---@class Player : Object ---@field id integer ---@field hp integer ---@field maxHp integer ---@field kingdom string ---@field role string ---@field general string ---@field gender integer ---@field handcard_num integer ---@field seat integer ---@field next Player ---@field phase Phase ---@field faceup boolean ---@field chained boolean ---@field dying boolean ---@field dead boolean ---@field state string ---@field player_skills Skill[] ---@field derivative_skills table ---@field flag string[] ---@field tag table ---@field mark table ---@field player_cards table ---@field virtual_equips Card[] ---@field special_cards table ---@field cardUsedHistory table ---@field skillUsedHistory table ---@field fixedDistance table local Player = class("Player") ---@alias Phase integer Player.RoundStart = 1 Player.Start = 2 Player.Judge = 3 Player.Draw = 4 Player.Play = 5 Player.Discard = 6 Player.Finish = 7 Player.NotActive = 8 Player.PhaseNone = 9 ---@alias PlayerCardArea integer Player.Hand = 1 Player.Equip = 2 Player.Judge = 3 Player.Special = 4 Player.HistoryPhase = 1 Player.HistoryTurn = 2 Player.HistoryRound = 3 Player.HistoryGame = 4 function Player:initialize() self.id = 114514 self.hp = 0 self.maxHp = 0 self.kingdom = "qun" self.role = "" self.general = "" self.gender = General.Male self.seat = 0 self.next = nil self.phase = Player.PhaseNone self.faceup = true self.chained = false self.dying = false self.dead = false self.state = "" self.player_skills = {} self.derivative_skills = {} self.flag = {} self.tag = {} self.mark = {} self.player_cards = { [Player.Hand] = {}, [Player.Equip] = {}, [Player.Judge] = {}, } self.virtual_equips = {} self.special_cards = {} self.cardUsedHistory = {} self.skillUsedHistory = {} self.fixedDistance = {} end ---@param general General ---@param setHp boolean ---@param addSkills boolean function Player:setGeneral(general, setHp, addSkills) self.general = general if setHp then self.maxHp = general.maxHp self.hp = general.hp end if addSkills then table.insertTable(self.player_skills, general.skills) end end ---@param flag string function Player:hasFlag(flag) return table.contains(self.flag, flag) end ---@param flag string function Player:setFlag(flag) if flag == "." then self:clearFlags() return end if flag:sub(1, 1) == "-" then flag = flag:sub(2, #flag) table.removeOne(self.flag, flag) return end if not self:hasFlag(flag) then table.insert(self.flag, flag) end end function Player:clearFlags() self.flag = {} end -- mark name and UI: -- 'xxx': invisible mark -- '@mark': mark with extra data (maybe string or number) -- '@@mark': mark without data function Player:addMark(mark, count) count = count or 1 local num = self.mark[mark] num = num or 0 self:setMark(mark, math.max(num + count, 0)) end function Player:removeMark(mark, count) count = count or 1 local num = self.mark[mark] num = num or 0 self:setMark(mark, math.max(num - count, 0)) end function Player:setMark(mark, count) if self.mark[mark] ~= count then self.mark[mark] = count end end function Player:getMark(mark) return (self.mark[mark] or 0) end function Player:getMarkNames() local ret = {} for k, _ in pairs(self.mark) do table.insert(ret, k) end return ret end ---@param playerArea PlayerCardArea ---@param cardIds integer[] ---@param specialName string function Player:addCards(playerArea, cardIds, specialName) assert(table.contains({ Player.Hand, Player.Equip, Player.Judge, Player.Special }, playerArea)) assert(playerArea ~= Player.Special or type(specialName) == "string") if playerArea == Player.Special then self.special_cards[specialName] = self.special_cards[specialName] or {} table.insertTable(self.special_cards[specialName], cardIds) else table.insertTable(self.player_cards[playerArea], cardIds) end end ---@param playerArea PlayerCardArea ---@param cardIds integer[] ---@param specialName string function Player:removeCards(playerArea, cardIds, specialName) assert(table.contains({ Player.Hand, Player.Equip, Player.Judge, Player.Special }, playerArea)) assert(playerArea ~= Player.Special or type(specialName) == "string") local fromAreaIds = playerArea == Player.Special and self.special_cards[specialName] or self.player_cards[playerArea] if fromAreaIds then for _, id in ipairs(cardIds) do if #fromAreaIds == 0 then break end table.removeOne(fromAreaIds, id) end end end -- virtual delayed trick can use these functions too ---@param card Card function Player:addVirtualEquip(card) assert(card and card:isInstanceOf(Card) and card:isVirtual()) table.insertIfNeed(self.virtual_equips, card) end ---@param cid integer function Player:removeVirtualEquip(cid) for _, c in ipairs(self.virtual_equips) do for _, id in ipairs(c.subcards) do if id == cid then table.removeOne(self.virtual_equips, c) return c end end end end ---@param cid integer function Player:getVirualEquip(cid) for _, c in ipairs(self.virtual_equips) do for _, id in ipairs(c.subcards) do if id == cid then return c end end end end function Player:hasDelayedTrick(card_name) for _, id in ipairs(self:getCardIds(Player.Judge)) do local c = self:getVirualEquip(id) if not c then c = Fk:getCardById(id) end if c.name == card_name then return true end end end ---@param playerAreas PlayerCardArea ---@param specialName string ---@return integer[] function Player:getCardIds(playerAreas, specialName) local rightAreas = { Player.Hand, Player.Equip, Player.Judge } playerAreas = playerAreas or rightAreas assert(type(playerAreas) == "number" or type(playerAreas) == "table") local areas = type(playerAreas) == "table" and playerAreas or { playerAreas } local rightAreas = { Player.Hand, Player.Equip, Player.Judge, Player.Special } local cardIds = {} for _, area in ipairs(areas) do assert(table.contains(rightAreas, area)) assert(area ~= Player.Special or type(specialName) == "string") local currentCardIds = area == Player.Special and self.special_cards[specialName] or self.player_cards[area] table.insertTable(cardIds, currentCardIds) end return cardIds end ---@param name string function Player:getPile(name) return self.special_cards[name] or {} end ---@param id integer ---@return string|null function Player:getPileNameOfId(id) for k, v in pairs(self.special_cards) do if table.contains(v, id) then return k end end end -- for fkp only function Player:getHandcardNum() return #self:getCardIds(Player.Hand) end ---@param cardSubtype CardSubtype ---@return integer|null function Player:getEquipment(cardSubtype) for _, cardId in ipairs(self.player_cards[Player.Equip]) do if Fk:getCardById(cardId).sub_type == cardSubtype then return cardId end end return nil end function Player:getMaxCards() local baseValue = math.max(self.hp, 0) local status_skills = Fk:currentRoom().status_skills[MaxCardsSkill] or {} local max_fixed = nil for _, skill in ipairs(status_skills) do local f = skill:getFixed(self) if f ~= nil then max_fixed = max_fixed and math.max(max_fixed, f) or f end end if max_fixed then baseValue = math.max(max_fixed, 0) end for _, skill in ipairs(status_skills) do local c = skill:getCorrect(self) baseValue = baseValue + c end return math.max(baseValue, 0) end function Player:getAttackRange() local weapon = Fk:getCardById(self:getEquipment(Card.SubtypeWeapon)) local baseAttackRange = math.max(weapon and weapon.attack_range or 1, 0) return math.max(baseAttackRange, 0) end ---@param other Player ---@param num integer function Player:setFixedDistance(other, num) self.fixedDistance[other] = num end ---@param other Player function Player:removeFixedDistance(other) self.fixedDistance[other] = nil end ---@param other Player function Player:distanceTo(other) assert(other:isInstanceOf(Player)) local right = 0 local temp = self while temp ~= other do if not temp.dead then right = right + 1 end temp = temp.next end local left = #Fk:currentRoom().alive_players - right local ret = math.min(left, right) local status_skills = Fk:currentRoom().status_skills[DistanceSkill] or {} for _, skill in ipairs(status_skills) do local correct = skill:getCorrect(self, other) if correct == nil then correct = 0 end ret = ret + correct end if self.fixedDistance[other] then ret = self.fixedDistance[other] end return math.max(ret, 1) end ---@param other Player function Player:inMyAttackRange(other) if self == other then return false end local baseAttackRange = self:getAttackRange() local status_skills = Fk:currentRoom().status_skills[AttackRangeSkill] or {} for _, skill in ipairs(status_skills) do local correct = skill:getCorrect(self, other) baseAttackRange = baseAttackRange + correct end return self:distanceTo(other) <= baseAttackRange end function Player:addCardUseHistory(cardName, num) num = num or 1 assert(type(num) == "number" and num ~= 0) self.cardUsedHistory[cardName] = self.cardUsedHistory[cardName] or {0, 0, 0, 0} local t = self.cardUsedHistory[cardName] for i, _ in ipairs(t) do t[i] = t[i] + num end end function Player:setCardUseHistory(cardName, num, scope) if cardName == "" and num == nil and scope == nil then self.cardUsedHistory = {} return end num = num or 0 if cardName == "" then for _, v in pairs(self.cardUsedHistory) do v[scope] = num end return end if self.cardUsedHistory[cardName] then self.cardUsedHistory[cardName][scope] = num end end function Player:addSkillUseHistory(skill_name, num) num = num or 1 assert(type(num) == "number" and num ~= 0) self.skillUsedHistory[skill_name] = self.skillUsedHistory[skill_name] or {0, 0, 0, 0} local t = self.skillUsedHistory[skill_name] for i, _ in ipairs(t) do t[i] = t[i] + num end end function Player:setSkillUseHistory(skill_name, num, scope) if skill_name == "" and num == nil and scope == nil then self.skillUsedHistory = {} return end num = num or 0 if skill_name == "" then for _, v in pairs(self.skillUsedHistory) do v[scope] = num end return end if self.skillUsedHistory[skill_name] then self.skillUsedHistory[skill_name][scope] = num end end function Player:usedCardTimes(cardName, scope) if not self.cardUsedHistory[cardName] then return 0 end scope = scope or Player.HistoryTurn return self.cardUsedHistory[cardName][scope] end function Player:usedSkillTimes(cardName, scope) if not self.skillUsedHistory[cardName] then return 0 end scope = scope or Player.HistoryTurn return self.skillUsedHistory[cardName][scope] end function Player:isKongcheng() return #self:getCardIds(Player.Hand) == 0 end function Player:isNude() return #self:getCardIds{Player.Hand, Player.Equip} == 0 end function Player:isAllNude() return #self:getCardIds() == 0 end function Player:isWounded() return self.hp < self.maxHp end ---@param skill string | Skill ---@return Skill local function getActualSkill(skill) if type(skill) == "string" then skill = Fk.skills[skill] end assert(skill:isInstanceOf(Skill)) return skill end ---@param skill string | Skill function Player:hasSkill(skill) skill = getActualSkill(skill) if table.contains(self.player_skills, skill) then return true end for _, v in pairs(self.derivative_skills) do if table.contains(v, skill) then return true end end return false end ---@param skill string | Skill ---@param source_skill string | Skill | nil ---@return Skill[] @ got skills that Player didn't have at start function Player:addSkill(skill, source_skill) skill = getActualSkill(skill) local toget = {table.unpack(skill.related_skills)} table.insert(toget, skill) local room = Fk:currentRoom() local ret = {} for _, s in ipairs(toget) do if not self:hasSkill(s) then table.insert(ret, s) if s:isInstanceOf(TriggerSkill) and RoomInstance then room.logic:addTriggerSkill(s) end if s:isInstanceOf(StatusSkill) then room.status_skills[skill.class] = room.status_skills[skill.class] or {} table.insertIfNeed(room.status_skills[skill.class], s) end end end if source_skill then source_skill = getActualSkill(source_skill) if not self.derivative_skills[source_skill] then self.derivative_skills[source_skill] = {} end table.insertIfNeed(self.derivative_skills[source_skill], skill) else table.insertIfNeed(self.player_skills, skill) end -- add related skills if not self.derivative_skills[skill] then self.derivative_skills[skill] = {} end for _, s in ipairs(skill.related_skills) do table.insertIfNeed(self.derivative_skills[skill], s) end return ret end ---@param skill string | Skill ---@param source_skill string | Skill | nil ---@return Skill[] @ lost skills that the Player doesn't have anymore function Player:loseSkill(skill, source_skill) skill = getActualSkill(skill) if source_skill then source_skill = getActualSkill(source_skill) if not self.derivative_skills[source_skill] then self.derivative_skills[source_skill] = {} end table.removeOne(self.derivative_skills[source_skill], skill) else table.removeOne(self.player_skills, skill) end -- clear derivative skills of this skill as well local tolose = self.derivative_skills[skill] table.insert(tolose, skill) self.derivative_skills[skill] = nil local ret = {} ---@type Skill[] for _, s in ipairs(tolose) do if not self:hasSkill(s) then table.insert(ret, s) end end return ret end -- return all skills that xxx:hasSkill() == true function Player:getAllSkills() local ret = {table.unpack(self.player_skills)} for _, t in pairs(self.derivative_skills) do for _, s in ipairs(t) do table.insertIfNeed(ret, s) end end return ret end return Player