-- the iterator of QList object local qlist_iterator = function(list, n) if n < list:length() - 1 then return n + 1, list:at(n + 1) -- the next element of list end end function fk.qlist(list) return qlist_iterator, list, -1 end ---@param func fun(element, index, array) function table:forEach(func) for i, v in ipairs(self) do func(v, i, self) end end ---@param func fun(element, index, array) function table:every(func) for i, v in ipairs(self) do if not func(v, i, self) then return false end end return true end ---@generic T ---@param self T[] ---@param func fun(element, index, array) ---@return T[] function table.filter(self, func) local ret = {} for i, v in ipairs(self) do if func(v, i, self) then table.insert(ret, v) end end return ret end ---@param func fun(element, index, array) function table.map(self, func) local ret = {} for i, v in ipairs(self) do table.insert(ret, func(v, i, self)) end return ret end -- frequenly used filter & map functions IdMapper = function(e) return e.id end Id2CardMapper = function(id) return Fk:getCardById(id) end Id2PlayerMapper = function(id) return Fk:currentRoom():getPlayerById(id) end ---@generic T ---@param self T[] ---@return T[] function table.reverse(self) local ret = {} for _, e in ipairs(self) do table.insert(ret, 1, e) end return ret end function table:contains(element) if #self == 0 then return false end for _, e in ipairs(self) do if e == element then return true end end end function table:shuffle() for i = #self, 2, -1 do local j = math.random(i) self[i], self[j] = self[j], self[i] end end function table:insertTable(list) for _, e in ipairs(list) do table.insert(self, e) end end function table:indexOf(value, from) from = from or 1 for i = from, #self do if self[i] == value then return i end end return -1 end function table:removeOne(element) if #self == 0 or type(self[1]) ~= type(element) then return false end for i = 1, #self do if self[i] == element then table.remove(self, i) return true end end return false end -- Note: only clone key and value, no metatable -- so dont use for class or instance ---@generic T ---@param self T ---@return T function table.clone(self) local ret = {} for k, v in pairs(self) do if type(v) == "table" then ret[k] = table.clone(v) else ret[k] = v end end return ret end -- similar to table.clone but not recursively function table.simpleClone(self) local ret = {} for k, v in pairs(self) do ret[k] = v end return ret end -- if table does not contain the element, we insert it function table:insertIfNeed(element) if not table.contains(self, element) then table.insert(self, element) end end ---@generic T ---@param self T[] ---@param n integer ---@return T|T[] function table.random(tab, n) local n0 = n n = n or 1 if #tab == 0 then return nil end local tmp = {table.unpack(tab)} local ret = {} while n > 0 and #tmp > 0 do local i = math.random(1, #tmp) table.insert(ret, table.remove(tmp, i)) n = n - 1 end return n0 == nil and ret[1] or ret end -- allow a = "Hello"; a[1] == "H" local str_mt = getmetatable("") str_mt.__index = function(str, k) if type(k) == "number" then if math.abs(k) > str:len() then error("string index out of range") end local start, _end if k > 0 then start, _end = utf8.offset(str, k), utf8.offset(str, k + 1) elseif k < 0 then local len = str:len() start, _end = utf8.offset(str, len + k + 1), utf8.offset(str, len + k + 2) else error("str[0] is undefined behavior") end return str:sub(start, _end - 1) end return string[k] end str_mt.__add = function(a, b) return a .. b end str_mt.__mul = function(a, b) return a:rep(b) end -- override default string.len string.rawlen = string.len function string:len() return utf8.len(self) end ---@param delimiter string ---@return string[] function string:split(delimiter) if #self == 0 then return {} end local result = {} local from = 1 local delim_from, delim_to = string.find(self, delimiter, from) while delim_from do table.insert(result, string.sub(self, from, delim_from - 1)) from = delim_to + 1 delim_from, delim_to = string.find(self, delimiter, from) end table.insert(result, string.sub(self, from)) return result end ---@class Sql Sql = { ---@param filename string open = function(filename) return fk.OpenDatabase(filename) end, ---@param db fk.SQLite3 close = function(db) fk.CloseDatabase(db) end, --- Execute an SQL statement. ---@param db fk.SQLite3 ---@param sql string exec = function(db, sql) fk.ExecSQL(db, sql) end, --- Execute a `SELECT` SQL statement. ---@param db fk.SQLite3 ---@param sql string ---@return table[] @ Array of Json object, the key is column name and value is row value exec_select = function(db, sql) return json.decode(fk.SelectFromDb(db, sql)) end, } FileIO = { pwd = fk.QmlBackend_pwd, ls = function(filename) if filename == nil then return fk.QmlBackend_ls(".") else return fk.QmlBackend_ls(filename) end end, cd = fk.QmlBackend_cd, exists = fk.QmlBackend_exists, isDir = fk.QmlBackend_isDir } os.getms = fk.GetMicroSecond ---@class Stack : Object Stack = class("Stack") function Stack:initialize() self.t = {} self.p = 0 end function Stack:push(e) self.p = self.p + 1 self.t[self.p] = e end function Stack:isEmpty() return self.p == 0 end function Stack:pop() if self.p == 0 then return nil end self.p = self.p - 1 return self.t[self.p + 1] end --- useful function to create enums --- --- only use it in a terminal ---@param table string ---@param enum string[] function CreateEnum(table, enum) local enum_format = "%s.%s = %d" for i, v in ipairs(enum) do print(string.format(enum_format, table, v, i)) end end function switch(param, case_table) local case = case_table[param] if case then return case() end local def = case_table["default"] return def and def() or nil end ---@class TargetGroup : Object local TargetGroup = {} function TargetGroup:getRealTargets(targetGroup) if not targetGroup then return {} end local realTargets = {} for _, targets in ipairs(targetGroup) do table.insert(realTargets, targets[1]) end return realTargets end function TargetGroup:includeRealTargets(targetGroup, playerId) if not targetGroup then return false end for _, targets in ipairs(targetGroup) do if targets[1] == playerId then return true end end return false end function TargetGroup:removeTarget(targetGroup, playerId) if not targetGroup then return end for index, targets in ipairs(targetGroup) do if (targets[1] == playerId) then table.remove(targetGroup, index) return end end end function TargetGroup:pushTargets(targetGroup, playerIds) if not targetGroup then return end if type(playerIds) == "table" then table.insert(targetGroup, playerIds) elseif type(playerIds) == "number" then table.insert(targetGroup, { playerIds }) end end ---@class AimGroup : Object local AimGroup = {} AimGroup.Undone = 1 AimGroup.Done = 2 AimGroup.Cancelled = 3 function AimGroup:initAimGroup(playerIds) return { [AimGroup.Undone] = playerIds, [AimGroup.Done] = {}, [AimGroup.Cancelled] = {} } end function AimGroup:getAllTargets(aimGroup) local targets = {} table.insertTable(targets, aimGroup[AimGroup.Undone]) table.insertTable(targets, aimGroup[AimGroup.Done]) return targets end function AimGroup:getUndoneOrDoneTargets(aimGroup, done) return done and aimGroup[AimGroup.Done] or aimGroup[AimGroup.Undone] end function AimGroup:setTargetDone(aimGroup, playerId) local index = table.indexOf(aimGroup[AimGroup.Undone], playerId) if index ~= -1 then table.remove(aimGroup[AimGroup.Undone], index) table.insert(aimGroup[AimGroup.Done], playerId) end end function AimGroup:addTargets(room, aimEvent, playerIds) local playerId = type(playerIds) == "table" and playerIds[1] or playerIds table.insert(aimEvent.tos[AimGroup.Undone], playerId) if type(playerIds) == "table" then for i = 2, #playerIds do aimEvent.subTargets = aimEvent.subTargets or {} table.insert(aimEvent.subTargets, playerIds[i]) end end room:sortPlayersByAction(aimEvent.tos[AimGroup.Undone]) if aimEvent.targetGroup then TargetGroup:pushTargets(aimEvent.targetGroup, playerIds) end end function AimGroup:cancelTarget(aimEvent, playerId) local cancelled = false for status = AimGroup.Undone, AimGroup.Done do local indexList = {} for index, pId in ipairs(aimEvent.tos[status]) do if pId == playerId then table.insert(indexList, index) end end if #indexList > 0 then cancelled = true for i = 1, #indexList do table.remove(aimEvent.tos[status], indexList[i]) end end end if cancelled then table.insert(aimEvent.tos[AimGroup.Cancelled], playerId) if aimEvent.targetGroup then TargetGroup:removeTarget(aimEvent.targetGroup, playerId) end end end function AimGroup:removeDeadTargets(room, aimEvent) for index = AimGroup.Undone, AimGroup.Done do aimEvent.tos[index] = room:deadPlayerFilter(aimEvent.tos[index]) end if aimEvent.targetGroup then local targets = TargetGroup:getRealTargets(aimEvent.targetGroup) for _, target in ipairs(targets) do if not room:getPlayerById(target):isAlive() then TargetGroup:removeTarget(aimEvent.targetGroup, target) end end end end function AimGroup:getCancelledTargets(aimGroup) return aimGroup[AimGroup.Cancelled] end return { TargetGroup, AimGroup }