-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later ---@diagnostic disable: lowercase-global inspect = require "inspect" dbg = require "debugger" function PrintWhere() local info = debug.getinfo(2) local name = info.name local line = info.currentline local namewhat = info.namewhat local shortsrc = info.short_src if (namewhat == "method") and (shortsrc ~= "[C]") and (not string.find(shortsrc, "/lib")) then print(shortsrc .. ":" .. line .. ": " .. name) end end --debug.sethook(PrintWhere, "l") function Traceback() print(debug.traceback()) end local msgh = function(err) fk.qCritical(err .. "\n" .. debug.traceback(nil, 2)) end function Pcall(f, ...) local ret = { xpcall(f, msgh, ...) } local err = table.remove(ret, 1) if err ~= false then return table.unpack(ret) end end function p(v) print(inspect(v)) end function pt(t) for k, v in pairs(t) do print(k, v) end end