-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later GameEvent.functions[GameEvent.Judge] = function(self) local data = table.unpack(self.data) local room = self.room local logic = room.logic local who = data.who logic:trigger(fk.StartJudge, who, data) data.card = data.card or Fk:getCardById(room:getNCards(1)[1]) if data.reason ~= "" then room:sendLog{ type = "#StartJudgeReason", from = who.id, arg = data.reason, } end room:sendLog{ type = "#InitialJudge", from = who.id, card = {data.card.id}, } room:moveCardTo(data.card, Card.Processing, nil, fk.ReasonJudge) room:sendFootnote({ data.card.id }, { type = "##JudgeCard", arg = data.reason, }) logic:trigger(fk.AskForRetrial, who, data) logic:trigger(fk.FinishRetrial, who, data) Fk:filterCard(data.card.id, who, data) room:sendLog{ type = "#JudgeResult", from = who.id, card = {data.card.id}, } room:sendFootnote({ data.card.id }, { type = "##JudgeCard", arg = data.reason, }) if data.pattern then room:delay(400); room:setCardEmotion(data.card.id, data.card:matchPattern(data.pattern) and "judgegood" or "judgebad") room:delay(900); end if logic:trigger(fk.FinishJudge, who, data) then logic:breakEvent() end end GameEvent.cleaners[GameEvent.Judge] = function(self) local data = table.unpack(self.data) local room = self.room if (self.interrupted or not data.skipDrop) and room:getCardArea(data.card.id) == Card.Processing then room:moveCardTo(data.card, Card.DiscardPile, nil, fk.ReasonJudge) end if not self.interrupted then return end -- prohibit access to judge.card setmetatable(data, { __index = function(s, key) if key == "card" then error("__manuallyBreak") end return rawget(s, key) end }) end