-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later local function tellRoomToObserver(self, player) local observee = self.players[1] local start_time = os.getms() local summary = self:getSummary(observee, true) player:doNotify("Observe", json.encode(summary)) fk.qInfo(string.format("[Observe] %d, %s, in %.3fms", self.id, player:getScreenName(), (os.getms() - start_time) / 1000)) table.insert(self.observers, {observee.id, player, player:getId()}) end local function addObserver(self, id) local all_observers = self.room:getObservers() for _, p in fk.qlist(all_observers) do if p:getId() == id then tellRoomToObserver(self, p) self:doBroadcastNotify("AddObserver", json.encode{ p:getId(), p:getScreenName(), p:getAvatar() }) break end end end local function removeObserver(self, id) for _, t in ipairs(self.observers) do local pid = t[3] if pid == id then table.removeOne(self.observers, t) self:doBroadcastNotify("RemoveObserver", json.encode{ pid }) break end end end local request_handlers = {} request_handlers["reconnect"] = function(room, id, reqlist) local p = room:getPlayerById(id) if p then p:reconnect() end end request_handlers["observe"] = function(room, id, reqlist) addObserver(room, id) end request_handlers["leave"] = function(room, id, reqlist) removeObserver(room, id) end request_handlers["prelight"] = function(room, id, reqlist) local p = room:getPlayerById(id) if p then p:prelightSkill(reqlist[3], reqlist[4] == "true") end end request_handlers["luckcard"] = function(room, id, reqlist) local p = room:getPlayerById(id) local cancel = reqlist[3] == "false" local luck_data = room:getTag("LuckCardData") if not (p and luck_data) then return end local pdata = luck_data[id] if not cancel then pdata.luckTime = pdata.luckTime - 1 luck_data.discardInit(room, p) luck_data.drawInit(room, p, pdata.num) else pdata.luckTime = 0 end if pdata.luckTime > 0 then p:doNotify("AskForLuckCard", pdata.luckTime) else p.serverplayer:setThinking(false) ResumeRoom(room.id) end room:setTag("LuckCardData", luck_data) end request_handlers["changeself"] = function(room, id, reqlist) local p = room:getPlayerById(id) local toId = tonumber(reqlist[3]) local from = p local to = room:getPlayerById(toId) local from_sp = from._splayer -- 注意发来信息的玩家的主视角可能已经不是自己了 -- 先换成正确的玩家 from = table.find(room.players, function(p) return table.contains(p._observers, from_sp) end) -- 切换视角 table.removeOne(from._observers, from_sp) table.insert(to._observers, from_sp) from_sp:doNotify("ChangeSelf", json.encode { id = toId, handcards = to:getCardIds(Player.Hand), special_cards = to.special_cards, }) end request_handlers["surrender"] = function(room, id, reqlist) local player = room:getPlayerById(id) if not player then return end room.hasSurrendered = true player.surrendered = true room:doBroadcastNotify("CancelRequest", "") ResumeRoom(room.id) end request_handlers["updatemini"] = function(room, pid, reqlist) local player = room:getPlayerById(pid) local data = player.mini_game_data if not data then return end local game = Fk.mini_games[data.type] if not (game and game.update_func) then return end local dat = table.simpleClone(reqlist) table.remove(dat, 1) table.remove(dat, 1) game.update_func(player, dat) end request_handlers["newroom"] = function(s, id) s:registerRoom(id) ResumeRoom(id) end request_handlers["reloadpackage"] = function(_, _, reqlist) if not IsConsoleStart() then return end local path = reqlist[3] Fk:reloadPackage(path) end return function(self, request) local reqlist = request:split(",") local roomId = tonumber(table.remove(reqlist, 1)) local room = self:getRoom(roomId) if room then RoomInstance = room local id = tonumber(reqlist[1]) local command = reqlist[2] Pcall(request_handlers[command], room, id, reqlist) RoomInstance = nil end end