
This commit is contained in:
YoumuKon 2023-12-31 18:41:40 +08:00
parent 1005863b1e
commit 874e681868
4 changed files with 215 additions and 0 deletions

Fk/RoomElement/YuqiBox.qml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Layouts
import Fk.Pages
GraphicsBox {
id: root
property string prompt
property var data
property var old_cards: []
property var cards: []
property var areaNames: []
property int length: 1
property var extra_data
property bool cancelable: true
property string yuqi_type
property int padding: 25
signal returnResults(var ids)
title.text: Backend.callLuaFunction("YuqiPrompt", [yuqi_type, data, extra_data])
width: body.width + padding * 2
height: title.height + body.height + padding * 2
ColumnLayout {
id: body
x: padding
y: parent.height - padding - height
spacing: 20
Repeater {
id: areaRepeater
model: old_cards
Row {
spacing: 5
property int areaCapacity: modelData
property string areaName: index < data.length ? qsTr(areaNames.name[index]) : ""
Rectangle {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
color: "#6B5D42"
width: 20
height: 100
radius: 5
Text {
anchors.fill: parent
width: 20
height: 100
text: Backend.translate(areaName)
color: "white"
font.family: fontLibian.name
font.pixelSize: 18
style: Text.Outline
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
Repeater {
id: cardRepeater
model: areaCapacity
Rectangle {
color: "#1D1E19"
width: 93
height: 130
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: Backend.translate(areaName)
color: "#59574D"
width: parent.width * 0.8
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
property alias cardRepeater: cardRepeater
Row {
anchors.margins: 8
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
spacing: 32
MetroButton {
width: 120
height: 35
text: Backend.translate("OK")
enabled: {
return JSON.parse(Backend.callLuaFunction(
[root.yuqi_type, root.cards, root.data, root.extra_data]
onClicked: root.getResult(true);
MetroButton {
width: 120
height: 35
text: Backend.translate("Cancel")
enabled: root.cancelable
onClicked: root.getResult(false);
Repeater {
id: cardItem
model: cards
CardItem {
x: index
y: -1
cid: modelData.cid
name: modelData.name
suit: modelData.suit
number: modelData.number
draggable: {
return JSON.parse(Backend.callLuaFunction(
[root.yuqi_type, model.cid, root.cards, root.extra_data]
onReleased: arrangeCards(model.cid);
function arrangeCards(var moved_card) {
let pos;
for (i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) {
let pile = cards[i];
if (moved_card != null) {
if (pile[j] == moved_card)
for (j = 0; j < pile.length; j++) {
let box, pos, pile;
for (j = 0; j < areaRepeater.count; j++) {
pile = areaRepeater.itemAt(j);
if (pile.y === 0){
pile.y = j * 150
for (i = 0; i < result[j].length; i++) {
box = pile.cardRepeater.itemAt(i);
pos = mapFromItem(pile, box.x, box.y);
card = result[j][i];
card.origX = pos.x;
card.origY = pos.y;
function getResult(var bol) {
if (!bol) return old_cards;
return cards;

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@ -748,4 +748,29 @@ function GetQmlMark(mtype, name, value, p)
function YuqiPrompt(yuqi_type, data, extra_data)
local yuqi = Fk.yuqi_methods[yuqi_type]
if not yuqi or not yuqi.prompt then return "" end
if type(yuqi.prompt) == "string" then return Fk:translate(yuqi.prompt) end
return yuqi.prompt(data, extra_data)
function YuqiEntryFilter(yuqi_type, to_select, position, to_pile, data, extra_data)
local yuqi = Fk.yuqi_methods[yuqi_type]
if not yuqi then return "false" end
return json.encode(yuqi.entry_filter(to_select, position, to_pile, data, extra_data))
function YuqiOutFilter(yuqi_type, to_select, data, extra_data)
local yuqi = Fk.yuqi_methods[yuqi_type]
if not yuqi then return "false" end
return json.encode(yuqi.out_filter(to_select, data, extra_data))
function YuqiFeasible(yuqi_type, current, origin, extra_data)
local yuqi = Fk.yuqi_methods[yuqi_type]
if not yuqi then return "false" end
return json.encode(yuqi.feasible(current, origin, extra_data))
dofile "lua/client/i18n/init.lua"

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
---@field private _custom_events any[] @ 自定义事件列表
---@field public poxi_methods table<string, PoxiSpec> @ “魄袭”框操作方法表
---@field public qml_marks table<string, QmlMarkSpec> @ 自定义Qml标记的表
---@field public yuqi_methods table<string, YuqiSpec> @ “隅泣”框操作方法表
local Engine = class("Engine")
--- Engine的构造函数。
@ -343,6 +344,7 @@ function Engine:addGameEvent(name, pfunc, mfunc, cfunc, efunc)
table.insert(self._custom_events, { name = name, p = pfunc, m = mfunc, c = cfunc, e = efunc })
--- 向Engine中添加一个魄袭用方法。
---@param spec PoxiSpec
function Engine:addPoxiMethod(spec)
assert(type(spec.name) == "string")
@ -356,6 +358,8 @@ function Engine:addPoxiMethod(spec)
spec.post_select = spec.post_select or function(s) return s end
--- 向Engine中添加一个隅泣用方法。
---@param spec QmlMarkSpec
function Engine:addQmlMark(spec)
assert(type(spec.name) == "string")
if self.qml_marks[spec.name] then
@ -364,6 +368,16 @@ function Engine:addQmlMark(spec)
self.qml_marks[spec.name] = spec
--- 向Engine中添加一个隅泣用方法。
---@param spec YuqiSpec
function Engine:addYuqiMethod(spec)
assert(type(spec.name) == "string")
assert(type(spec.feasible) == "function")
self.yuqi_methods[spec.name] = spec
spec.entry_filter = spec.entry_filter or function() return true end
spec.out_filter = spec.out_filter or function() return true end
--- 从已经开启的拓展包中,随机选出若干名武将。
--- 对于同名武将不会重复选取。

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@ -608,3 +608,10 @@ end
---@field name string
---@field qml_path string | fun(name: string, value?: any, player?: Player): string
---@field how_to_show fun(name: string, value?: any, player?: Player): string?
---@class YuqiSpec
---@field name string
---@field feasible fun(current_data: any, old_data: any, extra_data: any): bool
---@field entry_filter fun(card: int, pos: int, pile: int[], data: any, extra_data: any): bool
---@field out_filter fun(card: int, data: any, extra_data: any): bool
---@field prompt? string | fun(data: any, extra_data: any): string