Player, skill: ActiveSkill, card: Card, to: Player): boolean? ---@field public distance_limit_func? fun(self: TargetModSkill, player: Player, skill: ActiveSkill, card: Card, to: Player): number? ---@field public extra_target_func? fun(self: TargetModSkill, player: Player, skill: ActiveSkill, card: Card): number? ---@param spec TargetModSpec ---@return TargetModSkill function fk.CreateTargetModSkill(spec) assert(type(spec.name) == "string") local skill = TargetModSkill:new(spec.name) readStatusSpecToSkill(skill, spec) if spec.bypass_times then skill.bypassTimesCheck = spec.bypass_times end if spec.residue_func then skill.getResidueNum = spec.residue_func end if spec.bypass_distances then skill.bypassDistancesCheck = spec.bypass_distances end if spec.distance_limit_func then skill.getDistanceLimit = spec.distance_limit_func end if spec.extra_target_func then skill.getExtraTargetNum = spec.extra_target_func end return skill end ---@class FilterSpec: StatusSkillSpec ---@field public card_filter? fun(self: FilterSkill, card: Card, player: Player, isJudgeEvent: boolean): boolean? ---@field public view_as? fun(self: FilterSkill, card: Card, player: Player): Card? ---@param spec FilterSpec ---@return FilterSkill function fk.CreateFilterSkill(spec) assert(type(spec.name) == "string") local skill = FilterSkill:new(spec.name) readStatusSpecToSkill(skill, spec) skill.cardFilter = spec.card_filter skill.viewAs = spec.view_as return skill end ---@class InvaliditySpec: StatusSkillSpec ---@field public invalidity_func? fun(self: InvaliditySkill, from: Player, skill: Skill): boolean? ---@param spec InvaliditySpec ---@return InvaliditySkill function fk.CreateInvaliditySkill(spec) assert(type(spec.name) == "string") local skill = InvaliditySkill:new(spec.name) readStatusSpecToSkill(skill, spec) skill.getInvalidity = spec.invalidity_func return skill end ---@class CardSpec: Card ---@field public skill? Skill ---@field public equip_skill? Skill ---@field public special_skills? string[] ---@field public is_damage_card? boolean ---@field public multiple_targets? boolean local defaultCardSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "default_card_skill", on_use = function(self, room, use) if not use.tos or #TargetGroup:getRealTargets(use.tos) == 0 then use.tos = { { use.from } } end end } local defaultEquipSkill = fk.CreateActiveSkill{ name = "default_equip_skill", prompt = function(_, selected_cards, _) return "#default_equip_skill:::" .. Fk:getCardById(selected_cards).name .. ":" .. Fk:getCardById(selected_cards):getSubtypeString() end, mod_target_filter = function(self, to_select, selected, user, card, distance_limited) return #Fk:currentRoom():getPlayerById(to_select):getAvailableEquipSlots(card.sub_type) > 0 end, can_use = function(self, player, card) return self:modTargetFilter(player.id, {}, player.id, card, true) and not player:isProhibited(player, card) end, on_use = function(self, room, use) if not use.tos or #TargetGroup:getRealTargets(use.tos) == 0 then use.tos = { { use.from } } end end } local function preprocessCardSpec(spec) assert(type(spec.name) == "string" or type(spec.class_name) == "string") if not spec.name then spec.name = spec.class_name elseif not spec.class_name then spec.class_name = spec.name end if spec.suit then assert(type(spec.suit) == "number") end if spec.number then assert(type(spec.number) == "number") end end local function readCardSpecToCard(card, spec) card.skill = spec.skill or (card.type == Card.TypeEquip and defaultEquipSkill or defaultCardSkill) card.skill.cardSkill = true card.special_skills = spec.special_skills card.is_damage_card = spec.is_damage_card card.multiple_targets = spec.multiple_targets end ---@param spec CardSpec ---@return BasicCard function fk.CreateBasicCard(spec) preprocessCardSpec(spec) local card = BasicCard:new(spec.name, spec.suit, spec.number) readCardSpecToCard(card, spec) return card end ---@param spec CardSpec ---@return TrickCard function fk.CreateTrickCard(spec) preprocessCardSpec(spec) local card = TrickCard:new(spec.name, spec.suit, spec.number) readCardSpecToCard(card, spec) return card end ---@param spec CardSpec ---@return DelayedTrickCard function fk.CreateDelayedTrickCard(spec) preprocessCardSpec(spec) local card = DelayedTrickCard:new(spec.name, spec.suit, spec.number) readCardSpecToCard(card, spec) return card end local function readCardSpecToEquip(card, spec) card.equip_skill = spec.equip_skill if spec.on_install then card.onInstall = spec.on_install end if spec.on_uninstall then card.onUninstall = spec.on_uninstall end end ---@param spec CardSpec ---@return Weapon function fk.CreateWeapon(spec) preprocessCardSpec(spec) if spec.attack_range then assert(type(spec.attack_range) == "number" and spec.attack_range >= 0) end local card = Weapon:new(spec.name, spec.suit, spec.number, spec.attack_range) readCardSpecToCard(card, spec) readCardSpecToEquip(card, spec) return card end ---@param spec CardSpec ---@return Armor function fk.CreateArmor(spec) preprocessCardSpec(spec) local card = Armor:new(spec.name, spec.suit, spec.number) readCardSpecToCard(card, spec) readCardSpecToEquip(card, spec) return card end ---@param spec CardSpec ---@return DefensiveRide function fk.CreateDefensiveRide(spec) preprocessCardSpec(spec) local card = DefensiveRide:new(spec.name, spec.suit, spec.number) readCardSpecToCard(card, spec) readCardSpecToEquip(card, spec) return card end ---@param spec CardSpec ---@return OffensiveRide function fk.CreateOffensiveRide(spec) preprocessCardSpec(spec) local card = OffensiveRide:new(spec.name, spec.suit, spec.number) readCardSpecToCard(card, spec) readCardSpecToEquip(card, spec) return card end ---@param spec CardSpec ---@return Treasure function fk.CreateTreasure(spec) preprocessCardSpec(spec) local card = Treasure:new(spec.name, spec.suit, spec.number) readCardSpecToCard(card, spec) readCardSpecToEquip(card, spec) return card end ---@param spec GameMode ---@return GameMode function fk.CreateGameMode(spec) assert(type(spec.name) == "string") assert(type(spec.minPlayer) == "number") assert(type(spec.maxPlayer) == "number") local ret = GameMode:new(spec.name, spec.minPlayer, spec.maxPlayer) ret.whitelist = spec.whitelist ret.blacklist = spec.blacklist ret.rule = spec.rule ret.logic = spec.logic if spec.winner_getter then assert(type(spec.winner_getter) == "function") ret.getWinner = spec.winner_getter end if spec.surrender_func then assert(type(spec.surrender_func) == "function") ret.surrenderFunc = spec.surrender_func end if spec.is_counted then assert(type(spec.is_counted) == "function") ret.countInFunc = spec.is_counted end return ret end -- other ---@class PoxiSpec ---@field name string ---@field card_filter fun(to_select: int, selected: int[], data: any, extra_data: any): boolean? ---@field feasible fun(selected: int[], data: any, extra_data: any): boolean? ---@field post_select? fun(selected: int[], data: any, extra_data: any): int[] ---@field default_choice? fun(data: any, extra_data: any): int[] ---@field prompt? string | fun(data: any, extra_data: any): string ---@class QmlMarkSpec ---@field name string ---@field qml_path string | fun(name: string, value?: any, player?: Player): string ---@field how_to_show fun(name: string, value?: any, player?: Player): string?