--[[ Exppattern is a string that describes cards of a same 'type', e.g. name, suit, etc. The string will be parsed and construct a new Exppattern instance. Then we can use this instance to check the card. Syntax for the string form: 1. the whole string can be splited by ';'. Every slice stands for a Matcher 2. For the matcher string, it can be splited by '|'. 3. And the arrays in class Match is concated by ',' in string. Example: slash,jink|2~4|spade;.|.|.|.|.|trick ]]-- ---@class Matcher ---@field name string[] ---@field number integer[] ---@field suit string[] ---@field place string[] ---@field generalName string[] ---@field cardType string[] ---@field id integer[] local numbertable = { ["A"] = 1, ["J"] = 11, ["Q"] = 12, ["K"] = 13, } local suittable = { [Card.Spade] = "spade", [Card.Club] = "club", [Card.Heart] = "heart", [Card.Diamond] = "diamond", } local placetable = { [Card.PlayerHand] = "hand", [Card.PlayerEquip] = "equip", } local typetable = { [Card.TypeBasic] = "basic", [Card.TypeTrick] = "trick", [Card.TypeEquip] = "equip", } ---@param matcher Matcher ---@param card Card local function matchCard(matcher, card) if type(card) == "number" then card = Fk:getCardById(card) end if matcher.name and not table.contains(matcher.name, card.name) and not table.contains(matcher.name, card.trueName) then return false end if matcher.number and not table.contains(matcher.number, card.number) then return false end if matcher.suit and not table.contains(matcher.suit, card:getSuitString()) then return false end if matcher.place and not table.contains( matcher.place, placetable[Fk:currentRoom():getCardArea(card.id)] ) then local piles = table.filter(matcher.place, function(e) return not table.contains(placetable, e) end) for _, pi in ipairs(piles) do if ClientInstance then if Self:getPileNameOfId(card.id) == pi then return true end else for _, p in ipairs(RoomInstance.alive_players) do local pile = p:getPileNameOfId(card.id) if pile == pi then return true end end end end return false end -- TODO: generalName if matcher.cardType and not table.contains(matcher.cardType, typetable[card.type]) then return false end if matcher.id and not table.contains(matcher.id, card.id) then return false end return true end local function hasIntersection(a, b) if a == nil or b == nil then return true end local tmp = {} for _, e in ipairs(a) do tmp[e] = true end for _, e in ipairs(b) do if tmp[e] then return true end end return false end ---@param a Matcher ---@param b Matcher local function matchMatcher(a, b) local keys = { "name", "number", "suit", "place", "generalName", "cardType", "id", } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do if not hasIntersection(a[k], b[k]) then return false end end return true end local function parseMatcher(str) local t = str:split("|") if #t < 7 then for i = 1, 7 - #t do table.insert(t, ".") end end for i, item in ipairs(t) do t[i] = item:split(",") end local ret = {} ---@type Matcher ret.name = not table.contains(t[1], ".") and t[1] or nil if not table.contains(t[2], ".") then ret.number = {} for _, num in ipairs(t[2]) do local n = tonumber(num) if not n then n = numbertable[num] end if n then table.insertIfNeed(ret.number, n) else if string.find(num, "~") then local s, e = table.unpack(num:split("~")) local start = tonumber(s) if not start then start = numbertable[s] end local _end = tonumber(e) if not _end then _end = numbertable[e] end for i = start, _end do table.insertIfNeed(ret.number, i) end end end end end ret.suit = not table.contains(t[3], ".") and t[3] or nil ret.place = not table.contains(t[4], ".") and t[4] or nil ret.generalName = not table.contains(t[5], ".") and t[5] or nil ret.cardType = not table.contains(t[6], ".") and t[6] or nil if not table.contains(t[7], ".") then ret.id = {} for _, num in ipairs(t[6]) do local n = tonumber(num) if n and n > 0 then table.insertIfNeed(ret.id, n) end end end return ret end ---@class Exppattern: Object ---@field matchers Matcher[] local Exppattern = class("Exppattern") function Exppattern:initialize(spec) if not spec then self.matchers = {} elseif spec[1] ~= nil then self.matchers = spec else self.matchers = {} self.matchers[1] = spec end end ---@param str string function Exppattern.static:Parse(str) local ret = Exppattern:new() local t = str:split(";") for i, s in ipairs(t) do ret.matchers[i] = parseMatcher(s) end return ret end ---@param card Card function Exppattern:match(card) for _, matcher in ipairs(self.matchers) do local result = matchCard(matcher, card) if result then return true end end return false end function Exppattern:matchExp(exp) if type(exp) == "string" then exp = Exppattern:Parse(exp) end local a = self.matchers local b = exp.matchers for _, m in ipairs(a) do for _, n in ipairs(b) do if matchMatcher(m, n) then return true end end end return false end return Exppattern